A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Baby kangaroo poop may hold the key to reducing cows’ methane emissions
In the recent past, cattle feed additives such as seaweed, tropical leaves and fish oil have been proposed for keeping the bacteria in cows’ stomachs from producing methane as they digest food. All of these additives have been used with varying degrees of success.
Chemical bacteria inhibitors and vaccines have also been explored. Unfortunately the methane-producing bacteria develop a resistance to the chemicals, while a wide variety of vaccines would be required for all the different types of cow-gut bacteria that are found throughout the world.
Additionally, some supplements, inhibitors and vaccines may negatively affect other biological functions in cows, resulting in problems such as reduced milk production.
Seeking a more effective alternative, a Washington State University team recently looked to a type of bacteria found in the foregut of kangaroos. Previous studies had already shown that instead of producing methane, the kangaroo microbes produce acetic acid. Further research revealed that the bacteria only occurs in baby kangaroos, not adults.
Although the scientists were unable to isolate the exact bacteria responsible, they proceeded to grow a mixed bacterial culture using samples of baby kangaroo feces. That culture was subsequently introduced to a simulated cow rumen (part of the stomach), shortly after a chemical had been used to temporarily reduce the number of methane-producing bacteria already present in the model.
It was found that for several months, the acetic-acid-producing bacteria from the culture outcompeted and thus replaced the methane-producing bacteria, growing to the numbers required for the digestive process. As a result, for that period, no methane was produced by the simulated rumen. This success was due largely to the fact that both types of bacteria grow at approximately the same rate.
Tests on actual living cows are now being planned.
The beef industry had better get on board with these new ideas before the industry goes extinct.
“Baby kangaroo poop”
Finally something Tim Flannery might know something about !!
Reminds me of the Twelfth Man’s Sri Lankan cricket character Brendon Kangaroopoo.
Why not just allow the organisms that consume methane do what they do best, or just let it dissipate itself naturally. This non-problem has already been widely exposed, but of course, it is being brought back again because of the mistaken assumption that people have forgotten. Methane is nothing, CO2 is not a pollutant, the hot-spot over the tropics has not been detected by any satellite or radio-sonde balloon.
Acetic acid? Pickled (as in vinegar) cows?
Acetic acid is produced in the first stage of silage fermentaion; as the pH falls lactic acid bacteria continue the process.
There might be some beneficial effect from silage , or not , but methane is a non-problem anyway.
No bloat at your place?
Have you never got up in the morning to find 8 prime bullocks with their feet in the air? Or a pedigreed bull?
Was I wrong to imagine that the gas there was methane?
I have been sort of hoping that research might have been happening which might solve our bloat problem on the side.
I have also been imagining that the ruminant methane issue might be one of the rocks their whole scam crashes on because there hasn’t been enough research done. They are guessing.
Given emissions from cows or any grass eater that would replace them are part of a natural carbon cycle where no new CO2 is added to the system how is it an any way a problem. They should at least stick to the plausible but still wrong idea that digging up old plant and animal matter returns some of the carbon back into the system. The idea that cows are a problem is simply absurd.
Yes it’s absurd BUT it’s a case of destroying the alleged boogeyman touted by the WEF that the sheeple believe.
Eliminate the Methane issue and what’s their argument for ending meat consumption?
I agree with both Red and JC2…
I’ll add.. Governance needs to back off and leave our farmers alone.
Ok, why?
NASA reports that “The 2021 growth rate for methane was even higher than the 2020 rate, rising from 15.3 parts per billion in 2020 to 17 parts per billion in 2021.”
OK relax all.
That is a 1.7 parts per billion increase.
It is virtually nothing. Nada.
Now ask youself how much of that 1.7 parts per BILLION increase was from a domesticated animal?…. How much was from natural causes?
You won’t find an answer.
Now what temperature increase is caused by an added 1.7 parts per billion of methane to the atmosphere?
One cannot find an answer.
Can a scientist explain it to me.. it seems they can’t…On request, they don’t reply… They cannot give me an absolute figure.
Yet these scientists claim that methane is now 40% of the cause of “climate change”.
So no answers from the scientists..So what do I have now?
All I get is propaganda from the WEF and UN, and journalists that sing their hymn sheet.
It seems that when the sheeple cannot understand math, chemistry, physics, biology and are then relentlessy bombarded by propaganda… then they believe what they are told.
you know, just like 2+2=5.
I know very well, that in my career, the establishment do not appreciate questions.
I will say it again…. Governments please back off and leave our farmers alone.
I also agree with your comment but would also add another factor that indicates that Methane can be ignored as a greenhouse gas problem. Each gas can only absorb IR radiation at a specific spectrum of wavelengths and, for Methane, the wavelengths are 3.3, 2.2 and 1.66 microns. These wavelengths are already absorbed by water vapour which has an atmospheric concentration of somewhere between 20,000 to 40,000 parts per million compared to Methane’s 1.8 ppm. The Methane effect is negligible.
Red, without methane we will not see those spectacular electrical storms, without methane to burn we would not see lightning!
I read that when Biden blew up Nord Stream 2 and 1(?) some 250 million tonnes of Methane was released into the atmosphere. Some said it was the greatest single environmental disaster.
There was not one peep from the WEF or any environmental group. Just shows how concerned the concerned scientists really are.
Sorry John but this is pointless. Termites produce vast quantities of methane so cows are harmless.
Basically there is no greenhouse gas global warming affecting the climate other than the main source of atmospheric heat exchange, namely, water. It needs significant heat to change state from solid – ice, to liquid – water, to gas – steam, and releases that heat when going in the reverse direction. Not so for CO2 or methane under current atmospheric conditions.
The “Global Warming scam” was set up by Canadian UN representative Maurice Strong to cause the collapse of capitalism. He was an avowed Communist, a millionaire and a member of the World Economic Forum who spent some of his later years in China as his Sister was a Comrade to Mao.
When Year 2000 arrived, the WEF decided that something more was needed so they devised the scheme to cause a pandemic as this would suit the aim of having their ideal World population of 1 billion, so 7 out of every 8 persons of us has to die, and to also change the human DNA to make the remnants more malleable to their One World Government, with them in charge, of course.
