Looks like, smells like a Biotech war — and the CCP are not the only players
It’s like a Robert Ludlum novel, but weirder. Not only were there biolabs in Ukraine near the border with Russia, which held something the US Government was afraid the Russians might capture, but the US Presidents son helped provide the money to build them in 2014.
Commenter at The DailyMail: (thanks Richard C)
JeffSwanson: If his [Hunter Biden’s] last name were Trump this would be 24/7 news on every station.

A photo from that laptop.
Two weeks ago the GatewayPundit reported that Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided money for Metabiota, one of the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine. Before that, Infowars was wondering why the Pentagon needed laboratories in Ukraine. Apparently the US Department of Defense invested in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine with the help of a firm called Black & Veatch. They in turn funneled money to Metabiota which “ specializes in detecting, tracking, and analyzing potential disease outbreaks.”
Meanwhile Hunter Biden, son of the then VP of the US was appointed to the board of a big gas company in Ukraine, for no good reason that anyone can explain. That big gas company, called Burisma was owned by a Ukrainian Oligarch who set it up in 2002 and had the, ahem, good fortune to be the Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources from 2010 to 2012. Handy eh? That billionaire, Mykola Zlochevsky, has also been investigated at various times for alleged money laundering, tax evasion and corruption. Imagine that?
The US Government now says the bio-labs were not making weapons but were funded through the “Defense Threat Reduction Agency”. Presumably the US government was just worried the Russians might steal their antidotes?
Wait ’til you see who else is connected. It seems Metabiota worked with the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology and the well known EcoHealth Alliance and together they all published a study on diseases from bats in China in 2014.
Maybe we’ll get some answers if the US House Republicans win and subpoena Hunter Biden. Like who was “the big guy” he paid a cut to, maybe?
The Laptop from Hell continues to deliver.
Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research
The DailyMail:
Emails and defense contract data reviewed by DailyMail.com suggest that Hunter had a prominent role in making sure Metabiota was able to conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the border with Russia.
The project turned into a national security liability for Ukraine when Russian forces invaded the country last month.
Metabiota has worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, a US defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine that analyzed killer diseases and bioweapons.
The president’s son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners.
Hunter Biden was involved in lots of companies but he was very enthusiastic about this one, and had the oddest emails about it:
Hunter was also particularly involved in Metabiota’s operations in Ukraine. Hunter’s pitches to investors claimed that they not only organized funding for the firm, they also helped it ‘get new customers’ including ‘government agencies in case of Metabiota’.
The vice President of Metabiota mysteriously wrote to Hunter in 2014 about how they could help with … strategic geopolitical goals?
… how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.’
Was this biolab a medical lab, or a military one? Even more strangely, Hunter was apparently selling the idea to the Ukrainian billionare oligarch who owned Burisma and he too was excited.
[Former senior CIA officer] Sam Faddis told DailyMail.com that the attempt to get Metabiota to form a partnership with Burisma was a perplexing and worrying revelation.
‘His father was the Vice President of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine. So why was Hunter not only on the board of a suspect Ukrainian gas firm, but also hooked them up with a company working on bioweapons research?’ Faddis said.
How tangled was this web: some other guy and partner of Hunter Biden, the NationalPulse reports — apparently bragged he could get a friend to “reach out to the DoD” to get information to “to prove the company’s bona fides to top prospective investors Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley”.
So possibly people who knew Hunter Biden were also getting inside information on Metabiota to help the largest banks in the world make even more money? Or perhaps they were all just really concerned about Ukraine…
h/t OldOzzie, Richard C (NZ)
Interesting article tying things together
Oligarchs. Evil rich men laundering money.
Hunter NEEDS to be [charged etc]… so his Dad can pardon him.
Absolute power corrupting absolutely!
Are not these NWO leftist types such as the Bidens such nice guys? Saving the planet you know…
How much of this just could be legitimate?
Most of it I think Ted1.
Zero point zero.
