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154 comments to Tuesday

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    A happy Christmas to you all in Oz as you drift into Boxing day. Do you call it that in OZ?

    Jeremy Clarkson has opened his own pub and it is costing him a fortune despite (or because) it being wildly popular



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    I am a life long vegetarian but think veganism is often extreme and many promoting it are quite aggressive.

    This is one of our most popular cookery shows and one of the judges will now be a vegan. Don’t know how they will taste the varied dishes but she is also the Guardians restaurant critic. So how does that work?



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      Thats probably the end of it then , woke/broke style.


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      That Aussie mercenary captured by the Russians would be described by your ‘aggressive vegan’. After converting over he said all his friends were vegan as he dropped anyone who wouldn’t join him.

      I see our outraged Govt is demanding answers from the Russian Embassy, they want him treated as a POW under the Geneva convention, while he’s a mercenary who is entitled to none of that, and will be jailed if he comes back to Australia. (cough, cough.. according to the law anyway)


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    Honk R Smith

    One of the businesses I frequent just finally removed the COVID arrows from their floors.
    For purpose of giving the sheep a false sense of safety as they were being herded.

    What has it been, five years?
    Of course, the faint shadows of the arrows will remain for considerable time.

    I realized most of the COVID ‘safety’ measure were for placating the hysterics.
    With the elite managerial class jumping at the opportunity to exploit the hysterics for political gain.

    A dark episode.
    Preexisting CAGW hysteria conveniently prepping the sheep for manipulation.
    My TFH keeps me awake at night sometimes vibrating in detection of the possible correlation.


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      funny that CAGW is also the acronym for Citizens Against Government Waste!


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      David Maddison

      Many businesses in Australia still have their herding arrows in place.

      They are prepared for the next plandemic.

      And Australia’s “leadership”, being fanatically woke, WEF, UN and WHO compliant, and with militarised police forces who actually enjoyed brutalising the non-compliant during the world’s most draconian covid lockups last time, you can be assured of a repeat performance next time.

      You are so blessed to have TRUMP who loves freedom and hates wokeness, the UN, WEF and WHO.


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        So, Moderna never had any physical virus to work on, they just copied and pasted the sequence put up by the Chinese Govt?? Well, having the code is one thing, assembling over 4000 nucleotides in the correct order in bacterial DNA is another.. especially at warp-speed!

        Somehow I find that unlikely.


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      the entire Medieval WarmPeriod has been “scrubbed?

      Ditto “the Age of the Dinosaurs”?


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      It was not really to “placate” the hysterics”, but to grossly empower battalions of megalomaniacl Pubic Serpents and thier “enforcers.

      Has the “Surveillance State” gone away?

      Have all the stupid “rule” been struck down?

      Or, just waiting for the next manufactured crisis.

      But I am just old and cynical


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        ” just old and cynical”
        Yeah right.
        Seems old wise to me.


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        I dont recall any having a sunset clause. I’m guessing they lurk waiting for the next megalomaniac to enact.


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          “I dont recall any having a sunset clause. ”

          A great argument for every law to have a sunset clause. Let Parliament go over them again every ten years as society changes, at least it will keep them occupied and stop them passing new ones!


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            And for every “new” or “refreshed” law enacted TWO other “old” lawsand “regulations to be PERMANENTLY scrubbed,concurrently.

            But where are the psycho-sexual jollies for the megalomaniacs in that?


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        Honk R Smith

        “It was not really to “placate” the hysterics”, but to grossly empower battalions of megalomaniacl Pubic Serpents and thier “enforcers.”

        I was being diplomatic.
        I agree that the Dan Andrews types and the ‘public health’ advocate cynical Sons Of knew what they were doing.
        The Pandemic strikes me as major historical cultural event.
        I’m really interested in unpacking what happened, partly ’cause I’m PO-ed.
        And trying not to be bitter toward so many folk I know that swallowed the obvious BS.

        I think there was a convergence of Train Wreck trends.
        One is cancel culture.
        Political and medical leaders became terrified of being set upon by hysterics, an army that had been formed in reaction to Trump, George Floyd, and the oddly fashionable gender ID stuff.
        Weeds blossoming in the fertile ground of “how dare you”.
        Cultivated by the One World Order types.

