By Jo Nova
The Nanny State strikes again
Apparently, there just aren’t enough real emergencies anymore, so we need to fake them up.
A couple of weeks ago, our billion dollar ABC, in cohoots with the Bureau of Meteorology, decided to report in prime time news that heatwaves are now so deadly serious we need New Emergency Warnings — “like a Bushfire emergency”, even though we get heatwaves every year, they hardly kill anyone and even five year olds know how to press the air conditioner button.
Back in 1896, Australians had to catch emergency trains and head for the hills the heat was so deadly. But apparently adult mammals are now so stupid they don’t know when it’s hot, and need to sit next to ABC Emergency radio all day in case “things change quickly” and someone needs to tell them to rush to the fridge for a glass of water.
I mean, it’s almost like heatwaves sneak up on people around hills at 100 miles an hour?
Either that or two government agencies want to scare more money out of Australian taxpayers:
New heatwave warning system adopted across Australia, using bushfire-style emergency alerts
by Tyne Logan, ABC
Bushfire-style emergency warnings are set to be issued for heatwaves across Australia, as authorities warn their dangers are potentially being overlooked.
No seriously, in an “Emergency” level heatwave the advice is… drink water, stay indoors, and use air conditioning. The whole news story is a form of subliminal coaching to infantalize the nation. You are all babies and Mummy-Government is here to sing a bushfire emergency song.
Get your dose of Play School for adults on the Australian ABC News:
But the real emergency here is the ABC reporting
One day when the ABC gets the internet they’ll be able to do real research instead of being factually wrong and literally incompetent. The ABC says: “Research has shown heatwaves are the most deadly natural hazard in Australia, with the exception of disease epidemics.” But anyone who reads unfunded science bloggers instead has known for years that the worst weather hazard in Australia is called winter, and it kills around 7,000 extra people each year.
Compare that to the official heatwave tally hidden in the ABC news (20 a year), and winter is 300 times worse.
If we are going to talk about overlooked dangers, lets say the word “cold” and sing about fossil fuels. They can keep you warm or fly you to summer, whereever it is.

Average daily deaths for each month in Australia (left axis, black numbers) and New Zealand (right axis, grey numbers) over a ten year period. | Indur Goklany
Officially we’re talking about 20 deaths a year:
This doesn’t sound very scary though so the ABC bundles 18 years of deaths together:
Analysis of coronial records, published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, showed there were 473 heat-related deaths reported in Australia between 2000 and 2018.
It found 354 of these occurring during heatwave conditions.
But in January 1896, when Australia had only one sixth as many people, an astonishing 437 people died of the heat in the space of a few weeks. There were no air conditioners then. So we could add all the deaths that occurred then over an 18 year period and multiply by six and the deaths from actual heatwaves would be vastly bigger than current deaths.
The ABC tosses in a wild outlier study, with bigger numbers:
…other research suggests the number of reported heat-related deaths could vastly underestimate the actual number, with up to 36,000 deaths associated with heat between 2006 and 2017.
It is written by people who believe the effects of climate change will become more common, and who fish through death and temperature data looking for “heat-related” mortality but presumably not “cold related deaths” or deaths due to unaffordable electricity.
And all of them seem to ignore that it’s well known in mortality research that often heatwave deaths are followed by a dip in deaths. It appears that heatwaves tend to kill people who are so close to dying that they probably would have died in the following weeks. This process is known as forward displacement. The same pattern is not found after cold snaps.
Our media is the problem
The real issue here is not the Heatwave Emergency Warnings, but that the ABC acts as a propaganda unit. They should be mocking the BoM instead for treating us like babies and filling our airwaves with meaningless warnings.
When we were kids we’d turn on the garden sprinklers and run through them on hot days, and we didn’t wait for the ABC to suggest it.
Its during a heatwave with everbody using air conditioning and refrigeration systems working their hardest, that Australia’s weather-dependent electricity grid is likely to go dark.
In any case, as Jo points out, heat is not usually deadly (if people remain hydrated), but cold is.
And this is the “advice” Australians pay almost $3 million per day for?
If the trend continues, mostly city based, of Electric Vehicle ownership or leased company vehicles, there will be at least some local grid failures at peak demand periods.
I still remember when BOM declared a heatwave in Tassie for an expected 26 degrees of bitchumen melting globull warming heat .
Albo stated that high electricity prices in Oz were due to the war in Ukraine. Nuf said.
How the eff does their war affect power prices here?
Are we using Russian oil?
“There is no worse mistake in public leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away. The British people can face peril or misfortune with fortitude and buoyancy, but they bitterly resent being deceived or finding that those responsible for their affairs are themselves dwelling in a fool’s paradise.” — Winston Churchill
Russia lies, energy lies, Covid lies, vaxx lies and climate lies.
I’m sick of ’em all, the clown pollies and garbage media.
Dump them all and replace them with an AI system.
That’s a big call from someone called “John Connor”. 😉
“How the eff does their war affect power prices here?”
The excuse is sufficient
However, Albo’s opinion should be assessed assuming that he wouldn’t know if his backside was on fire. He and Bowen have IQs slightly smaller than their shoe sizes.
They didn’t need Air Conditioning 150 years ago. So, toughen up people.
No problem, there were no heatwaves before 1910
Yes, because the Bureau of Mediocrity deleted the temperature record. (Not sarc.)
One could say that “The BOM lost its homework” then?
Homework/integrity/mind. Take your pick.
All three?
No heatwaves before 1910? So where does that put us?
Just quietly, here in mid western NSW there have been no heatwaves in this year of 2022, either. No /sarc, not even one!
Our highest recorded temp for the year, with 340 days behind us, is 33.5 degrees.
Most of us didnt have AC only 50 years ago
The SWER line got here about 1974 – the “mighty 32 volts” before that
Not in Australian cities.
Australian cities started electrification in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s.
1954 for us, supplied by diesel generators in town 12 miles away by road.
Then I moved to where the SWER line had arrived in 1965, supplied by a cement factory, with the cheapest power in NSW.