Simon T >”Interesting article tying things together”
Yes – How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
Yet there are deluded masses applauding Zelensky, including the EU Parliament, despite the “temporary” banning of 11 opposition parties and implementing a “unified information policy”:
Zelensky nationalizes TV news and restricts opposition parties
The ultimate fascist, deserving of standing Euro applause? Sounds a bit retro.
So now the story of those 15 bio labs with $200 million US funding and some interesting connections (the US Presidents son for example) can get a good scrubbing.
NB: I’m not applauding Russia here.
How different is Zelensky’s nationalisation of news from Australia’s reporting of COVID19? Not much….
At least he has got a war and knows it.
As I understand it, there is a catch in the pardon route.
He can only be pardoned for crimes he confesses to.
So either he makes a full confession, implicating the Big Guy and God-knows-who else, or he is still open to prosecution if a new regime uncover undisclosed crimes.
Mr. 144: Hillary Clinton’s top two aides were given immunity and their work laptops incinerated by the very top U.S. law enforcement agents, when evidence of crime was on those devices. If you have the help of the DOJ and FBI, you won’t have a “catch” in the pardon because you won’t need a pardon. IMO the FBI is “investigating” to make sure they have captured all that’s out there before applying the whitewash. Hunter will admit to some civil tax violation, and all will be swept into that, as if nothing else happened. Joe Brandon will say his boy has been exonerated, and Jen Psaki will gaslight the “right wing conspirators” who trade on “fake news” and the like. They are laying the groundwork now, that’s why the NYT is allowed to talk about it (part of the groundwork??!!).
to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia
Absolutely inexcusable 🙂
Now what’s wrong with asserting Ukraine’s independence???
The one world government disapproves
I guess we are now almost immuned to corruption world wide, the USA is now the laughing stock of the world. Sadly the one thing worse than governments is the MSM. In the US they hounded Trump on a daily or hourly basis over lies and trivia but nodded and winked at the corrupt leftists especially the deep state Biden and Clinton families. There ought to be a new word invented for their depth of corruption.
I dunno Dave. Our language is pretty well populated already with usable words, and even statutes about them, e.g.
collusion, espionage, sabotage, anti-trust, monopoly, conspiracy, malfeasance, false advertising, misleading, cabal, treason, murder, genocide, bribery, bullying, and even the one Jo doesn’t like us to use: “fraud”.
They can be used separately or severally as the case requires.
And you can throw in words like hypocrisy and evil as attitude descriptors.
Unfortunately you need a non-corrupted legal system to obtain redress for any infringements and that seems to be lacking in several jurisdictions at the moment.
Dave B
Good morning Jo,
There is a saying that justice delayed is justice denied!
I don’t believe I can rightly pass from this mortal coil unless & until I see with my own eyes the treasonous Biden (& Clinton) clan/s incarcerated in Levinworth for the term of their natural life/lives.
Anything else I’m afraid simply demonstrates that like the Roman Civilization, this liberal-democratic global one is in its final few years.
Perish the thought, we will probably all be under Beijing &/or U.N.’s iron-clad dictates by the end of this decade!
Kind regards, reformed warmist of Logan.
All these biolabs, links to Wuhan etc…. and CV-19 appeared just in time to derail Trump’s presidency. .. hmmm.
This interview with jack Maxey is well worth being aware of.
The report beneath the clip both ‘corrects’ and expands the clip and sets the stage for further developments.
For a different take from the conventional Western public espousal on Russia’s Ukrainian incursion see also Scott Ritter’s compelling commentary from about three days ago:
Revealing interview with Jack Maxi Old Moss. Thanks for the link.
An analysis I concur with. Scott Ritter tells it straight.
It must be true if you read it in the Daily Mail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eBT6OSr1TI
Deep in denial again?
The facts are coming out, belatedly, but they are.
And we all know how much you hate facts !
yeah just like ‘Havana Syndrome’
[This is completely off topic. Please don’t reply below, please don’t do this again. – Jo]
Peter, Havana Syndrome was real, not imagined.
