A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I wonder if Oz and the UK will rein back on the assaults of free speech now that Trump is back?
Regrettably they are likely to double down.
Personally I think the word “Hate’ as in hate speech is much overused.
I don’t hate anyone. I may dislike them, disapprove of them, disagree with their way of life but that is an awful long way from “Hate” yet governments seem unable to see this difference in scale.
wanting to criminalise people just for their not approving of another person or group of people seems an alarming state of affairs
Starmer seems to be doubling down on the ‘young men in their bedrooms’ rhetoric. Frustrating how much political capital this all consumes. All these people with no idea how the internet works trying to control it.
It has been building against us for for years now, and the time and effort wasted is indeed frustrating.
Why has it taken so long for a leader to state the bald facts?
And how long before somebody seeks to put him down as cruel to-those unfortuhate few who are born abnormal?
>wanting to criminalise people just for their not approving of another person or group of people seems an alarming state of affairs
Akin to wanting to criminalise people for holding or expressing a non-approved opinion.
>the word “Hate’ as in hate speech is much overused.
It is actually those who use the expression, ‘hate speech’ who hate. They hate free speech.
It’s called projection. Trump derangement, Morrison, Pell, Abbott, Dutton, Murdock derangement, is how they cope with the self hatred they are taught.
Even attacking police officers with pepper spray and brass knuckles is no longer a criminal offence, just so long as you are exercising your right to free speech (but only if you say the right things).
[Unsupported claims. – LVA]
Stop trying to rewrite history…
I know … if only we had been able to Defund the Police … this wouldn’t have happened.
‘Yes We Mean Literally Abolish the Police’ – New York Times
“History is a funky thang.” – Honk R Smith
He had served his time
In Australia no factions of the Uniparty support free speech.
In fact, some of our worst assaults on free speech have come from the fake conservative Liberal Party.
The Libs were responsible for:
1) The e Safety Kommisar.
2) The censorship bill which fortunately failed to be passed (just).
3) They approved a social media ban for under 16’s in conjunction with other Uniparty factions. This was just an excuse to get universal ID registration for all social media users.
To this day Paul Fletcher proudly supports his censorship laws:
The then Communications Minister announced the Kommissar job:
The fake conservative Liberals welcome the under-16 ban on social media:
Liberals just don’t have a clue and are only slightly less bad than Green Labor.
The libs could do so much better with just a little effort.
“The libs could do so much better with just a little effort.
I doubt it as they are obsessed with their own future and their financial security
But only if somebody votes for them. If you believe in the unaparty you get the labor wing of the unaparty.
It isn’t effort that the Liberals are missing, but integrity. They have no real beliefs, but just want to be in power. Their policies simply wave in the wind from opinion polls, seeking the direction most votes are flowing.
These people seem to think they can diminish ‘hate’ by suppressing it.
They are fools.
Just kidding.
They are liars.
Because what they really want is power.
They are simply disguising their true intentions with virtue.
Fortunately, they are so obvious as to be pitiful.
And their efforts have earned them Trump.
” I wonder if Oz and the UK will rein back on the assaults of free speech now that Trump is back? ”
The NSW “premier”, Chris Minns, is doubling down, behaving like DDD and further trying to kill
our basic human right to FREE SPEECH with another act of parliament.
The term “Hate” speech was first introduced by the then Communist country of Russia. Its purpose is to close down dissenting voices.
George Orwell was ahead of his time.
‘The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is to allow the citizens of Oceania to vent their existential anguish and personal hatred toward politically expedient enemies: Goldstein and the enemy super-state of the moment. In re-directing the members’ subconscious feelings away from the Party’s governance of Oceania and toward non-existent external enemies, the Party minimises thoughtcrime and the consequent subversive behaviours of thoughtcriminals.’ (wiki)
I would pay good money to see a debate between Donald Trump and pipsqueak Ed Miliband on the subject of net zero
And in Australia, between Trump and Blackout Bowen (Chris Bowen).
Bowen now has an ace up his sleeve,
Australia is first in Asia
In energy debacle, our biggest power failure is Bowen
Chris Bowen has ceded too much to the green fringe. Prices are higher, renewables growth has collapsed and energy security risks are rising. He must resign.
Chris Bowen must resign. The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has left Australia’s energy market worse off for every stakeholder.
Under Labor’s rule, prices are higher, breaking its promise of lower bills. Energy security risks are rising, with three near misses in as many years. Renewables growth has collapsed to near record lows, while fossil fuel investment has also fallen. Energy intensive manufacturing has been shutting down, shedding blue-collar jobs. Our reputation for investment has been decimated.
The government has lost control, despite assuming ever-expanding market powers. There is no confidence left, and new energy leadership is needed to move forward.
Everyone has been left disappointed.
It’s one thing to balance policy trade-offs, and pick some winners leaving others as losers.
But it takes a special level of ineptitude to leave virtually everyone as a loser under our current energy polices.
Would prefer to see him remain in the job, as a good indicator of the poor performance of the federal Labor party. That might be his only useful role.
Many of our political class are unqualified to manage their portfolios and when they fail abysmally they just drop out and become ‘has beens’ with zero accountability. In this case I doubt he really understands the topic but rolling 4 hour power outages will sort the electorate out.
I think you have got it wrong when you talk of a “special level of ineptitude to leave virtually everyone as a loser”. People’s wellbeing is no part of their eptitude measure, which is solely based on gaining and retaining power – political power, not energy for the population.
LOL. Well done Blackout Bowen. Top of the Pops on the Electrickery League.
And where were Australia’s electricity prices 20 years ago?
Ha, ha, ha. Love those red ticks.
I would love to see any debate between two real scientists. I have never seen such a thing. Governments collectively or individually do not control Climates.
The whole political climate fantasy is based on the incredibly simple and wrong idea that CO2 builds up in the air because of fossil fuel. Who proved that?