Hmmp, and note that it all relies upon electricity. even in the cartoon. so Fridges, Aircon & Fans, radio phonecharging, …
I think the warning is for ABC watchers and listeners. In rural NSW we used to listen to the ABC and in its day it was perfunctory and useful. The cloistered mob of silly kids who run the show these days are of a lower calibre.
As a friend said when I mentioned that I don’t listen to ABC Radio – “You and many, many more”.
We have three choices – ABC, local radio that relays Ray Hadley et al and that all alpha-metric selection “OFF” which is the usual winner.
Do water pistols have a calibre?
Yes but the water pistols like the Guv’ment are p@@s week………………
Look at the people who control the ABC.
Chairman Ita Buttrose appears many times a day on Melbourne’s radio 3AW (the big one) promoting more Covid-19 antivirals.
The commercial is sponsored by pharmaceutical company Pfizer.
Pfizer is getting increasing criticism about the safety and efficacy of some Covid products and there are law suits either in action or preparation.
Why in Heaven is ABC/Buttrose volunteering promotion?
Geoff S
Better ask Morrison for appointing her. Oh God, protect our nation from idiots.
Sorry about the misuse of perfunctory it describes the present lot.
My wife says heat waves used to be of 5 days duration not the 3 that is in place today.
I agree. As I recall it, the walk to school was also uphill both ways. 😉
And here in Northeastern Ohio, US, in the winter, that walk up hill both ways was also done in 3 feet (.9 meters) of snow.
THREE feet? You’re spoilt, you were. We had NINE feet some winters. Got that deep it was just easier to tunnel all the way. ‘Course we only had a broken paddle-pop stick for a shovel…
Glen, it’ll soon be a spike of 1 minute’s duration – 60 seconds of ‘hellfire and damnation!’ – yet will the Abracadabra (abc) interrupt regular viewing to announce ‘Snow This Week For Tasmania, Victoria And NSW’ in the middle of December?
Winter still has its grip on the great southern lands, with two snow-making systems crossing the SE states during the next 7 days… run for the hills, kiddies, it’s Christmas time! Unlike the 1960s & 70s when we squirted hoses/sprinklers at each other to COOL DOWN as we slid along slippery lengths of plastic sheets laid out on the back lawn. I still carry a few proud scars to this day.
WARNING ⚠️ December Heatwave Causes Snow, Hail, Freezing Frost – Stay Indoors, Watch ABC, Do NOT Look Outside, Kommander Dan Will Speak At Nine ☢️
I can remember 2 weeks, only relief at 3.00 AM
Glen M,
I posted some data on heatwaves of various numbers of days duration on this site of Jo’s an hour or so ago.
A lot depends on how heatwave is defined. Is ten consecutive days worse than two lots of 5 days with a cooler single day in the middle?
I have not yet found a heatwave paper that deals with simple complications like this. Geoff S
And that is the point isn’t it? The permutations and combinations of 2,3,4,5,7,14 day, one month, three month, seasonal, annual temperature records in site/city/region/state/nation make for a non-stop headline conveyor…
I believe heatwaves are now defined according to their variation from the monthly average which means it’s possible to get heatwaves in the Tasmanian winter.
Ah, that’s the problem. It’s how you feel rather. Welcome to the Idiocene.
Wait…what’s that roar? That blinding light?
OhMyGoD iT’s A hEaTwAvE!!!
Obligatory T2: Judgement Day playground inferno clip
The interesting research question is how can they be that wrong about hot versus cold deaths? It is a serious question.
Modern “journalism” doesn’t involve any research, just repetition of official Leftoid propaganda. In this case, the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Quick replies like this do not answer the question. There are a number of very different possibilities, hence hypotheses.
They can be that wrong because as I stated, they don’t do any research. I don’t think the answer is any more complicated than that.
But where did they find the false claim? It is even possible that the facts were found but discredited. They may have done some research and still got it wrong.
It is important to know what is actually going on if you want to fight it.
David, I suspect we’re heading for a ‘cold’ year with low prospects of bushfires, thankfully. So this is one way if keeping global warming ‘front of consciousness’ for the sheeple who may dare to doubt the AGW faith and start backsliding. Media these days is a competition of selective facting to attract the most eyeballs, a natural consequence of journalists trained in postmodern humanities at university.
I found that response to DM more than a little pompous. Nonetheless, his response provided one basis for a hypothesis, albeit done quickly. This is a blog, blogs are characterised by the rapid interplay of ideas, not profound and meticulous research.
Baak to your original question. How can they be so wrong?
1. They want to be wrong, it’s part of the big UN/WEF/etc push to deindustrialise the West. Facts are irrelevant in this, as they are in many other areas of postmodern “thinking” – gender, vaccines etc.
2. If they are not wrong, it destabilises a key plank of the delusion of anthropogenic global warming and the evils of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen etc. This is related to point 1.
3. As would make Gramsci and the Frankfurt School adherents proud, today’s journalists are a fine tribute to the long march through our institutions to install pseudo-Marxist anti-civilisational thinking throughout western education. Hence another possible basis for a reasoned argument is gross ignorance as distinct from evil intent.
4. As Jo has implied, the ABC here is Ground Zero for cultural relativism, critical race theory, one-world government and all the rest. As with all public service (Government) employees, it is a natural instinct to push theories that make us more reliant on Big Daddy in Canberra/DC.
5. In a truly sinister sense, it is consistent with the beliefs of many that our Elite are in the business of killing us off. There is plenty of evidence – the “vaccines,” using the global warming argument to kill of fertilisers and thus farming, ditto methane for farm animals and, the push for more abortion and euthanasia. Freezing us to death is consistent with that – therefore it’s logical to push the “dangers” of overheating in order to obfuscate.
They want to get it wrong is one hypothesis. No research is another, but then where did they get the claim? Did they make it up or read someone else and if so who? Or did they do quick research in the wrong place?
The spread of false belief is not simple and if we want to fight it we need to understand it. How it spreads is a scientific question. The science of falsehood.
David, who is the “they” you are asking about. Medical / mortality researchers or journalists?
