A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).
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I attended the Nuclear for Australia national tour last night in Perth. Plenty of usefull info. My only beef was some hat tilting to unreliables. No welcome to country was a nice change. Next stop is Brisbane Jan 31st. Go to for info.
Global Debt Reaches 326% of GDP –
“Total global debt has peaked to 326% of global GDP, adding an additional $12 trillion of debt in the last three quarters of 2024, according to the Institute of International Finance. This figure surpasses what we saw amid the pandemic and is expected to continually rise and governments continue to borrow with no intention of repayment.
The Big Bang of the sovereign debt crisis began in 2015.75, as indicated by the computers, around the introduction of negative rates and Quotative Easing, which shifted the risk from the free market to the central banks. The 2015.75 date was also 26 years from the first break in Marxism in 1989. The bottom of the ECM from 2015.75 to 2020.05 was also 31.4 years from the start of the fall of communism that culminated in the final stages of the collapse of socialism. I repeatedly warned that our models indicated the banks would become trapped by these policies and now we have a completely unsustainable situation.
If interest rates rise, their portfolios crash in value (price). Such an outcome would raise the question of will the private sector return to the government bond markets when they see there is a rising risk factor? Our model showed that this would not be the case. In other words, the Sovereign Debt Crisis has taken place and to prevent the PRICE crash, the central banks became the buyer to hold interest rates down and bond prices up. We have seen governments and institutions offload bonds and government debt since the Big Bang.”
More at the weblink below –
I posted an article yesterday whereby Fire Chiefs in UK had expressed concern about EV’s
Hard on its heels is another EV explosion and the fire chiefs have weighed in again and that owners should be made aware of the dangers
Which raises the interesting question as to at what point can cells become damaged enough to become problematic? Head on crashes are obvious but what about shunts in supermarket car parks or driving into another car when trying to get out of a tight parking place?
Seems strange. Evidence of cause is to be determined. How was the fire put out so quickly? Prior EV fires are reported to be non-bomb like. This one went “boom”.
My theory: An ex-boyfriend or husband poured a container of gasoline into the interior and lit it. The ex is now in southern Spain.
A story from Canada a couple of years ago was about a fisherman who drove his Tesla EV to his favourite fishing location driving along a dirt surface track to complete the journey. The EV bottomed out on a low section of the track, not too hard but noticeable.
After parking the driver heard a sizzling sound coming from the EV and quickly followed by an inferno than burnt the EV out completely.
Who cares about the overpriced shopping trolley – did he catch any fish? 😃
Apparently it was large and had three eyes, but it got away.
Hurricanes and storms not becoming more frequent
I frequently point out weather facts to those writing in my local newspaper few of whom know anything about our past climate.
All 3 of our local MP’s are in the local papers today to say they voted in favour of yet another mind bendingly stupid climate bill.
Fortunately it was defeated due to lack of debating time but clearly very many MP’s do not take the trouble to do any research.
Tony, I too have a beef with people & officials yapping the oft-repeated L.I.E. storms are worse and more frequent because CO2 has gone from 0.03 to 0.04%.
Case in point, reading an Australian surfing article yesterday, The LA Climate Fires, the author was pulling as many bogus majick white rabbits out of his hat as he possibly could. Apart from the standard ”consp!racy theories are everywhere … misinformation is rife … 2024 hottest year on record” self-defeating own-goal nonsense claims, his summation was:
“As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more frequent … we must call out the hypocrisy of fossil fuel giants who deny their role in the climate crisis”. Not only [sic] but sick!
The whole surfing industry wouldn’t exist without the benefits hydrocarbons have delivered to modern men & women, and searching the website for contact details to submit a friendly suggestion or two, I discovered their Acknowledgment of Country statement… oh dear, they’re a lost cause.
I think the EU has gone along similar lines to OZ as regards online Hate crimes.
As I have said before I hate no one but may dislike, be concerned about or disagree, with people and ideas and ideologies. Hate nowadays seems to be very narrowly defined these days and greatly exaggerates the apparent new crime of merely speaking your mind.
The authorities can’t define “hate speech” but are super quick to legislate against it. It’s similar to global warming and CO2. We can’t even say black is white without incurring derision these days. We must stop the stoppers in their tracks!
Pathetic “fact check” on Farcebook about whales and windmills:
A Channel 7 (Australia) “news” report said that there’s a possibility of power blackouts because “demand for renewable energy is set to outweigh supply by more than 30% in some months“.
What an absurd statement.
There is no demand for “renewable energy”, only electricity. And the demand is for cheap electricity which we no longer have due to the market being dominated by expensive and unreliable “renewables” .
“The Cricket bat – a journey from the backyard to Test matches”
I had DEEPSEEK do a wind powered NEM costing based on the following:
Designing a battery-firmed wind farm to supply an average demand of 23 GW with a wind capacity factor of 16% (and accounting for low wind periods of 8% and 10% capacity factor for consecutive weeks) involves calculating the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). The LCOE is the average cost per unit of energy generated over the lifetime of the project, including capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and battery replacement costs. Here’s the step-by-step breakdown:
There is a lot of detail so I will state the result of present value of $2,356tr and LCOE of $1286/MWh.
Then I asked for lignite fired USC:
To determine the total cost and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for lignite-fired ultra-supercritical (USC) steam power stations to meet an average demand of 23 GW and a peak demand of 35 GW over a 50-year life at a discount rate of 10%, we need to consider the following:
Again a lot of detail but the present value is $150.9bn and LCOE of $75.55/MWh.
Both analyses used a discount rate of 10% but the wind generator life was 25 years and battery life 15 years while the coal plant was 50 years. One of the notable differences is the 10% discount rate means the present value of fuel is relatively low. Apart from the replacement battery, all the wind generator and initial battery cost are up front.
The present value for the fuel is only $24bn. The present value of O&M for the coal generators is just $21.9bn. The present value for the O&M of the wind generators and batteries is $269bn.
This really highlights why productivity is dying in Australia. I have not even included the 10,000km of new power line and yet the present value of the wind generators/batteries O&M is higher than the total cost of all new USC lignite fired stations.
Australia’s economy is being hobbled by the wind/solar/battery fantasy.
The data for wind capacity factors was taken from Open NEM:
I took the low wind period from end of March to end of June to arrive at the 16% and consecutive low weeks of 8% and 10%. All based on 13.46GW installed. It arrives at 144GW of wind and 3,749GWh of battery.