A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here is an excellent 28 min pro-science video about infrasound pollution from wind turbines.
I strongly recommend you try to find time to watch it.
One of the points made in the video is that infrasound, which is subaudible but the brain does react to it, can travel 20km, way further than the audible sounds.
It also talks about how German “environmental” authorities have tried to cover up the pollution.
Another important point is that not everyone is sensitive to infrasound but for those that are it is traumatic.
With respect to Jo’s story yesterday about the court win about noise pollution from windmills, I don’t think infrasound was raised as an issue by the litigants. It is a whole extra problem on top of the audible noise.
Also, if you look at the comments about the Australian court case on noise pollution as Jo reported yesterday on the RuinEconomy website, you will see that most commenters there refuse to accept that windmills make any noise.
The origin of the infrasound is a compression wave generated when each blade passes the pylon.
You will probably find that the commenters were paid to make derogatory remarks David.
Yes. Plenty of those.
Just like Dictator Daniel Andrews of Vicdanistan has spent nearly $800,000 of taxpayer’s money (as of one year ago) paying people to “like” him on Facebook and other social media manipulations.
“You will probably find that the commenters were paid to make derogatory remarks David.”
No doubt. Just as you will probably find commenters were paid to make derogatory comments about vaccination and lockdowns and banning coal and many other things Conservatives consider sacrosanct.
No-one needs to be paid to make derogatory remarks about vaxxinations and lockdowns.
Glad you think they are such “good” things.!
There is also absolutely zero necessity to ban coal.
Leftist hate things that provide for society.!
It’s all about KONTROL… and loving it 99. The Leftoids can’t get enough of government getting their noses into your private parts.
Who would be paying them Ian?
No idea Hanrahan for as I said they’re probably thought worthless.
Leftists don’t need to get paid to pedal lies and misinformation.
It just comes naturally.
Their worthless opinions are overwhelmingly devoid of rational thought.
“Leftists don’t need to get paid to pedal lies and misinformation.”
No Leftists whether paid or not have ever pedalled lies and misinformation. Peddle perhaps but definitely not pedal
They are always on one sort of bike or another.
Lies and misinformation is their stock in trade.!
Peddled. Meddled. What’s it matter, it’s only “fill”.
Ian, conservatives tend not to get paid for our comments. We voluntarily do it for free as a public service.
“Ian, conservatives tend not to get paid for our comments.”
Possibly because Conservatives’ comments are not considered to be worth paying for.
It will be interesting to discover how many Australians consider Conservatives and their comments are relevant to mainstream Australia.
Just as well Morrison and Frydenburg are about to reveal their bribeget as without pumping scads of cash into welcoming pockets the ALP would be the next government but as always, cash is king
Cash is King. Rudd got elected and found the keys to the Treasury with the cash in it. Then he pi$$ed it all up against the wall – NBN planned on a coaster, pink batts, the list goes on and on. Socialists are very good at spending other peoples money and then borrowing more. Wayne Swan’s amazing Budget speech. “The Budget that I now announce along with the next 4 years of Budget surpluses (or words to that effect)…………Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
‘John Sheldrick you write
“Socialists are very good at spending other peoples money and then borrowing more. Wayne Swan’s amazing Budget speech. “The Budget that I now announce along with the next 4 years”.
Agree entirely with what you write although you’re letting Swan off far too lightly. He promised a surplus in each of his six budgets and never got even one. Pink batts and school halls and NBN and set top boxes were complete and utter cock-ups. A totally disastrous government
Who would be paying them Ian? There is no money to be had NOT selling vaccines so none to spread around.
You are upsetting the victimhood mental cinema H
Where’s my cheque Ian?
“Where’s my cheque Ian?
No idea Annie. As I said perhaps conservatives’ comments are not considered worthy of any emolument so why would you expect to get a cheque?
But then perhaps you’re not a Conservative as David M states “Conservatives tend not get paid for our comments” Ask him why don’t you?
Ian, who would profit from negative vaccination propaganda that would be worth their effort paying for the propaganda?
If you genuinely want to run your assertion as a valid comment you equally have to validate the opposite thought that money would also attempt to cover up negatives. There’s more money to benefit from a cover up then the negative propaganda.
I’m not saying financial incentive proves one or the other. Just saying you need to equally assert money has the potential to corrupt and not just denigrate one side with that assertion.
Excellent replies Hanrahan and Strop.
Ian needs an honest answer here.
Fair enough, but I do think that he is projecting.
“you will see that most commenters there refuse to accept that windmills make any noise.”
David, of course they make noise, but the issue has been disguised by the incorrect use of the so called “noise problem” and the deceptive use of “decibels” as a control.
In the West there has been a very deliberate refusal to consider workplace issues involving very low frequency, vlf, or infrasound for a very good reason; money.
Twenty years ago, during a research project, it was apparent that the only assessments of ulf, vlf and infrasound problems in the workplace were being done in “backward” countries which did not have workers compensation legislation available to damaged employees.
It was stunning to see that only “iron curtain” countries were examining and working on the industrial vibration/pulsing problem while the modernised West was seemingly covering up the matter that might affect train drivers, heavy equipment operators, helicopter pilots, Jack hammer users and more recently those repairing wind turbines in a field of functioning windmills pulsing away.
Anyone who thinks that governments care about workers should be horrified by this situation.
The real problem of vlf pulsing has been deliberately disguised as a noise problem for the benefit of the Elites while the rabble suffers.
We are little more than chaff in the wind.
Admirably couth, as so often.
Thank you, but the “uncouth” are successful in moving us in the wrong directions.
People like:
Matthew Keane, minister for green mystery projects NSW.
D. Andrews, Victorian dominatrix extraordinaire.
Antonio Gutierrez, United Bloody Nations sock puppet representing B. Gates best interests.
Can anyone add to the list of undesirables.
“Can anyone add to the list of undesirables.’
Craig Kelly. Matt Canavan. Donald Trump. Peter Dutton.
Wrong again, Ian. [snip]
You are dealing with a protected species.
He doesn’t debate or inquire, he’s just Here.
Klaus Schwad, Soros, any Green politician..
Here are some infrasound effects stories for your collection:
Adverse Impacts On Brain Activity
“Heart-Jamming” Wind Turbines …New Medical Research Confirms Infrasound Negatively Impacts Heart Health
See also
Some snippets:
In New Mexico, infrasound from sixty wind turbines could be detected 90 kilometres from the source under favorable conditions at night. Sound travels even further over water due to temperature inversions, so offshore turbines won’t save you.
In 1999, a report in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health,[4] which stated, “Owing to its long wavelength, infrasonic noise is less attenuated by walls and other structures, it is able to propagate over long distances and may affect the human organism even though the latter is far from its source.”
A 2017 report from the Max Planck Institute found that infrasound, even though it is inaudible, can produce measurable effects in recorded brain function.
. . . sustained exposure to noise [infrasound] can lead to an increase of catecholamine and cortisol levels. In addition, changes of bodily functions, such as blood pressure, respiration rate, EEG patterns and heart rate . . .
Resonant frequencies of human body parts.
The pulsing from windmills is the same as getting permanent Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
Not good!
Micro-seismicity — the new health risk to humans from wind turbines. Ground-borne vibrations travel very long distances from a turbine base and are then amplified by buildings acting like the sound box on a guitar.
• the micro-seismicity creates higher levels of noise inside a house than that of the airborne noise radiated by a wind turbine and
• bedrock being in low depths underneath the soil has an additional contribution to the generated acoustic noise by the induced micro-seismicity.”
• micro-seismic waves impact the measurements of seismological centres that were even 15 km away from a wind turbine farm and that the “larger disturbances occurred at a frequency range of 5-10 Hz“.
The abstract of the study:
Infrasound, low frequency noise and soil vibrations produced by large wind turbines might disturb the comfort of nearby structures and residents. In addition repowering close to urban areas produces some fears to the nearby residents that the level of disturbance may increase. Due to wind loading, the foundation of a wind turbine interacts with the soil and creates micro-seismic surface waves that propagate for long distances and they are able to influence adversely sensitive measurements conducted by laboratories located far from the excitation point.”
There are some evenings and nights when I am aware of a low, very annoying rumble. There are no aircraft, road vehicles or wind at the time and the noise is very obvious to me, less so to my husband. The nearest wind turbines that I am aware of are over towards Seymour (16 of them) so quite a good distance.
Some noises and vibrations are definitely more obvious inside the house than outside.
And finally, radar interference.
There has been an issue for some time with airport radar affected by turbines, resulting in a danger to pilots during take-offs and landings. The USAF has banned some wind farms in the vicinity of airfields for that reason. The effects include phantom radar images, distorted real images and corrupted “blind” wedges of data radiating out from the radar where a turbine cluster intervenes.
Weather forecasters reliant on Doppler systems are up in arms because turbines are wrecking weather radar images used to track and predict tornados and other catastrophic weather systems. Forecasters are left in the predicament of guessing whether to believe their radar screens or not.
2018,on ZDF (ZDF is a German public-service television broadcaster)
Infrasound caused by Industrial Wind Turbines:
Some other points:
a former US Army colonel:
‘ “Infrasound to military use was abondoned. The problem was the technology and the fact that infrasound does not affect everyone in the same way. For military commanders, that is unacceptable. We found that some people are affected dramatically,some people affected a little bit and others not at all. From a weapons perspective, I shoot a bullet and I know what it is going to do to your body…”
The military has lost interest in infrasound, but medicine hasn’t. Inaudible sound is attracting more and more
Professor Christian Farlis, director of cardiac,thoracic and vascular surgery at Mainz University Medical Centre:
“We can definitely say that under these acute conditions, infrasound really does have a distinct effect on heart tissue.”
It is not yet clear how infrasound manages to reduce the strenght of the heart muscle,…..
German Environment Agency:
“When a law is made the legislature always leave a small area which the law does not cover and this is something citizens symply have to accept”
Simply accept, that is no option for this couple. They feel left in the lurch by politicians, betrayed in fact.
“They show absolutely no consideration for nearby citizens. They just make sure that windpark operators are fine, that their windfarms are approved and that they can built them and make profit… with taxpayers money of course because we also contribute to all this subsidised electricity.”
The couple seek respite on a camping site, far enough, away from their house and the wind farm.This is where they spend their evenings, but especially the nights in order to get some sleep.
Insomnia, heartproblems,… these are just a few of the disease symptoms that can be caused by infrasound.
Doctors believe that between 10 and 30% of people react to it. That means several millions in Germany alone.
