China is so committed to Net Zero last year it started building 95 Gigawatts of coal plants

By Jo Nova

Does this look like a country that cares about carbon emissions?

President Xi said he would “strictly control” coal power from 2021 to 2025, and he has strictly managed … a huge increase in coal power.

President Xi: — Reuters (April 2021) –“We will strictly limit the increase in coal consumption over the 14th five-year plan period (2021-2025) and phase it down in the 15th five-year plan period (2026-2030),” he said.

But nobody cares either:

China’s 2024 coal power construction hits 10-year high, researchers say

SINGAPORE, Feb 13 (Reuters) – China started construction on 94.5 gigawatts of coal-fired power in 2024, the highest volume of new builds since 2015, hampering the country’s transition away from fossil fuels, researchers said…

The surge came despite a record-breaking increase in renewable capacity last year and could make it harder to connect clean power to the grid, said the report, published by CREA and the Global Energy Monitor (GEM) think tank.
China also promised its emissions will peak in 2030, right when a whole squadron of these new plants will have barely started operation. But it’s OK because the new coal plants are only a “back up for renewable power”:
China has retired more than 100 GW of obsolete coal-fired power in the last decade, according to its energy regulator, and new projects can only be built to provide back-up for renewable energy bases.

So each year China is started building ten times as much coal power as it is retiring.

And all this coal power is needed despite the fact that President Xi  China added a phenomenal 356 GW of wind and solar capacity in 2024 alone.
Where was all that wind and solar power when China needed electricity? — it was providing an excuse for all the extra coal plants China wanted to build.

Spot the strict limit on coal development in China…

These graphs cover Comissioning, Contruction, “Permitted”, New Project” and Retired coal plants:

Chinas coal plant construction 2024 2025. Graph.

We can all see for ourselves just how much work China has put in to stop “Climate change”.





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20 comments to China is so committed to Net Zero last year it started building 95 Gigawatts of coal plants

  • #

    I recall recently some numpty claiming that China is retiring a lot of coal plants. I have bookmarked the above graphs…


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    Angus McLennan

    they are not buffoons like the UK and Australia.


  • #

    I wish Australia would treat their net zero commitment like the rest of their hollow promises.

    Remember the ‘no Australian child in poverty’ one from a few years’ back?


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    Greg in NZ

    It’s the thought that counts…

    At least the Henan S88 Expressway has green plastic (?) make-believe ‘trees’ mounted on the concrete median strip – unless they’re CCTV monitors keeping an eye (and an ear) on the good citizens of The Party™️.

    Forward to Bright Future of Next Tuesday!


  • #

    We should follow China’s lead and build a few coal fired generators as backup for our renewables.

    If renewables didn’t need backup, then China wouldn’t be building the new plants, so it must be necessary.

    What other reason could there be for building so many new plants?

    Does Labor/Graans/Teals ever ask themselves this?


  • #

    Just to link to the co2 emissions data for China, NON OECD, OECD and the World again.
    See the link to OWI Data.

    Note that China in 2023 emitted more co2 emissions than ALL of the 38 OECD countries.
    And in 2023 the OECD countries emitted less co2 emissions than they emitted in 1988.
    Who believes in this reduction in co2 fantasy anymore? And when will the OECD countries wake up and build more energy security and therefore more OECD national security?


    • #

      And what has the rocketing CO2 of fossil fuels meant for total atmospheric CO2? Absolutely nothing. atmospheric CO2 is increasing but very, very slowly at 0.4% a year in a dead straight line with no human impact visible. No rocket ship.

      The idea that fossil fuel CO2 is responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2 is so obviously wrong, it is amazing people believe it. It shows the power of repetition and the fear people have to contradict others.


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    R in Canberra

    Meanwhile, here in Australia, we are going to spend $638 million to pump up an old mine in Broken Hill.
    Words fail!


    • #

      But isn’t that OPM?
      Other People’s Money – taxpayers’ cash … ?



    • #

      Just read the article and went looking for some explanation.

      CSIRO recommend it, and claim it is efficient (60%). ALso claim it is cost-effective storage. Levelised Costs again, and further reading shows that there is ‘flexibility’ in the calculation of levelised costs.

      This looks to be hydrogen power’s little brother.

      Compressed air energy storage feasibility study

      Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a promising, cost-effective technology to complement battery and pumped hydro storage by providing storage over a medium duration of 4 to 12 hours.

      CSIRO and MAN Energy Solutions Australia conducted a feasibility study on adiabatic-CAES (A-CAES), storing compressed air in porous media. As A-CAES compresses the air, the heat that is generated by the compression is preserved by extracting it through heat exchange and storing it separately (thermal energy storage).

      The thermal energy can then be used to heat up the compressed air before it is expanded to run a turbine and generate electricity. By recovering this energy and using it, A-CAES can have a higher ‘round-trip’ efficiency than other systems. This means more of the stored energy is recovered.

      I am interested in what others think about this.