So the commies in Havana and in a number of other locations were irradiating the US and Canadian Embassy with microwave radiation. And there was real MRI evidence of brain abnormalities in the victims.
Fidel and Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel whoosh to thank you and your comrades for your disinformation services.
Why would you support that?
Wish not whoosh, my stupid spelling checker making unauthorised changes again.
Peter, caught in an empty comment, takes a huge sidestep, trips on his own feet, falling face first into his own BS.
Very funny ! 🙂
imagined, not real
None of the US alphabet agencies can be trusted as their recent illegal activities against President Trump has shown.
so there is no way of proving anything then? We just have to accept the unprovable assertions made by the likes of Breitbart?
I already posted an excerpt from an expert committee.
Please; stop with the “insertions”.
did you?
What do you mean by saying “the likes of Breitbart””
you say you can not trust an ‘alphabet’ agency, then you allegedly quote from the NASE&M (2020) so not alphabet I say allegedly because there is no link provided.
p.s. my link was from 2022.
I stand by the series of comments
“Havana syndrome might be the result of energy pulses”
Roxanne Nelson
Published:December 19, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32711-2
The DOI (alphabet agency which you disparage) 2020, The 2022 link includes all those claims and dispenses with all of them
or (and this is more likely)
you just don’t like any findings the disagree with your worldview
Peter, DOI is used by scholars to refer to published texts and other materials and stands for Digital Object Identifier. It is not an agency. Obviously, you didn’t bpther to look at the link because it referenced a Lancet publication.
Peter posts a link to a random statement from “someone who didn’t want to be named”.
ie the guy didn’t have a clue or any evidence.
David links to scientific paper..
Now who to bother listening to. !! 😉
Havana syndrome might be the result of energy pulses
Poor Peter. Seeing as you have the proven ability to be wrong about basically everything…
.. we can pretty much assume that David and Brietbart are pretty much on the correct path.
You have nothing.
How did that article satisfy you as proven to not be real? The authority, whose highly intelligent and dedicated staff complained, wants the issue to go away says so?
Simon >”It must be true if you read it in the Daily Mail”
Except Daily Mail wasn’t the first to break the story:
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs
By Joe Hoft
Published March 10 2022
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department.
by Natalie Winters Raheem J. Kassam March 24, 2022
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research…
PUBLISHED: 26 March 2022
But I understand your mindset – if you wait a year for the NYT to run the story (as per Hunter’s laptop), then it will be true in your eyes?
The bigger issue is that supposedly more reliable papers bought that it was faked by the Russians.
The problem is that with very few exceptions, there are no longer any genuine journalists to report the truth.
People who claim to be of that persuasion are no more than paid propagandists of the Left / Deep State.
Western Civilisation is at a turning point. People need to either wake up or never be free again.
Jo, of course, fulfils the journalistic role of telling the truth.
There are plenty of journalists doing honest work, you just have to find them.
Such as Roman from ‘The Epoch Times’. He has followed the examinations, court documents and fallouts from the 2020 elections with a zeal that is really seen in the MSM.
Thanks again Jo and thanks again to Miranda Devine for telling us the truth before the 2020 US elections, although the truth was hidden from so many voters.
Amazing thing is that Trump’s DEMs swamp was a lot deeper and more putrid than any of us were aware of in 2016.
I fully understand that no Govt can ever be naive about the ongoing threat from China, Russia, Iran etc but we shouldn’t have clueless fools like the Biden family anywhere near the Presidency.
I just wish Trump would step away from another run in 2024 and throw his support and money behind Ron Desantis ASAP.
Why shouldn’t Trump run in 2024 with DeSantis as VP? Then 2028 DeSantis can run for President.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if that’s what happens. But I’ve listened to Ron and it seems he first wants to serve out his term.
But (and this seems like a big BUT) if he can find a Qualified successor things could change very quickly.
That would, indeed, be a dream ticket!