Nevertheless the mass experiment with windpower continues unabated.’
Bloomberg, Oct 2019
Germany’s Giant Windmills Are Wildly Unpopular
‘Another reason for local resistance to the wind farms is a form of Nimbyism: People hate the way the wind towers change landscapes. There’s even a German word for it, Verspargelung, roughly translated as pollution with giant asparagus sticks.’
-on YouTube:
Dr John Campbell
‘The illusion of evidence based medicine’
27 Mar 2022
The BMJ: ‘Evidence based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation, and commercialisation of academia, argue these authors’
– The Lancet, April 2015 ‘Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?’
Some of the first objections to wind power installs based on adverse health effects originated from the Waubra ( Central Victoria) Wind Power Installation. The “Waubra syndrome” covers all sorts of adverse health effects. I know one farmer in the area who had to move away from his farm and had all sorts of health problems following their construction. There’s lots of others. A lot of the adverse health effects emanate from disrupted sleep patterns attributed to that low infrasound.
I cannot figure out why agricultural productivity measures around wind farms are not mentioned as uncontrovertable evidence for biological damage.
No one has ever done it in Australia to my knowledge. Firstly, someone has to admit there is problem. Secondly, getting compliant farmers to co-operate would be difficult because they are receiving tower payments each year. Thirdly, probably really difficult trials to undertake. There would need to be a standard methodology used and accepted. Dairy cows might be a good test animal. In Victoria, Australia some of the wind power installs do have neighbouring dairy farms, but mostly they are situated on really poor farming areas where there is only maybe some low density grazing sheep and beef cows. Hence, a waste of time. I would suspect more intense farming areas like Europe would be better test models.
This one starts with the physics and ends with the biological markers of infrasound damage. In the question period she mentions that, unlike oil platforms which attract and support sea-life, offshore wind towers are biological dead zones. The fish and polop and things vote with their feet.
A look at the LNG trade
Which is why the EU have not put a full embargo on Russian gas into Germany etc.
“Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”
“March 20, 2022: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky bans 11 political parties who don’t agree with him.
March 28, 2022: One of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s police forces charges Ontario MPP Randy Hillier because his political views don’t agree with the Official Narrative™.
Nothing to see here, folks.”
Not everything is as it appears AI.
Unfortunately this video has the age-gate hurdle preceding it.
Very worrying report on how Germany and Austria have enacted ways to expropriate it’s citizens assets
Not much has changed. Once people on the opposing team were locked up in remote camps. Now their assets are seized but I guess they maintain their personal freedom.
I have a Dutch friend whose father is on the FBI most wanted list. His crime was that an employee of the company he owned undertook quality assessment of an oil shipment out of Iraq at the time of the US war with Iraq. The Dutch foreign minister recommended that my friends father never board an international flight again for fear that the US would extradite him and the Dutch government could do nothing about it. He had to sell the business so employees would not lose their job. He was safe in Holland and took care when travelling by road in Europe.
The USA has made a mockery of freedom. They have been at the forefront of imposing financial sanctions for a long time and now on Russians. Every Russian is considered to be part of Putin’s team. No assessment needed – if you hold a Russian passport and have assets outside Russia, their are fair game.
For Gee Aye
Or this:
I’m not going to click on those links, whatever they are
Righto, the “Ostrich Syndrome” I suppose. Not at all surprising of you Gee.
hardly head in sand to not click on random links
You should certainly look at AnotherIan’s link Gee. It’s very funny.
Mr. Aye: For once, we agree. Frankly, they look Russian, all those letters.
A fair summary
After their short life of harvesting subsidies, when wind turbines are demolished, it should be a condition that the massive concrete foundations are also removed but most regulators allow them to stay.
In 1,000 years, archaeologists will be digging up those concrete foundations and hypothesising that they must have been part of some mystical religious temple.
They would be correct!
What a week!
via Armstrong Economics:
Electronic Currency And Secure Hardware Act” (ECASH Act
The Democrats, have introduced the “Electronic Currency And Secure Hardware Act” (ECASH Act) that does far more than just creating a digital currency. This Act cleverly strips the Federal Reserve of its authority to create the money.
..The Fed will still be able to create electronic money buying in bonds etc as they do now. But they will not be issuing paper money so the question will be the next stage of how to actually cancel what is out there. They will NO LONGER be printing money from here on out.
..This will NOT be something that most of us can ignore if it gets passed. It will completely destroy our personal freedom.
Still has to pass congress so it’ll be inserted in some other bill around page 14,749…
The USA phasing out and cancelling the almighty dollar…
The Left are heavily pushing for an all-digital currency all over the world.
It will be used to enforce food, fuel, electricity, travel and other restrictions (except for the Elites).
Conservatives need to develop some sort of bartering system or precious metal currency to circumvent it until the evil regimes can be removed.
How do we remove the unelected?
Look at the EU. Elections are just theatre for the masses as the politicians have no power – they’re just puppets for the likes of LaGarde from the ECB.
History will repeat. Fires will burn and ropes will swing. Then they’ll be gone but that’ll happen when the pronouns for the masses are “was/were” thanks to the fake vaxxes.
How do we remove the unelected?’
Remember Guy Fawkes ?
“Remember Guy Fawkes ?
Of course. Well remembered for failing to remove anyone.
It was said he was the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions.
A hidden immune feature may have spared unvaccinated people from COVID-19 infections
They identified IgA (immunoglobulin A) in the respiratory tracts of several of the personnel who didn’t catch COVID-19, which could mean they had an antidote in their immune systems all this time.
You don’t say!
Currently reported Covid deaths are 3 per million in China, 227 per million in Australia, that is 73 times worse. Why the difference ? China uses the Sinovac, a real vaccination containing attenuated or killed virus, Australia uses experimental mRNA gene therapy which our Government has fooled us into thinking is a vaccine.
Analysis of the Federal Department of Health’s web site data shows that each scare campaign results in a surge in jabs, followed on average four days later by a surge in hospital admissions, followed three days later by a rise in ICU occupancy, followed one to four days later by a rise in deaths. Our families, friends, neighbours and fellow Australians are under dire threat. What are you going to do about it?
🙂 🙂
Why the difference? you seem to have latched on the cause and effect, and case closed. It could also just be the difference between reporting honesty and transparency.
It would be nice if Australians could travel outside the country to get Sinovac, but the unvaxxed are prohibited from leaving the country (unless you have an almost impossible to get exemption).
One way or another, the Australian Government is determined to get the experimental agents into you.
And remember, they have purchased enough doses for ten injections for every single Australian aged zero plus.
Sinovax is the old spike still. Still carries risk of ADE OAS plus reduction in interferons etc. I’ve seen many studies from other nations (Eg South America and SE Asia) using sinovax that suggest it isn’t very good either.
None of them are in fact.
My immune system seems to be working fine. No jabs, no coronavirus 19, no flu, no worries. Still trying to get my immune system patented so that I can make lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Correlation is not causation.
Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily hospital admissions of 0.41 for a four day lag of admissions after the daily vaccination tally. An Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.45 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-18. Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily ICU numbers of 0.67 for a seven day lag after the daily vaccination numbers. Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.63 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-38. Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily deaths of 0.40 for an eight day lag of deaths after the daily vaccination numbers. Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.50 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-20.
These time series demonstrated a clear seven day cycle due to most activity taking place on the five working days of each week. Consequently the cross-correlation tests were recalculated using seven day moving average values derived from the daily numbers. This resulted in a maximum Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.49 confirming the four day lag of admissions after the daily vaccination numbers. Again the maximum Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.80 confirmed the seven day lag between vaccination and ICU numbers. However the maximum Pearson correlation between the seven day moving average daily vaccination values and daily deaths was 0.42 for an eleven day lag of deaths following vaccination.
Perhaps a quote on statistics might help:
Worth applying to COVID alarm, vaccine alarm and especially to climate alarm. If it’s obvious on a graph, that’s one thing. If you have to rummage around in your regression analysis toolkit, that’s another.
Thank you Robert,
Please let me know the source of the data from the ‘better experiment’ so that I can get some more reliable results. Pretty incredible to be able to be everywhere in the World at the same time recording all of the jabs, hospital admissions, ICU patients and deaths relative to Covid at every hospital over the past 2+ years.
I thought the point of the Rutherford quote was reasonably clear: you have been doing all your statistical analysis on garbage data. There are any number of confounding factors behind the Chinese and Australian numbers. You can’t just focus on one factor and say that it’s responsible for all the differences. That’d be like saying that CO2 was responsible for everything in climate, and we wouldn’t want to do that, would we?
Deftly sidestepping the Australia – China difference question with stats word salad.
Now I know what word salad looks like, I still don’t how it tastes.
According to the World Homicide Organisation, Sinovac is effective.
“Australia uses experimental mRNA gene therapy which our Government has fooled us into thinking is a vaccine.”
You seem not ro remember the use of AstraZeneca which uses a more traditional vaccine technique, using an attenuated version of the virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees.
It’s not traditional. “Adenoviral vectors are non-enveloped double-stranded DNA vectors” so it is gene (DNA) delivery using viral vectors – genetically modified adenovirus.
Indeed. Unlike for the Astrazenica vaccine, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine RNA is translated outside the cell nucleus.
Astrazeneca’s adenovirus vector enters cells, releases its DNA which is then transported to the cell nucleus where it is transcribed into RNA and translated into proteins.
The Astrazeneca vaccine thereby carries an additional risk- the risk of its mRNA integrating with the host genome.
More generally, I agree with Bevin’s point about the difference in absolute risk of death or serious illness from CoV-2 between China and Australia.
John Connor II suggests a hidden IgA factor may explain why some unvaccinated appear to escape infection. My view is that the real explanation is hidden in plain sight.
Actually, now that I look, AZ looks like it wasn’t very “traditional”. What previous uses were there?
Scientists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene
Physicists from the University of Arkansas (UArk) have successfully developed a circuit capable of generating electricity from the natural thermal motion of graphene.
Brownian motion power…maybe that cup of tea could power the injected nanotech then! 😅😅😅
There is no injected nanotech. None. Zero.
I can believe that Brownian motion involves energy; the big question is How Much?
Is this a solution to our current power problem or just another false flag.
Brownian motion is due to intrinsic thermal energy. In fact that is how heat was discovered to be equivalent to intrinsic kinetic energy.
I have this gut feeling of, well, to be frank: BS!
It’s often “Brown” too.
I don’t believe it is creating energy out of nothing. Perhaps the motion of the graphene is due to ambient electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves.
“Academic” research is now at the point it can no longer be trusted.
