A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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JFK Assassination Records
The latest to be released soon here-
But does Joe Sixpack have even the slightest inclination to wake up?
Even if Joe did show such a tendency, what chance does he have?
Serious questions.
If we are going to have “revelations”, then why is it that this speaker is not global headlines every day ?
He’s no mug.
He understands “The Great Game”, which resulted in the calculated slaughter of thousands of Anzac soldiers.
“Theirs’ not to reason why” , right?
They were expendable , in the goal of keeping Russia out of the Mediterranan, as Sachs tells.
The Kennedy stuff is a distraction from what has really gone on.
In response to a question , Sachs said:-
“As an economist, I can tell you, we have plenty on the planet for everybody’s sustainable development. Plenty. We’re not in a conflict with China. We’re not in a conflict with Russia.
If we calm down, if we ask about the long term, the long term is very good, that is, if we don’t blow ourselves up beforehand. So, this is my point. The prospects are very positive if we construct the peace.”
I shouldn’t be surprised … but the amount of climate porn being generated by the MSM over TC Alfred is astonishing.
The purpose of this climate porn is meant to keep those in impacted areas informed – but the reality is that the volume of reporting is causing fear amongst 4 million Australians – especially when a 50 year cyclone drought in the region is being broken by the most modest of cyclones (Cat 1 before landfall) possible – meaning that few of those 4 million have experienced such a weather event.
Whilst I have never experienced a Cyclone … as a Tasmanian we have regularly faced hurricane force winds (up to a cat 3 level) on a near annual basis.
Yet under such repeated circumstances we have never experienced such widespread power outages – as are currently being reported out of Southern QLD and Northern NSW … perhaps the infrastructure is much less robustly constructed up there – I just don’t know.
In the immortal words of Douglas Adams … “Don’t Panic”
This is a serious event my happy little climate debunker. Look at the energex outages and just think about what is connected to those distribution poles & wires, it is a nightmare circuit board with currents running pushed by devices with unknown switching parameters. Any information systems have been running down their back-up systems with cloudy days. It will be the dark and the unknown for the linesmen. Wear rubber gloves if you are using a chainsaw! You never know when someone’s ‘pimped up’ back to grid system is going to switch on.
Found the center of the whirly wind. (click on the observations for wind direction and strength) It is between Cape Moreton and Caloundra. Cape Moreton has a drop in the glass and NE winds and Caboolture has SW and Maroochydore has NW. So best off motoring in the North West Fairway or wear a hard hat as the boom will be swinging across at some stage.
I took a look at the BOM rain radar fo Brisbane at 4am. At that time the eye of the cyclone appeared to be directly over Cape Moreton. The eye had moved a little further north since then.
Cape Moreton has a BOM recording station so I could look up the barometric pressure. It was 996mb. Somewhat higher than the 982 shown on the weather map.
I was awake at that time and the cyclone had already disintegrated. BOM showed some circular movement in the clouds but that does not indicate much. BOM and the networks just can’t let a cyclone die, I’ve seen it before.
Lat night I posted:
March 7, 2025 at 10:48 pm · Reply
It looks as if Albert is dying, unable to cross the coast, goto, not BOM. It never did show a “wall”, it was the most disorganised storm I’ve watched.
Nullschool is showing 1001hPa at 9am Brisbane time.
The high number of outages is because Energex repairers were prevented from attending faults due to OHS. In normal times, repairers would be out progressively fixing faults, but are being kept in depots by the pink haired l..bian OHS risk assessors that run the State Government and City Councils all around Australia.
We live in world’s biggest island kindergarten.
The same mentality mandated the ‘Prick that makes you Sick’ and sacked or de-registered anyone who attempted to stop the killing and maiming. Like I said yesterday, sack the ‘Chicken feet tossing experts’ and buy some backhoes and chainsaws for the actual workers and let them use their experience and initiative. There are a lot of hard working and community minded employees in our local government and utilities, like everyone they are being submerged by a nanny state and the creatures that live off it.
“like everyone they are being submerged by a nanny state and the creatures that live off it.”
Like every property owner in the state of confusion ( formally known as Victoriastan) I have to pay a fire services levy. Comment on local radio this morning about this levy and how it does not seem to filter down to our local VOLUNTEER fire brigades. The amounts charged per property could probably make every little fire station very well equiped with up to date gear.