David that would be my second choice and perhaps it could happen. Certainly Ron would be the best US Vice President in US history if it panned out.
But Trump has to cease some of his over-blown ideas and concentrate on the more genuine concerns of mainstream voters and their families + communities.
Overblown ideas or recognition of reality? Remember, anything today that is called a conspiracy theory is likely to be acknowledged as fact in a few months.
I think the surprise for Trump was there are probably just as many GOP members of the swamp as Dems.
You knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the narrative when rational thinkers were expected to be supporting the same side as the Left.
Rational, pragmatic thinking, and leftism, are totally incompatible. 🙂
“Neil Oliver Emphasizes – Once You See the Weaponized Political Corruption, You Cannot Unsee It
March 26, 2022 | Sundance | 12 Comments
In his weekly monologue [Transcript HERE], Neil Oliver takes the stories we have outlined on these pages over the past week and weaves them into a comprehensive context. Once you see the manipulation and lies from government, you can never unsee them.”
The biggest growth industry in the World by far is Graft and Corruption and it has been so for many, many years. Now, how to stop it without violence………
The secret biological warfare labs are not secret any more. They are just a small part of the overall agenda by the West in an attempt to destroy Russia by whatever means as long as it appears it was their fault, an accident or blame someone else. Such an attempt will fail miserably and hurt us all. The bottom line is Biden has effectively declared war on Russia, which means world war in on the horizon. It’s highly likely that China will join Russia in such a scenario. Our only hope to avoid such a scenario is for someone to step in and say enough already, and let’s start talking peace. Could Trump be that person? I don’t really know as he is so hated by the very people in power in the West. So, it’s now left to a higher power to stop the world from destroying itself.
Regime Change in Russia
Biden Confirms this is World War III
Peter S >”The secret biological warfare labs…”
See Ukraine map of US labs (not all necessarily biowarfare mind):
Until late 1940s the US Department of Defence was formally the Department of War. I think this explains 15 US biolabs in Ukraine.
We’ve only found out about these because of the war…..how many more are there belonging to all countries. Why is so much of our money spent to make us all unsafe ?
The Western cabal couldn’t give a damn about us. They are far more interested in destroying Russia. For more info see Zelensky – Who is Pulling his Strings?
Now, there seems to be a major disinformation campaign to discredit the reporting or existence of these labs. So , again what are us plebs meant to believe? Even an article in one of Australia’s major newspapers saying the existence of the bio labs was created by Russian trolls. But that article completely ignored the statement from the US embassy in Ukraine fessing up to their reality.
Was that half a mill or half a bill? It was funds under management as I heard it.
Exposing the contents of the latop(s) in raltion to the biolabs in Ukraine may or may not be the downfall of the NWO the West has tried to establish. In any case, Russia and China are much bigger stumbling blocks for the Western cabal. When two cabals clash expect a lot of friction. May the “best” NWO contender “win”. Of course it matters not which one wins – the end result is pretty much the same.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell with Jack Maxey – Is It the End of the NWO?
It has all the makings of the ultimate conspiracy story, the only difference being that it’s all true.
– Trump gets elected and is immediately impeached by means of a fake collusion
– Trump starts a fast track to energy independence which fuels a rapid rise in manufacturing and economic growth, along with lower oil prices
– Trump gets taken out by a virus that enables widespread election fraud, despite winning more votes than in 2016.
– The virus is reported from natural origins, but later turns out to be from a lab in China
– We then find out that that lab in China received funding from the Dept of Infectious diseases, lead by Fauchi, who is a Democrat supporter.
– The incoming government reverse all of Trump’s energy creation policies and ban new leases and exploration on government lands and the new Keystone pipeline
– Biden also sets out a path to the green new deal and great reset and starts printing huge amounts of money
– The world hits an energy crisis caused by Europe’s retirement of FF and Biden’s new FF and oil bans
– Putin makes large profits from the oil exports and invades Ukraine because he has huge leverage over the west, who now rely on his gas and oil.