Then followed a couple of decades of research as shown by scientific papers and patent applications. This culminated in the Covid19 pandemic with the majority of the population putting their lives or health at risk getting repeated so-called vaccinations prompted by the Main Stream Media which is under control of the elite rich, being members of the WEF.
It would seem that our past Federal Minister of Health may have had a part of the plot to have a pandemic as his Mother and two Brothers were academics researching in the pharmaceutical field.
Have You been jabbed lately?
The weird thing Bevan, is that there was this same methane scare back in the late 1990’s. But then some entomologists/ biologists calculated that the worlds’s termites produce more methane than all the world’s cow population, so what’s the point in limiting cattle production? (As you so rightly point out). What are you going to do, fumigate the world’s termites as well? The whole subject then sort of died. The last 5 years the methane issue has been resurrected like some previously murdered zombie. Some politician or government bureaucrat at the behest of the UN has signed some damn treaty and we (Australia) are now bound to it. Trouble is, the likes of the Cattle Council of Australia would appear to be going along with it.
Partly because the “greenhouse potential” of methane has been exaggerated to ridiculous levels. John Tyndall MEASURED** the effect of methane (in 1861) as 4.5 times that of CO2. The IPPC announced (without proof) in 1991 that it was 12 times as ‘potent’ as CO2.
Since then the claims have got wilder and wilder – the last I heard was that it was 85 times worse than CO2. That would mean that the recent increase in methane has about the same or more effect as CO2 on Global Warming.
** And Tyndall was a careful scientist checking on any errors e.g. he found a residual error in his method so took lots of effots to elimnate that.
” Trouble is, the likes of the Cattle Council of Australia would appear to be going along with it.”
All those sector representation groups just become giant bureaucracies with more interest in keeping their bums on cushy seats rather than upsetting Govt by representing the people who pay them.
NRMA would be a classic example, although the medical council would be the 4th reich of them all!
Actually each Termite only produces around half a microgram of methane every day. It’s just that there is a heck of a lot of them. In total, Termites release around 20 million tonnes of methane annually (give or take a few micrograms), but cows only produce 1.3 to 1.5 million tonnes, so why should we ever be worried about the cow’s emissions?
Understand that they do this doing the same job.
Recycig vegetation,
Recyciing vegetation.
Yes Ted, people don’t understand that all beef is organically produced, give or take the odd chemical infusion, it is recycling carbon!
There’s no need to worry about methane anymore, according to NASA. The gases we’re pumping into the atmosphere are all getting along just fine:
A SIMPLE MOLECULE IN THE ATMOSPHERE THAT ACTS AS A “DETERGENT” TO BREAK DOWN METHANE AND OTHER GREENHOUSE GASES HAS BEEN FOUND TO RECYCLE ITSELF TO MAINTAIN A STEADY GLOBAL PRESENCE IN THE FACE OF RISING EMISSIONS, according to new NASA research. Understanding its role in the atmosphere is critical for determining the lifetime of methane, a powerful contributor to climate change.
The hydroxyl (OH) radical, a molecule made up of one hydrogen atom, one oxygen atom with a free (or unpaired) electron, is one of the most reactive gases in the atmosphere and regularly breaks down other gases, effectively ending their lifetimes. In this way, OH is the main check on the concentration of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is second only to carbon dioxide in contributing to increasing global temperatures.
With the rise of methane emissions into the atmosphere, scientists historically thought that might cause the amount of hydroxyl radicals to be used up on the global scale and, as a result, extend methane’s lifetime, currently estimated to be nine years. However, in addition to looking globally at primary sources of OH and the amount of methane and other gases it breaks down, this new research takes into account secondary OH sources, recycling that happens after OH breaks down methane and reforms in the presence of other gases, which has been observed on regional scales before.
CAPTION: Model output of OH primary production over a 24-hour period in July tracks with sunlight across the globe. Higher levels of OH over populated land are likely from OH RECYCLING IN THE PRESENCE OF NO AND NO2, WHICH ARE COMMON POLLUTANTS FROM CARS AND INDUSTRY. …
JB what about the level of methane that has its life terminated by lightning? Hope it is not putting Hydroxyl out of a job.
University Hospitals Paid Parents $900 to Subject Their Babies to COVID Shots a Year Before EUA
The latest revelation that’s truly disturbing comes from the DailyClout / War Room volunteers in Pfizer Report 54. The core of the subject matter: child experimentation — with long-lasting adverse effects.
Report 54: “Infants and Children Under 12 Given the Pfizer mRNA COVID ‘Vaccine’ Seven Months BEFORE Pediatric Approval. 71% of Adverse Event Cases Classified as Serious.”
In Document 5.3.6, Pfizer was aware of 62 cases of children who were injected in the first 90 days after the December 2020 rollout of its C19 injection, several months before emergency use authorization in adolescents. Pfizer excluded 28 cases based on a caveat that their height and weight were “not consistent with pediatric subjects.” Age determines pediatric cases — not height and weight. But of the 34 adverse event cases that remained, 24 (71%) were classified as serious:
A seven-year-old experienced a stroke.
One child and one infant suffered facial paralysis.
One infant had a kidney adverse event, either kidney injury or failure.
132 adverse events were reported in the 34 children, an average of 3.88 AEs per child.
This begs the question: from where did those children come? How did Pfizer gain such access to information about its injection in children at this time? And how did children become medical experiments so shortly after the mRNA rollout?
You don’t want the brat: Sell it to science.
“Sell it to science.”
And get vegetables in return. 🙁
Congo mining Cobalt for your new EV
“Think of the children!” is the hackneyed catchcry, used to manipulate people into some lefty agenda and shut down dissenting voices.
Yes, let’s think of the children FOR REAL for once.
For April Fools’ Day in 1998, Burger King took out a full-page ad in USA Today, announcing the launch of the “left-handed Whopper” that was designed specifically for left-handed Americans.
Burger King said that the condiments of the burger will remain the same, but they will be rotated 180°. Thousands of people showed up the next day, asking for the lefty Whopper.
Explains a lot…
John C:
Just proves that those on the Left are gullible.