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    Pauly B

    They’re ramping up nuclear as well.

    Looks like they don’t really give a tinkers what the west thinks.


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    Also note China’s GDP per capita has soared ( since 1990 by 13.8 times) and matches their increase in co2 emissions by 2023.
    Most other countries haven’t doubled their GDP per capita over the same period. Of course from a higher base, but China has become much wealthier as their BASE-LOAD energy has increased.
    Today China’s total GDP is only second to the USA.


  • #

    I guess there would be quite a few CO2 molecules from China being naturally sequestered in Australian soils, ocean, and vegetation. How about requesting a few carbon credits from the Chinese?


  • #

    I wonder if anyone actually believes rapid tipping point man made CO2 driven Global Warming Armageddon?

    37 years of imminent disaster, cities drowning, millions displaced by climate change and unlivable temperatures. Even COP is past farcical now being held in oil capitals like Dubai and Baku, sponsored by the oil industry who are doing very well out of Climate Change. Dubai in particular is completely unsustainable. A city of 5 million non citizens, there is no food or water or energy except that imported. And China is booming on cheap energy and manufacturing others cannot afford to do. Australian exports are now mainly CO2 in the form of iron oxide and black coal. We make nothing and export pure CO2. We are total hypocrites.

    But still Australia is on a mission to shut down what remains of our own use of coal, gas, oil and manufacturing, transport and agriculture. Apart from what we ship to China.

    So you have to conclude that our politicians get their instructions from China. Because nothing they are doing with Chinese windmills, Chinese solar panels, Chinese power lines, Chinese steel make any sense economically. There is no investment. And there is no demonstrated problem with the weather or sea levels anywhere in the last four decades.

    What is the problem that has us closing down our own society? Saving the planet? You have to be kidding. How? From what? And China is conducting live fire drills off our coast to warn us to behave ourselves. How much clearer do they have to be?


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    The main difference between AU and CCP populations is, in China, political control is absolute from CCP Central whereas in Australia we have 6 States/governments and four large cities that somehow believe in 6 different ways of doing the same thing. The only time we work as a collective is in war or some other emergency. Covid is the worst/best recent example but even them it required a form of Marshal Law and fear of death/imprisonment or both to elicit compliance. We are currently being exalted to abide by the fictitious cult of climate change that requires obedience to Gaia and the rejection carbon. Very soon we’ll be asked to choose a new Government but in reality status quo will apply because we have lost the collective will to make objective decisions. In the end it’ll be a case of dumb, dumber or dumbest.


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    David Maddison

    The biggest beneficiary of the anthropogenic global warming fr@ud is China.

    The fr@ud has caused the West to deindustrialise, except TRUMP’s America which will now reindustrialise.

    This has been of huge economic benefit to China who are exempt from the Paris Accords because they claim to be a “developing country”. That is also a huge lie. They are an advanced country with cities often being more modern than anything in the West.

    Leftists apologists often say how China also is building renewables. These are nothing but virtue signaling project to demonstrate their supposed committed to combat “climate change”. The reality is that they laugh at the West and the naivity of politicians and the useful idiots of the Left.

    China is by far the world’s largest emitter of CO2, more than twice as large as the US and rapidly rising.

    They are building two coal power stations per week, each with a lifespan of 50 or 60 years. Their CO2 emissions won’t be reducing for at least that time, they will continue to rise, not that CO2 emissions matter, but that is the premise of the whole CO2 scam.

    You will never hear a Leftist complain about Chicomm CO2 emissions. Why?


  • #

    Our blinkered obeisance to NetZero politics means, of course, that China’s unrestrained belching of CO2 and other gaseous
    pollutants from coal-fired baseload power generation stays in China.


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    Serge Wright

    The climate alarmists will make every excuse imaginable to justify China’s massive and ever-growing emissions. The bottom line is that they love seeing the rise of China, which is what this is all about. Moving from the Liberal Democracy to authoritarian Communism is their goal and helping to kill us off by pushing destructive climate change ideology is one of the main tools. Unfortunately, this plan is working as noted by the recent presence of the Chinese warships off our coast, firing away in gay abandon in an act of obvious aggression, without any fear of reprisal and not a peep from the army of professional left-wing protesters that roam the streets of our major cities. The only comments from our PM was they they obeyed international law by staying outside our national waters, which is pathetic. Of course, the rise of China is only made possible by the deliberate sabotage of the west by the climate Marxists, so whilst China is the benefactor we shouldn’t forget that the real enemy lies within. These are the people that also promote DEI, identity politics and open borders on top of climate change policies. These are all designed to create economic decline, poverty and civil unrest and it’s no surprise that’s exactly what we see today.

    The big question – where are the leaders in government who are champions of our democracy ?. It’s as though we live in a communist vacuum already and all we hear are lame excuses or silence when China embarks on another act of provocation. For example, how nice would it be if the PM came out and banned all imports and property ownership from China. This might have a negative economic impact, but it would free us from the grip of hostile dependency.


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