A lot of the seeming mismatch is due to the difference in timespan and the asymmetry of heat versus cold. While moderate long warming seems good in nearly every way, short heatwaves can be a problem for people who are close to dying. On the opposite end of the scale, it is moderate long term cold which kills the most people, and that may be seasonal and much more than just “cold” — every winter our access to sun and Vitamin D falls, and viruses survive longer, people may get less exercise, wear more constrictive clothes, they may eat less fresh veges.
I suspect it’s the lack of sun in winter (Vitamin D) that is the biggest factor in excess winter deaths. Hard to say.
So if we compare just short extreme spikes of hot and cold it misses the big killer. The actual mortality researchers I think are almost all very aware of the details, but the journalists just want to be fed one version. Though some researchers like the team doing the “36,000 deaths from heatwaves in Australia paper” appear to be “climate believers” and paid to find only one risk, not paid to find the biggest risk.
There is another complexity in that humans adapt to temperature changes and the first cold or hot spell may cause more problems that the repeat events (kind of like bleaching corals). And while being in a cold room for hours will raise blood pressure due to vasoconstriction of peripheral circulation, I’ve seen many studies talking about the benefits of cold therapy where short bursts of cold increase mitochondria and brown fat, which is long term a healthy thing.
In nearly any medical study there are no simple rules, though it is a singular truth to say far more humans die in colder weather than hotter weather. This is universal, and even true in hot Brisbane.
The ABC person you quote. Keep in mind that journalism is not a research field. Especially not with today’s tight budgets.
How did they get it that wrong is not a simple question.
Yes. Can you show the coldwave public warning please Jo. Thats whats got me worried – I need the Govt to tell me when to put on long trousers.
” when to put on long trousers.”
And they will tell up the fly goes at the back !
I typed “you”… not “up”
Combine them and you get “up you”
According to a research group, McCrindle
It’s that obvious that cold is dealier. As for being able to discover 2% of deaths were due to heat when warm weather reduces death rates so much, it has to be deciding that it is the result that you want and designing the analysis to get it. The actual paper is paywalled and the press release doesn’t even hint as to how it’s calculated.
It turns out that “misinformation research” is booming. Unfortunstely it is conducted by left wing academics who regard scepticism of extremes of climate and Covid scares as paradigms of misinformation .
About 2,500 so-called scientific journal articles published in 2021-22 with “misinformation” in their title. See
Tens of thousands mote articles that at least mention it. Big money for nothing. Science that begins with a false assumption is junk. Skeptics are not the problem.
The ABC acts as a propaganda unit?
The ABC is a propaganda unit! You can’t turn on an ABC current affairs program without hearing the words “climate change” within the first few minutes.
I wouldn’t know since I will not turn on the ABC under any circumstance. I would also like to find a way that I didn’t have to pay for it. It is also being used to promote the Voice but that is not the same as funding the Yes campaign according to this Marxist government. Oh for an opposition with a spine.
Likewise Lawrie…I’ll never hear their lunatic warnings, as I will not be listening to the ABC, as I have not “tuned ” in for over 30 years. If it gets hot, I think I’ll notice and turn the AC on.
The following article is just propaganda.
Note the trick they use?
They conflate hot and cold temperatures together and combine deaths from both as “extreme temperatures”.
Even this propaganda article admits more die from cold than hot but at no point do they give the breakdown.
The study originated in Monash University in Australia.
Monash University is named after Sir John Monash our best general and a superb engineer. He would be horrified at the careless use of data to come to a predetermined position. Hardly the mechanism to design a bridge or conduct a battle.
5 million……Thats still less than the covid vaccine
If Australia’s Bureau of Mediocrity hadn’t deleted the entire carefully-recorded temperature record before 1910, people would appreciate that heatwaves are not unusual in Australia. They would also realise the climate isn’t warming.
But the Left use Nineteen Eighty Four as their instruction manual.
I doubt that even the BoM can disappear this climate comment:
My Country 1904
“I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains
Of ragged mountain ranges
Of droughts and flooding rains”
I use the “droughts” part as my major guide, and am already considering that the next drought may have already started.
Dave B
Early 1950s when I was a very young child I remember summer days in Northern New South Wales not far from the Queensland border and near to Mt Warning there was often a late afternoon thunderstorm following a very hot day, and after that as the family sat on the verandah to cool off the humidity would rise quickly and cause discomfort until well after midnight when the weatherboard with corrugated steel roofing began to cool down.
Dennis – I remember those days well – not from where you were but from Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.
You state “until well after midnight when the weatherboard with corrugated steel roofing began to cool down”
Isn’t there a blanket of CO2 covering the earth and we’re all going to fry?
I’ve always wondered from the very start of this scam how they could explain temperatures of 40+ degrees in the daytime and then dropping to -2 or -3 degrees during the night which happens very regularly in the outback.
Oh, of course, they CAN’T explain that which is why they NEVER mention it.
Nor can they explain why the coast has less temperature variation as the example used by Ian Plimer about the difference between Townsville and Mt. Isa.
HINT (for the trolls) it’s something to do with water vapour.
Sorry, but >40 by day and below freezing at night does not happen in any single day, anywhere. Sure Alice Springs or Canberra (for example) can be well into the 40’s in January and -6 in July. but not in one day. Come on.
And I’d guess that, by then, most of the beds had done the traditional summer migration to the verandahs
And was not that sound of the first raindrops to hit the galvanised iron roof about the nicest sound of the day?
Plus that special smell that floated into the one-walled open verandah bedroom?
And the relief if the afternoon storm hit while riding your bike 5 miles home from school, in the days before most bikes had but one gear?
Are modern kids getting soft when Mum collects them in an aircon SUV? Geoff S
That first sound of raindrops in summer here in SA might take 6 weeks or more. It’s one of the less pleasant aspects of life here.
During the weather report on the ABC News last night in Brisbane, the statement was made that more people die from the heat than any other weather condition. How do they get away with that? The forecast on my phone says 37° C maximum and “Extreme heat until 10:32pm”, presumably from the BOM. The forecast for 10pm is 25° C. 40° C is often exceeded in many parts of Australia in summer, including Melbourne.