Just ask someone on the Left to try and buy a tin of striped paint………………
Years ago, my mother sent me a cutting of a Mars Bar April the 1st ad. in similar vein. I still have it somewhere…
I always buy left-handed screwdrivers so no one else will steal them…
Don’t forget to buy left-handed screws to use with them.. Otherwise they won’t work. !
I used to make such a mess of using a hacksaw that somebody pointed out that I should be using a left-hand one. However, I have learnt how to use right-handed scissors.
My screwdrivers, both left handed and right, got borrowed.
I never used scissors enough to notice if they were left or right, except when the handles are contoured for left handed use. My understanding is that the purpose of left handed scissors is to give left handers a better view of the cutting edge.
The purpose of left-handed scissors is that the outer blade cuts downwards when used left-handedly, same as right-handed scissors used right-handedly. This is in the context of cutting nails, though it applies to other things too. The point is that cutting nails with the outer blade cutting upwards can leave the nail in a bit of a mess. Try it. Cut your nails left-handedly and see the difference.
I’m left handed. As a kid in school I always had to use regular scissors. No big deal although they left a good indentation on my thumb.
One day I was given Left Handed scissors by a sympathetic teacher. I was lost, couldn’t use them. Said thanks and then picked up a pair of regular scissors.
Often it’s what we get used to from the beginning.😀
Nicola Sturgeon has resigned !!
Good riddance to someone who was a disaster for Scotland . .
Here is a good video about that.
9 mins.
Lots of similar comments in The Oz today.
The cabal appears to be giving those most associated with extreme covid response the boot. Trudeau is probably next. Would be nice to see the dictator in Victoria gone too.
Gee Sturgeon AND Jacinta Adern, both in the same month, are we having a rush to common sense all of a sudden. It has taken a long time for the woke agendas of both these women to hit the wall!
Probably poll driven more than anything. People are slowly waking up.
I wonder if the whole truth of this grubby vaccine story will ever be told?
There is only one question – Why?
I’ve posted this video link before, maybe it connects some dots as to why.
Recall that our Minister for Health during Covid, Greg Hunt, was a WEF graduate. Some of his relatives worked in the pharmaceutical industry. When Greg was the minister for Science and Technology he was responsible for the BoM. Although PM Abbott wanted an audit of the BoM’s methods to go ahead Hunt talked him out of it saying that such an audit might destroy people’s faith in the organisation. Does that sound familiar? The reason for the audit was because people had already lost confidence in the corrupt, data fiddling, global warming propagandists.
Just imagine:
1) if the huge waste of scientific and medical resources wasted on ineffective and dangerous patented covid treatments while effective and safe non-patented treatments were banned;
2) the huge waste of scientific and engineering resources devoted to the anthropogenic global warming fraud;
3) our rights and freedoms weren’t stripped away due to covid mismanagement;
just imagine if those resources and rights (freedom from censorshio, for example) were employed for something productive.
Had it not been for that, the scientific and engineering miracles that were achievable would be amazing.
Now, the Left are quite deliberately regressing Western Civilisation back to before the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions and to before The Enlightenment.
Another issue is the total lack of respect for conservative sensible educated people to contribute if their ideas don’t fit ideology. In return, it is impossible to take our politicians who are the biggest allocators of capital seriously. The Abscissa Left / right paradigm is less appealing than the “Why?” Bottom/Top chasm or the Z Axis “Leave things alone” Maximalist/minimalist Govt. It is disturbing to see Government filled with CafSquatting Uni refusers and Diversity hires.
I think about that as well David.
I keep coming to the conclusion that this is by design.
Case in point: the outlawing/restrictions of Potash for farming. There is no way that any climate benefit will be greater than the loss of farming production.
At least some of these people know what a Cost-Benefit analysis is. They just don’t use it (covid lockdowns for all).
Thanks Mark. I was unaware potash fertiliser was being restricted. There is clearly a war against the food supply.
I should clarify. Our federal govt wants to reduce fertilizer emissions. Potash is primarily used to produce fertilizer. Canada (Saskatchewan) is the world’s largest producer of Potash.
Trudeau pushes ahead on fertilizer reduction as provinces and farmers cry foul
It’s not so much being restricted (yet) as controlled by Canadian Federal govt. If they are as successful at controlling Saskatchewan potash (resources are supposed to belong to the provinces) as they are with controlling Alberta’s oil sands, who knows what it could mean for food production.
Please explain the potash ban. I retired from farming a good while ago and was unaware that good old potash was being phased out. With what is it being replaced?
My own reading shows that potash use is growing as it is a vital ingredient for plant growth.
If someone wanted to create a food shortage this would be one sure way. It would also cause riots and the elites may well regret such a decision if it is true.
Get woke, go broke!
The Left are terrified of alternative opinions, as usual. Surely, a sign of having weak minds.
AT&T loses US$10 billion after cancelling conservative Newsmax.
Seems an amazing number for a network with a fraction of that turnover and ability to attract add revenue. But if it is on a youtube it must be true.
If you care to do an online search, you will find any number of references to the $10bn fall in value of AT&T linked to the Newsmax decision. Turns out you wasted your sarcasm.
Not all talking about the same kind of “losses”
Sharemarket value vs operating losses
Wasn’t in revenue. Was $10 Billion in market capital.
Stocks sell at a multiple of “projected” earnings, ie its PE ratio.
So investors have calculated that AT&T has lost FUTURE earnings of US$70 bill.
All this indicative only.
I should have added that declining earnings means a drop in share price, a future drop in SP is brought forward to the present so my $70 bill future drop in earnings is wrong.
If it was easy everyone would be doing it. 🙂
From an email
“It Can be Hard Keeping a Straight Face as a COURT REPORTER
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.
ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He’s 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid.
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death…
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I’m going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them… The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
And last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
Now remember which profession has a high representation in Australian parliaments
The best part of these is the snappy replies by the witnesses. 😂
A worthy profession. Like a politician you can make incredibly stupid mistakes and still be paid.
NSW coal reservation scheme update:
From 1 April 2023 to 30 June 2024, ……. mines will be obliged to make certain volumes of thermal coal available
for domestic power stations. In aggregate these volumes are capped at the lower of 200k tonnes per quarter or 5% of
each mine’s expected saleable thermal coal production.