I bet the term “climate change” can be found in their funding proposal.
It’s not creating energy but converting thermal energy (electron motion) to electromagnetic energy.
It’s microscopic scale though, and requires ultra-low temperatures (at present). The scale is molecular- a single bilayer graphene structure.
Moreover, the energy produced is very low- a million times lower than the same mass of a typical fridge magnet- at about 5 millijoule/gram. By comparison a AA alkaline battery stores energy at about 650 joule/gram (130,000 times greater than the graphene device)
The energy is there, it’s just that it’s not very concentrated.
But let’s not spoil their new dream.
I have seen those stories of nanotech etc in the mrna so called vaccines, but I think it is largely misunderstood. my understanding is poor, but enough to conclude that those images of what is in the vaccines are not some magical self forming nano tech etc. the circuits they claim they form are rubbish, they would have no function and are way too random.
what is likely going on is that the graphene (of some type) nanosheets are used as the delivery mechanism. graphene nanosheets are strong, and can have a large surface area to hold the drug. when allowed to go to room temperature (or body) it will re/form. if you look at some of the images you see hex like formations and lines, sometimes even rectangular looking objects. this is what forms where thousands of sheets would be attracted to each other via some charge acquired from any source. inside the body there wont be many influences, but outside there are many. magnets will offer a charge due to induction.
there are some applications for graphene nanosheets on the skin layer to detect various things, but inside the body is still the realm of conventional electronics. the under the skin inserts are still conventional electronics.
So its controlled burn season in our neck of the woods. Fires to the south and fires to the south, and a couple of weeks of smoke in the air.
Its funny how they arc up on the weekend. The long weekend here was blanketed in smoke, and the past weekend was much the same. I blame penalty rates but it was probably just favourable weather.
When the smoke finally drifts as far as the Melbourne burbs our beloved VicEmergency app goes off with alerts to the city folks not to panic. Country folks dont get a mention.
Glad to see the activity anyway, we had a very quite fire season, long may they continue that way.
Hear hear!
Penalty rates ??
…i thought rhe CFS etc were mostly volunteers ?
Hence why much controlled burning at weekends.
These burns are done by a government department. The CFA isnt involved , unless it goes pear shaped.
[Was caught as spam]ED
The next disastrous fires are already in the making! All this lovely rain will result in a lot of lovely growth of trees, grasses & bush. The prolific growth will result in huge fuel reserves once the seasonal rains stop & the drought cycle starts once more.
As usual all the lessons learned from previous disasters will be gathering dust on the shelves again & even input from the indigenous peoples will again be ignored.
After all we have been told that bush fires are not natural, they’re caused by global warming. The whinging, whining & gnashing of teeth will re-emerge backed by the climate mob.
This cycle is as certain & just as destructive as the weather cycles.
Can’t say we can’t see it unfolding already. Maybe the governments are working on a vaccine!!
Will someone please start harassing the state governments about keeping forested areas maintained to make fire management easier!
Nah! Too difficult, let it burn!!
depends where you are I guess, physically and mentally. I don’t have such a bleak view, but recognise that I live in a country and an area than can have bushfires.
It would be much safer to have forrests with little ground litter, but there are a few problems..
National parks etc , who manage much of the native forrest , retain the policies of natural growth and decay…no removing of fallen or dead timber..!
Also, the scale of any effort to keep those forrest floors clear would be huge ..impractical if not impossible. Many areas are effectively inaccessible even on foot !
Hence why controlled or managed burning is the only realistic solution , but even that is a monumental task.
However , much more burning should be done , especially around populated areas. Those living remotely in the bush /wooded areas should accept personal responsibility to take nessary measures to protect their own property as far as possible…
..bearing in mind that nothing (other than a major wind change) can stop a established fire front.
The problem is nature hates bare soil, it becomes solarised and sterilised by the summer sun. That bark and leaf litter acts as compost and mulch, protects the roots and adds bacteria, micro organisms and nutrients. It also offers a place where small native fauna can burrow and hide from fires and predators and find food. Unfortunately previous land management techniques have turned eucalypts into a weed species. ( weeds are the first line of regeneration of bare soil) thus exacerbating the potential for fire storms.
Planting more ground covers and removing excess eucalypts may reduce the intensity of fires.
“We’ll all be rooned”, said Hanrahan
“Before the year is out”
You don’t like it there, come live in the cyclone belt, we never get bushfires.
Dan’s being ill spares him the embarrassment of being booed out of the MCG at Warnie’s memorial.
He had a convenient contact isolation when he had that court case in regional Vic also. Seems to be the go to strategy.
Botulism will sort him out.
Good point.
He should be asked for proof he actually has ‘rona and he is not running away from being booed at the memorial.
And a blood test to see if he has actually been vaxxinated. !
Fully vaccinated and masked Premier tests positive after attending event using vaccine passport.
The stupid…it burns…😅😅😅
The wave of public concern and sympathy has been uplifting though.
“The wave of public concern and sympathy has been uplifting though.”
Absolutely, just like when we as a nation all prayed for him when he ‘fell down the stairs’.
Andrews should be at least triple vaxxed but ideally he should have the full ten that Government has purchased for everyone.
I believe Andrews himself said vaxxes shouldn’t necessarily stop at just three.
In fact, he should get an mRNA covid vax every single day.
If he’s had three “jabs”… Vaxxine or saline !
To go to war or not go to war?
via Martin Armstrong:
Behind the curtain, the Pentagon has been doing battle with the Neocons, albeit might just be temporary reprieve until 2023. The only way they will get the US into war is by creating a false flag to claim China or Russia has attacked NATO or the US somewhere.
Opinions are just that – opinions. All we can do is look to the computer for timing. We can pray for regime change ourselves in November, but just as they did to create Vietnam and imposed draconian sanctions on Japan to compel them to respond with Pearl Harbor, that is probably the only course of action that may give us until 2023 before any hostility begins. Once more, I would not expect nuclear, and if that takes place that is probably in the 2026-2028 time period. These Neocons are insane. They just love to hate.
If we look at the array, the Pentagon may have won for now and the Neocons will probably try some false flag for 2023.
So we have 3 weeks until we see how Ukraine plays out and then we’ll know more accurately what’s coming and when.
I fully expect a false flag in Ukraine by then, probably a chemical weapons one.
Putin has now backed the domestic Ruble with gold. The USA really is in terminal decline and in its death throes.
Makes the now-up-to-six outbreaks of Smallpox in India hardly worth reporting (but I said I would post “the event” when it hit 3 but it just jumped to 6!!) and I said “watch India”. 😉
Eradicated 40 years ago eh…
Smallpox vaccines in the news recently…
Had the covid shot but need a Smallpox shot? BAD idea. Oops.
Watch India 😉
CLINTEL president calls for engineers to lead us out of the energy mess
By David Wojick
The beginning:
Professor Guus Berkhout has published a challenge to the engineering community, to step up and make the Western energy transition work. He emphasizes that reliable and affordable energy is the key to future prosperity and well-being. So, if the transition fails then the Western world will fall back into poor economies without any power and authority. His opening call is pointed and clear:
“Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition. Green politicians made a big mess of the energy transition and climate scientists encouraged them with their computer models. Putin and Xi JinPing must have watched the self-destruction of the Western World with utter amazement and gratitude. Experienced engineers must pick up the pieces soonest.”
Berkhout says there are actually three distinct challenges, all engineering intensive. One is developing the technology needed for adaptation to climate change, whatever the cause of this change. The second is designing and building the energy transition by making use of the unlimited human intelligence. The third is focusing on measurement technologies that are desperately needed to advance climate science.
He also addresses engineering education, saying “Today’s technical universities have a great responsibility to educate the new generation of engineers. Without them, there will be no sustainable future.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Let the engineers be heard.
Good article.
If engineers had been doing their job in the first place, they would have refused to get involved with solar and wind as “replacements” for coal, gas and nuclear power.
I am not sure what they teach engineer these days but I spoke to a recently graduated mechanical engineer who had never heard of a Carnot cycle heat engine.
“never heard of a Carnot cycle heat engine.”
You must be joking.
The Carnot cycle is the basis of analysis for heat engines of any type. That is Thermo I , expanded in Thermo II, and Vapor Power Systems analysis. Widely used as well in Direct Energy Conversion courses.
It is the benchmark of thermal cycle analysis. Carnot Efficiency is at zero entropy increase, the Idealized model. It is how one determines the validity of heat engine claims to efficiency. Nothing is as fundamental in cycle analysis as the Carnot model. It is how one exposes the liars and frauds, as well.
If true, that student attended a Uni that ought be disbanded and shunned by anyone seeking a Mech E degree.
Daniel Andrews, Victoriastan Dictator, has got the ‘Rona…
Oh dear! How convenient.
“Daniel Andrews, Victoriastan Dictator, has got the ‘Rona…”
Does that mean he hasn’t been given an effective vaxxine! 😉
“Daniel Andrews, Victoriastan Dictator, has got the ‘Rona…”
Well, he has been “fully vaccinated”, I mean brought “up to date” with all the “vaccinations” so what do you expect?
The vast majority of Covid cases in the world today are in the “fully vaxxed.”
Dumbphone Sales Are Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones
According to BBC, dumbphones are enjoying a revival. Google searches for them jumped by 89% between 2018 and 2021, according to a report by software firm SEMrush.
Like I’ve always said – “it’s a phone not a life support system” but tell that to the average spinal kyphosis and RSI afflicted gen-y…
My next phone is going to be a non smart phone.
I already have one for when I go to social events, its a tiny Nokia that I can put in my shirt pocket and forward my smartphone to it. Sadly its only 3G which is phasing out. Thinking of reversing things and having a 4G flip phone for everyday and a smartphone that I can turn on when I want something it offers. I do very little web stuff on a phone, I find it a miserable experience on the small screen.
The Covid Shots Seem To Be Massively Fast-Tracking Aggressive Cancers in Virtually All Age Groups
Dr Ryan Cole & Del Bigtree
In March three top cyclists suffer heart attacks, two die.
The cyclist from the Belgian city of Roeselare, on March 14, suffered a heart attack. He only managed to alert his sleeping roommate before he collapsed. All efforts to resuscitate Baekeland were in vain.
“He had recently been examined, the test showed that he was perfectly healthy,” his team said.
I blame it on referees whistles.
What’s that? There aren’t any?