In fact the exchange of highly soluble CO2 in and out of the ocean on this 74% water planet is immense and fast. The oceans breathe on a massive scale, dwarfing human activity.
CO2 is 98% in the water and lasts about 10 years in the air in a massive world wide exchange old as time. But it is remarkably constant so it is in equilibrium.
Despite this massive activity CO2 levels are changing a tiny 0.4% a year, increasing only 50% in 250 years. CO2 is quite constant within 1% from pole to pole despite human activity being in a very narrow band. But within 1% CO2 over Australia is the same as the North Pole and China.
Total world fossil fuel CO2 production each year just reached 1% of atmospheric CO2 despite, an increase in fossil fuels use of 3500% since 1900.
Humans do not and cannot control CO2 levels. This was proven by NASA that tree cover of the planet has gone up dramatically. Which alone busts tree farms and carbon credits. So sequestering trillions of tons of CO2 has not changed CO2 or stopped or slowed the steady growth in CO2. Likewise,burning old trees or fossil fuels has no effect. CO2 is in massive equilibrium and any deviation in consumption or production of CO2 has zero effect.
Net Zero is Political Science, not science. Currently costing $1,800,000,000,000 a year and having no impact on CO2.
Yes, I would love a science debate. From first principles. First prove that humans can change CO2 levels. Tiny fossil fuel CO2 emissions are irrelevant to total CO2.
Then and only then move onto additional CO2 causes warming, then warming is bad and why.
All living things are made from CO2 and H2O almost entirely. All living things burn. All breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2. Hydrated CO2 from photosynthesis, known as carbohydrate, powers all life.
And now politicians have decided to tax breathing. No surprise there.
Just don’t call it science.
The Carbon Dioxide disaster was invented by Al Gore and James Hansen in 1988. The US funded UN/WMO formed the IPCC immediately.
Now the US, the world’s biggest economy, has cancelled it. China, Russia, India ignore CO2. Most countries do.
Why is Australia continuing in true Don Quixote windmills style? Even Peter Dutton says he will declare a CO2 target. Why? It’s over.
TedF, I understand that a lot of the climate scare was started with The Club of Rome when they published a 1972 book titled ‘The Limits to Growth’
Four years ago the lock downs world wide, including a big dent into China’s co2 output, had no impact what-so-ever.
Yes, a look at CO2 over the last 50 years shows no signature of human emissions whatsoever. Or drought, volcanoes, 2020 shutdown, the explosive rise of China to 40% of CO2,busfires (Indonesia, Australia, Greece,..). Anything at all. CO2 is a perfect straight line with a slight upward slope of 0.4%.
If you look at CO2 in the tropics however, you can see the effects of surface warming with little seasons ripples just as you would expect.
What I find amusing, nuts really, is that NASA in the same expose give the explanation for lower CO2 in Spring/autumn to explain the graph which shows highest CO2 in spring to mid summer. Of course to a NASA climate scientist, not a gardener or botanist, spring begins after June. The whole article is contradictory nonsense, apart from the data.
However the fact that CO2 drops after June but before winter is coincidental with the usual explosive growth of phytoplankton which responds quickly to the higher CO2 levels from a warming ocean surface. And like most response systems, overshoots, producing a drop in CO2 after peak vegetation levels in mid summer. Phytoplankton unlike terrestial plants have everything they need, water and sunshine and a growth time measured in days, not months. As with trees and as noted by NASA, world tree cover has increased in direct proportion to CO2, between 1988 and 2014, by +14%. (my calculation)
Tony, what is Ed Millibands idea of “net zero”.?
Its the classic theory as evoked by such as Wef. All major UK parties support it, but Miliband wants to achieve it by 2030/35 whereas previously the suggested figure was 2040/50
I posted a link yesterday as to how this can supposedly be achieved
Here is the definition of net zero
So the CO2 increase is man made? Between 1900 and 2000, 100 years, human population increased 800%. CO2 output increased 3500%. Exponential.
But CO2 increased only 40%. And nearly in a straight line.
Trump putting the WEF right on the ‘green new scam’! A thoroughly enjoyable listen, and to imagine their faces whilst he talks!
I am with TdeF on this,..
Whilst Trump has huge influence and is a believer in real science, he is not the man to indulge in a scientific debate with Bowen or Milliband.
Trump shoots from the hip if cornered, and the last thing you want is a high profile leader making a scientific slip up in a key debate.
That is a task for a scientist with good debating skills, someone like Monkton maybe ?
Christopher is a font of knowledge but he has gone down a couple of rabbit holes on climate that are not very convincing. He no longer does his monthly “pause” report because the pause was reduced to zero in 2023. He also has a fixation with the feedback equation so is a luke warmer in the sense that he considers the clear sky radiative transfer junk as meaningful from an energy balance perspective.
I found this recent podcast with him that is enjoyable to watch:
Meanwhile in Qld:
51 – “Baringa Partners’ Peter Sherry said his firm’s analysis of the coal power fleet suggests most of the nation’s generation will be replaced by renewables and firming technologies like storage within the next 10 years, given the advanced age of the fleet.”
That would be this Baringa I guess: – Tier 2 consultants
At the first link it says:
How can an “energy expert” use non-technical language like that? That is emotive language, devoid of any actual analysis.
Only a politician or Lamestream Media “journalist” would be moved by such emotive language, not anyone who had a clue about science or engineering.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the sort of “analysis” that Australian decision makers follow and is responsible for the destruction of Australia’s energy supply and economy.
For those of us mature enough to remember Ted Nugent’s song, White Line Fever, the phrase ‘Clapped-out Clunkers’ fits well as an alternative chant, though in this case it refers to the tribe called Politicians who are well-past their use by date. Besides, Dutton rhymes with Mutton.
Greg, are you sure Ted Nugent wrote that? I can find no reference for it.
Oops, I must’ve had a Biden moment –
as young fellas we’d sing ‘white line fever’ as we hooned along gravel backroads which had no white line to speak of: the correct title is Cat Scratch Fever.