The tonnage obligation for each mine must be made available to the extent the volumes expected to be produced during
the quarter were not contractually committed prior to 19 January 2023, including under evergreen contracts.
……….’s mines are required to meet their tonnage obligations by delivering produced or purchased coal that is
consistent with the quality of thermal coal that has been supplied to the domestic power stations during the previous three
The required volumes under the scheme are to be made available at a maximum delivered price of A$125/tonne for 5,500
kcal coal (adjusted pro rata for calorific value). If the production cost of the delivered coal plus royalties and a reasonable
margin exceeds the price cap, an application can be made to increase the price cap.
Transport companies will be rubbing their hands together as a conga-line of B-Doubles loaded with coal head from all parts coal-producing to the nearest power station under this scheme.
Alternatively, and as the scheme clearly implies, coal-producing companies will be forced to purchase power station coal from existing suppliers who have efficient delivery systems in place.
I heard a whisper that the government had softened its expectation for reserves.
NSW mines produce about 200 million tonnes of unprocessed themal coal annually. Existing power station suppliers already provide about 30 million tonnes annually, so the scheme will presumably only apply to the producers of the remaining 170 million tonnes available for export.
NSW Treasurer Kean was originally musing at a 10% “reservation” scheme, meaning about 17 million additional tonnes set aside for the power stations which they don’t need and was clearly a nonsensical statement.
Where is it going to be used since Liddell goes offline in two months time? And if the companies reserve the coal but is not bought by a power station what then? Matt Kean and Co really have no concept of production or costs. The coal companies could just sell every tonne they dig up and if he, or his replacement in the ALP, call for the five percent then they will dig it up. I don’t think they will stockpile it just in case Matt has a brain freeze.
Request for Leftists:
Please make ensure you get your fifth jabs (and beyond).
Request for the thinking community:
As per advice from Dr Peter McCullough at recent Australian conferences, don’t get any more.
I bite my tongue when the blood bank receptionist queries whether I have had mRNA Shot in the last 3 days.
Why do they ask? If it was safe, there would surely be no need to ask?
I gave blood on Monday and was never asked. (Lifeblood Victoria). Should be none of their business.
Don’t you just say no?
I’d say a lot of this is BS, especially feed conversion ratios, but nevertheless, this is the garbage your politicians and useful/useless idiots of the Left are reading in preparation for the planned transition of non-Elites to insect consumption instead of real meat.
Agreed, but that link is to something about a decade ago. I’m sure our global masters at FAO and elsewhere in the UN “family” have advanced their thinking since then.
Indeed, they have progressed their evil Adellad.
Insects are now served in 1000 Aussie schools.
That is probably an improvement on feeding the kiddies BS as in mushrooms.
And here is even more BS pushing for non-Elites to eat insects.
Maybe, David.
But I think it’s far more likely they they want to ban methane /cows because it’s easy to generate methane from cow poo, and it’s easy to convert a petrol engine to run on methane gas.
While I agree they would love to see us eat bugs, I think at the moment it is far more important to them to control meaningful personal transport – that is, cars and motor bikes.
Carbon dixoide is the product of respiration of all living things. So they want to ban living things.
Methane, is the product of digestion of cellulose, plant matter. So they want to ban cockroaches, termites, fungi, mold.
About the only thing left are politicians.
Report 56: Autopsies Reveal the Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus
Dr. Arne Burkhardt is one of eight international pathologists, physicians and scientists who were asked to perform a second autopsy, requested by friends and family of the deceased who were not satisfied with the results of the first autopsy.
Thirty autopsies and three biopsies were evaluated; 15 cases with routine histopathology (Step 1), three with advanced methods (Step 2), and some of the remaining 15 are included as illustrative cases.
Lesions were on multiple organs including: Brain, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Lymph Node, Salivary Gland, Skin, Spleen, Testis, Thyroid and Vascular.
Lymphocyte Infiltration, present in 14 of 20 cases (70%), was a common feature and involved multiple organs. Case 19 had at least five different organs involved. CD3+ Lymphocytes were dominant.
The Vascular System was targeted by Lymphocyte Infiltration in seven (35%) of the cases and included sloughing endothelium, destruction of the vessel wall, hemorrhage and thrombosis.
A condition called Lymphocyte Amok was described by Dr. Burkhardt: Lymphocyte accumulation in non-lymphatic organs and tissues that might develop into lymphoma.
Five cases of unknown foreign material in blood vessels were identified. The favored explanation for origin of this material was aggregated Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs).
Multiple pathologic processes were involved: Apoptosis, Coagulopathy, Clotting/Infarction, Infiltration/Mass Formation, Inflammation, Lysis, Necrosis and Neoplasia.
Burkhardt Group Conclusions:
Histopathologic analyses show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.
That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections.
Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines place lives under threat of illness and death.
We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.
Amazing how well the shot stays in the Deltoid isn’t it…
I have recently been diagnosed with DVT extensive in my right leg from groin to foot.
And expected to take six months for the clotting to dissipate.
I have been taking blood thinners (anti coagulants) since Australia day when diagnosed.
I have been triple vaxed, last jab over one year ago and last flew from London to Sydney June last year. Also got covid on returning home in July. Doctors don’t seem overly concerned.
But I am concerned for myself, and I do wonder what effects the vaccines and/or the virus may have something to do with my condition . .
I hope all goes well for you.
Geoffrey – It is possible that symptoms could take a year to emerge following a vaccine (am I right in supposing that it was an mRNA vaccine?), but you might need more evidence to prove the connection. Did you get any kind of reaction very soon after the vaccine? Did you have symptoms during the year or only after a year? For over a year, I have had a problem caused by an mRNA vaccine. It took 2-3 months to settle into its current form, but I had a high fever within 2-3 hours of the vaccine, and then obvious symptoms that something was seriously wrong. From all the reading I have done, it is clear that the mRNA vaccines cause a whole range of problems, and it seems to be pure chance as to which one an individual ends up with. By chance, I got one that hasn’t killed me yet.