No, these extorted funds just disappear into the government coffers to never emerge to assist the local communities.
A coincidence: nuclear power debate and apparent vulnerability of Aust distribution network.
Maybe someone will make a decision about power lines – massive u/g or o/h cables ?
Or maybe just set more smallish nuclear stations (including where wind farms used to be?) and utilise existing network of lesser capacity?
SA connection?
There are at least four factors that make Alfred worse than it would have been in the past:
A. Tropical cyclones land falling on Australia are reducing in frequency – more time between events means more stuff prone to damage..
B. Trees grow faster due to more CO2 and more moisture and there are restrictions on reducing their size.
C. There are more houses built in woodlands.
D. A significant proportion of the power lines are still above ground.
A lot of the damage to power lines and housing has been the result of lodged trees. The sodden root mass just pulls out of the ground.
According to BOM Bris did not get much rain so the ground should not have been too soggy and they never got much wind.
Even in the tropics councils don’t put adequate thought into the type of trees planted. They should.
“D. A significant proportion of the power lines are still above ground.
A lot of the damage to power lines and housing has been the result of lodged trees. The sodden root mass just pulls out of the ground.”
Try and get something done about a dodgy tree on a footpath, no dice, can’t get the greens infested council to get interested.
” but the amount of climate porn being generated by the MSM over TC Alfred is astonishing.”
Very noticeable, the people must be stupid to take it seriously. The Karens are out in force too, a grid of talking heads on the TV telling everyone what to do and scolding those who don’t. Even the SMH has an article about those who (GASP!) don’t get their weather from the BOM!
“millions of Australians are relying on the Bureau of Meteorology to update them on the storm’s expected trajectory, but increasingly, people are looking elsewhere, too, including a range of online independent and even amateur forecasters…Higgins Storm Chasing, an independent weather service that grew out of the social media accounts and blogs of a small group of storm chasers which now has around 1.3 million followers online. That’s more, says Hinterdorfer, than the Bureau of Meteorology… Weatherzone says the rise of independent forecasters reflects a general shift in media culture…the rise of alternative weather information has come about in a period when government institutions the world over have faced increased mistrust, including the BoM..”
I hope all the Govt followers are hiding in their wardrobes while real people walk in the sunshine.
This morning with the much hyped Alfred being downgraded to a tropical low, the govt/media complex are still driving the fear machine with “its not over yet” announcements. I guess because they figure people cant look outside.
Floodiwater will still be building. Worse flooding could be on its way. Northern NSW has had the most rain so far. Lismore is likely to flood again.
A lot of discussions in The Australian today as to whether Lismore should be moved – it’s been hit with at least 22 floods. Along the Mississippi River, some towns have been abandoned because of constant flooding. In WA, the town of Onslow was moved because the original site kept being wiped out by cyclones.
Don’t forget Albo’s looking for a polling bounce, look how he is apparently in charge of what is really a state managed situation.
Albo’s performance has been phenomenal, he has weakened Alfred and turned it away. Lots and lots of lives saved and damage averted. Should be worth a squillion votes. Just don’t ask for details of how he did it. Don’t you just love Australian politics and media – every time you think that someone might say something intelligent, they prove you wrong.
Be afraid… be very afraid 😲
Even from my isolated outpost, at least a baker’s dozen weather sites are available offering a purview of any disturbance around the planet, oftentimes providing far more detailed and accurate info compared to the emotional govt-approved PANIC sites, eg. BoM, NIWA, etc.
Having learned to read maps as a young fella, give me a synoptic chart any day and what’s in store for the next 2-3 days is easily discernible, whereas others prefer numbers, graphs, computer simulations and various parts of chicken carcasses, which is all Greek (or French) to me.
RIP ex-TC Anthony/Alfred: he came, he threatened, he fell apart. Now for the clean up and repair job – as long as your brave Trotsky-ite bureaucrats (once they’ve emerged from hiding in their shelters) don’t squawk those mindless weasel words, build back better (666).