– We find out that Hunter Biden is involved in funding bio labs in Ukraine that are connected to Wuhan in China
– China sides with Russia and looks to start its own war in the Pacific
– Biden announces that we will soon have food shortages and blames Russia
Obviously there is much that we don’t know and therefore we can’t connect all of the dots just yet. But, what we can say is that all of Biden’s policies and statements are the exact reverse of what is required to save the USA and the west. The invasion of Ukraine removes huge amounts of wheat and grains from global supply. The rapid oil and gas price inflation that resulted from Democrat energy policies removed even more food from global production which is now greatly hampered by the lack of fertiliser and extreme price increases. We now also have [some evidence] that Biden’s son is as corrupt as they come and he almost certainly was working with his father’s knowledge.
[SNIP. Speculation.]
Also, the recent statement by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who described Australia as a “holdout” for not committing more to “meaningful” climate change action. This statement is an absurdity on steroids when you look at China and now India’s massive emissions increases, which are apparently all ok. 70% of emissions now come from non-OECD countries and growing. Also remember that that UNFCC has been in place since 1992 whilst emissions doubled, all coming from non-OECD countries. This UN messaging is very deliberate and is being done because they don’t want any rogue democracies influencing other western nations. Basically, they want all western countries to self-destruct their economies by RE, to make the transition nice and simple. If one country holds out it can delay or block an easy transition.
When you look at the power of the GEF group and their influence over government, media and institutions, it’s hard to see a way out. If Trump or DeSantis are elected in 2024, they will simply roll out pandemic mk-2 and squash any resistance. It’s also obvious that Biden with his dementia and brainless Kamala were put in power deliberately because they can so easily be controlled by their puppet masters.
[Who are the GEF? What does that acronym stand for? – Jo]
Hi Jo, I was referring to the world economic forum – should have been WEF rather than GEF.
Poor me, I may have more contact with progressive types than many here.
The slightest reference to any of the scandals we are all aghast about, is met immediately with the Sgt. Shultz.
Actually, Sgt. Shultz had more awareness that something was wrong.
‘Build Back Better’
It’s not like they’re hiding it.
Curious that the total destruction of Western civilization is ok with those that have benefited the most from Western civilization.
Likely a form a self hatred psychosis resulting from affluence.
Hunter is their subconscious personal avatar.
Addicts on a path to inevitable self destruction.
Except not as lucrative for most.
“the total destruction of Western civilization is ok with those that have benefited the most from Western civilization.”
The “Fridays for No Future” kiddies are right down that path.
Their required actions would destroy the very things that they use all the time, everyday.
They are attempting to destroy their own future.
They are just too brain-washed, uneducated and unaware to realise it.
“– The incoming government reverse all of Trump’s energy creation policies and ban new leases and exploration on government lands and the new Keystone pipeline
– Biden also sets out a path to the green new deal and great reset and starts printing huge amounts of money
– The world hits an energy crisis caused by Europe’s retirement of FF and Biden’s new FF and oil bans
– Putin makes large profits from the oil exports and invades Ukraine because he has huge leverage over the west, who now rely on his gas and oil.
– We find out that Hunter Biden is involved in funding bio labs in Ukraine that are connected to Wuhan in China
– China sides with Russia and looks to start its own war in the Pacific…”
And Hunter played a role in that. These are not unintended consequences:
Are they biotech labs similar to the one owned and operated by CSIRO near Geelong?
that is not a biotech lab
Thanks for this. People who don’t buy the Ukraine narrative cover a wide range of political views. Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Tulsi Gabbard… You probably know Caitlin Johnstone too. She’s on the same continent, but not quite on the same page, but she knows lying propaganda when she sees it.
Not only that, if one studies the long history of how and why the US has stuck their noses in a lot of other places around the world, it becomes fairly obvious the US is not so innocent, and in fact just as guilty as the Russians and Chinese.