I have registered my condition with Coverse, and I recommend that you do too. Coverse say they are “the only non-profit organisation in Australia run by and for people who have suffered a significant adverse reaction following their COVID-19 vaccination.“. It may come to nothing, but at least they are trying to stand up for victims. It takes quite a long time to fill in their questionnaire, but hopefully it’s worth it.
My perception is that the medical profession is deeply divided between those who will hear or say nothing against the vaccines, and those with open minds. I have seen many doctors and specialists over the last year, and had multiple tests, and two specialists have moved from the former to the latter wrt my case. Encouraging, but I’m still no nearer to a diagnosis or cure. Next month, I get a 3-day expensive holiday in a hospital, being cut open to the bone so that they can have a proper look and take samples. The surgeon is very sceptical that it has anything to do with the vaccine, but at least we will all get access to more evidence.
Best wishes for your recovery.
Thanks Mike, yes my last vaccine was phizer on Jan 10th 2022.
However I do not remember any particular side effects.
But whilst in uk during June 2022 I was diagnosed with pneumonia at local hospital after x-rays. I felt dreadfull at the time but they dosed me up with antibiotics and I improved enough to fly back to Australia where I quickly got Covid! And now of course DVT.
Hope you are well and get the answers you want from you hospital tests . .
G’day Geoffrey,
Sorry to hear of your DVT. I have an idea that may be useful, but must add that I am not a doctor, so I can only describe what I would do in your circumstances. Am I right in thinking you live in NSW? As do I.
Firstly I’d get out into the sunshine for about half an hour today. Somewhere about solar noon. Dressed in swim shorts or less, but don’t get sunburnt. The objective is to get a good dose of vitamin D directly into your blood stream. I’d do the same each day.
Vitamin D is the moderator of our immune system so is in constant demand. It’s half life in our blood stream is about 2 weeks. So
I’d phone my doc and ask him for my vitamin D level from my latest blood test, specifically asking him for both the number and unit of measure of which there are two in use. If you haven’t had that test done previously I suggest you arrange one soon.
I’d target a blood level of at least 40ng/ml (100nmol/Litre), which is higher than normal guidelines. (I think a week of that sunbaking can get you close to that, but I’ve not explored that.)
Read up about vitamin D3 and its cofactors.
Cheers and hope this helps.
Dave B
PS I don’t get my vitamin D from the sunshine as my work mode has me fully clad at that time of day. So I take vitamin D3 by taking ten 1000 IU capsules each day with a target 200nmol/litre, which is stretching the older recommended limits, and am experiencing no ill effects. D
Thanks David, I will follow up your zdvice on vit.D from the sun.
Also the results of my blood tests . .
The TGA here have difficulty in admitting that the vaccines can be deadly. What is worrisome is the long term effects. Most serious cases we hear about result from vaccination recently but what if otherwise healthy people are carrying the above mentioned symptoms but not in sufficient strength to kill or injure just yet? All those who were vaxxed could be walking time bombs just as Gates and Co need for their great population reduction. Paranoid? Not yet but nothing surprises me anymore particularly the lengths to which the truly evil will go to fulfill their wishes. The only comforting thought is that eventually they will die and face judgement. I doubt that even an all loving God will overlook the millions of unnecessary deaths of innocent people just to make a few bucks.
[All this pertains to satellite records that commenced in 1979]
Antarctic sea ice has just dropped below the record low set just last year.
Arctic Sea ice is still below the lowest maxima from 2018 but is looks likely to go higher as Arctic ice generally peaks mid March. It will be among the lowest half dozen.
It’s a one-off event, not a trend, and there has been a series of record highs in recent years.
It is suggested that it’s due to La Niña reinforcing the Amundsen Sea Low and breaking up the ice.
The world is not static and subject to significant natural variation year to year.
Interesting start point for such a joyous conclusion GA. Your friends were warning of an ice age in the 70s.
There are longer records from Ice cores only they appear difficult to access. Al Gore refers from my memory (I am happy for you to check as I certainly will not go back there) to his friend Lonnie’s hockey stick in the Inconvenient Truth. Only problem was the Thompsons had not put too much energy into bringing the core results up to date. They were probably waiting for a shipment of BOM datacards to achieve the agreed results.
Gee Aye:
There are satellite measurements of the Arctic ice sheet from (at least) 1971. The US Navy was keen on hiding places for their submarines.
They show the area of ice was less than in 1979, but the Cult of Carbon Doom requires Arctic ice to melt hence their graphs always start in 1979.
For what it is worth there was less Arctic Ice in 1817 when Sir Joseph Banks (as President of the Royal Society) sent an official letter to the Admiralty suggesting a possible North West passage.
Ice cores show sea ice extent? How? It is hard to take a core of melted ice.
My friends were all in school in the 70s and I can’t remember them talking about an ice age, though we did fear a nuclear winter.
“My friends were all in school”
Obviously… you weren’t !
An alternative link for sea ice summaries:
Figure 3 (Arctic) shows nothing to worry about and Figure 7 (Antarctic) does show a summer minimum, but will the winter ice extent recover?
Thought bubble:
Q: Where does all that cold water contributing to extended La Niña periods come from?
A: Melting Antarctic ice?
Arctic sea ice is still in the top 5% or so of the last 10,000 years
Antarctic sea ice has only been measured effectively since 1979.. a tiny pittance of time
And shows absolutely zero temperature trend.
Question Gee …
do we completely overhaul Western civilization, from energy to diet to basic civil rights, to achieve advancing world wide ice mass?*
The halting of H20 transitioning from ice to liquid to vapor the final monument to cult Scientism.
Rhetorical question.
It has nothing to with the climate and everything to do with sociopathic political ideology.
There could be advancing glaciers in Hell and the harping would not stop.
Seems joke material.
A physicist, an engineer, and a climate scientist are sent to Hell … and John Kerry opens the door.
*(Just so you know, nature will do this for us long before anyone develops an accurate long term climate model.)
Wow… that’s some question!
Gee Aye, while you didn’t provide a link to the statement about Antarctic sea ice, I’m willing to bet that whatever the reference is, it’s referring to West Antarctica, that 950km-long appendage that juts up into the sub-Antarctic from the main body. This peninsula is impacted by by Foehn winds and a string of undersea volcanoes. However, a recent study:
on 11th February notes that the Antarctic sea ice has INCREASED in overall extent.