None-the-less, your mutton Dutton is still a clapped-out clunker beyond his use by date.
“energy expert Greg Bourne says increases the chance of unplanned outages.
“Clapped-out coal clunkers are making it harder to keep the lights on,” Mr Bourne said.”
Marvellous technical description that, but what he’s struggling to say is, as coalfired power ages and is not maintained to the previous high standards, it will become harder to control the swings and upsets caused by erratic and unreliable weather dependent wind & solar power generators.
Not many WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) in evidence there either. A sure indication of high level wokery.
Baringa Partners analysis, drawing our attention to the fact that Australia’s power station fleet is aging, is spot on, except that the reason for this is that we have not built a new power station since who knows when (Callide C in 2001, Tarong North in 2002?), and have failed to competently maintain some of the existing ones (eg Callide B).
A quick visit to the Baringa website suggests that this may be one of the more woke outfits around, with little information as to the management structure and ownership, but overflowing with allusions to their ‘people first’ policies. There is no useful background information on Adrian Bettridge, who is slated as Baringa’s ‘Managing Partner’.
The Peter mentioned balances his love of sport with family commitments – around all the climate change of course!
Outside of work, Peter’s first love is golf. He plays as much as he can (despite the occasional la niña flooding in Sydney), balancing with family life.
A browse of the site has me thinking more woke-adjacent greed than pure demented woke.
More information is expected to be published by the US government in coming months, according to University of Sydney health ethics associate professor Morgan Carpenter.
“It’s plausible,” he told AAP.
“There’s still quite a bit that we don’t know.”
Australian passports can contain the “X” gender marker for those who are non-binary, intersex, gender-fluid or otherwise non-conforming.
In some countries such as the United Arab Emirates, those travelling with an “X” marker are barred from entry or transit.
It is not clear whether the US will implement similar rules.
Anyone else wonder how in their lifetime the water into the house became metered while telecommunications became unmetered?
Was was water ever unmmetered in Australia?
There is usually a “service to property” charge and a usage charge. Both charges have varied to either encourage or discourage consumption.
But I think it was a stroke of genius taking an almost-free item like water, putting it in a bottle, giving it a fancy name like “Acqua Minerale San Benedetto” or “Adelholzener Alpenquellen” and then charging a lot of money for it as “bottled water”.
Woke water is more expensive than petrol.
Or even a more basic name like Evian. Yes I know the water originated from Evian-les-Bains but it doesn’t diminish the irony – there is even a Snopes fact check.
Imagine if there was a place in France called Tew-les-Bains and it produced bottled water.
A mate of mine lived in a house that didn’t have a water meter. Backed up against a cliff face, which I think was the water entry point. Water Authority said too difficult to read a meter up there, so didn’t put one in. His Dad’s hobby was his garden.
Sure was , I paid a flat fee in Sydney during the 70s. I remember going to the US and being surprised when a friend said they paid by use. Dont know what other States did.
Australia’s “renewable energy superpower” South Australia is transitioning to grid scale diesel, just like in Third World countries.
Can someone please tell me what effect the self-destruction of the Australian economy is having on CO2 level, especially as the world’s largest producer China does nothing and the second largest producer is now out of Paris?
David, slow down. 🤠
China dies nothing and the second largest producer in now put of Paris?
NSW should have a gander at what’s going on next door sometime… (eg #4 above)
I often wonder how many South Australian’s know that they are marked as the ‘Defence State’ (or target)….
This is what irks me, especially when people say “Australia must do it’s part”. We have already gone beyond that, made no difference to global CO2 and our grid is collapsing. Yet people will still go along with this fantasy, it’s brainwashing of the highest order.
I wonder which engineers were the architects of the idea to make the electricity grid which must be stable, depend on the weather, which is inherently unstable.
IMHO, our ‘part’ should have just been subsidised solar panels on residential homes and a battery or two.
They need to make sure everything is (or appears to be) nice and stable for next years end of summer election.
00 Industrial disputes, maintenance backlogs and Sydney’s reliably unpredictable and disruptive seasonal weather shocks for millions returning to work might ordinarily be a reason for a state minister for transport to feel a little anxious. Unless there is something very good around the corner.
a pop-up carboard train, now that makes up for it all.
NSW has the gall to try to build a high speed rail network when all of Australia struggles to provide a very SLOW train.
And then we can do the same for public servants. A 25% head count cull is in order.
Not sure I agree with getting rid of train drivers first though (the link is about driverless trains)
As was reported on this pages a couple of days ago the “leader” of Australia’s fake conservative Liberal Party, reaffirmed his fanatical commitment to the Paris Accords even after President TRUMP abandoned them.
What is the point in continuing with this insanity?
Here Dutton emphatically affirms his commitment to Paris insanity.
The guy just doesn’t have a clue! Leaders lead and don’t care what others think.
Here is an excellent commentary by Andrew Bolt plus interview with Matt Canavan about TRUMP exiting the Paris Accords and its implications for Australia.
I can’t find a link on YouTube.
It likely runs deeper than this during “normal science” too. Undoubtedly, “normal science” and supporting orthodoxy regarding pandemic policies was financially rewarding for many. Conversely, the brave few who expressed heteredox views or simply raised questions have had their careers and livelihoods dismantled by the State and its propaganda arm through the legacy media.
What breaks this cycle of “normal science” and the censorship of heterodoxy is the emergence of “anomalies” and the inability of the Paradigm to explain them. Anomalies like “vaccine” injuries, “breakthrough infections”, continued “COVID-19 deaths”, worse outcomes for the “fully vaccinated”, better outcomes for the “unvaccinated”, pharmacovigilance safety signals and unabated national and global excess mortality in highly COVID-19 “vaccinated” countries. The emerging DNA contamination scandal and the risks it poses to human health is yet another anomaly challenging the Paradigm even today. If these anomalies continue to accumulate and they will drive a shift in thinking about the “vaccines” and the pandemic response in Australia (and globally).