I’m walking in sunshine, whoah 🎶
“I’m walking in sunshine, whoah 🎶”
I can’t let that one pass without a reference 🙂
Who knew the Hunter brothers were weathermen: if they weren’t reporting April sun in Cuba they were wailing about the cold and rain (or was it cold damn rain?).
Chris Thompson was interviewed on RabidNZ this morn, the boy from Hamilton who was Blinded By The Light (along with Manfred Mann) providing Springsteen his first-ever No.1 ‘hit’ (which he didn’t like).
Despite all the melanomas still getting chopped out of me, I prefer a Sunny Day over a long white cloud any day 🌞
We were exhorted by talking heads on radio and tv to switch off your solar panels, the reasons varied a bit and most were wrong, I left mine as is.
“The purpose of this climate porn is meant to keep those in impacted areas informed – but the reality is that the volume of reporting is causing fear amongst 4 million Australians ”
If there had not been a volume of reporting and the cyclone had struck and devastated large areas of cities and towns there would have been a lot more angst among the “4 million Australians”
Miliband’s green empire crumbling, as financial reality continues to bite.
Well it seems that Albo has put off calling the election early and will go in office until May.
Various opinions on why.
1. He wants to be seen as a caring father figure in times of trouble (don’t laugh)
2. He wants to be in office for 3 years so his pension will be larger.
3. He thinks that promising a final lot of money – without any clue where it will come from (as the Banks won’t want that dubious idea) – will convince voters.
4. He wants to support Ukraine with troops.
Personally I like the last one. After previous stupid decisions this “would take the cake” but I like the idea of Albo standing in the Front Line and hope the Russians have a suitable response.
I would say ALL.
No to No. 4, though only on the basis of pedantry. Like other ‘world leaders’, he wants to keep throwing money at Ukraine, but not because it is the right or moral thing to do but because, as I have been saying for a long time and now confirmed by the USAID scandal, the primary reason for ‘international aid’ is to feather nests. When enormous sums of money are flowing in every direction and poorly audited, who’s going to miss the odd hundred billion here and there?
Brisbane area radar
ESE 20 km/hr in Seedknee ?
Meantime, Tasmania opens a brand new green hydrogen plant that generates power from hydro. It will generate sufficient hydrogen to power 40 cars. They didn’t mention the cost but you can bet it’ll be humongous. We don’t yet have a distribution system so don’t drive too far from home. They also want to build a 100 tower wind farm just off NW Cape but Federal Labor is withholding permission until after the election. 50 years ago it was Labor (Robert J Hawke) that denied Tassie the right to build a second hydro-dam tucked away out of sight down in the SW corner that would have been generating power all this time. Now they look like building a giant bird killer instead.
I gather there are a few still flying Wedge Tail (Tasmanian sub-species) Eagles so the NW Cape would kill them off.
I gather the output from NW Cape is expected to be transmitted to Victoria via a second TassLink cable. Who would pay for that?
Probably those ‘visionaries’ who think that hydrogen is easily and safely transferred wherever.
So they’ll be able to do a “Twofer”?
Run a hydrogen pipe with the undersea cable?
(/s shouldn’t be needed but in case)
Celebrating our wind-watchers and the way the discovery of wind droughts could have saved trillions of dollars spent to get more expensive and less reliable power!
The US was one Democrat administration away from catastrophic power failures.
Can the new regime save the day? Hint, burn more coal!
The US may have avoided it but Blackout is doubling down in Australia. Blackout has achieved in Australia what Millibrand failed to achieve in the UK – government guarantees for a massive expansion of wind, solar and batteries.
The AEMO tenders now committed include 8GWh of batteries, 800MW/11.9GWh of pumped hydro in addition to SH2 and 4GW of new solar and wind.
“Information “ night for residents around the Winton Victoriastan area about the new big battery going to be installed in between the massive solar farms already built in the area .
Couldn’t help but notice no consultation just an information session so the decision has already been made .
Y’all be rooned!
Have the Dreamtime Mob been consulted and fairly paid for the snake’s future trauma which will ensue due to this colonial electrickery?
Maori land-court lawyers want to know…
Of course and all on board, now if you want to put in a farm road, you know, on your own farm, well that’s a different kettle of fish all together. Just get the cheque book out and hope you live long enough to see an outcome.