When I was living in Kuwait in the 1970s, the standard joke was that the official temperature never exceeded 50° C because above that the commercial aircraft were not allowed to take off – except it wasn’t a joke.
What a bunch of infantiles. As if we adults cannot look after ourselves, now Nanny ABC will do it for us! Really? However for a person who never watches their ABC because of their blatant leftist bias and straight out nonsense, they can “nanny” all they like, not interested in anything they have to say.
If they truly believe what they are sprouting then the actions of activists who are forcing the early closures of coal fired power stations is actually criminal. There will be a direct link to the early closures, the inevitable blackouts and the subsequent deaths due to no air conditioning so interrelated that criminal charges should be laid. This latest scaremongering just reinforces the craziness of the green energy policies being pursued. It’s even more crazy if you actually believe that heat waves will become more prevalent. The irony is that the grid will become unreliable with the biggest risk being when demand is the greatest of extreme cold or heat when it has to work or people will die.
Back in the day Australian schools didn’t have air conditioning.
But nobody thought anything of it.
Now, if an air conditioner breaks down on even a moderately warm day it’s treated as a crisis and either an alternative room has to be found or the children are sent home.
Not that it’s a bad thing that children are sent home. They might then learn something useful like basic literacy, numeracy or real history rather than receiving Leftoid indoctrination, including about the supposed “climate emergency”.
My brother recently came home from a school he was teaching at with a brochure that had been handed out to the students…” Coal Kills ” was emblazened across the front page.
or fans, and at breaks you got to “play” on the bitumen playground 🙂
Our local example of school “back in the day” –
No air con, one room, about 60 kids, all primary classes, one teacher, no aides.
Yes, those were the days. Remember them well in the 60s and 70s. We all perspired and if one was lucky they had fans in some classrooms. But we took that all as normal.
And when one went home there was no a/c there. Mum used to get us to play under the sprinkler to cool off on the really bad days.
Todays generations have no idea, and neither does the ABC or the BOM.
another Ian
Does this bring back memories?
Year 1951, my age 10, number in class 60.
Geoff S
No power at the school so no fans, though the teacher’s house had a 32 volt plant.
And, in spite of the shortcomings, one Ph.D. even came out of that.
“Back in the day Australian schools didn’t have air conditioning.”
Sounds like when I went to school.
From WUWT.
If the EU cops a record breaking cold winter, will our ABC notice?
Unusual temperatures for early December…knocking at energy-deprived Europe’s door
German meteorologist Dominik Jung of says, after having reported yesterday of -50°C in Oimjakon, Siberia: “-54°C were measured there this morning.”
-54°C is 65 below Fahrenheit.
“For early December, these are extremely low temperatures there, which are normally expected only at the end of December or beginning of January,” says Jung.
Just remember that nearly all Australians who are not critical thinkers, and that would be most of them, get most of their “information” from Their ABC and consider it an “authoritative” “news” source.
They love it and hang off every word spoken.
I know it would be painful for the thinkers of this blog, but just occasionally tune into Their ABC so you know what your taxes get spent on. It’s sickening 24/7 Leftoid propaganda.
get most of their information from the ABC? seriously have you seen the ratings? they get most of their information from the make and female bimbos on commercial TV news.
Spell check yarpos? The non-thinking computer merely changes a word to what seems correct. A bit like the ABC with facts. UNLESS I’m wrong and make bimbos are numerous.
Yes, they’re on the make (or on the male at the ABC)
The trouble is, the social media apps ( eg Facebook ) and the news feeds on your smartphone usually have the ABC news at the top. I can only assume because it’s “free”. This is where a big chunk of the population get their news from these days. It’s 1984 all over again. The best quote from 1984 “… don’t worry, the people will never notice because they will be watching their screens”. There was also a fantastic Leunig cartoon from years ago. A bloke sitting watching vision of the sun setting on his TV and in the background the sun can be seen setting through his window.
The REALLY sad part is that we elect these MORONIC politicians and let them continue with these CLOWN shows and then we even re-elect them for more than one term.
I truly wish we had a government that brought the ABC and these “government” agencies into line and FORCED them to follow the rules AND the SCIENCE.
And today we get this one:
Met Office urges vulnerable people to put heating on as big freeze to plunge UK to -10C (Express, 5 Dec)
Maybe pensioners can mortgage their house to pay for turning the heating on?
The Met office and friends have been some of the hardest pushers of the green anti-CO2 agenda.
They ought to pay be paying restitution to those that can’t afford electricity.
About an hour ago I had this, on my mobile: –
“H.M. Government
“His Majesty’s Government has selected you to be one of a number of concerned citizens testing a new Warning System.
“This is without obligation on your part.
“H.M. Government has determined that there is a very high likelihood of Darkness descending within a limited time.
“Do not panic. It is likely that light will return, in due course.
“We recommend that you use lighting where available. If driving you should use sidelights and headlights on your vehicle.
“If leaving home during this protracted spell of darkness, you should tell someone where you are going, and when you may return.
“keeping a spare source if illumination handy is strongly advisable, in case of failure of you primary source.
“Thank you for participating in this trial.
“You Local Commissar will contact you for feedback on your performance.
“H.M. Government. London, 1520Z, 6th December 2022”
Auto – utterly unable to contain myself, waiting for a contact from my Local Commissar.
French Queen urges starving townsfolk to eat cake.
I’m sure there are a layer of people that need to be reassured that its alright to turn on their air conditioners in these troubled climate times. The same sort of people that need to be told its OK to leave your house in a Covid lockdown if bushfires or floods threaten and believe Dan Andrews will keep them safe.
I have most things turned off on the Vic Emergency app and I am still at times swamped with alerts for what is basically just non startling weather. Its a scary world out there.
I gave up on the Vic. emergency app. Despite selecting for only locally relevant alerts, I was plagued by frequent, very frequent, alerts for Melbourne and other areas. So I binned it and now just look it up when things are a bit iffy around here, like the recent floods.
Rule No. 1: look out of the window and sniff the air.
Another rule: don’t assume that so much wet weather and a cool summer means low bushfire risk. All that long grass is curing now and could lead to some nasty fires; we were lucky last year.