TRUMP rules that only the Stars and Stripes and certain official military flags to be flown, no rainbow or BLM flags on State Department facilities.
Contrast that with Australia where you have two native flags, plus frequently rainbow flags on local, state and federal government buildings. You might even find a national flag but the communist leader of the Greens won’t stand in front of it.
At least “leader” of the fake conservative Libs only wants the Australian national and presumably state flags.
Then we had the disgusting spectacle of an Victorian police station cowering under a Chinese communist flag. Although the parallels are obvious.
Elon Musk posted a joke or X.
Is anyone interested in a Melbournistan Jo Novian meet up?
The last one was 6th December 2019.
Yes, that would be good.
Not next week.
In the interests of privacy and security, everyone should go disguised.
/disguised as “experts”.
Gang violence fears rock Melbourne after two teenage boys are SHOT in a ‘targeted attack’ – and one is fighting for his life in hospital
A 17-year-old boy is fighting for his life in hospital while police probe if overnight shootings at Melbourne are gang-related and linked to previous suspected murders.
The teenager and a 15-year-old boy were both shot just after midnight on Friday near the Collingwood public housing estate at the intersection of Vere St and Campbell St.
The older boy remains in hospital in a serious condition while the 15-year-old checked himself into hospital following the incidents which occured close to the bustling Smith and Brunswick St precincts.
Victoria Police swarmed the scene after reports up to 50 people were believed to be brawling prior to the shootings which investigators say were linked.
Detetives also believe several subsequent incidents linked to the shootings spilled over to the ‘very busy’ Hoddle Street
Meanwhile – ‘They’ve turned off Allan’: Victorian Labor vote plunges to historic low, poll shows
The Allan government is facing a historic collapse in public support, as a new poll shows Labor’s primary vote slumping to a record low 22 per cent, down 6 points in two months.
The Coalition primary vote of 42 per cent is up by more than 7 points since the 2022 election, while 37 per cent of respondents indicated that if an election were held today, they would vote for the Greens, an independent or other parties
Based on preference flows at the last state election, the results equate to a two-party split of 55.5 to 44.5 in the Coalition’s favour.
The voters who have deserted Labor have shifted in roughly even numbers to either the Coalition or third parties.
Happy to Fly Down
Another meet up is a good suggestion, but the previous venue was too loud.
But some found the previous venue difficult due to excessive background noise.
Loud noise would wreck it for me.
Great idea, but let’s have it during the day, not an evening in a pub as the previous engagement was.
Between 1200 and 1400/1430 feasible for us, especially if near Flinders St. Station.
In energy debacle, our biggest power failure is Chris Bowen he has ceded far too much to the green fringe. Prices are higher, renewables growth has collapsed and energy security risks are rising. He must resign. Chris Bowen says he remains hopeful that global warming can be limited to close to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels despite the world’s largest economy pulling out of the Paris agreement.
The problem is, however, the Alternative Government are Nett Zero better than Labor. Don’t expect to see or feel any beneficial improvements under Peter Dutton
The Australian Classification Board wants to litigate the worthiness of books, films and television in the light of evolving community standards. It may not be outright censorship, but it’s certainly bastardisation of a kind and very “1984ish”
Don’t censor the past if you want a robust culture
Perhaps if they have the resources to repeat past work it is time to consider downsizing the organisation
Do you have a link for that Penguinite?
5 seconds.
I wonder if Nineteen Eighty Four will be the first to be censored?
Nobody would censor a non-fiction book, surely.
70 – Just wondering which of the five eyes is not struggling with recruitment?
The ADF is struggling with recruitment partly due to DEI policies which make it close to impossible for white heterosexual pro-Australian males to be promoted.
TRUMP is reverting to a merit-based military (and other government agecies) and recruitment should pick up dramatically.
Those who think a Dutton Liberal Party (fake conservative) is the answer to Australia’s energy crisis, just how long do you think his six nuclear reactors will take to build in massively over-regulated Australia + lawfare and by how much will they reduce electricity prices and when?
Note that Dutton still believes in building more “laughables” which will still requite subsidies.
Australia doesn’t have much time left. Further economic collapse is inevitable.
There is a slight possibility that when the Liberal Party gets power in Canberra that they will “suddenly find” that Labor has been lying, and the new Government will have to do something else instead of its election promises. You will hear about it from the screams on the ABC etc.
I hope so but I have next to zero confidence that common sense will reign.
“There is a slight possibility that when the Liberal Party gets power in Canberra that they will “suddenly find” that Labor has been lying.”
Just like the Crisafulli govt has found in QLD.
Google has ordered five SMRs that will be installed and running next week*. Australia should be able to get some up and running within a decade. Price is not an issue after supply collapses.
*Maybe a bit longer.
There should be a lesson there for Australian Leftists, but there won’t be, that even fully woke organisations like Goolag understand that you can’t run a company (or anything) on wind, solar and Unicorn flatulence.
The first by 2030 and the 7th by 2035. We will see if they can meet that given that they do not have a working design yet. Kairos have approval to build an experimental unit in Tennessee. Aiming to be operational in 2027. Then deliver a commercial unity 2030.
There is a great opportunity for Australia to partner with Korea to build their APR1000 and APR1400 plants in Australia. CSIRO scaled their costs elsewhere by a factor of 3 to arrive at their estimate of $10,000/MW.
This Bolt interview with Ted O’Brian on nuclear power after his visit to Korea shows the LNP are looking at the latest proven technology:
Russia is currently building about 20 nuclear power stations abroad, at home they generate about 20% of the world’s nuclear power.
Just ask them to put us on the waiting list!
Which ones were ordered?
Google have signed a development agreement with Kairus.
Ok thanks Rick. Interesting,
My own opinion is that both the nuclear subs and nuclear power are not for us.
I was hoping that Trump would cancel the sub agreement once the defence chiefs told him they need all the subs they can build for themselves.