Never mind, I’ll make up something…
Someone in the crowd shouted “BOO!” 😅
South Africa Considers Requiring Citizens to Turn Over Biometric Data to Own a Phone
Biometric data or identifiers include scans of a fingerprint, palm, retina, or the entire face of the user. South Africa has become the latest nation to consider SIM laws that make this data a mobile phone registration requirement.
Video from Shane Warne’s son, Jackson, on Principa Scientific today. Jackson blames his father’s death on the ‘vaccines’. Since his second shot, Shane was experiencing heart problems and health issues, he was in Thailand for medical help when he died.
Well I didn’t see it there. Maybe they took it down for fear of being sued?
You really are revolting.
False flag would explain it.
It stars a self proclaimed anti-s e mite who is also anti vax. It is just a lying
It was a false flag. It was not Warnes son.
Skeptics need to be mindful that those who cheat, lie and deceive will bait with fake news to cover up. Always check sources / photos first. Ask the question… is this fake?
Now that the “fake” has been reported on the news, many viewers will forget the details but they’ll remember that claims about the vax killing Warne were faked “by someone”. If there is any evidence that the vaxes harmed Warne it will be that much harder to lift that above the fog.
Cottrell is NOT a candidate for the UAP (United Australia Party). That is false information.
Here is a list here:
Pics in Gee’s link don’t look much like Blair Cottrell, either.
Yes, remember Watt Tyler!
He gave his all for our freedom.
Did not find it.
Can you post the reference?
It comes up in a Google search as follows.
The content has been removed/censored but look at the wording of the subject in the URL above.
It didn’t come up with a search on their own search option because they have pulled it for the reasons I stated.
Thus is where your link lands.
What a truly lamentable group of people.
What part didn’t you understand?
I said:
“The content has been removed/censored but look at the wording of the subject in the URL above.”
I.e. I was demonstrating that the article had once existed and its URL currently comes up in a Google search.
And if we’re so lamentable, why do you keep coming back?
Your comprehension skills were not good before, but now…
Spoken like one afflicted by gender dysphoria. Commiserations.
Covid Karen?
Behold, O Lord; for I am in distress: my bowels are troubled; mine heart is turned within me; for I have grievously rebelled: abroad the sword bereaveth, at home there is as death.
GA a Jeremiah?
Since deplorable is a synonym for lamentable, that was Gee Aye’s “Hillary Clinton” moment describing conservatives as “deplorables”.
Conservatives? So conservative lie according to you? Not in my experience. A conservative skeptic would have looked at that report, found it to be rubbish, and not posted it anywhere.
Truly lamentable.
Yeah yeah, that Russian disinformation again.
There are plenty russian to believe it.
Lamentable for removing a link once they found it was incorrect.. ??? Weird idea!
If only the MSM or any leftist scammer did that!
Instead they regularly put videos up that they know are false or highly altered or cherry-picked…
Now that is lamentable. !
A bit of wisdom from Richard P. Feynman (Physicist):
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.”
“Don’t pay attention to “authorities,” think for yourself.”
“If you thought that science was certain – well, that is just an error on your part.”
“It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period.”
“Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true.”
And, one last thought:
“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” ~ Albert Einstein
I believe Richard Feynman never expressed any views on anthropogenic global warming because he died in 1988 before the idea gained a lot of traction but I’m sure that as a genuine scientist he would have sought evidence for anthropogenic global warming and would have been sceptical of all claims made.
Australia Sounds Alarm After Leaked Docs Raise Fear That China Positioning Themselves To Take Over Australia Next
Maybe the commies in China saw how authoritarian Australia became over the pandemic and has decided that they are far more alike than previously thought. Heh.
I’d think that given the endless bubble-tea, dumpling and noodle shops they’ve taken over already.
Almost have to go overseas to buy a meat pie and sauce these days 😠
may as well own the quarry
John, has anyone told you how they achieve this, where they would land?
It’s a long supply line from Darwin to Brisbane.
where the gas , iron ore and uranium are
the coal and gold can come later
It’s cheaper to buy these things in a free market than to go to war for them.
If you doubt wars are expensive ring Putin.
UAH Global Temperature for Feb 2022 was 0.00C
Strangely the main web site has not been upgraded since Jan 2022. Usually the latest result is posted on about the 3rd day of the next month.
I am waiting for Monckton write another report about the lengthening Pause!
“Strangely the main web site has not been upgraded since Jan 2022”
?? Appears ok to me…
It gives February map and all.
Anti-Free Speech Germany Threatens Citizens With 3 YEARS In Prison For Using Letter ‘Z’
The symbolic usage of the letter “Z” is now “verboten” in anti-free speech Germany, according to a number of federal states. It can now be regarded a criminal offense punishable by up to three years in prison.
Residents in at least two German states have been threatened with criminal prosecution if they use the letter “Z” as a sign.
Well, I’m zorry zey veel zat vay..
..and banning the insignia of the Communists just shows that the Germans haven’t changed since 1940..
Someone suggested the Russians use more letters than Z and V, so the German would have to ban half the alphabet.
Growing Number Of Experts Now Admit Lockdowns Were a ‘Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale’
..One of them is Professor Mark Woolhouse, an epidemiologist at the University of Edinburgh, who has recently published a book, The Year The World Went Mad, about the UK’s pandemic policy failures.
Speaking this week on The Mail on Sunday’s Medical Minefield podcast, Prof Woolhouse said: ‘I think that lockdown will be viewed by history as a monumental mistake on a global scale, for a number of reasons.
As if public health was the intention.
For Sheer Enjoyment worth watching the whole series – Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain
all around 1 min 50 secs and a superb summary of Canberra and our Politicians
New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud
.By John R. Lott Jr
By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”
It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school.
And with good reason. New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.
The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.
My research provides three tests of vote fraud.
Vote fraud erodes trust in elections, and makes people less motivated to vote. Compared to Europe and other developed countries, America is unique in its lax approach to vote fraud. When all demographic and political groups in the U.S. support voter photo IDs and even 46% of Democrats believe that mail-in voting leads to cheating, ignoring Americans’ concerns won’t make the problem go away.
John R. Lott Jr. is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. Until January 2021, he was the senior adviser for research and statistics at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Policy where he dealt with issues of vote fraud.
As with many things in the US, the fragmentation of roles, responsibilities and jurisdiction makes quality assurance in the broad sense not much more than a nice talking point.
I recommend a site called The Federalist, they have posted several articles over the past year detailing what the folks in WI, MI, VA, and PA did to steal those states for FJB.
Biden used cheat sheet while doubling down on unscripted message to oust Putin
His comments closely aligned with notes printed on a small piece of paper that he was photographed holding in his left hand as he spoke that began as follows:
. If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify?
. I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man
. I was not articulating a change in policy
. “I was talking to the Russian people. The last part of the speech was talking to the Russian people, telling them what we thought,” Biden told reporters.
Who thought letting that muppet loose in Europe was a good idea.
He is the president and by and large he’ll do what he wants and irrespective of what the public says he is extremely proud of his bag man son Hunter all of whose ideas are good.
Hunter is an “artist”.
The fact Lesco had cheat sheets (answers to the questions) means the question was known before hand.
I am pleasantly surprised that even the overwhelmingly Leftist media is starting to expose Biden, such as by photographing his cheat sheet.
Yes, me too. It suggests the beginning of the end for Biden. The question therefore is, “Who will replace him?”
I can’t imagine the Dems and the Swamp risking Harris after the Biden debacle, nor could they prop Pelosi up long enough. It would destroy the party for a decade. I still reckon Clinton will figure in there, somehow.
Biden Busted With Cheat Sheets for Briefing and Gets Nailed for a Huge Lie
Joe Biden lies constantly. That’s not a good thing to have in the White House. But on top of that, the White House lies to cover up for him. On Monday, there was a perfect example of that, with Biden accidentally letting the cat out of the bag on a lie that the White House told about him watching the confirmation hearings of Ketanji Brown Jackson in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Biden told reporters on Monday that he hadn’t been able to watch any of it. Now that’s an interesting answer since he was in town for a good part of the week before he left for Europe last Thursday and could have seen some of it if he wanted to. But apparently, he couldn’t be bothered.
But meanwhile, Biden didn’t seem to understand that his staff had already made a statement that he had watched the hearings and praised Jackson’s handling of the situation and dealing with the senators.
Biden Cheat Sheet Shows How Team Behind White House Intended to Control His Cleanup
No one has yet provided a good explanation as to why the Biden administration has a stage set of the White House in a studio across the street from the real White House.
The specifics of this Potemkin administrations are opaque, but everyone knows that it’s not Joe Biden making policy or executing these communication points. Biden is a puppet, that is not in question. The majority of his administration staff are from the Obama terms in office; that too is not in question.
The people who were behind Obama appear to be the same people pushing this Biden agenda.
How angry young men who hate feminism became South Korea’s swinging voters
By Eryk Bagshaw and Sean Na
March 29, 2022 — 5.00am
Seoul: The young man hangs his head in frustration. Overlooked for another job in favour of a woman, the university graduate leaves his interview angry at policies that he believes have put him in this position – unemployed and emasculated.
The scene played out across millions of TV screens in South Korea in February. “Fix this broken system of social equality and common sense,” the ad read.
This was not an abstract television commercial from a men’s rights group. It was an ad for South Korea’s new conservative President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol.
South Korea, the world’s 10th largest economy and the innovation centre of Asia, has spent the past 12 months in a gender war.
But a divisive election campaign convinced enough Koreans on March 9 that one of the solutions to their woes was to elect Yoon, a 61-year-old political novice who promised to abolish the Gender Equality Ministry.
Yoon’s election victory was not built on a sudden surge in anti-feminist sentiment, it grew out of a slow, bubbling malaise – particularly among young men who would have historically voted for his more progressive Democratic Party opponent.
Pipe Down, Ladies, and Know Your Place: Female Cyclists Warned Not to Complain About Men Competing in Their Sport
British Cycling, the end-all, be-all institution of competitive cycling in England, has thrown down the gauntlet to female cyclists: Shut up and allow men to take your spot on the team or face punishment.
British Cycling warns athletes will be punished for speaking against org’s transgender policy
The list of behavioural guidelines say that members who were previously warned under section 7 must ‘accept all participants in the gender they present.’ Failure to do so will result in a report to the so-called ‘Integrity and Compliance Department.’
Is the British Cycling management group have any female members? or do I need a biologist or to buy a vowel or something?
‘Only had it seven weeks ago’: More people report COVID-19 reinfection
As high case numbers of coronavirus infections continue to be recorded in NSW, more people are reporting their second infection with the disease.