What is worse today though is the US has gone too and is quickly running against a brick wall under the guise of a loose cannon leading the Western world controlling a another loose cannon in Ukraine. Zelensky – Who is Pulling his Strings? We shall see what happens when there are two loose cannons running around smashing into the furniture. The best outcome would be that the two cannons smashed into each other and destroyed themselves.
I’m not really surprised the MSM is not exposing the truth about all this. Some of those who own and lead the MSM are part of the game, and the rest of the MSM have to play along with it.
The Renaissance Man
While the Biden family have a good time, people are suffering much hardship ….
Refugees Expose Mariupol War Crimes Of The Russia – Ukraine War
Let he who is without crack-induced nudes cast the first stone
What does President Biden know about the release of private photos?
With his trademark eloquence, Biden emphasized how the reauthorization took aim at revenge p@rn, which he described as “a new civil rights cause of action for those whose intimate images were shared on a public screen.”
“I bet everybody knows somebody,” the president explained, “that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails.”
True enough, Mr. Biden. Who among us, to pick a random hypothetical from the aether, has not had to face the scandalous repercussions of intimate, illicit photos surfacing after we left a laptop uncollected at a computer repair shop in the sleepy state of Delaware?
Cockburn shudders at the thought that such pictures, which could include anything from indelicate images of his s@xual conquests and large appendage to his casual, right-before-bedtime crack pipe, might not only be seen publicly but also could carry potential consequences. And not just for him, mind you: that’s the thing people always lose sight of in matters involving revenge p@rn — when such photos come to light, it affects not just you but also your loved ones.
Well in that case there would be billions of stones cast. That would hurt.
The Beau Biden Foundation’s Clinton-esque Corruption Exposed
Bill and Hillary Clinton don’t have a monopoly on bogus charities run by powerful Democrats. A new report reveals that the foundation named for Joe Biden’s late son Beau Biden brings in millions of dollars for a charity that seems to spend it on anything but its charitable goals.
According to a new exposé from the New York Post, the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children brought in $3.9 million in 2020, but very little of that money actually supported its mission of helping kids.
In 2019, the Biden Foundation, which was started by Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, shut down shortly after Joe launched his 2020 presidential campaign, but not before giving a sizable donation of $1.8 million to the Beau Biden Foundation — which also received $225,000 in donations from “entities tied to a top political donor and bundler to President Biden,” according to The Post.
Despite this infusion of over $2 million to the so-called charity, tax filings show that the Beau Biden Foundation only put $544,691 towards its mission of protecting children from abuse. At the same time, the charity spent nearly a million dollars on the six-figure salaries of the Biden cronies with executive jobs.
And guess who sat on the board of this “charity”?
If you guessed Hunter Biden, you’d be correct. Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley and Beau Biden’s widow Hallie also sat on the board.
Are you getting déjà vu? This sure sounds like the same kind of scam that was run by the infamous Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s so-called charitable organization that also spent more money enriching its employees than doing actual charity. According to past reports, only 15% of the Clinton Foundation’s spending actually went to charitable grants. And, after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, the foundation’s donations plummeted — no doubt because deep-pocketed donors realized the Clintons no longer had any influence to sell.
To be fair the corruption was exposed a long time ago. What might make a difference now though is there are so many other fires starting at once. They have the potential to stir enough Americans to fight back and take back their nation, with violence if they deem necessary. It all depends on how angry the people will get. If it does get carried away, the Biden administration might find themselves forgetting about the war against Russia and focus on the war on their own territory.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Was Accessing Defense Department Systems and His Government Password Was His Favorite Men’s Clothing Store in Beverly Hills
CD Media released another great read, this time about the Hunter Biden laptop. This is related to our reporting back in early October 2020.
CD Media reports:
Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.
This information was discovered during a deep forensic investigation done over the last couple weeks, by Jack Maxey and his team in Switzerland.
This situation raises multiple questions, such as…
. Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security data?
. Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
. Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
. Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates, when the usual practice is to provide a user access only during his ‘need to know’, or time in the job, which is usually 2-3 years at most?