Done the same. The alerts were ridiculous and made the whole app virtually unworkable. During COVID it was a pain the bum.
AGAIN here’s the global 2015 Lancet study of deaths from temperature differences in different countries.
See fig 2 page 5 of the study.
You’ll note that by far the biggest killer is moderate and extreme cold and moderate heat and extreme heat numbers are very low IN ALL COUNTRIES.
AGAIN Aussies deaths are the same as the rest and moderate COLD deaths are higher and deaths from extreme heat and moderate heat are much lower.
I’ve linked to this study many times and yet BOM and their ABC just make it up as they go along? When will these fools WAKE UP to their BS and fraud?
Wow, none of us would have thought of that.
Also Dr Indur Goklany has shown that deaths from extreme weather events has declined by over 90% since the early 20th century. Some now say at lest 95% decline.
Lomborg used these facts in his book as well. Ditto Dr Koonin and Shellenberger etc.
Just more proof that CAGW is a load of BS and fraud.
Yet the Bowen donkey claims the opposite is true and he gets away with this in parliament.
Why or how is it so?
Was once an avid ABC radio fan, because I spent a heck of a lot of time driving around regional Victoria. Not so much these days. But the relentless leftie bias etc, meant I am now ABC free. But, one of the most annoying things about the ABC was their bushfire emergency alerts. If you were driving around during Summer, they were relentless and mostly un -needed. It’s Australia, there’s bushfires , no big deal. The main reason the ABC did the emergency alerts was for ratings. It was a way of forcing people to listen to their drudge, just in case there might be an emergency in your area. Because if you think the ABC dont care about ratings, you need to think again. These heat alerts are the same thing, just a ratings scam.
Between this and the nonsense about the numbers “killed” by coal fired power emissions, we’re going to have more deaths than people. Are there going to be death certificates issued with cause of death: “statistician”? There might also be a tie-in with the famous quote from Julius Caesar:
Agreed. Right up there with “beautiful plumage”.
As some defence of the real ones –
How about “pseudo-statistician”?
“the numbers “killed” by coal fired power emissions”
I usually ask them to name just one person that has died from coal fired power station emissions.
And all these creatures supposedly going extinct from “climate change”… again, no-one seems to be able to name one single species.
Best they can manage is usually a solitary rodent swept off a sand bar by high seas.
The writer of the ABC article is a dedicated climate change hand-wringer and every one of her articles is based around the The Big Scare! There is nothing that happens on this earth that she doesn’t view through the myopic lens of climate change.
BTW Jo Nova also linked to that 74 million Lancet study in 2015.
While I was mowing, a heatwave warning came through on my phone, I was wondering why my T-shirt was a bit damp, you have to laugh.
So why are MODERATE COLD deaths the biggest killer in that 74 million Lancet study? Any ideas, anyone?
1.You don’t feel the cold so much, less than extreme cold, you lose more heat with crtainely less protection.
2.Question of quantity of extreme cold days versus moderate cold days.
See my answer in
I suspect it’s the lack of Vitamin D3 in winter, but cold temperatures raise blood pressure as well, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack.
BoM to replace weather forecasters with ‘science communicators’ who have been employed to spread propaganda more effectively.
My bad, aunty is replacing weather forecasters.
Yes EG and Jo Nova is an excellent Science communicator, but definitely no chance for her if she applied to the BOM.
IOW zip need for proper data and evidence for these jobs at their BOM.
These are people who are actually trained in propaganda delivery. Just like the 1940’s.
If it’s anything like the UK, the only reason they create a new warning system is so they can scream this is the first time we have ever had to issue an extreme heat warning!
In my early years as a self employed exploration geologist (60’s and 70’s) I survived temperatures (in far west Qld ) ranging from 45 Deg to -5 Deg camping out in a cheap tent (winter) and a shearers stretcher under the stars in the summer. It was tough, but hey, it sure was fun.
I didn’t need the ABC or the BOM to tell me what I needed to do to stay safe. Likewise most of the general population didn’t need their “snow flake” woke advice.
All you needed to remember was to pack a t-shirt AND a jumper.
Since it’s Qld … insect repellent is also helpful if you want to sleep.
In the 1980s we had an exploration camp at Paterson Range, about 30k north of Telfer. It was hot. Our non-screen thermometer sometimes passed 50 C day after day.
Head office in Sydney approved their purchase of a plastic above-ground swimming pool as a ‘reserve water supply for fire fighting’. Then, the nearby Indian diesel generator next to the new pool played up, caught fire and burned down the plastic pool. Unintended consequences.
Memories of those pre-aircon days
Remember those double sided woven pads to put on car seats to ease the drama of sunshine heat?
Round 1 – One bloke put in an official requisition for one and was knocked back.
Round 2 – he parked the car out in the sun with a thermometer on the seat (out of the direct sun) and recorded a temperature of about 140 F and fed that in.
He won
A general observation – when dealing with head offices from the back blocks you never took the first “No” as definitive.
Life is difficult, and tough decisions need to be made at times.
If I look outside and see dark clouds and have to go outside… I get my brolly
If I feel cold… I put on an extra layer of clothing.
If I feel like its getting a bit warm and I have to be outside…. I put on a hat, shorts and a lightweight top.
If it starts to get really warm, which it occasional does in the Aussie summer… I go into the lounge room and turn on the air-conditioner, and listen to music.
And I have never needed the ABC to tell me to do any of those things.
Some people must not have any brains at all if they need basic comfort directions from the ABC. !
LOL. I just drink more beer when it gets hot…………..Seems to work for me at age 70 years.
I cannot take this organisation seriously until they produce an “emergency cold wave” action plan
And to save the most lives they need to start with reminders of Vitamin D supplements from April to September.
Or similar to UV warnings for skin cancer etc, have advice from the BOM for sunny periods during days in Autumn/Winter/Spring. eg. “Those wishing to boost their Vitamin D levels via exposed sunlight, should get skin exposure outside today between 11-12 am. 15 mins maximum”. So you get good Vitamin D advice plus also consider UV over exposure as well.