P.S. This outcome maybe negative, so back to the drawing board and cheque book again!
Its a bad time for NAB to be pushing the removal of cash, the 1/4million people without power up North won’t be using cards. They’re talking about the cost of keeping cash as a medium of exchange and the problems of making someone pay to use it.
“The Reserve Bank estimates cash is only used in about 13 per cent of consumer payments, but there are around 1.5 million high cash users, who use it for more than 80 per cent of their in-person transactions… Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock recently predicted cash would be around for “probably another 10 years” ”
..and after that you are at the mercy of the State, the internet hackers and the power companies!
Always comes across more than slightly hypocritical when organisation reporting multi billion dollar profits whine about the costs and lack of their convenience in having cash. You would think it would just be part of the core business, and yes it has costs just like any business activity has costs.
..and the SMH is having a go at the Coalition for saying they will clean out the extra 36000 snivel servants hired by Labor, apparently costing $36billion, or over $160k each.
The same empire-building will occur as last time- “Under Abbott, public servant numbers quickly fell, but a shadow army of 50,000 consultants and labour hire workers was created just as fast, as departments found they needed people to carry out the government’s wishes ”
So it will be a case of which Dept can convince the press that they are indispensable! “Just look at Elon Musk’s efforts in the United States, where a cull of 350 staff at America’s National Nuclear Security Administration last month had to be reversed after the Department of Government Efficiency was told most of these people were responsible for keeping the country’s nuclear arsenal safe.”
That’s what happens when you let experts with nicknames like ‘big balls’ loose .
The Legacy media are having a feeding frenzy on this one. A department actually had a function and was mistakenly closed and rehired. The Sydney Morning Herald staff are going to find out the hard way, keep spinning the talking points and you are going to be fired without any chance of being found to be performing any useful function by the majority of consumers of information.
Thought for the day:
At the the end of the last Ice Age, around 10,500 BCE, around 27,000,000 square km of land got flooded, roughly the combined area of Europe and China. What happened to the people in the low lying areas? There must be a lot of civilisational remains yet to be discovered.
There must be a lot of civilisational remains yet to be discovered.
There certainly is. The following ytube video is about the last ice age and Australia. Very technical, but concentrate on 4.00-5.00 minutes in to see the vast expanses of land exposed in SE Asia when the sea level was 125 metres lower than today.
Those who want to take it further can track down the book “Eden in the East – The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia” by Stephen Oppenheimer.
Or look up The Sunken Continent Of Zealandia: the long lost (and now found) missing mythical eighth continent.
New Zealand’s 6 million inhabitants are living on the tops of what once was a vast landmass stretching from New Caledonia in the north to halfway down to Antarctica in the south, with huge areas both to the west and the east, complete with giant river canyons descending off the (now underwater) continental plains/shelves.
This climactic change occurred only ~12,000 years ago… just imagine what fabulous treasures could be found waiting for keen explorers of the submariner type – before Chairman X! claims it.
‘What happened to the people in the low lying areas?’
After the Younger Dryas sea level rise was relatively fast, however plenty of time to move up country. Tasmanians had hundreds of years to decide their future, unaware it meant 8000 years in isolation.
The Biblical flood was universal, but not so dramatic.
Paywalled story:
Time to buy a decent generator and have battery backup , when Hazelwood closed the prices for electricity skyrocketed and the grid became unstable when the weather wasn’t perfect .
I can now see widespread rolling blackouts and possibly a doubling of prices once they get their way .
Cyclone Alfred a nothing burger. As soon as it touched Morten Island, it was downgraded to a tropical low. US NRL Navy site had it as being 50 knots when it hit and they were spot on! The fear porn is sickening.
If you are one of the people without power and house flooded, you would not be considering it a “nothing burger”.
There will be a significant damage bill and bound to be rise in insurance premiums. So the insurance companies appreciate all the news stories hyping the extent of damage.
“If you are one of the people without power and house flooded, “.. you would be considering your past decision to buy land on a flood plain or sand near a beach.
If you make a bad decision, the answer is to go back and make a better one, that is how life improves.
“So the insurance companies appreciate all the news stories hyping the extent of damage.”
