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3 comments to Sunday

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    UQ vaccine trials – participants still throw a positive for HIV:


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    Reuters has the message of truth.
    Thank you, Jo.

    Pity it hasn’t been read at Kew: –
    Kew to open garden focusing on climate crisis

    [BBC, of course]. “Kew Gardens will open a new “ground-breaking” garden in July that explores the urgent need to tackle the climate crisis.”

    There is an urgent need to tackle the crisis in the UK caused by our Government’s [dictated??] Climate Policies [like ‘Nett Zero’, per Mr. Miliband, a colossal waste of hard-earned taxpayers’ money].
    More –
    “The garden, approved by Richmond Council last year, will have a striking display of plants reflecting the dramatic rise in average global temperatures over time.”
    “There will also be a dry garden with drought-resistant plants to show how nature can be used to adapt to climate change and a rain garden which will highlight ways to manage water flow, prevent soil erosion, reduce flooding and put moisture back into soil.”
    But – Nature DOES adapt to climate change – and ‘ways to manage water flow, prevent soil erosion, reduce flooding and put moisture back into soil’ are good things in themselves, generally – and not restricted to ‘Climate Armageddon’!

    Yet more –
    “In the garden, at least 26 new trees will be planted, chosen for their resilience to predicted future climate conditions.”
    ‘Predicted’ – I wonder how close these predictions will be.

    Our Bed-wetting Catastrophists aren’t usually even in the right parish.
    I do hope the trees won’t suffer because of being unsuitably planted in London.

    But it’s the BBC … so ‘Science’ – ‘show me’ – takes a second place, at best, to dogma.



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      John F. Hultquist

      Of the 1.35 visitors per year to Kew Gardens, 97% won’t care.
      There is no urgent need to tackle a crisis that doesn’t exist.
      I like plants and have some that don’t grow well. Ponderosa Pine do fine, Western Larch (commonly called Tamarack here) grow but are not happy. Tomatoes say “Not here, buddy.”


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