I think the world’s media is the problem. As The Guardian (4Sep2007) put it,
The best persuasion is fear. Ask any Commie
I’ve been told by the MSM for decades that POOR Africa will suffer terribly from Climate change and yet the data proves they’re wrong.
Since life exp in 1950 ( population then 227 million) of 36 years to 64 years life exp in 2022 and population now about 1420 + million, it seems they couldn’t have been more wrong?
Of course a big drop in infant mortality since 1950 and death rate for everyone as well.
Have a look at the UN DATA for yourselves and then ask why do these con merchants and fraudsters continue with their lies?
Here’s the number: Beechwood 4-5789
Call anytime and for $5 I will give instructions on how to beat a heat wave.
Of course, at the moment my outside temp is -2.8°C and the only heat I am concerned about is that coming from the wood burning in the stove.😁
“only heat I am concerned about is that coming from the wood burning in the stove.”
You better ring the BBC and warn them that you are using a wood heater..
… and for your own safety, ask if you can put your hand on the top of it,
… and if you should be careful of splinters when reloading it.
Carpenters – Beechwood 4-5789
Sorry if you have heard this before, but it is fundamental to heatwaves in Australia/
Presently, I am doing a critique of some papers by two Aussie girls from Uni NSW, Lewis and Perkins-Kirkpatrick. Much of the global belief in horrible heatwaves quotes these authors, often starting with the same idea that “Heatwaves have increased in intensity, frequency and duration, with these trends projected
to worsen under enhanced global warming.”
There are many problems with their papers, including cherry picked dates, use of homogenised temperatures, home-made definitions of heatwaves and questionable methods for future projections. It is slow, heavy going from turgid prose, difficult access (searches often require permission of the authors).
In summary, my own simple studies with raw data, (CDO for the BOM Climate Data Online), studying 8 major Australian cities do not support their condensed claim of increases. The question is, if there is no significant pattern in the simple analysis, why bother to to proceed with data torture? Are they on a mission?
Here is a graphical summary of my work. It is a big file, so give it time to download. My heatwave definition uses consecutive days of high temperatures whose average is well above that for a century or more. (Most of my data start before 1880, theirs is chosen to start in 1950.) So, I show the hottest heatwaves each year for the 8 cities, using both raw and ACORN-SAT homogenized adjusted data. I also filter to show the Top 40 hottest heatwaves of duration 1, 3, 5, and 10 days. In factorial form we have (8 cities) x (two data sets, raw CDO and ACORN-SAT) x (2 choices, all years and Top 40 options) x (4 day lengths) to give 128 graphs.
I’d like you to show me evidence that “Heatwaves have increased in intensity, frequency and duration”. Geoff S
Why is that?
If the data isn’t freely and easily available to all, they shouldn’t be quoting it. It’s not really science if we can’t see the data.
Similarly for the secret BoM “homogenisation” algorithm. If it’s secret, it’s not science, by definition. And the authors you critique should not be using the BoM homogenised data either because nobody except BoM knows how the data is produced, therefore it is invalid in a “scientific” publication. In fact, it should not be published at all.
Well done for critiquing the paper. I hope you publish it in the same journal as the original paper.
All the data and algorithms are freely available. Links at the bottom of the article.
UNSW- I wonder if they were part of ‘The ship of fools’ trip that got stuck in the Antarctic sea ice?
My first thought when reading this article is that once the government has completed their net-zero goals, upon receiving an “Emergency Heatwave Warning”, the first things you will be required to do is unplug your EV and turn off your Air Conditioner so that the electric grid doesn’t collapse, or to make it easier, they will use your “Smart Meter” to turn off the electricity to those (and possibly other) devices.
Well yes and P=ExI
ergo P=240v x 32A = 7680 watts or if you have a fast charger it will be 12,000 watts no wonder the will need to ban you from charging them
The BoM use to define a heat wave as three days over 100F or 38C now it’s two days over 30C or what we would call a pleasant warm spell.
Actually, yes, that is the root of the problem. Those damn goalposts have changed and when questioned they can reject any criticism by saying it’s technically correct. In fact, these days because they cop so much criticism, they don’t even bother replying. They go into “turtle”mode.
“damn goalposts have changed”
There was a time when a pandemic meant significant mortality amongst the majority.
There was a time when emergency meant that something had emerged.
JC2 approaches:
Stinking hot – turn the hose on myself.
Absolutely freezing – have some Carolina Reaper chilli beef.
Either case – add wine.
I don’t see the problem!😁
Most people dont know what hot is, 5/10 days straight above 40C in AS or Adelaide is not hot compared to a wet season in Darwin where the humidity is so high (100%) your car will barely idle. Is Darwin subjected to heat waves??? No of course not because it only reaches 36/38C.
The BOM and the cottage industry of the climate cult built around it are incompetent.
Indeed, for creatures that thermoregulate using evaporation humidity is critical. Townsville at 36 and 100% humidity is far more onerous that Perth at 43C with hot desert air coming in at 5%.
For Darwin heatwaves, see my graphs at #38 earlier. Short answer is, no, because the baseline temperatures are so high, because it is moderated by sea, because no definition for “heatwave” covers its circumstances and because hot southerly winds from the hot centre are rare to absent (I think). In summary, how can a place get hotter than normal when there is nowhere hotter within coee to heat it?
Geoff S
This is all well and good for when ‘killer heatwaves’ come for you, but what about all these reckless people travelling to warmer climates for holidays? Should the airline issue warnings to people? Explaining how to keep cool by drinking water having a swim and using A/C. It is obvious now that Aussies cannot keep themselves cool without expert advice. And to those selfish people seeking to escape record cold in Australia’s south by flying to a heatwave prone area, you are risking overloading the healthcare system. Stay Cool Save Lives.
It seems to me that the real point of these proclamations is that it is an EMERGENCY!! (even when it fails to emerge , as in climate , or covid).
An “emergency” gives the government the opportunity to give itself extraordinary powers to limit freedoms.
In Godzone we are currently living under two – a climate emergency and a pandemic emergency.
Both are imaginary ; the curtailment of freedom and rights is not.