New Polling Shows That Almost 1/4 of DEMOCRAT Voters Believe Biden Would Not Be President Today if The Media Had Fully Reported About Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’
Following the New York Times’ recent acknowledgment that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop is actually 100% legit, new polling released this week by Rasmussen Reports shows that a growing number of Democrat voters are waking up to the fact that the 2020 election was, at the very least, rigged, if not outright stolen.
In other words, the narrative is crumbling – it’s impossible to hide the fact that Biden is an illegitimate and incompetent president.
According to the poll from March 24th, nearly a quarter of registered Democrat voters now believe that Joe would not be president today if the media had done their jobs and fully reported the story about Hunter’s laptop when the contents were released in the lead up to the 2020 election.
Not only that, but the new numbers show a growing percentage of Democrats are taking the laptop issue more seriously than they did in the past, with close to 2/3 saying that they are now following the laptop story closely and almost half saying that ‘the big man’ (Joe) was not only aware of his son’s corrupt business dealings but was likely involved and profited off of the schemes.
It is now beyond doubt that the most corrupt country on earth is in fact, the USA.
Hunter Biden’s Laptop is the gift that keeps giving.
Under normal circumstances both Bidens ought to be in court by now for various crimes. Yet we have the MSM and other Western governments cheering them on. Perhaps the nexus will break once the MSM realise they have been backing the wrong horse but somehow I doubt it as they are too far gone or part of the cabal.
I didn’t believe it for a while, mostly because the Russians were saying it. But it looks like America really was/is
playing with highly dangerous biological agents there.
Thanks for hammering on it ‘till I “got” it.j
“Ukrainian Oligarch”
You don’t get it. Only Rooskies can be oligarchs.
If you want to know who America’s next enemy is … then look at who they are funding right now.
When it suits the political class, suddenly those “far Right” Ukrainians will become bad guys again.
BS like this helps no one and ultimately discredits you. I have no love for any of the Bidens, however these are not bioweapon laboratories. They are actually biological research facilities that research how to mitigate infectious diseases of all types.
They are not weapons labs – they are DEFENSE labs.
We shouldn’t forget that Obama, Biden, and the EU helped overthrow the government in The Ukraine in 2014.
2014 also came up 3 other times in your column. That year might be an interesting thread to pursue.
It has always seems interesting to me that the MSM could “pull the pin” on Biden at any time.
The biggest feature of the Ukraine “war” is the propaganda. There have been numerous instances of old photos being rebadged to try to convey new news. Fakes busted.
How much of the reportage is real? How much is fake? How much is total propaganda? There is nothing new about media being taken over to disseminate lies and propaganda. I am guessing that 99% of the reportage (or am I being too generous to the propaganda press?) is just stories they have been ORDERED to report.
If I had just ONE point to get through to people- media are OWNED. Their “job” is to tell the story that they are ordered to report on.
[SNIP This claim about journalists needs some evidence in support and to be carefully written so as to not give the wrong impression. – Jo]
The insanity and shrillness of the current propaganda regime is starting to get to the absurd stage, but people still seem to willingly swallow the bovine excrement, like dung beetles.
We should be getting people to ask questions and seek answers for themselves. Telling people does not work-yet. We need to get to 10% woken up before the treachery of the age becomes recognised as being closer to mainstream thought than whacky “conspiracy theory.” This is OUR DUTY.
On a lighter note, we have a forum tonight (29 March) at the Mechanics School of Arts in Pitt St, Sydney at 6 for 6.30pm. $10 to cover hall hire. All welcome. Ukraine-Australia’s role. There could well be some controversy with differing views from presenters. Pity Aussie Cossack is heading to Ukraine to be an actual reporter on the ground and can’t be there to create mischief tonight. Watch for the evil fellow who does the vote of thanks.
The only difference between a proxy war and traditional war between two countries is the size and severity of the military forces involved. There is in effect a war between Russia and the US. Only time will tell if it escalates to open warfare.
Mariupol City Center: Hell On Earth (Special Report)