And this link showes that since 1979, the sea ice has steadily INCREASED: The increase is certainly confounding climate scientists:
I could provide a lot more supporting references, but I think this will do at the moment.
I did provide the link. It is just the home page of the graph (which shows the exact thing in the quote).
BTW it is not just west Antarctica.
True about an increase since 1979 but that trend has not been sustained and the lowest ice extents have been recorded in recent years.
The reason Antarctica is low on sea ice is down to the oscillations. La Nina conditions see a reduction in sea ice and the next strong El Nino will see a massive increase.
Perhaps I got it wrong, a strong El Nino saw a reduction in sea ice.
‘ … following a slow increase in 1979–2014, the annual mean total extent of Antarctic sea ice decreased rapidly in 2014–18 and reached a record low in 2016.’
Where is that quote from? 2016 was not a record. In any case your oscillation theory is not matching the data very well.
A strong El Nino was responsible for a decrease in Antarctic sea ice.
‘The satellite record reveals that a gradual, decades-long overall increase in Antarctic sea ice extents reversed in 2014, with subsequent rates of decrease in 2014–2017 far exceeding the more widely publicized decay rates experienced in the Arctic.
‘The rapid decreases reduced the Antarctic sea ice extents to their lowest values in the 40-y record, both on a yearly average basis (record low in 2017) and on a monthly basis (record low in February 2017).’
(C L Parkinson 2019)
ic… the % decrease from the previous year was the record, not the total extent
40 odd years of data.. totally meaningless..!
Whatever the cause of this summer drop (all the cold went to Australia?) its not “global warming”…
…. because the Antarctic temperature has a ZERO trend.
There must be a simple explanation, apart from industrial CO2.
The Southern Annular mode has been very positive.
‘In summary, our results indicate that the main response of the ice concentration to the SAM is a dipole between the Weddell and the Ross Seas with a decrease of ice in the Weddell sector, and an increase in the Amundsen sector and parts of the Pacific sector for years with a positive SAM index.’ (Lefebvre et al 2004)
Positive SAM at a glance.
What makes it worse than spreading is the little touchs that are made like pseudoUridine substitution, longer tail coding sequences, reverse transcriptase creating DNA that migrates to the Nucleus, God-only-knows degradation products. And we have to take the word of these psychopaths that there is no “Mystery” code in the Jabs (they allow 50% of the mRNA to NOT code the spike pathogen).
A cool question for Sen Rennick to ask the Bobbing heads in Senate hearings- To ask to review the Autopsy and histopathology results of all the Vaccine associated deaths that were conclusively NOT linked to vaccination. Or even better still, all “Sudden deaths” under 60 be MANDATORY Autopsy and histo. The Govt has limitless dollars to throw around to create this mess but zero effort to learn from mistakes.
What on earth makes you think it was a “mistake”?
Near as I can tell everything is working out exactly according to plan.
And if that is correct then the deaths haven’t even really started in earnest yet.
True dat MV.
In my tin foil chapeau, the ‘Pandemic’ was Climate Crisis 2.0.
Was never about Climate.
Was never about Public Health.
Both are foundational theologies of an emerging anti-human apocalyptic cult religion.
Wonder if John Kerry and Bill Gates are busily calculating the Carbon Footprint of the Ukraine war?
They are busy calculating yours and mine.
And how to make illegal for us to say mean things about them.
Like about how much all the hot young chicks dig them.
Already done, Honk. It’s called the Online Safety Act 2021, and your favourite Liberal, Labor, National, PHON or UAP politician voted for it.
War propaganda ramping up here- Australia must double its spending with the American military manufacturers to be taken credibly. 4% of GDP, or the Chinese will eat us with chopsticks.. ‘Experts’ say!
Mind you, those same experts said Putin was running out of tanks, then said Putin was running out of missiles, then said Putin was running out of men.. Putin seems to be doing OK to me!
Having got Eurasia fighting within itself, Oceania wants to take on Eastasia now.
This might be a climate change signal.’s-southerly-busters/101979294
BoM is that panicked that Perth is not hitting 40 and Sydney not hitting 30 that they any obscure subject to yadder on about and take attention away from our cool summer.
According to the Perth (Metro Station) forecasts for the rest of Feb, this will be a non 40 degree summer. Last summer there were 13 equal & above 40 C days- 5 days in Dec, 6 days in Jan & 2 days in Feb.
In my neck of the woods average overnight temp for for this date is 22 degrees C.
Record low is 19 degrees, set in 2013.
Tonight’s forecast – 16 degrees – that’s six degrees below average and three degrees below the record, and not a word on the local, state and national news which is all wall to wall (nonexistent) heatwave.
Unseasonal cool weather hardly rates a mention, after all its just an anomaly.
Yes, only for the last 3 years.
I wonder if the BOM will ever admit that natural events overwhelm any Man Made Climate Change.
I recall living in the Upper Hunter (NSW) during the early 1980’s. It was relentlessly hot, cloudless and dry. The weather report would promise a cool change to pass through, and we waited in anticipation.
At the predicted time, the wind would shift ever so slightly from the north to the southwest. No clouds. Temps dropped from 40°C to 35°C. Two hours later, heat as usual.
A local dairy farmer was drying off some of his milking herd on my place due to lack of feed on his. The daily ritual was to check the dams and drag out any of his cows that were stuck in the mud surrounding the near empty dams before the meat ants discovered them.
Fodder for movie watchers
“WolfmanOz at the Movies #58
A nation awaits its . . .
Downfall (Der Untergang) released in 2004 and brilliantly directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, vividly recounts the last days of Hitler’s Nazi Germany in Berlin. This has been filmed numerous times before but none have come remotely close to matching this films depiction of the utter collapse and moral bankruptcy of not only Hitler and the Nazis but also the country as a whole.”
More at
[I clearly remember a comment from a fellow regular to this site who was told by his parents that when Hitler was voted in there was a public open ballot for the Nazis on one side of the street and the opposition on the other . You just placed your name and address on the ballot for which side you voted for . If you chose wrong you disappeared along with your family so very quickly the locals learned who to vote for if you didn’t want to disappear.Moral bankruptcy of the locals or fear of speaking out there is a big difference.]AD
A suitable response IMO
I finally caught covid at the kidney unit.