Who is this Tony Blakely? I heard him discuss the terms of reference this morning, and it was clear to me that this is another jack-up, to recommend harsher measures next time . There will certainly be a next time, no doubt.
Very cold airstream to hit SE Australia for about Monday Dec 12 for 3-4 days. There will be more Alpine snow in Vic/NSW/Tas. Yes it’s just weather I know, but gee it’s been ubiquitous for >3 years now.
It might me cold where you are Adellad but trust us when we say its hot everywhere else.
The blocking high pressure will settle in the Bight and funnel Antarctic air to south east Australia.
It’s not unprecedented either. In 1995, we had snowflakes on Xmas day in Central Victoria. The rest of summer was also just slop.
I vividly remember our first airconditioner, 1963. Australia was much hotter then, 113F(45C) in Melbourne. And February was hell for school children, even walking to school. And you could not do any work when you made it. Sometimes we were sent home. No one had airconditioners and the neighbourhood crowded into one room just to experience it . Like the first televisions in 1956 and refirgerators and electric and gas hot water. All new.
Perth in the early 1970s. Not an airconditioner anywhere, certainly not in the big stores in Hay Street. 100F every single day and not a cloud in six weeks. Adelaide the same year was intolerable 100F every day and even hotter at night with high humidity and no wind at all. People slept on the front lawns. You woke up to see a street of people standing up stretching on their lawns. The homes were too hot to enter.
No car had an airconditioner! That was not conceivable.
For those who could, there was always the beach. Or the mountains in Victoria, Ferntree Gully or Macedeon for the rich. In fact the beaches were famous because they were 5C cooler, not because they were hotter. People forget that the reason people went South for beach holidays in summer was to avoid the heat, not enjoy the heat. Surfing was just invented. And sun cream. Swimming was new and every Austrlian had to learn to swim.
For a public servant to be posted to Darwin or Queensland or PNG was a punishment, a matter of endurance. They had six month postings because of the heat.
This has all been tipped upside down with airconditioning and millions are heading to Queensland because you can escape the heat in an instant and people like the heat. Especially with ice in their drinks, ice which was not possible in the 1950s except as huge blocks delivered to homes. All that came out of WWII and the GIs with miniaturized refrigerators.
Somehow though the BOM/ABC is going to save lives with air conditioners when I do not remember there were mass fatalities. It was just hot. And Australians knew it and endured. And most people wore hats.
In my experience, summers are a lot cooler now and the dams are full and the rivers are swollen. So what is the problem? I certainly wouldn’t rely on wind power in Adelaide at night.
But their BOM/ABC knows better and we are all going to die in the heat. I just cannot understand why. It didn’t happen before air conditioning and refrigerators and windmills and solar panels. Must be those suburban swimming pools.
Or Climate Change. Whatever that is. It is certainly getting cooler in summer. In Melbourne last year, only three days over 30C in January 2021. We used to have weeks of 37/38. It was known as a heat wave and came every year. Now not for a decade or more.
My grandmother lived to 101. She resided most of her life in Castlemaine area of Victoria. Most summers there were quite ” hot”. Apart from her last year in aged care, she never had an aircon.
Can I also add that for the bulk of that time she also had to stoke the wood stove over summer, otherwise there was no hot water for washing etc.
And someone had to cut that wood – a job better done early or late in those conditions
A change in the weather I noticed over the decades, was in Sydney, and the demise of the southerly buster. Taxi driving summer afternoons in the early 90s, the 4 o’clock thunder storm was very common, and then they stopped, I’m not sure exactly when. I never experienced another until 15/16/17? And that might have been a one off? A change that never gets a mention.
I believe it’s a matter of tolerance. Let me explain.
I’m 78 years old.
As I child, I cannot recall being “too hot”. We ran around the school playground at midday, summer or winter. We were used to it.
All my school life, I sat in a class room that was not air-conditioned nor had ceiling fans. We were used to it.
We were never allowed time off because it was too hot, because we were used to it.
I can recall driving to a near city, as a youngish adult, with no AC in the car. We had the windows open, the wind blasting in. It was OK, we were used to it.
After marriage, we got modern. We had ceiling fans. We slept under a ceiling fan with little trouble, because we were used to it.
NO shops had AC. The Post Office had no AC. The Police Station and the Court house had no AC. We were used to it.
I spent seven weeks in hospital when I was 30, and there was no AC. There were ceiling fans. It was OK, we were used to it.
In my 40’s I went out west in an ACd ute. Temp was in the 40s. I thought it was a bit hot. I said to the the jackaroos working in the dust and heat, that I thought it was hot. They shrugged. We’re used to it.
Move ahead.
I have some friends who are Firemen. All shift they wear black thick clothing. It’s what they wear as soon as they have to go to a job. There’s no time to change.
I suggested they must be hot. They shrugged. We’re used to it.
The luvvies at the ABC live almost their entire time in AC!
Their work space is ACd. Their cars are ACd. Public transport is ACd. Their salaries allow them to afford full home AC.
They have no idea what hot is! They’ve never lived it, and they have not, and will never get used to it.
Me? Now, I sleep in a ACd room. I drive down town in an ACd car, and every shop I go into has AC. I live more than half of my time in AC. I’m not used to it anymore!
And that, dear friends, is why I feel hot. I am not used to it any more.
And, I bet every cent I own, that the jackaroos still work in the dust, heat and sun, would still shrug and say, “You get used to it.”
(I’d also hazard a guess and they’d say, “That’s what Beer was invented for!”
“(I’d also hazard a guess and they’d say, “That’s what Beer was invented for!” ”
One change there
In outback Qld it used to be reckoned that “Cold Southwark was the worst beer, hot it was the best”.
Our boys tell me that it has been displaced by VB
Doing mineral exploration in Australia 1970-80 era around places like Tanami desert, Telfer, Tennant Creek, Jabiru, our Big Boss who had been there before us ordained that exploration money should be spent paying people to knock rocks, not to put aircons in Toyota Landcruisers. About 1985 he relented because we had found a few new mines that eventually produced some tens of billions of $$$ of sales for the national benefit. His tough aircon theory had worked, he claimed. Wish I had kept some of the gold. Geoff S
Only 2% of the world’s population lives south of the Tropic of Capricorn, but in my estimation it’s a lot cooler down here than it ever was. However all our news, AntiFA, BLM, male patriachy, post modernism comes from the top third of the planet including alleged Global Warming.