The subs will still be working in America’s best interests, in very important parts of the ocean.
Hope all is well Jo, enjoy a hard earned break! 🙂
Who, if anyone, do you predict will be next to leave the Paris Accords?
I predict Milei of Argentina.
I predict that Australia will never leave. Both the PM and Dutton are True Believers.
The Stupid Country will hang on until it’s the last member and economic destruction is complete.
Many, will probably just continue to pay lip service to it. Meanwhile, Once Great Britain (can I borrow that term?) and a few others will foolishly continue to take it seriously, until the people say enough is enough, or until their economies collapse.
Paris accord is a lame duck now. The globalist push is near its end.
There is no G7 leader actually attending Davos this year. Trump will talk over video link.
This is the Trump Davos address:
We wish.
Having discovered how easy it is to live from the sweat of other people’s brows, they are not going to fold up their tents and disappear into the night.
Apropos of which:
The only comment I have regarding Dutton and Paris, is that I hope he is lying. That is, he and the LNP might fall into government, but then change their minds on Paris/ CO2 emissions once in power. Or wriggle out of it, based on some technicality. Dutton sort of did the word salad answer to the question the other day. But I’m a little tired of voting for LNP and then getting terrible outcomes. Voted for Tony Abbott and got Malcolm Turnbull. Voted again for Scott Morrison but got COVID vaccine mandates, no help for Victorian lockdowns and Net Zero. Fool me once…..
“But I’m a little tired of voting for LNP and then getting terrible outcomes.”
Slow learner? You know that vote is completely wasted voting for either major party, so you might as well not vote as a protest, or vote for someone with quite outrageous policies just to scare the Big Two.
Dutton showed heroic promise early in his career, but the closer he gets to the steering wheel, the more disappointing he becomes.
I see more utter contempt for the would-be “betters.
See also Rudyard Kipling:
ALL of the contemptible “official” behaviour is PREMEDITATED , crafted to PROVOKE a “response” and it will be ramped up until a response emerges.
Bear in mind, if a “natural response” is NOT forthcoming, one will be manufactured, to “justify the “counter-response”.
Couple opening wedding presents ….. Oh! What a lovely cutlery set. (Someone call the police!)
Family sitting at the table for dinner, young child asks ….. Mum, where’s the cutlery?
Mother responds ….. From now on we eat responsibly, with our fingers.
But Mum, didn’t you always tell me not to eat with my fingers.
Things have changed dear, now that the Government spy is at every dinner table.
It’s just so hard not to be cynical, eh!
FWIW – from another blog
“Trump just signed an EO releasing the JFK and MLK files. ”
Gets mentioned in an internet search e.g
“Trump declassifies JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr assassination files”
– On MSM sites but not showing on Hot Air, Gateway Pundit etc as yet
NOW up at TGP
Whatever happened to Kony 2012? The Leftoids soon forgot about that one…
Joseph Kony is still alive and his Lord’s Resistance Army is still operating.
More conflict on the African continent now than at any time in recorded history.
What a legacy Biden leaves!
TRUMP just signed an EO to declassify the files relating to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.
Imagine if the JFK truth actually got out.
Plus the big two.
We can only dream.
How do you recognise “truth”?
Typically, the opposite of what the government claims.
OR when the source has an extensive track record of accuracy.
OR when the evidence is incontravertible.
OR when history repeats exactly but with different actors.
OR when only 10% of people believe it. (The majority are always wrong).
>Imagine if the JFK truth actually got out.
A bit of it got out a week ago when Alex Jones released this video:
Why do video clips with commentary insist on having background music?
I find this annoying in the extreme since the reason we access the clip is to get information, not to listen to music.
Sometimes the music actually drowns out the message so the whole thing is useless.
I totally agree Ken. It really annoys me and I often turn off instead of struggling to make out the message. It’s always pretty trivial tosh-type muzak anyway; just really irritating.
Frustrating, when there may be nuggets of truth . . . however one defines ‘truth’!
You expect to get information off a video!!!?
All you get is some clown wanting to be an internet star, so there will be more time spent pushing themselves than passing on on information, and even getting that will be like pulling teeth.. You’ll see more of a talking head than a display of what you’re trying to learn about! Rarely will any of them be verbally efficient, never mind clear or precise.
No, video clips are great for basic entertainment while you’re doing something important, like watching paint dry, but you need to read to get high-quality information these days I’m afraid.
A few days off.
It all grinds you down doesn’t it.
Digital detoxing – the next big health fad.
Woke death throes: Erasing Women: ACLU Lawyer Calls Biological Women “Non-Transgender Women”
Chase Strangio, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), in an effort to erase women, has developed a new term for biological women.
Tesla EV charger hacked twice on second day of Pwn2Own Tokyo
Security researchers hacked Tesla’s Wall Connector electric vehicle charger twice on the second day of the Pwn2Own Automotive 2025 hacking contest.
They also exploited 23 more zero-day vulnerabilities in WOLFBOX, ChargePoint Home Flex, Autel MaxiCharger, Phoenix Contact CHARX, and EMPORIA EV chargers, as well as in the Alpine iLX-507, Kenwood DMX958XR, Sony XAV-AX8500 In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.
FWIW – on the EV scene in USA
“Dumb New Electrical Code Could Doom Most Common EV Charging”
They just don’t want you to drive your car.
“There is one EV-charger carve-out: Bi-directional chargers are exempt.”
Well, they certainly do want to drain your car’s battery when the wind doesn’t blow at night!
Words of wisdom
It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence.
– Upton Sinclair
I wonder why that would attract a red thumb??
“Diversity is our strength,” ” the zookeeper was told, so he placed all the animals together in one shared enclosure.
In only seconds, he learned that diversity is not our strength.
Diversity is bloody mess.
Researchers say new attack could take down the European power grid
Late last month, researchers revealed a finding that’s likely to shock some people and confirm the low expectations of others: Renewable energy facilities throughout Central Europe use unencrypted radio signals to receive commands to feed or ditch power into or from the grid that serves some 450 million people throughout the continent.