Yes, it is time the insurance companies finely honed their risk parameters so we only pay for the risks in our own areas. Developers and Councils have got away with billions from the old broad-brushed insurance subsidies.
I lived 20 km from where Larry crossed. I had no power for 3 days (the same with Yasi) and that was an annoyance rather than a catastrophe. Zero house damage and the house was built in the early 70’s!
I don’t think people bother to take a look around or ask questions or just do their homework before buying a house, oh it’s in this posh school catchment or it’s got a really cool kitchen or whatever.
Watch your back , no one else will.
Got a map of the flooded areas? BOM rainfall readings were nothing unusual. I saw one highish reading for Lismore.
Cape Moreton has had a total of 2″.
Alfred has morphed into an atmospheric river.
Using the Todd as its model?
Using the Todd as its model?
Not really – just a baby version of West Coast USA events:
More bullshit terms invented by who knows.
“The fear porn is sickening”. It certainly is.
Home is bayside Brisbane. Just as we were heading off for our 35 k bike ride the phone went ding. “TAKE SHELTER NOW in the strongest part of the building you are in”. A neighbour came out of her house, iphone in hand looking up to the heavens. Her expression said it all. Twas a nice ride, often sunny, tad windy.
I wonder how many are still lying in wait for the ALL CLEAR.
Next time it will be a compulsory lockdown, enforced by your happy helpers of public order.
Are you allowed to take shelter without a face mask and hand sanitizer?
Last time I looked, ‘shelter’ is usually an enclosed indoor space*.
Zoonotic viruses could spread.
Unless the definition of ‘shelter’ has been revised?
*(An enclosed indoor space is also a lockdown space. Which facilitates contagious activities. But, we were locked down to shelter form contagion. The WHO should have everyone’s e-mail as to issue daily emergency dictionary updates.)
A storm is something that could happen, especially as it can be a modeled possibility.
I think I’ll build a possibility shelter.
Time for a moratorium on weather disaster hype on TV. Cyclone Alfred is the latest. It has an especially pernicious effect when watched on TV because the viewing public vicariously experience disaster TV coverage of the destruction wrought by the cyclone but can do little about it except watch on helplessly. ABC TV has gone nuts with this awfulising type of real-time disaster TV with their Cyclone Alfred-ABC News Special Coverage which runs constantly all day (Saturday so far) until the news at 7PM where, no doubt it will be the major topic again. This can’t be good for the general psyche. It’s overkill. People in affected areas mostly know the drill. They are sensible and well prepared and if they have time they network with others in their area and stay informed via local radio. They don’t need a steady onslaught of various talking heads, from the limelighting PM down to local authorities from across the state, replete with signers, anxiously updating viewers with graphic scenes of destruction whilst offering advise and emergency numbers. City and urban dwellers don’t need this type of disaster coverage either. It awfulises the real situation for them and they can do little about it either.
Sky News tried the same gag with Paul Murray in Queensland last night (9pm). We turned off. It was just grovelling in the troubles.
I feel very sorry for those who have suffered flooding but why haven’t those who have suffered it before take stock and do things differently? I thought the old Queenslander-style houses were built for a reason.
Awfulising – great word.
Their ABC’s Liam Walsh awfulised the English language with this gobbledygook:
“Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred was downgraded to a tropical low at 6am (local time) on Saturdaty morning” [sic].
The minor typo’s a nothing-burger: the elephant is how many times can an already ex-troppo be downgraded to a low… or am I an old man shouting at clouds? 😃
Shirley an expert ABC Climate Reporter knows at least the basics of his subject – the weather – as well as a grasp of past, present and future for all those tense masses huddled in their living rooms?
“for all those tense masses huddled in their…. living rooms?” Wardrobes please, that was what the Govt said to do!
Wall to wall blah blah, just switched them off, 4BC had jocks sleeping on the floor in swags so they could run a 24hr weatherthon.
When they warn you about blackouts, and they do it on the telly, doesn’t anyone wonder about whether our system isn’t exactly robust?
“the limelighting PM “,
Surely the people shouldn’t have to suffer more than one disaster at a time.
German defense priorities questioned as combat vehicles adapt for pregnant soldiers
According to German labor regulations, the interior of these battle-ready machines must be modified to ensure air quality remains safe for all soldiers, including those who are pregnant.