I would like to point out that while no one lives down here and we do not contribute to world news, you cannot actually have global warming without warming the bottom third of the planet. And that is not happening, quite the reverse.
Coming to all of Australia??
Two things:
As a parish priest in Melbourne it was customary to look forward to a ‘quiet’ January. This hardly ever happened as some of the older parishioners managed to keep going over Christmas but gave up the ghost in the heat of January. This, of course, meant funerals.
Secondly, I am not normally a beer drinker – I prefer gin, but on very hot days a cool beer goes down nicely. Consequently, we can guage the heat of summer by the quantity of beer consumed. There is still some left over from last year (and the year before).
SMS warnings for heat? And this is Australia?
I’d prefer if they gave SMS warnings of hazard reductions so my washing wouldn’t go all smelly on the line from smoke.
JoBells, I note that the short video clip was made by WA Health Dep’t, then telecast by the ABC.
Very obviously aimed at small children.
Clearly, the cover pic shows that it is hot outside.
But no need to do anything until an emergency is declared “on the ABC”.
Obviously, the tiny tot does not even consider closing the curtains…..
Or wonder why the dog is sweating. Therefore, no sweating dog, no problem for humans either.
[ But, dogs don’t sweat ]
We should all be standing beside the fridge, to get cooler, just like Daddy.
Clever daddy has the fan pointed at the fridge too.
(may be this keeps the ‘fridge cool whilst the door is open).
Anyway, nothing is a problem until an emergency ABC broadcast.
Meanwhile our house is as typically shown on the cover pic.
It is great for us kids to be directed by the ABC.
Us kids know that the ABC always have our best interests at heart.
Uncle said it was a nanny state, but I don’t have a nanny in WA.
There’s the sheer inanity of warning us about heat in Perth where it isn’t summer if it doesn’t get to 40C and several times.
We have the best weather in the world. With the luxury of air conditioning to smooth over hot summer nights, the biggest problem is that winter can be boring. I can only sunbake one or two days a week midwinter.
Well, you can plan a BBQ and outdoor events with a high degree of certainty for at least 8 months of the year. But when I arrived in Perth for 6 months work in Feb ’96 (from a colder than usual Melb summer) to be greeted with 17 days in a row at 33 or above, the “best” weather wasn’t exactly what I was thinking. 🙂
The Perth heat warnings need to be played interstate. Not for the locals.
ABC killing two birds with one stone. Pretending they’re less expendable while pushing the climate change hysteria.
In my youth in Perth, I recall the definition of a “heat wave” was more than six consecutive days where the maximum exceeded 37degC.
We are having a “heat wave” (by the latest ABC definition) here in Brisbane right now — three days when we can expect some nice balmy 34degC.
Not official but 40°C was the limit for working in the sun behind a diesel tractor lifting buckets of grapes when I was growing up.
We lived at Booragoon, Perth, 1983 and 1984.
The weather was so good so much of the time that it became boring.
For those few hot days a year teleconnected to hot Kalgoorlie by rare summer easterlies, the pity was that so many of the Perth beaches seemed forever covered by rotting seaweed. One Spring Sunday, for variety, I loaded family and friends into the big V8 Statesman and drove to Payne’s Find to view the wildflowers. Round trip was about 888 km.
Of course, 2 years was far too short for us to be other than Eastern Staters. We were never allowed in by the locals, but recent events have encouraged us to form a social movement like The Voice to demand reparations for past discrimination against us.
Geoff S
I bet you wish you still had the Statesman….
It was stolen from Sydney Mascot Airport car park when I was in Darwin. It was the big 1983 version that looked like a yank tank. Geoff S
I don’t know what it is like in Australia but in the UK the education system has been dedicated to turning out ignorant children ever since the lefties took over in the 70s. They destroyed the grammar schools that provided a route up the ladder for working class children and dumbed down qualifications so that there are prizes for all. Once they had damaged the school system it fed through into technical and vocational qualifications where they had to be lowered to allow those with the lowered school qualifications to get in. It is a fact that children have different abilities and learn at different rates means the best education is to group them accordingly.
I have a personal account of how deadly excessive heat really is;
In the mid 1970’s I was in my mid 20’s and working for a contractor in Perth performing mine maintenance, mostly on a “rush job” or “emergency call out” basis. I recall driving in an overloaded Holden utility, in mid January, all the way to Newman from Perth on one such job.
In those days the road was only paved to Meekatharra, leaving about 400kms of dusty, dirt road for the remainder of the journey. There were three of us, big strong men, sitting abreast on the only seat available, no air conditioning, with outside temperatures in the region of comfortably over 40C. It was anything but comfortable I can tell you, but our mindset was “…do whatever it takes to get the job done…” And that’s just what we did. With the windows wound down to get whatever relief there was, you can imagine what we looked like on arrival in Newman.
On arrival at the Mount Newman Mining plant (now BHP) we started work pretty well straight away, in the open air under a blazing sun, and I distinctly recall watching the sun rise three times – without a break – before we finished the job – and then had a few hour’s sleep and drove straight back to Perth, a distance of just over 1200kms.
None of us died, or even got sick. After a good night’s sleep on our return, we were ready for the next “emergency.”
I’m now 69 years old and as fit as a mallee bull, still boxing and pumping weights in the gym, and enjoying my retirement. And my advice to the whimps of the millenial and x,y,z generations is this; Harden up sunshine!
The ABC nanny service realises that for many people the brain is the most washed part of their body and that they need help in making rational decisions on how to regulate their behaviour in order to survive changes in temperature. The ABC is also like a giant pooter, sucking people’s brains out. Once that’s accomplished, no thought is required because nanny ABC will tell brainless people what to do next in order to keep functioning.
[…] announcing the area “might” hit a new record, no camera teams visited the scene and the BOM did not invent a Coldsnap Emergency Alert System to tell Australians to put on a […]