Confirm low expectations. Tick!
The Crown’s propaganda media arm is back into hyping icebergs ‘the size of Cornwall’ or ‘several Wembley stadiums’ which are
“like floating cities of ice cruising uncontrollably around South Georgia … which sits in iceberg alley” [BBC].
A23a, the latest rogue berg, began life in 1986 before grounding in the Weddell Sea where it stuck for over 35 years, until recently escaping and drifting northwards into the South Atlantic Ocean.
Despite ‘cruising uncontrollably’, British ice eggspurts say A23a has nought to do with man-made carbon pollution as there was no such thing back in 1986. Every day their hypothesis changes.
“Guess Who Is Buying Up U.S. Farmland Now?”
In there –
“Between 2022 and 2023, Chinese land ownership actually declined a bit, though 2024 numbers aren’t yet available. Land ownership by Iran and Cuba also declined, but Canada and Australia have increased their stake with plans to use the land for renewable energy purposes. ”
More “boardroom indigestion”?
First came the ‘vaccine solution’…then came the disease
The ‘vaccine solution’ was in the pipeline in mid-January 2020… when there was no ‘pandemic declaration’ in sight.
Operation Warp Speed was actually underway (but unannounced) on 13 January 2020 – a week before the first ‘case’ was reported in the United States
A military operation from day 1, with the intent of injecting every single human, regardless of age or risk.
Obedience training? Nope.
Protection? Nope.
Rapid population reduction? Nope.
Genetic engineering?
That’s what I believe. Once you know the US DOD was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, it all makes sense. That’s why no-one will ever be prosecuted. It was basically a planned simulation to prepare for some worldwide biological warfare event. Was it successful- you would have to say yes. Most of the population were very happy to lockdown, wear face masks and get jabbed as far as I can see. That’s why in Victoria we have this shiny new Moderna Vaccine mRNA plant. It’s all ready to supply the Asia Pacific region if needed. So the equivalent of Pine Gap which is a joint United States-Australian satellite communications and signals intelligence surveillance base near Alice Springs, Northen Territory, Australia. Better shut up, they’re probably listening…..
TRUMP pardoned Ross Ulbricht.
He stated on Truth Social:
Will he get his bitcoin back?
If not, then who owns them now? Have the feds cashed them in/out?
It is stated that the feds secured the funds to pay off his $183M fine, the bitcoin worth worth in the billions. Surely he is entitled to the refund. Or have they created a new law to confiscate the goods beyond the value of the fine?
We’re talking America here, the King of the shakedowns… He will have to prove they are his bitcoins and that he obtained them legally before they will even talk with him. There are plenty of people who had their cash confiscated and never got it back, even after proving it was legit.
Will Russia get their money back when the war is over? Syria their gold, Iraq their gold, Libya their gold….? The Govt taketh away, and keepeth!
I’m pretty sure it is still confiscated as the proceeds of crime, despite the pardon.
This should not be interpreted as legal advice; it’s merely the case that I can’t imagine the kleptocracy ever letting that much go.
If they haven’t already converted it to funds.
Which leads me to wonder, if your bitcoin were confiscated, and they cashed it in, could you claim the loss of the capital gains you would have received if they hadn’t done that? Once again, I’m pretty sure the answer is ‘no’.
Apropos of the kleptocracy, I calculated that with a compound interest rate of 4%, each dollar that Biden spent in his frenzied spending spree will cost the taxpayer $20 million dollars.
It seems absurd but it’s almost certainly an underestimate. I’ve used a modest 4%. At the moment it’s 4.5%. US Federal interest rates in 1980 were 20%, .
I also estimated that the US Government would start reducing the deficit by $100 Billion dollars per year, and then when they reached a budget surplus would continue to pay that off the Federal debt. Historically that assumption is poorly founded.
After 429 years the US would be debt free again! And 4% per year compound interest for 429 years is $20,290,958.34
Those who think that the Trump dollar is insecure should contemplate how bad the alternative is!
This is a link to a proposed Australia Day conversation starter from solar citizens on why nuclear is bad:
The simple response is to tell them that they can avoid the high cost of nuclear by installing a battery and leave the grid. If they say it is too expensive then you can point out that is the same course the Labor government has set to NetZero – very, very expensive electricity.
And of course any sensible Victorian government would be expanding the coal mining in the Latrobe Valley; building new lignite fired generators and inviting all the energy intensive data centres into Victoria as a global hub. It taks 5/100th of a second to get data from Melbourne to New York so the distance is no impediment when it comes to data centres but reliable, low cost energy is a key resource. The same reason Australia was an aluminium powerhouse back in the 1980s before China became dominant.
I have deferred my battery upgrade until after the next Federal election.
I am confident the next LNP Victorian premier could reduce electricity prices simply by stopping the theft via the RET and having the existing coal fired power stations operating steadily at optimum output through priority scheduling and a contracted, long-term price reviewed annually. Wind and solar would compete at the fringes with gas and batteries.
The following table gives ping times via undersea cable from NY to various places and Melbourne is rated at 212ms or about 75% light speed. Not 50ms (5/100 of a second). A ping time of 212ms is equivalent to 106ms one way.
Stock and futures trading companies will pay a lot of money to move a server site even a few ms closer to get a competitive trading edge.
Melbourne might be OK in theory for data centres but not trading, but there is a political risk because neither faction of the Uniparty is committed to cheap energy. Plus there are high taxes, high regulations, high real estate costs, feral unions plus importation of terrorists.
Why would any sensible company set up in Australia when they can set up in TRUMP’s America?
I wrote an article about undersea cables:
The 50ms was based on one way light speed. Not sure if satellites will get close to that but Starlink is working on it. And I was not considering gaming or stock trading.
Australia is well positioned to the large population centres of Asia and has long-standing securities ties with USA. That gives some competitive advantage.