I had isolated almost 2 weeks before, tested negative the day before, went directly there in my own car, wore the mask. Every one else wore a mask and was supposed to be tested. 3 days later I had covid.
I hope its no more than a slight cold for you, but no-one would be surprised at how you caught it.. Isolation, tests, masks, all shown to be useless quite some time ago.
It was a while ago now, mild URTI, but did the double take many people report with a lingering occasional bark/cough.
Nah, with that amount of precautions that must be a misdiagnosis.
You didn’t catch covid.
You got a car-owner-virus.
“Ditto a recent event. The original three month trials disclosed more deaths in the treatment arm than the placebo arm. That the FDA and the companies said this was “not statistically meaningful” might, under corporate liability limits, prevent suing the individuals involved (including the CEOs) but it affords no protection against being charged as an accessory before the fact if said drug in fact killed, whether it was one or hundreds of thousands. Whether said persons, including the CEO, board members and “scientists” in the firm had reason to believe there might be such an effect is a matter for a jury to decide, just as it is when you give a ride to the bank to someone and they subsequently hold up said bank and shoot a teller.”
“In short the premise of limited liability only applies to financial penalties — that is, being sued.
It does not, and never has, provided protection against criminal prosecution.”
More at
More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette
The American Medical Association (AMA) urges physicians to promote COVID-19 vaccines and bivalent boosters. The AMA even supplies members with social media talking points and strategies to deal with vaccine detractors. It is not the first time that my profession has endorsed a product that may be hazardous to your health.
For most of the 20th century, the AMA turned a blind eye toward the dangers of tobacco use. During the 1930s, 40s and 50s, tobacco companies paid handsomely to advertise cigarettes in AMA’s journal, JAMA. In a 1948 editorial minimizing the ill effects of smoking and justifying tobacco advertising in its publications, JAMA noted that “cigarette business is a tremendous business,” as if the size of the bottom line can mitigate a conflict for an organization founded for the “betterment of public health.”
The connection between smoking and lung cancer was recognized early in the century. At the same time, the AMA became increasingly dependent on money generated by tobacco sales. Tobacco companies sponsored meetings of medical societies, setting up their booths alongside exhibitions of the latest medical treatments. Free cartons were distributed at physician meetings. Cigarette makers even paid for publication of pseudoscientific reports claiming the health benefits of their products.
Doctors who opposed smoking faced ridicule from their colleagues. Dr. Alton Ochsner, a renowned surgeon and sentinel voice warning of the dangers of tobacco, began publishing on the connection between smoking and lung cancer in the early 1940s. His 1954 book Smoking and Cancer: A Doctor’s Report was negatively reviewed in prominent medical journals, characterized as a medieval model of logic that belongs in the nonscience section of a library. Prior to his appearance on Meet the Press, Dr. Ochsner was told he could not discuss the relationship between smoking and lung cancer on air.
As late as 1982, JAMA publications were warned to steer clear of “politically sensitive” topics like tobacco use. After most of a century of being on the tobacco dole, the AMA could not make a clean break. The AMA portfolio contained investments in tobacco companies until the late 1990s.
In 1998, the tobacco industry settled lawsuits filed by state governments with a massive Master Settlement Agreement. In exchange for perpetual annual payments and tight regulatory control, the tobacco industry could continue to sell its products protected from future lawsuits brought by participating states and jurisdictions.
But who really benefitted from the Tobacco Settlement? Only 2.6 percent of the money has been used for smoking prevention and cessation programs. Some states have used the tobacco money to fill budget gaps. South Carolina gave money to tobacco farmers affected by a drop in prices. Altria Group, a global tobacco company, is on the US News & World Report 10 best-performing stocks list. Altria, Phillip Morris, and British American Tobacco have all grown annual dividends consecutively since the settlement. According to Dr. Ed Anselm, “The most addictive thing about tobacco is money.”
Tobacco use remains the number one preventable cause of death in the United States. In the first fifty years after the Surgeon General’s 1964 report, more than 20 million Americans died of smoking.
Oh, the Covid/vaxx parallels!
I actually have a V-E-R-Y big website rip of every cigarette advert ever.
The psychology of marketing is the same now as it has been for decades, as is the medical industry’s lack of integrity.
THIS time though, it won’t take decades for the realities to manifest…
I had to give up smoking, they kept putting up the price of beer.
Find yourself an illicit Tobacconist – they’re everywhere.
I smoke “Double Happiness” – $18 a pack of 20, or six packs for $100.
The first time I gave up was when they went from three bob to three and thruppence a pack.
My systemic shock came when the price of a middy of beer went from 15 cents to 17 cents in one hit.
I’ve got a small crop starting.
Perhaps. But lung cancer was a very rare condition until the availability of mass produced cigarettes.
Even the CDC has researched the likelihood that the underlying cause was the uptake of radioisotopes by tobacco leaves from the phosphate fertilisers that were needed to produce sufficient tobacco for a large scale cigarette industry.
‘ … mass produced cigarettes.’
Unlike pipe tobacco, cigarettes burned too hot.
Australia has a draconian tax on tobacco and the price goes up regularly, even during those years when inflation was low.
The other thing worth mentioning, medicinal cannabis and vaping are the new normal. Governments are making windfall profits, which would normally have disappeared into the underworld.
Schoolyard joke of the time “What is the only cigarette with a picture of the factory on the packet?” Answer “Camels”
“Are Your Veggies Less Nutritious?”
First read about the descent of National Geo to a Disney op
“All that said, like PBS Nature programming, the National Geographic brand hires the best nature photographers and videographers in the world and they do absolutely exquisite work – often mind-boggling beautiful. In my opinion, much of that great work is tainted by the over-voicing of overly sentimental non-scientific claptrap about nature, its animals and its plants, and many of the video offerings are best watched with the sound off. ”
And the answer re vegetables seems likely not
Many of the apples and pears in UK supermarkets have been in storage over a year, that can’t exactly help the nutrient levels!
The current BOM forecast for Adelaide. Come on now, which is it? Do we get wet or not?