Ms Lee’s family has spent 35 days in isolation since her son tested positive to the Delta variant in November. They have recorded seven infections among the six of them, including reinfections for two of her daughters this month who previously had it in January.
She said she wouldn’t be surprised if more people in her family were reinfected, as her four children attended three different schools. “We didn’t even isolate [from each other in the house] this time – there’s no point.”
A NSW Health spokesperson was unable to provide the number of people who have had COVID-19 twice, but said they were “aware of cases where people have been reinfected with the virus that causes COVID-19”.
Would be useful for public health (who have the data) to study how many of those re-infected have been jabbed versus not jabbed, as it may shed some light on the real effect of the jabs on the immune system. But of course this will not be studied.
You are right. Now of it has anything to do with discovering objective truth.
Absolutely spot on Stan.
All the people I deal with that are getting infected with c19 are at least double jabbed.
Of the people I know that do not want to be injected with an experimental “provisionally approved” c19 injection, none “appear” to have contracted this virus – this group includes myself and the better half.
When I say “appear”, it’s possible some of us have been infected and may be protected by natural immunity. I hope so.
I predict that in a few years, the blood banks might be paying a lot of money for our blood.
Andy Ngo & Jordan Peterson: ANTIFA: The Rise of the Violent Left
The violent Left haven’t rise anew, they were always violent as demonstrated by the behaviour of the National Socialists and International Socialists but in modern times they have moderated their violence simply because until now, they couldn’t get away with it. Now thanks to Leftist administrations everywhere, they can get away with it now.
But they are recently emboldened.
All Heading Up – “I Did That”
Let Me Be Clear
Joe we need to have a Talk
all H/T Tom NewCattalaxy Blog
I saw a quote the other day “if your Dad behaved like Biden you would take his car keys”
If you have nothing to do – Worth Doing This Survey
This is our first federal survey this year, so if you think it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, you are right.
In this survey we ask our standard questions about federal voting intentions which give us a longitudinal view of voting and issues, and we are also asking about the war in Ukraine.
I look forward to reading your responses, but if you know younger people who would be interested in sharing their ideas, please forward the survey link to them. This panel is aging, and needs to be refreshed.
I’ve uploaded the survey to
Look forward to reading your comments.
The survey will be open until midnight on Friday April 1, 2022.
Survey Monkey does allow you to edit your responses, and should save them after you finish every page so that, if you drop out for any reason, you should be able to click on the link again and find your survey waiting to be completed.
Look forward to reading and analysing your views, as well as those of some of your younger friends.
Graham Young
Chief Editor and Founder
On Line Opinion
link appears to go to last years survey
Interesting – as it recognises in Chrome I have already done survey,changed VPN to Perth and entered through Safari
Omnibus Poll May 2021
Hi. This poll is a qualitative poll conducted by What the People Want and On Line Opinion. We want to know what you think, and what motivates you. This is different from quantitative polling where you are only asked how you are going to vote.
This poll will form part of our coverage of Australian politics.
The deadline for the poll is midnight on Friday, April 1, 2021.
If you are interested in results of previous polls please go to where you can find tables and analysis.
If you have any issues, please contact Graham Young, [email protected].
Oops I was a bit slow there Yarpos – you are right re May 2021 – will point out to Graham Young
Yarpos – Graham Young replied
I’ve used an old template. So I’ve altered that.
The bottom line is that people need to be led to asking questions and seeking answers for themselves. Getting lazy and believing “fact checkers” is the recipe for being sold lies and propaganda.
The Ukraine mass propaganda campaign is just the latest of many propaganda and fear campaigns.
Catastrophic global warming/ “climate change” caused by the 3% of CO2 increase that is from humans. COVID. Now the phoney war in Ukraine- we need to question the narrative and NEVER just accept the propaganda press.
The only vaccine needed is the propaganda vaccine.
My take is that Putin is cleaning house- taking out the biolabs, the NeoNazis installed by Soros in the 2014 coup, taking down the money laundering for the Deep State. Hopefully, he goes in, takes down the Deep state assets and gets out. Perhaps he can teach Europe a lesson and bump up the cost of energy as punishment for them swallowing the bovine excrement.
Alas, the propaganda and censorship are going to be ramped up to fever pitch as the criminals that control mainstream media try to cover up their lies.
We must be the ones to bust the Emperor’s New Clothes absurdity before the criminals get the loot. It is OUR duty to do this.
What do you think of Will Smith hitting Chris Rock?
I think it was inappropriate even given the tasteless nature of Rock’s joke, even if he did know the nature of Ms Smith’s medical condition causing hair loss (which he may not have).
It demonstrates a lack of impulse control by Smith and it provides a very poor example to youth who are without moral guidance in any case.
It was totally out of order for me. I don’t think Rock’s joke was that offensive, especially given the context of acting and movies. What happened to the American tradition of roasting? They used to be the masters at it, but that was before offence became an olympic sport. As for those defending Smith on the basis that the joke was directed at his wife, well she IS an actress and she WAS in the room, so fair enough surely? Nor do I buy the claim that she was grievously hurt by the joke. It must be hard to lose your hair but she’s embraced it and doesn’t bother with a wig (plus she looked gorgeous), so while she’s entitled to say it was a lame joke – and I would agree – it definitely didn’t warrant Smith’s OTT reaction.
I said at the time that it spoke to me of something bad going on with Smith and, reading reports since then, it seems that he is not in a happy place right now.
I think it is perfectly acceptable for a person making insults to be worried about the possibility of manly retribution.
Great theatre. A good demonstration for weak-kneed types. Should be more of it in these sterile times.
Summed up by Not the Bee
Will Smith violently defending his wife’s honor while letting other guys have s@x with her is maybe the perfect encapsulation of the awful post-s@xual revolution landscape
Will Smith Only Stalled The Oscars’ Descent Into Obscurity
Australian Young Liberals View
Acting. This is what they do, this is all they do.
They pull a stunt every year to let people know they exist, because everyone stoped paying attention.
Celebrities, the new dinosaurs.
Black fellas whack each other all the time and don’t bat an eyelid.
With all the drama of this incident, imagine the carry-on if an undesirable white male chris rock.
“What do you think of Will Smith hitting Chris Rock?”
But did he? These guys are actors, remember.
The slap video probably got better ratings/views than the Oscars.
There comes a point where a line gets crossed. I doubt at that stage thoughts of role model status come into it.
I wonder if Mr Rock will get an invite back to MC next years awards, probably will because he singlehandedly saved them from sliding into obscurity.
Also, LOL it’s Charlie Crist.
The thing you need to know about Will Smith and Chris Rock is that Ron DeSantis just signed awful, bigtoed legislation and we need to defeat him in November.
UPDATE: From the comments: “My default assumption is that everyone harping on about this bill has a stash of child p@rn on their hard drive.” Could be.
The thing you need to know about Will Smith and Chris Rock is that Ron DeSantis just signed awful, bigtoed legislation
Que? – What have Will Smith and Chris Rock got to do with it?
Hunter Biden’s Laptops Are Now An Active National Security Threat
MARCH 28, 2022
An urgent concern for the country is the continuing threat to our national security posed by a compromised President Biden.
However, the trajectory of the scandal changed Friday with The Daily Mail’s exclusive.
“Emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons,” The Daily Mail announced last week. The article continued: “[Biden] also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a ‘science project’ involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine. And although Metabiota is ostensibly a medical data company, its vice president emailed Hunter in 2014 describing how they could ‘assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia’– an unusual goal for a biotech firm.”
The Daily Mail added more details about Metabiota and Hunter Biden’s role in brokering relationships for the research company in Ukraine. Included throughout the article were copies of the emails ostensibly obtained from Hunter’s laptop that confirmed The Daily Mail’s reporting. The article also added details shedding light on Hunter’s “business” dealings in Ukraine during the time his father served as vice president and America’s point person on issues related to that country.
What distinguishes the emails contained in last week’s Daily Mail article from those published last year is that the most recent release came the day after Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin accused President Biden with being “involved in the creation of bio laboratories in Ukraine,” with Volodin claiming that “an investment fund run by his son Hunter Biden funded research and the implementation of the United States’ military biological program.”
In either case, the Biden family corruption documented on the laptops has gone from a potential national security risk to a real one—and in the midst of a war launched by Russia on a country bordering North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies.
Together, the Biden family, the intelligence agencies, and the corrupt media—social and legacy—hold full responsibility for the danger Americans now face. Biden knew full well how compromised his family was, and that there were two laptops, not one, with evidence of the corruption floating about. Yet Biden lied to the American public, with an assist from the former high-level members of the intelligence community who signed the letter suggesting the laptop scandal represented Russian disinformation.
Joe Biden takes a major step to prop up the Chinese economy
Then Biden got himself into the White House — the same Biden who dragged his debauched, untalented, drug-addicted son with him on official government trips to China. Once there, that same son magically acquired $1.5 billion in business contracts from entities that are basically fronts for the Chinese Communist Party.
While Biden was out of the White House, the Chinese might have wondered whether that $1.5-billion investment was worth it. Now, though, the Chinese know their ship’s about to come in. Sure, Biden’s made nasty remarks about China, but the Chinese understand that he’s got to maintain the façade of a president “tough on China.” What’s important is what Biden does for China.
Last week, Biden did something very big for China:
President Joe Biden’s administration has eliminated United States tariffs on more than 350 products made in China, nearly all of which could be made in the U.S. or other countries.
The Section 301 tariffs on billions of dollars worth of China-made products were first imposed by former President Trump after a decades-long free trade consensus in Washington, D.C., that has eliminated 3.7 million American jobs from the U.S. economy from 2001 to 2018.
Late last week, Biden’s U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai announced that after an extensive review process on nearly 550 China-made products subject to U.S. tariffs, the administration would eliminate tariffs on 352 of those products.
The China-made products that will escape U.S. tariffs thanks to Biden include breast pumps, solar water heaters, garage door openers, X-ray tables, and thermostats, as well as food products from China such as crab meat, Dungeness crab, and Alaskan sole.
And where were the Democrats as these deals were being cut? Well, quite a few of them were in the background, cheering Biden on. Per Breitbart reporting, numerous Republicans were part of a bipartisan consortium urging Biden to stop protecting American manufacturing.
Democrats are actively hostile to middle- and working-class Americans. Republicans whose fealty belongs to the Chamber of Commerce (open borders and no tariffs) are passively hostile to middle- and working-class Americans. Until Americans start electing politicians who put America first, our political class will continue to destroy us.