I do not disagree that there are other challenges. The hard work of the Hawke/Keating/Button and Howard/Reith governments to reduce the negative influence of Victorian construction unions has been mostly undone by union aligned Victorian Labor governments throughout this century..
For those who believe correlation is causation, such as the human population going up and CO2 going up, there is a wonderful book on correlations.
And the graphical techniques used to create these spurious correlations abound in the CO2 literature. NOAA could make a flea and an elephant look like cousins.
What is the problem is that real scientists stay out of the fray. Or profit from it. Like our Chief Scientist.
And politicians like John Howard bring in punitive theft inside your electricity bills. John Howard said to me that he was ‘agnostic’ on Climate Change. But he had no problem stealing fro us to to give our cash to the wind and solar cartels. Agnostic does not fit what he actually did, which required total agreement not ambivalence.
At least Bowen is convinced he is right and open about the terrible pain he is inflicting on Australians because he believes fervently in what he doesn’t understand, almost the definition of religions. Too dull to be devious.
It’s also a website, where you can discover various and random spurious correlations and also create your own.
And by the same author:
Spurious Scholar
Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers shouldn’t be putting too much faith or hope in the fake conservative Liberal Party winning Government in Australia.
I’ll agree that they will be SLIGHTLY less bad than Green Labor but it will be mostly “more of the same”.
Australia’s economic collapse might be slightly delayed, that’s all.
Dutton is not Trump. And he doesn’t fundamentally believe in liberating Australia’s energy supply or free speech.
And how much of Labor’s policies will he really undo? Not too many, I bet.
Totally agree! Peter Dutton speaks in duplicitous terms that allow plausible deniability! I feal sorry for Matt Canavan he is one of the few Members of the Liberal Party that speaks truth!
Maybe it’s a case of ‘tell ’em what they want to hear, then when you get in do what you need to do’.
Dutton has a lot of lead in his saddlebags – The Victorian branch is completely hopeless, so is the SA branch (although they are getting rid of Simon Birmingham which may return a smidgen of reality to them). I don’t know if the WA branch still exists and the NSW branch seems hopeless. The Qld branch managed to win (narrowly) in a race against a mentally disadvantaged opponent in a wheelchair with square wheels.
The whole Liberal Party is infested by those who believe that they can appeal to voters with policies about a thin tissue paper from Labor’s and who will scream (and plot) to keep them. Short of a wholesale slaughter these are the crew he has to drag over the line. Once he is PM then he has enough power to change policies and try to get Australia back on track.
Look at the UK where Labour promised no knew taxes and then ‘discovered a 22 Billion Black Hole’ which was an excuse to raise taxes and cut benefits.
Anyone thinking that swapping horses will make a skerrick of difference is..
A) Bound to be disappointed!
B) To young to have life experiences in seeing how they are all exactly the same over time.
Dutton doesn’t want to be there – he was supposed to be retired into the international circuit by now. Christian Porter was lined up for the job – they had even had a Netflix series made – Rake – so that if any of his sordid past came out, we would just be thinking ‘oh he was just a bit of a Jack-the-lad’. But they didn’t get their plays right, so now Dutton is stuck there.
That’s what I reckon, anyway
Today’s total Australian Government Debt (federal, state, local) is:
$2,032,000,000,000 +++
And rising rapidly.
At around $6,000 per second, last time I checked.
It’s only money. It’s not like we ever have to pay it back.
/s for those too thick to understand.
Is the government praying for hyperinflation so that this number appears trivial in just a few year’s time?
“Is the government praying for hyperinflation so that this number appears trivial in just a few year’s time?”
No, every politician is praying to get their gold-plated pension before the whole house of cards collapses on someone else!
“Previously, Google did not allow advertisers to pass any information to it that
Google could use or recognize as personally-identifiable information.
permanently identifies a particular device (such as a mobile phone’s unique device identifier if such an identifier cannot be reset).
The second rule has been removed in the new policy. In other words, advertisers may identify users based on the devices that they use and may pass the information to Google for tracking purposes.”
Tip: you can test your browser’s anti-fingerprinting protections, or lack therefor, on the EFF’s Cover Your Tracks webpage.
A browser people might wish to look at is Brave although I haven’t done the above test with it as it’s not yet on the device I’m using now. It is designed to be privacy oriented.
OK, I just tested Brave on this Android phone and got a very good score.
Blocking tracking ads? Yes
Blocking invisible trackers? Yes
Protecting you from fingerprinting?
◕ your browser has a randomized fingerprint
It doesn’t mean though that Big Brother can’t track you numerous other ways.
Look at videos on YouTube by Rob Braxman.
Also, see my article on privacy phones:
I check out Brave’s search engine on controversial or political topics. There is an AI answer.
I have used Brave for many years- Not putting up with Youtube adds is a nice feature- and speeding up my 11 year old Laptop (it will be a teenager soon!) . I have noticed some sites failing to load with the drawbridge up but nothing critical. My current bete noir is the “Pop ups” that coax you to do thing like use ai (I used it once and didn’t like the answer- so I have given up on ai). Everything becomes a hustle eventually!
“. Everything becomes a hustle eventually!”
Absolutely true, as anyone who has seen the internet from start to now can tell you. So great in the beginning when enthusiasm outweighed avarice.
Brave browser and yandex search engine:
A reasonably ad-free and uncensored (you can only assume, no way of knowing what you don’t see) existence
“Property Expropriation: South Africa to Follow Mugabe Model”
That will work…NOT!
I just hope Ms/Mr Wong doesn’t reward them by sending them vast amounts of Aussie taxpayer money or food when they starve.
We got farmers in Australia need someone to worry about their land being taken off them too:
Short video, TRUMP invites companies to manufacture in America. He forgot to mention low energy prices now they’re out of of Paris but I guess that’s implied.
I’ve been watching on ABC iView, the show “Dr Karl’s How Things Work” simply because the topics interested me.