Wonder if that’s pregnant men or women?
Germany looking to reintroduce conscription for 18 – 60 year olds.
Poland mandatory draft for all men.
France wants to rule the EU.
UK – meh.
History is going to repeat and wussy liberals will get a dose of reality.
‘History is going to repeat …’
A Coalition of the Willing (not NATO) will drive the Ruskies out and secure permanent peace.
Too late ; the Ukies have already taken Moscow . . . several times.
War for thee but not me….
This video discusses the issue of public access to national parks, landmarks, waterways etc. It’s a tad long, at 17 minutes, but well worth watching:
One of the issues he raises is the government’s ’30 by 30′ agenda:
The Australian Government has set a national target to protect and conserve 30% of Australia’s landmass and 30% of Australia’s marine areas by 2030 (the ’30 by 30′ target).
What – no walkabout?
You will own nothing and you will loathe it.
Over here, the suits talk of reversing bans on ‘working’ our National Parks – blasphemy to some, a practical idea to others – as long as they don’t give away 97% of the takings and we’re left with a few silver coins and sludge ponds for Africa. Or Ch!na.
Thar be gold & rubies & lithium in them thar hills.
I’ve got to hand it to the Trump/Vance team. They have succeeded in spawning an offshoot of MAGA – in this case appropriately MEGA – Make Europe Great Again. The MEGA crew a have grasped the nettle in both hands and are well on the way to re-arming.
I see what you did there,
or are you referring to MEGALODON,
the extinct ancestor of the Great White way?
Who is taking up the cudgels for the white side, are there any bovver boys or soccer hooligans left over there.
There are some ready-made stop lines between the countryside and London…
Never mind that – simply feed the hungry starving masses MDMA and/or all the other closely related preparations and any ‘trauma’ will be held in check, as per a recent study in the (not so) Holy Land by a Professor Salomon, who found survivors of a recent atrocity had coped better because they were “high”.
The ‘love drug’, or ‘ADAM’, certainly wouldn’t go astray over the fence where ‘trauma’ is sadly a way of life for too many generations.
Steve Marriott’s words still ring true today:
Wouldn’t it be nice,
to get on wiff me neighbours.
Mind you Stevie’s demeanour on some of that old viddy does suggest a certain degree of excitement.
” America vice-president Vance recently expressed concerned about a future Islamic takeover of Britain, with Islamists gaining control of Britain’s nuclear weapons. At the time, I dismissed it as just another crazy comment from MAGA world. But this podcast makes me wonder if it isn’t as preposterous as it seems. If Britain did plunge into civil unrest that spiraled out of control, another very real possibility to consider is American military intervention in Britain. After all, the prospect of a major European ally with nuclear weapons such as Britain or France falling into civil war would be a direct threat to American national security.”
Direct military intervention by America! I wonder which side they would be on? They probably just seize Parliament, steal all the gold bars and the nukes, then put up a puppet as a ‘leader of reconciliation’, as per usual..
No need, such is already in place.
Today’s Coffee and Covid newsletter on the storm on the non-release so far of the Epstein files –
“Yesterday, I talked down a circular firing squad aimed at a Supreme Court Justice. Earlier this week, I was forced to defend our new HHS Secretary. Today, I’ll discuss the bombs we’re planting in our own living room about our new Attorney General, who isn’t going fast enough so get rid of her!!
If you’re spending time on social media, you know exactly what I’m talking about. But it’s mostly fake. It’s a psyop. I’ll show you precisely how they keep manipulating us through motive imputation.
Sometimes, I wonder where the most self-destructive hot takes start. Are they really organic? Or are malignant tares hiding in the social media wheat field, covertly sowing seeds of acrimony to see what’ll get us to set fire to the harvest?”
More at
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains How The Ukraine Russia War Started.
China’s New Quantum Machine Runs One Million Times Faster Than Google’s
Zuchongzhi-3 operates at an astonishing speed, performing computations 1015 times faster than the most powerful supercomputer available today and one million times faster than Google’s latest published quantum computing results. This achievement marks a major breakthrough in quantum computing, building on the success of its predecessor, Zuchongzhi-2.