Unprecedented Permanent Security Forum Opens With Israel & 4 Arab States United Against Iran
Israel and multiple Arab states, along with the United States, have taken the Trump-brokered Abraham Accords peace agreement a big step further, on Monday agreeing to erect a permanent security forum, which involves the participation of Israeli, the US, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain and Morocco.
Did the Globalists Just Flinch on Russian Sanctions in Order to Keep Control of Global Climate Change Goals?
Something odd is happening in the background of the G7 energy ministers’ announcement earlier today.
Remember that moment {HERE} when Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland seemed really uncomfortable and weird at the presser – just 36 hours before the Trudeau administration announced they were going to drop the Emergency Act banking sanctions against the truckers? {Go Deep}
Here is an encapsulation of what’s weird, and you don’t have to be an expert in geopolitics and international trade to see it:
The G7 countries (including the U.S.) announced today they were demanding that Russia accept payment for oil and gas in euros and dollars. This is happening at the same time NATO is demanding (via sanctions) that Russia be blocked from accepting payments in euros and dollars.
Something is weird. Keep in mind, the same nations in the G7 are the same nations in NATO with the exception of Japan (G7 only).
The only way this conflict could make any sense, is if the G7 energy ministers realize that forcing Russia to trade in non-euros and non-dollars will structurally undermine the G7 unilateral hold of global finance and energy policy. In essence, the G7 see the non-sanction countries, particularly India and China, lining up to replace the petro-dollar, and that not only weakens their position financially, but it also weakens their climate change position.
Reckon it will get down to “If you don’t sell us the gas we want to buy we’ll just have to come in and get it..”?
Sort of a pre-emptive futures sale contract action…
I figure Armstrong Economics were right a fortnight back and the West is collapsing seriously.
We Are in Trouble, White House Journalist Asks Senior WH Official if Farmers Should Change Crops This Year
During a White House press briefing a reporter asks, “My question is about how the White House plans to prepare for food shortages, particularly as it comes to wheat …. should U.S. farmers grow more wheat this year instead of corn and soybeans given the possible food shortages?”
The Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Cecilia Rouse, answered” …”farmers respond to price signals. So, with the price of food rising, they will be responding by making additional plantings and trying to take advantage of the increased price signal. So, the market will work as the market will work.”
The reporter and the Chair of the CEA seemingly have no idea how long it takes to farm or grow a crop. As if switching from corn to wheat was just a Monday decision. Good grief, June/July harvests for winter wheat this year were planted in October of last year.
Changing a crop in the spring for harvest in the summer is not akin to changing your regular order of beverages at Starbucks.
Interesting point. If Admiral Dr Rachel Levine is not a man, then what is it?
Twitter Locks Out Federalist Editor For Stating Truth About Rachel Levine
Federalist Senior Editor John Daniel Davidson was locked out of his Twitter account on Saturday for stating the fact that Biden administration official Rachel Levine is a man.
The moment came following a Friday tweet from Davidson on the growing Big Tech censorship of “everyone who dissents from their ideology.” In it, he correctly referred to Levine, who falsely claims to be a woman, as a male.
See above – Pipe Down, Ladies, and Know Your Place: Female Cyclists Warned Not to Complain About Men Competing in Their Sport
That goes to show that there needs to be a female sporting code.
Reflecting the fact that due to physiological and hormonal differences women’s and men’s athletic abilities are different and women are not competitive in most sports against men, I think women would benefit from a sporting code only for women so they can compete fairly against other females.
I know that’s a radical idea but worth thinking about.
They could just add a category for those that are not truly male or female.
Not too sure how many viewers would tune in.
Reminds me of Billy Birmingham’s fictional coverage of the olympic gymnastics when Annabolic had a costume incident.
Nina is on a hat trick.
‘During March, the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) was strong and caused anomalous convection in the far western equatorial Pacific region. The rising air currents associated with the convection is replaced from the east by increasing trade winds which has up-welled cooler subsurface waters and caused the central/east-central equatorial Pacific to cool restrengthening La Nina. More recently, trade winds are starting to regenerate in the Nino12 SSTA region and waters have cooled substantially during the past 2 weeks.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Nina is on a hat trick. – Make that a Wet Trick from Soggy Sydney
Sydney is returning to the 1950s.
Sydney’s running monthly total of 509.4 mm at 9am on Tuesday is the city’s 2nd highest March total on record, beaten only by 521.4 mm in 1942. If Sydney picks up more than 12 mm before the end of the month, which seems likely at this stage, this will become the city’s wettest March on record.
As of 9am on Tuesday, March 2022 had also become Sydney’s wettest calendar month since June 2007 (510.6 mm) and the 11th wettest calendar month on record.
Sydney’s record-breaking March comes after the city’s 11th wettest February in records dating back to 1859.
But it is not just the amount of rain that has been impressive in Sydney this month. The city also had fleeting sunshine and barely any dry days.
Sydney’s Observatory Hill weather station only had five days without any rainfall so far this month, which is the equal lowest number of dry days on record for March, matching the same feat in 1870.
It has also been a gloomy month, with Sydney Airport averaging just 4.46 hours of sunshine per day up to 9am on Tuesday. This is the cloudiest March since 4.39 hours of sunshine per day in 1989.
Sydney official monthly rainfall figure for March will be available after 9am on Thursday, March 31.
The shrieking of Leftoids and climate-change eco zomboids will be heard ratcheting up. Of course, when th he winds blow eastwards and ” the boy” is with us again and fires and drought return all will pray for the return of the rains…
Still , no tropical cyclones have landed on the QLD coast. Conditions seem good for cyclogenesis. Almost.
La Nina years usually have more cyclones, not sure why they have kept away.
Tropical cyclones have been trending down since the 1970s, presumably because of global warming.
Global warming making weather more benign? Go wash your mouth out with soap.
But Yes! Althea and Tracy date that far back.
According to NOAA: ‘Climate change is probably increasing the intensity of tropical cyclones’.
Presumably we’ll have less TC and they’ll probably be more severe.
Vintage 2022 is underway at Magill Estate in South Australia, the spiritual home of Penfolds. As has been done since 1844, Shiraz fruit has been hand-picked and our winemakers have begun crafting our 2022 vintage reds.
All will be revealed when the wine reaches bottle. In the meantime, we share a look through the eyes of Chief Winemaker Peter Gago and Senior Winemaker Steph Dutton as they share an insight into the sights and colours of vintage 2022, as well as the rich winemaking tradition they continue to uphold.
Putin says to Biden, I was going to engage in a battle of wits with you, but I see you are unarmed.
I have a request team-
Over the last 6months I have read about the different forms long covid can take, and a bit about how people cured themselves. Of course I didn’t keep records, but now I have more and more family/friends suffering from it, I’d like to get a list going of the knowledge outside the mainstream. Impossible to find with a web search, but linked from all sorts of places.
If you know of anything, stick it up.
I’m sorry but if you don’t know by now you haven’t been paying attention. Bit late to be seeking help now, you needed to get healthy 18 months ago.
Nothing Jo has been hammering is yet to be proven false.
Better late than never H.
It’s all on this site.
Probably true H, but I read a lot of stuff and just remember the gist of it, not where I read it.
Its not for me, I’m un-vaxxed, had covid, got my I’mectin, but now I’m running into the vaxxed who are having problems that I know can be solved, but not by the mainstream medical industry.
Another friend of mine runs a Bicom machine, they’ve had successes dealing with long covid & such.
FLCCC I had seem thanks PTR, I’ll pass it on.
Why lock down due to asymptomatic infections? Surely these are desirable to produce immunity?
Shanghai to lock down millions of people as part of China’s ‘zero-COVID’ strategy as cases spike
Posted Sun 27 Mar 2022
China’s financial hub of Shanghai is going into a phased lockdown after reporting a new daily record for asymptomatic COVID-19 infections.
Yes: absolutely nuts.
“Did the Globalists Just Flinch on Russian Sanctions in Order to Keep Control of Global Climate Change Goals?
March 28, 2022 | Sundance | 145 Comments
Something odd is happening in the background of the G7 energy ministers’ announcement earlier today.”
“Biden Cheat Sheet Shows How Team Behind White House Intended to Control His Cleanup
March 28, 2022 | Sundance | 224 Comments
When Joe Biden appeared before the press corps today, the intent was to clean up the mess he created in his trip to NATO this past weekend.”
“Biden’s ‘Tough Putin Q&A Talking Points’ – and he still screwed it up.”
Climate Change Alarmism or Climate Change Hysteria?
“What Is to Be Done?”
“The black hole of depravity known as Hunter Biden’s Laptop dilates ever wider as the rickety “Joe Biden” regime chugs towards its event horizon of disgrace and collapse, throwing off the jetsam of our nation’s remnant honor in its toxic vapor trail. The memos and emails on the device could not be clearer: “Joe Biden” and his grifting family sold out their country.
The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by every foreign interest in his decaying orbit, and owned as well by the foul and perfidious “intel” mafia lodged like a cancerous mass eating away at what used to be known as the American government. Face it: this false “president,” installed by malignant forces allied with his Party of Chaos, is a menace to our nation.”
More at
” ”
Obvious unscramble to link without moderation
More from Armstrong Economics-
“Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Biden’s sanctions. Not only are we witnessing a withdrawal of Western capital from China realizing that the US has no interest in peace and China will be next, but we are also looking at collapsing confidence in globalization continuing from here on out.
Historically, the capital flows to the dollar during world war under the assumption that tanks will not be landing on the beaches of Virginia or California. This will tend to support the dollar, but not long-term.
Our model has ALWAYS picked up the shifts in capital flows that precede war. This time we are witnessing outflows not just from China, but also from ALL emerging markets on a scale that is simply unprecedented. The timing of outflows is clearly linked to Biden’s unprecedented sanctions against the Russian people – not just Russia itself as a political state. This has NEVER taken place in history before with the single exception of the US sanctions imposed on Japan and the freezing of all their assets in the United States which preceded Pearl Harbor.
That bit I emphasised, a collapse in globalism, could really upset some people in power behind the scenes.
We live in interesting times indeed.
“Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi says children SHOULD be taught about the benefits of the British Empire and warns teachers should ‘leave their political views outside the classroom'”
Scomo recently deserted all conservative voters and embraced net zero. (Not to mention other lefty stuff he’s embraced).
I remember recently having a friendly “climate change” debate with a young man in his early twenties who was still showing evidence of severe brain-washing throughout his “education”.
Obviously he was all about saving the planet and “renewables” – people like this think we should charge batteries with bigger batteries – but I found it most interesting when I asked him about “net zero”.