The show should have been really called, “How things are made”, because that’s what the show was about, how things are made, not how they work. The show shows how the following things are made, toilet paper, chocolate, ginger beer, cricket balls, lollies and cheese. Cheese was why I wanted to watch the show as the program was recorded in the Bega Cheese factory in Bega.
Of course, being an ABC-TV show they had to sneak in a segment in all the six shows, something about the impact on the environment by these manufacturing process or how the environment has an impact of these products.
Episode 1 – Toilet paper – “paper making is not good for the environment”
Episode 2 – Chocolate – Impact of climate change on the growing of cacao beans, and an increase in plant pathogenic infection due to climate change.
Episode 3 – Ginger Beer – Sugar, then bagasse, as it used to be burnt CO2 emissions. Bagasse is now being used to make sustainable aviation fuel – made from a renewable source.
Episode 4 – Cricket balls – investigating the replacing traditional animal leather with plant-based leather to be more sustainable!
Episode 5 – Red food dye, made from a natural ingredient, insects, cochineal, and the cochineal insect is being used to control another introduced pest, the prickly pear plant.
Episode 6 – Cheese. How cow milk can be replaced with alternative milk, micro generated proteins, all because of the environmental impact of cows and producing milk and milk by-products.
The ABC simply could not just stick to the topic of each episode of “how things are made” (not work) and forget having to throw a five-minute spin piece in each episode about the environmental impact of how these products are made. Other than that, I didn’t mind the show, I learnt a little about how some of my Favorite products are made, they could have dropped the environmental spin.
And (At least in the ginger beer episode ) the “First Nations” names for any featured places presented above and in an at least double height and width font in the middle of the screen!!!!!!
Nothing on their ABC is worth watching and you run the very real risk of a broken television set.
I was flicking through the channels about 2 weeks ago and a program (that’s name escapes me) was listed on the ABC , not seeing it before I checked out what it was about and the description seemed to be about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal .
I did watch it and to my surprise they actually told the truth about the cover up and how the media and social media was complicit in the cover up .
Mind you it was a one off and probably escaped the ABC censors .
Son of slain bikie boss charged over Woollahra antis@mitic attack
The son of slain bikie boss Mick Hawi is one of the nine people charged over the spate of antis@mitic attacks in Sydney, the Herald can reveal, as police investigate the possibility of foreign actors and organised crime being responsible for the incidents.
Adam Hawi was last week charged over his alleged role in the lead-up to an incident in Woollahra in November, when a ute was torched, multiple cars damaged and Matt Moran’s Chiswick restaurant graffitied with anti-Israel messages.
Detectives will allege that Hawi’s car was used in the attack and that he refused to tell detectives who was driving it.
Investigators have issued the 21-year-old with a future court attendance notice, and he is expected to attend Waverley Local Court in March.
M@hammed Farhat, 20, and Thomas Stojanovski, 19, faced court this week over the incident, each charged with 14 counts of destroying or damaging property, along with trespassing offences and offensive behaviour charges.
Sorry OldOzzie. Bad steering again, meant green.
FWIW – being noticed
“Who Has Been Paying Australian Criminals to Carry Out Anti-Semitic Attacks?”
Paywalled but you get the idea
Behind a paywall, but looks like they are wondering only if the anti-semite paying is domestic or international.
They don’t seem to grasp that this strongly indicates that it is a ‘false flag’ by those who claim to be under attack seeking sympathy.
“The Beginning of the End for the Climate-Industrial Complex”
Wow! Looking at it looks cold and windy for our English friends, especially in the Midlands. The North Sea is no place to be in a trawler with 4+m waves and winds up to 50 mph
EXECUTIVE ORDER – January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Background. America is blessed with an abundance of energy and natural resources that have historically powered our Nation’s economic prosperity. In recent years, burdensome and ideologically motivated regulations have impeded the development of these resources, limited the generation of reliable and affordable electricity, reduced job creation, and inflicted high energy costs upon our citizens. These high energy costs devastate American consumers by driving up the cost of transportation, heating, utilities, farming, and manufacturing, while weakening our national security.
It is thus in the national interest to unleash America’s affordable and reliable energy and natural resources. This will restore American prosperity —- including for those men and women who have been forgotten by our economy in recent years. It will also rebuild our Nation’s economic and military security, which will deliver peace through strength.
Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States:
(a) to encourage energy exploration and production on Federal lands and waters, including on the Outer Continental Shelf, in order to meet the needs of our citizens and solidify the United States as a global energy leader long into the future;
(b) to establish our position as the leading producer and processor of non-fuel minerals, including rare earth minerals, which will create jobs and prosperity at home, strengthen supply chains for the United States and its allies, and reduce the global influence of malign and adversarial states;
(c) to protect the United States’s economic and national security and military preparedness by ensuring that an abundant supply of reliable energy is readily accessible in every State and territory of the Nation;
(d) to ensure that all regulatory requirements related to energy are grounded in clearly applicable law;
(e) to eliminate the “electric vehicle (EV) mandate” and promote true consumer choice, which is essential for economic growth and innovation, by removing regulatory barriers to motor vehicle access; by ensuring a level regulatory playing field for consumer choice in vehicles; by terminating, where appropriate, state emissions waivers that function to limit sales of gasoline-powered automobiles; and by considering the elimination of unfair subsidies and other ill-conceived government-imposed market distortions that favor EVs over other technologies and effectively mandate their purchase by individuals, private businesses, and government entities alike by rendering other types of vehicles unaffordable;
(f) to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries;
(g) to ensure that the global effects of a rule, regulation, or action shall, whenever evaluated, be reported separately from its domestic costs and benefits, in order to promote sound regulatory decision making and prioritize the interests of the American people;
(h) to guarantee that all executive departments and agencies (agencies) provide opportunity for public comment and rigorous, peer-reviewed scientific analysis; and
(i) to ensure that no Federal funding be employed in a manner contrary to the principles outlined in this section, unless required by law.
They are getting their lightbulbs back? Wow!