Quantum supremacy, the ability of a quantum computer to perform tasks beyond the reach of classical computers, has been a key goal in the field. In 2019, Google’s 53-qubit Sycamore processor completed a random circuit sampling task in 200 seconds, a feat estimated to take 10,000 years on the world’s fastest supercomputer at the time.
However, in 2023, USTC researchers demonstrated more advanced classical algorithms capable of completing the same task in 14 seconds using over 1,400 A100 GPUs. With the advent of the Frontier supercomputer, equipped with expanded memory, this task can now be performed in just 1.6 seconds, effectively challenging Google’s earlier claim of quantum supremacy.
10,000 years down to 1.6 seconds.
So, back to cash and in person transactions it is then.
It’s often worth taking Chinese progress announcements with a grain of salt.
FWIW – Albert having another go
My personal experience of Cyclone Alfred.
Days of nervous waiting, albeit with a cynical expectation that things won’t be as bad as the scaremongers say. Then yesterday, mostly during the night, things got noisy with high winds and rain. By this morning it seemed we faced little more than a few days of wet.
That one night of wind didn’t reach what I would call Level Scary and did no damage to my property other than pruning the palm trees and filling the pool with garden. Even the outdoor furniture remained in place. Rainfall (so far) has been less than the average QLD summer storm.
My next-door neighbour fared less well though. Two big gum trees fell over, doing a small amount of damage to his gutters, but also wrecking some fence and flattening his neighbour’s shed. Luckily for us, he is to our north so the wind blew the trees away from our place. They didn’t snap but were uprooted from a sloping, rocky site with shallow soil.
The only other impact has been loss of power. This is proving to be problematic because many other areas lost power too and Energex don’t fix stuff when it’s raining these days, so we might be in the dark for some time.
Currently, it’s just wet and a bit windy. Nothing dramatic. BOM radar shows a big blob of busy weather out over Moreton Bay, slowly passing over us, so the potential for flooding remains.
And another data point from the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Cyclone? What cyclone?
The idiots at weather central had ex TC Alfred at Dalby today, but it’s just getting over the coast at 9:00 pm.
FWIW – more on the Biden autopen
“I’m not about to act like Joe Biden was some kind of grand statesman brought down low by a combination of health and other factors. He was never great at anything, in my not so humble opinion, other than being a pain in the butt.
However, it seems there’s a pretty good chance his administration wasn’t the kind of bad we thought.
While I talked about his cognitive decline, I figured he had cogent moments enough that he signed a lot of the orders his office issued. Why wouldn’t I?
But now, there’s reason to believe something else was going on.”
“For all their talk about how Elon Musk wasn’t elected, it doesn’t seem like too many of them are worried about someone unelected making laws when it was their side doing it, which is funny since Musk isn’t doing any such thing.”
“The ISS Has a Hygiene Problem, But It’s Not What You’d Think”
Too clean – maybe they need some backyard dirt?
Antimony money
A new Australian mine, operated by Larvotto Resources, is set to become operational next year, providing a new antimony supply stream for Western defense firms.
one way to face down the rising energy prices:
‘abstracting electricity’ – that’s a new term on me. I have heard of ‘distribution losses’ to describe theft, but not the term ‘abstract’
“Abstract electricity” is what you get with wind and solar?
I haven’t seen goatse but apparently the new ‘Rearm Europe’ logo invokes a recollection of this:
Politicians all over the world.. A sub-species of humans-
“Campaign Merz was the Pigeon of Fiscal Responsibility, and he even had his stalwart opposition to deficit spending in excess of 0.35% of GDP inscribed into his party’s election programme. Merz rhapsodised on the wonders of the debt brake at every opportunity He said strict deficit spending rules are necessary to “protect the money and tax burdens of the younger generation” and that “we collect one trillion Euros in taxes a year,” and he asked, “shouldn’t we be able to make do with that?”
Merz no longer believes we should be able to make do with that, and the story of his turnabout is so farcical, I can hardly believe it… ”
Step away from your campaign promises and you are for a new election. Leave the party that you were elected with and you are up for a by-election. So simple to solve these issues, but our rulers don’t want to.
“Politicians all over the world.. A sub-species of humans-”
Politicians all over the world.. a species of sub-humans.
There fixed it for you.