Me: “Do you think Australia needs to get to net zero as soon as we can?”
Him: “Yes, definitely.”
Me: “What exactly is net zero?”
So you are going to vote for Stalin lite then. Bon appétit.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse. . .
Peter C… it’s both alarmism and hysteria. So what if a part of the Antarctic ice shelf collapses? This is just the result of CAUSE AND EFFECT. Yes, the global temperature, especially at parts of the North and South Poles, are increasing; and what is the result? ICE MELTS (woohoo, didn’t know that ice melts when temperature increases…must have been asleep in my basic Physics lessons in High School).
One jab, two jab, there jab, four.
Five jab, six jab, seven jab, more. . .
One jab, two jab, three jab, four.
Five jab, six jab, seven jab, more. . .
Sorry for the typo.
Get to the top
I’m too tired to rock.
Doctors Blast FDA Rush to Approve Fourth COVID Vaccine Dose
The Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve a fourth dose of Pfizer and Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus vaccine this week, despite a lack of clinical data showing they are effective or necessary.
“Drugmaker Moderna asked the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday to authorize a fourth shot of its COVID-19 vaccine as a booster dose for all adults,” CBS News reported late last week. “The request is broader than rival pharmaceutical company Pfizer’s request earlier this week for the regulator to approve a booster shot for all seniors.”
Doctors truly focused on following the science, not political science, are blasting the decision.
“The FDA’s vaccine regulation is sliding further into the abyss. Last week, Pfizer announced that it would seek emergency-use authorization for a fourth dose of its mRNA vaccine, based on the original Wuhan strain of Covid-19, in people over 65. Meantime, Moderna announced that it was seeking an even larger market share: a fourth dose in anyone over 18, based on its original mRNA vaccine. If the FDA moves forward on authorizing either product, it will cement a dangerous precedent: inadequate evidence being used to justify widespread vaccination for years to come,” Dr. Vinay Prasad writes for City Journal. “The data supporting fourth doses aren’t up to medicine’s gold standard: a randomized trial. Instead, we have two observational studies comparing people who rushed to be boosted with those who didn’t.”
In Depth: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Soft Spot for Drug Dealers, P@dophiles and Terrorists
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
March 29, 2022
A.F.Branco Cartoon sums up KBJ’s Character
I’m not so optimistic that most people even want to learn how to vote but I give her full marks for trying…
Everyone wants to LEARN how to vote 🙂
“Carping Comments Per Dr. John Campbell”
“CDC Recommends More Booster Shots for COVID Compliance, FDA Unilaterally Authorizes Fourth and Fifth Vaccination Shot
March 29, 2022 | Sundance | 20 Comments
Proving yet again, that once you get locked into the vaccine rona-coaster, you are not getting off until the rides over. The CDC has recommended, and the FDA has approved COVID-19 booster shots number four and/or number five depending on your life expectancy and vulnerability status.”
Rex Murphy: Which of these woke follies is the greatest — Earth Hour or not knowing what a woman is?”
I wonder if this means the EU will go dark after March 31.
EU rejects Moscow’s ruble-for-gas demand
“A harsh reminder that “the cloud” really just means “someone else’s hard drive.” ”
Forget the Cloud – will stick with External Hard Drive
At $68 for Seagate 2TB Expansion Portable
“You Will Eat the Bugs, Own Nothing And Will Be Happy”
“They, on the other hand, will have $1675 per plate dinners with Prime Minister Disgrace to Democracy.”
Sombre reading
“I hate this article… because I believe it’s correct”
Excellent Read – Have Bookmarked and Saved Original Article
By creating a global energy crisis over a border dispute 6,000 miles from our shores, with no strategic interest to our country, Biden has initiated the final countdown of the petrodollar as the global settlement currency for all energy transactions.
This is the point in history when the Great Reset acolytes have decided they can accomplish multiple goals by turning Ukraine into a nightmarish quagmire of death and destruction,
This is where I believe their master plan goes awry. Putin will not be cowed by Biden’s toothless sanctions, empty threats, and pathetic tough guy rhetoric … NATO and the U.S. are one miscalculation away from starting WW3.
Rear Window – Peter FitzSimons’ Buddy Franklin howler
Joe Aston Columnist
Lance “Buddy” Franklin kicking his 1000th goal at the Sydney Cricket Ground in the final quarter of Friday night’s clash between the Swans and Geelong was unambiguously the sporting moment of the year, if not the decade.
But FitzSimons’ leading objection to Franklin’s sensational recruitment was that “prima facie”, it represented a breach of the club’s ” ‘no d@ckheads’ selectorial policy”, which was “the whole shtick of the Swans for the past decade.”
“If you called Central Casting and said, ‘Send me over a prime d@ckhead’, and Buddy Franklin turned up… a tower of swaggering sneer and staggering hubris… you would hardly be inclined to ask for your money back.”
Welcome to Fitzy’s Self-Awareness Free Zone. The guy wearing a pirate hankie on his head for no explicable reason, hectoring Sydney with his witless attitudes, naming the d@ckheads among us.
There is no greater d@ckhead than Peter FitzSimons. Were there an All Australian team of d@ckheads, Fitzy would be its captain and its most capped player. His trophy cabinet would hold the Brownlow, the Coleman and the Norm Smith medals. Gary Ablett Sr would be supplanted as God … of the d@ckheads.
Dealers Annoyed With Price of EV Charger Installs
Though the best had to be when several dealer groups piped up about how much it’s actually going to cost them to install some of the newer chargers some manufacturers believe should be mandatory if they’re intent on selling EVs. Some showrooms are finding out that not all buildings are wired for the high loads incurred by modern charging systems, requiring additional financial investments they hadn’t counted on. With automotive dealerships using product delays as leverage for unprecedented vehicle pricing, it’s nice to see them getting a taste of their own medicine. Or it would be if the costs for updating facilities weren’t guaranteed to be reflected on future window stickers.
A recent report from Automotive News highlighted some of the NADA exchanges, offering up a few anecdotes where dealers were blindsided by how much it actually costs to set up some of their stores. In one case, the Orlando, Florida-based Starling Automotive Group said electricians doubled their estimate when they wanted to install Level 3 chargers yielding 150 to 350kW of draw. Having already reported on the exchange from the NADA event, Automotive News conducted a recent follow-up interview to see how things were progressing.
The dealer group realized that installing the latest chargers was about to become substantially more complicated after the utility company explained its buildings weren’t rated for the kind of power usage required. Starling said the company stated that they would need to upgrade building services before any chargers could even be installed, effectively doubling the original estimate to a new total ballparking at $220,000.
H/T sfwsays:
March 30, 2022 at 8:39 am
For those considering an electric car, dealers in the US are finding that the cost of installing chargers for EV’s is way more expensive than they thought it would be. Remember that dealerships are in the main, if not exclusively in commercial properties which usually have higher capacity mains than domestic buildings. Most Australian homes have 60 amp single phase mains supply. It can be increased fairly easily to a few homes but if a lot want increased current then the street mains, transformers and the transmission network will need upgrading, this is very very expensive and the cost would be spread evenly over the consumers, even those who neither want nor need increased current for ev chargers. I guess those who want ev’s will gloss over this and not care about others subsidising their network supply infrastructure.
Infrastructure upgrade costs for charging systems will be especially painful in residential unit blocks where multiple chargers will be required forcing total upgrade to both the supply capacity and the entire local area electrical infrastructure
China: Biden Pushing Ukraine Crisis into ‘Nuclear War’
China’s state-run Global Times on Monday accused President Joe Biden of pushing the world closer to nuclear war by declaring Russian leader Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” after invading Ukraine.
The Global Times was unimpressed by White House efforts to spin Biden’s remarks away as a gaffe, or later as a personal expression of his deep “moral outrage” that has no bearing on U.S. foreign policy.
“No matter how well Biden’s propaganda machine works, it cannot downplay the fact that such a blunt statement at a sensitive time could further inflame the situation. This was unwise and irresponsible, reflecting a dire problem within U.S. policy-making: some politicians are taking their personal grievances to the national level,” the Chinese Communist paper wrote.
Mak Siccarsays:
March 30, 2022 at 9:24 am
From the Oz.
We must steel ourselves to protect an Australian way of life
The damage done to the American psyche through unrelenting attacks on its core values and the destructive rewriting of its history is very real. For Australia, it is a cautionary tale.
PHOTO. We should be wary of those who would deny this freedom and call for less debate, less openness, and less diversity of opinion. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
From InquirerMarch 29, 2022
mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome
If you’ve taken a two-dose regimen, you’ve more than doubled your five-year risk of this – driving it up to the odds of 1 in 4. Here are nine symptoms to watch out for.
– Cardiac Risk Warning
– COVID-Jabbed Patients More Than Double Their ACS Risk
– Signs and Symptoms to Watch For
ACS is an umbrella term that doesn’t just include heart attacks, but also a range of other conditions involving abruptly reduced blood flow to your heart. Signs and symptoms of ACS typically begin very suddenly, and include:(5)
. Chest pain/discomfort, often described as aching, pressure, tightness or burning sensations
. Pain that radiates from your chest to your shoulders, arms, upper abdomen, back, neck and/or jaw
. Nausea and/or vomiting
. Indigestion
. Shortness of breath
. Sudden heavy sweating
. Lightheadedness, dizziness and/or fainting
. Unusual or inexplicable fatigue
. Restlessness and/or apprehensiveness
– Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia
– Potential Mechanism Identified
– Questions Remain
– Questions Remain
– What Can You Do if You Have Jab Remorse?
If you now believe that getting the COVID jab was a mistake and wish to lessen your doubled risk of cardiac complications, there a few basic strategies I would advise.
1. Make certain you measure your blood vitamin D level and take enough vitamin D orally (typically about 8,000 units/day for most adults) to make sure your level is 60 to 80 ng/ml (150 to 2000 nmol/l).
2. Eliminate all vegetable (seed) oils in your diet, which involves eliminating nearly all processed foods and most meals in restaurants unless you convince the chef to only cook with butter. Avoid any sauces or salad dressings in restaurants as they are loaded with seed oils. Also avoid chicken and pork as they are very high in linoleic acid, the omega-6 fat that is far too high in nearly everyone and contributes to oxidative stress that causes heart disease.
3. Consider taking around 500 mg/day of NAC, as it helps prevent blood clots and is a precursor for your body to produce the important antioxidant glutathione.
4. Consider fibrinolytic enzymes that digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes and pulmonary embolisms. The dose is typically two, twice a day, but must be taken on an empty stomach, either an hour before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, the enzymes will digest your food and not the fibrin in the blood clot.