“Gas Stoves: The Beloved Blue Flame is Just Better”
More bloody duckshoves
Latest from Dr John Campbell.
Brain damage from covid vaccine proven in case under discussion. I recommend you read the comments as well.
No mainstream media interest in the 150th anniversary of Speakers Corner or the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code.
So a book called “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” will explore potential reasons why the 75th anniversary of the Code was almost universally ignored by the medical ethics profession and the mainstream media, and why, starting in 2020, attempts to undermine the Code’s authority have become a cottage industry for literally dozens of writers.
For a free PDF copy of “The Nuremberg Code” and when the book “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” is available, see this:
Question for ChatGPT.
It’s obviously been programmed to parrot the standard Government/Big Pharma/Left narrative. Garbage In Garbage Out as programmers said, back in the day.
Q: Has anyone ever suffered injury or death from covid-19 vaccine?
A: Like all vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy before being authorized for use by regulatory agencies such as the US FDA, the European Medicines Agency, and the World Health Organization. The vast majority of people who receive the COVID-19 vaccine experience no serious adverse effects.
However, as with any medical intervention, there have been reports of adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine. These can range from mild side effects such as soreness at the injection site, fatigue, and headache to more serious events such as anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction).
In rare cases, there have been reports of blood clots associated with the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) associated with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, particularly in young adults. The risks associated with these adverse events are generally much lower than the risks of serious complications from COVID-19 infection itself.
It is important to note that the benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 and its potentially severe complications far outweigh the risks of adverse events. The vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in reducing the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. If you have any concerns about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional.
Soreness is not a serious reaction, nor generally is anaphylaxis (though it is often severe) but ChatGPT has given a clearly false answer that no-one has suffered death from the Covid-19 vaccine.
I am interested in hearing a critique of this paper. Thoughts?
The misleading Greenhouse Effect Theory is falsified by experiment
January 2021
Project: The Greenhouse Effect Theory is falsified by experiment
Authors: Brendan Godwin Retired
I have down-loaded the paper for further study.
I cannot see any errors so far, but I would bet that he never gets asked to contribute to the IPCC.
As for water vapour being the major ‘greenhouse’ gas ‘The Science’ seems to have not cought up with John Tyndall (his book 1876).
What gets to me is the diagram from NASA (reproduced in the IPCC third? report) showing Down Dwelling radiation much higher than the amount absorbed by the surface from the sun. In other words they have invented a perpetual motion heat machine. The IPCC is GIGO.
Thanks Graeme. I will be very interested in your thoughts. Since this thread is now finished and a new one posted, perhaps post comments both here and in the next Open Thread so others will see them as well.
Right at the start it says-
” The difference between the theoretical black body temperature of the Earth’s surface of -18ºC and measured temperature of +15ºC with the 33ºC difference being caused by the natural GHE. ”
..and I wonder if their black body radiation theory includes the heat from the molten core? The undersea volcanoes and rifts? Earth is hardly the moon when it comes to heat.
The paper appears to accept the validity of relating mean equilibrium temperature of the earth’s land/sea surface to that of a notional radiation surface, in a model using Black Body Radiation and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, which requires the radiation surface to radiate with the same power as it receives from the Sun.
Brilliant post from another blog. By mm. From 5 years ago.
This time the commies are aiming better: land, water, energy, mobility all to be made costly, uncertain and subject to mounting taxation and regulation. Consumer frustration is met by spin and Lysenkoist proofs that corners are about to be turned. Patience, comrades!
Since communism has such a perfect failure rate and the only real beneficiaries of communism are its crony capitalist buddies, the face of the new communism wears a mask called “the market”. If something overtaxed and over-regulated (like coal power) costs too much…the market did it. If the crony capitalists are bilking the subsidy rackets of Big Green…the market did it.
The market caused everything. And you can’t blame the market. That’d be like shooting Skippy. Read your Adam Smith!
Do something amiss? You couldn’t help it. The market ate your homework. Better than Russians!
‘Joe Biden says he still doesn’t know what the three most recent objects are, but they do not appear to be part of a Chinese spy balloon program.’ (SMH)
Copy that.
The answer outsourced?
“The US Military Budget is $817 Billion Dollars”
“A small, globe-trotting balloon declared “missing in action” by an Illinois-based hobbyist club on Feb. 15 has emerged as a candidate to explain one of the three mystery objects shot down by four heat-seeking missiles launched by U.S. Air Force fighters since Feb. 10.”
More at
Today we have over 8 billion Humans on earth and in 1960 about 3 billion.
YET contrary to the lies and fraud from our pollies, so called scientists, the MSM etc the 5 billion higher number today have a much higher life expectancy and food than they had in 1960.
Even the 1200 million extra people in Africa enjoy a much higher food supply today than 1960, although they have about 1.2 billion more people to feed.
The Ehrlich loony also told us the entire world would be starving by 1990, even rich countries in the EU and Nth America.
But they still lie to us today, even though the data is available online and takes only a few minutes to find.
Here is the food supply since 1960 and we can only hope people begin to wake up.
The Australian Institute of Company Directors are going full bore into climate madness. I’ve been a member for nearly 40 years. It’s time to leave this abomination of a directors representative group. It’s taking it’s marching orders from the WEF.
“Railroaded” – Ohio rail crash
“A very good essay at Doomberg,”
FWIW – “Trudeau could resign next.”
What a good idea!
First there was a red flag for Shakespeare and now Chaucer, its the end of civilisation.
‘Academics at Oxford University have taken to issuing content warnings for certain pieces of medieval literature being studied by students.
‘English Literature students at the university have been warned of potentially upsetting themes that may appear in medieval works, covering a range of texts from those of Geoffrey Chaucer and beyond.
‘The content warnings state that some Old English works may contain ‘racist and misogynistic views’ and encourages students to seek support if they are troubled by the material,’ (UK Mail)
Oh dear, more encouragement for uni students to be woke little diddums.
Universities were originally designed to be a forum for a free exchange of ideas.
Nowadays, it would seem you are only allowed to ‘exchange’ ideas with those who hold the same idealogical views. Echo chambers..Echo chambers…Echo chambers.. You get the picture, I’m sure.