FDA, CDC Guilty of Clinical Malpractice and Scientific Fraud by Inaction and Omission on mRNA Vaccine Safety Warnings
Today, unquestionably serious cardiovascular, thrombotic and neurologic adverse events related to the vaccine have occurred around the world. The FDA’s own vaccine adverse event tracking system (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS) shows substantial and serious risks from the vaccine, even though the FDA only collects an estimated 10% of all adverse events.
Still, federal agencies and manufacturers aren’t officially warning the American public about these risks, despite having been privy to this information for almost a whole year. Why? Because it would counter the narrative that taking endless vaccines and boosters is your patriotic duty.
Correction to typo:
A Vitamin D level of 60 to 80 ng/ml
is equivalent to 150 to 200 nmol/l.
America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire – Saudi editor to ‘Post’
Ex-editor of Al Arabiya English writes that America is failing the region and siding with Iran while dismantling the last 70 years of regional order.
Russia Indicates Withdrawal in Position From Ukraine Capital, Kyiv
While the western propaganda about the Russian objective in Ukraine remains at a fever pitch, most intellectually honest observers have always held that liberation of eastern Ukraine was the goal of Russia and western Ukraine was never part of the objective.
We might remember the 20-mile-long armored convoy that sat in place for weeks north of Kyiv while the media narrative was ‘any day now’. Those troops never moved on Kyiv, and in hindsight looked more like a strategic positioning of resources to keep western Ukraine in check while the more important goal of clearing eastern Ukraine was the ongoing operation.
It seems a little silly to point out the obvious, but everything Putin said about what he was doing in Ukraine is factually what has taken place. The western media narrative spinning his ‘true intents’ to be much more significant than his open statements, has never played out when reviewing the actual military operations. In short, Putin was then (as he said), and continues now, to be carving out eastern Ukraine and the Donbas region.
As the Russian operations in eastern Ukraine enter the clean-up and finalization stage, this report about the shift in Russian operations near Kyiv and western Ukraine makes a great deal of sense.
“Col Douglas Macgregor Gives His Updated Opinion on Current Status of Ukraine-Russia Conflict
March 29, 2022 | Sundance | Leave a comment
Col Douglas Macgregor appears for an interview with Dave Smith on his “Part Of The Problem” podcast. Col Macgregor gives his status update on the Ukraine and Russian military along with some excellent background information on the U.S. cultural issues which are driving the U.S. position.”
yaa, nah.
I have a suspicion that the Russkies have some very exposed units. Nice of the Ukrainians to allow them outta the trap.
If you have taken the COVID-19 shots have you been checked for AIDs?
Fly In Don’t Fly Out miners.
My son started a contract before Xmas and is currently on his first break East since.
Where? Brisbane. Bummer.
A must watch, Aust Media!
ED/Jo – question how does
Forget the Cloud – will stick with External Hard Drive
At $68 for Seagate 2TB Expansion Portable
Rub up against 18C?
H/T Michael Smith News – Senator Concetta FIERRAVANTI-WELLS on the ‘putrid corruption of the NSW Liberal Party.
For those who don’t want to watch, you can read the Hansard of the Speech
At the End
Budget Australian Greens
Senator WHISH-WILSON (Tasmania) (21:29): <em>Holy smokes! I’m happy to offer another five minutes to Senator Fierravanti-Wells if she’d like to continue.
Turnbull, Morrison, Keen… The far left of the once-conservative Liberal party, and the reason for their coming demise.
True dat!
“Big Brother’s going to love this, but it scares the hell out of me”
“An ominous article in National Geographic is titled “The controversial quest to make a ‘contagious’ vaccine”. ”
Ah, but the really good thing about it.. if they are allowed to develop it, the elites will be getting it as well as the hoi polloi, not like a vaccine of saline. That in itself may get that research banned.
Just look at how fast Covid developed variants, and imagine the vaccine virus doing the same. You’d be getting infected with all sorts of rubbish after a few years.
Remember Victor Borge’s uncle –
“Who invented the cure for which there was no disease”
Let me guess, Statins?
There are calls to criminalise the controversial Russian “Z” symbol but not the Nazi Azov symbol used by battalions fighting for the Ukrainian government. Is the West now pro neo-Nazi? Looks that way!
Who funded WW2? That is your answer
“Scott Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister” – Liberal Senator unleashes on Scomo.
In conclusion. PM Morrison is morally deficient and not fit to be a leader of any party, especially a party that is supposed to be right of centre.
Yet every time I say you are wishing for a labor government [resource tax, carbon tax, open borders] I get red thumbed.
I think there are some lukewarm [or worse] conservatives here.
You are so brainwashed by the MSM you can’t see that both major parties are evil. I am not wishing for either party to form government. You are the one who wants a continuation of the duopoly, which will ultimately send us crashing and burning unless and until we get a couple or so of the good minor parties to hold the balance of power in both houses of parliament.
No, I absolutely don’t want communism, or chaos.
Evil? bwahahahaha
The Westminster System is up to the challenge.
COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines
“A Protection Racket For The Pharmaceutical Industry”
These two articles alone is enough to show we have witnessed government sanctioned murder with possibly far more to come.
Nice link thanks
Is it a global warming signal?
‘The combination of La Niña, an abnormally warm Tasman Sea, and a predominantly positive Southern Annular Mode (SAM) caused prolific rain in Sydney this month.
‘As of 9am on Wednesday, March 30, the city’s Observatory Hill rain gauge had received 537 mm of rain so far this month. This is the highest monthly total on record for March, beating 521.4 mm from 1942. It is also only the second time in 164 years of records that Sydney has seen half a metre of rain in March.’ (Weatherzone)
FYI Tony in Oz
“The People Promising Us “Net Zero” Have No Clue About the Energy Storage Problem”
Oz gets a mention
And comments
“UK Energy Reset! (GWPF/Net Zero policy primer)”
And comments
Bleaching on the GBR a false flag.
10 t0 15 knot winds on the GBR are common. This will whip up a little spray even in the lagoons, cooling the water nicely, thank you.
Low tide, bright sun in clear skies, no wind = bleaching. Nature’s pruning of the coral that, like Icarus, grew too close to the sun.
The great reset is a fiction of sorts.
No it is not.
Its a terrifying prospect and the utopians are not happy. There is much to debate, but its quite clear that the NWO will be socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Actually there are several reset buttons that are about to be pushed. We shall see how it pans out.
His comment is pertinent – “We do not fight Ukraine. We fight fascism in Ukraine!” Of course many in the West don’t understand what that really means. So instead they support the fascists who are killing innocent Ukrainian civilians. If anyone can’t yet see how the West hates Russia so much they are willing to support fascists in a failing attempt to destroy Russia through a proxy war between Russia and the US then I’m afraid they are so brainwashed by the MSM they may be beyond help.
Russia – Ukraine War: Soldiers Collect Civilians After Shelling Attack on Mariupol Frontline
One point to note is as the West closes in on Russia, don’t expect the Russians to give up so easily. They have been through enough wars to know how to die fighting to win. On top of that they have lots of nukes to add a lot of spice to the situation. Good luck!
This is so pathetic it’s way past just being an embarrassment for the West. Russia and China must now be rolling on the floor laughing. I wouldn’t be – I’m saddened at how the West has decayed so much that we have to put up with such people heading a nation what is supposed to be the leader of the world. They are very rapidly losing that position. The trouble is whoever takes that position will mean a major change for the world. We will never go back to what it was like in the West decades ago. It wasn’t perfect but it was reasonably good. Today it’s collapsing into a sordid mess.
Psaki Reminds Reporters That Biden Doesn’t Speak For The President Of The United States
Good sendup, the president misspoke and there is a flurry of denial from the Administration. If Biden was more clear headed he could have said, “my heart goes out to you and Putin should be voted out of office.”
Malcolm Roberts drops bombshells in Senate after COVID Under Question inquiry
He expressed his disappointment in very strong terms:
“To the Prime Minister, the health minister, the federal health department and all those in the Senate and the House of Representatives—all of you who have perpetrated this crime—I direct one question: how the hell do you expect to get away with it? We’re not going to let you get away with it. We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you. We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will.”
Yes it’s a good video, do wish more people could watch.
“These are the matters I sought today to refer to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 without success…. The truth is the Select Committee on COVID-19 has been running a protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry, and today’s vote proves it.”
Yes, his speech should be repeated and those questions asked until Scotty from Marketing gives some answers.
Excellent. Thank you.
Is Zelensky Negotiating Peace in Bad Faith?
We might find out more about his intentions when he addresses our parliament. All I can say now is we picked the wrong side. PS: Russia is not the right side either. Nor is China.
It will be interesting what he has to say because I can’t see any reason for him to talk to Oz at all.
A cry for help perhaps, from playing the school bully, having poked the bear and now regretting it.
Ready ! Set ! Vaccinate !
From the Adverse events database.
Let us try the Nuvaxoid with every possible protection.
And the result was?
Is this an experiment experiment to see how stressed we can make our fellow human beings?
The one good outcome is the poor lady is not dead or has not been diagnosed with myocarditis.
Just happened across this gem courtesy of the Vic govt.
Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality – women, men, trans and gender diverse people, children and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds.
We need gender equality urgently. Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It’s essential for economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human right. Everyone benefits from gender equality.
Where to even start with that nonsense and stay below the 1800 word limit..
Solzhenitsyn said that “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.”
Bruce Willis,age 67, to retire due to the degenerative brain disease Aphasia.
Well, despite my being a huge Die Hard fan poor old Bruce is just a B-grade cameo actor these days so it’s for the best…
Interesting though that Asphasia is reported to be increasingly markedly post-vaxx, like everything it seems…
Chris Rock jokes about Jada’s Alopecia at the Oscars.
Will Smith *gently* slaps Rock.
The media goes crazy, pushing Alopecia into mass public awareness.
Pfizer happens to be bringing an Alopecia drug to market now.
Pfizer just happens to sponsor the Oscars.
But maybe I’m just cynical..
Labor leader Anthony Albanese vows to fix nursing home food crisis
Labor leader Anthony Albanese will pledge to fix the scandal of food in nursing homes that has left some seniors “literally starving” if he wins the election.
Four years ago, reports emerged that pensioners are fed on just $6 a day, a revelation the AMA president called a “national disgrace”.
Does any one really believe the shut downs were about saving the elderly?
The 2 shots and a booster will save the elderly that are living on 6$ a day?