        I too am old and cynical.
        But I’m still hoping to meet chicks.
        (No … kidding, I’m happily married. At least according to last instructions I was given.)


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    David Maddison

    A new psychiatric condition of the Left has been identified.

    Apart from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) there is now also EDS or MDS (Elon or Musk Derangement Syndrome).

    There is no known cure.


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      The only medicine for the Left’s condition is a Balanced Budget followed by a dose of reality and a return to the real World.


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      I think that both of your mentioned syndromes are simply sub- sets of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      But , as you say, there are very few success stories when it comes to a cure.

      The outcome is almost invariably fatal , as the legend recounts.


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      Aus has long had Morrison DS, Abbott DS, Pell DS, Murdock DS. Just a mention and the hatercounter will go off the scale?


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    David Maddison

    We do indeed have a climate crisis.

    Here in Melbournistan, yesterday and today, I have had to use my heating rather than cooling as I like to maintain a house temperature of 22C (71.6F). And I absolutely refuse to do the woke/green thing and wear extra warm clothing in my own home.


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      Only left my couch yesterday to take rubbish bins out,
      BTW, time on the couch was also wasted – for the fifth time watched The Day Of The Jackal with one more relative, trying to understand why the great Frederick F agreed to that anticapitalist exercise.


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      Brenda Spence

      You can have some of Perth’s heat if you like, over 40 two days in a row, 24 at night. Cooler today thank goodness! 23 Christmas day.

      Funny how they can calculate a globull average temperature, ..I wonder what the average temp of Australia would be in one day?


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        David of Cooyal in Oz

        I’ll be happy when they can get tomorrow’s minimum right consistently to the nearest whole degree – out by 3.5 here today, on the cool side, so I shouldn’t complain really in our summer.


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        Could I suggest that averaging all the daily temps across Australia, or across the globe, would be like averaging all the phone numbers in an old telephone book.


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    David Maddison

    Here is an interesting essay analysing the mental state of liberals i.e. Leftists in US terminology, not classical liberals in the European sense of the word.


    On the Subjective Mental State of Liberals

    The first quale is that liberals do not see reality as it is. What their eyes perceive is not the truth, because everything is filtered through an ideological lens, which removes anything that contradicts their ideology before it can enter their minds. Reality is totally subordinated to political ends, which are derived purely from abstractions.

    The second quale, related to but distinct from their divorce from reality, is that liberals use key words, first inside their heads and then spoken out loud, only after mentally assigning them new meanings designed to serve their abstract political goals.

    The third quale, again related but distinct, is emotivism ruling rationality. Any matter perceived by a liberal that affects his political worldview is not analyzed objectively, nor are his conclusions supported logically, but rather with unbridled emotion.

    The fourth quale is breathtaking arrogance, blended with a nebulous, yet unshakeable, conviction of their own moral superiority, both tied to the belief that history is a wave and liberals are destined to ride it like the Silver Surfer. The origin of this is not anything rational, such as an analysis of the past and measured predictions about the future, but an insatiable desire to lord it over supposed inferiors, feeding the human desire to feel that one is on a higher plane than others.


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      “but an insatiable desire to lord it over supposed inferiors, feeding the human desire to feel that one is on a higher plane than others. ”

      That is not so very different from the narcissist’s never-ending quest for adulation, don’t you think?

      Is that a quintessentially human trait?
      It may be a fatal childhood illness.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Spot on, and it explains why a certain phenomenon I identified some years ago exists. That is the tendency for so many institutions, companies, charities, NGOs, clubs, etc to ‘go woke’.

      It is because leftists will not – cannot – put aside their politics no matter what they’re doing. If a club or charity has one hundred workers, twenty of whom are leftists, those twenty will insinuate their politics into everything and be the loudest voices in every situation. If just one or two make it to management or executive levels, they will steer company policy leftwards, even if that has a negative financial or reputational impact – just so long as the organisation operates in a ‘woke’ fashion. Shareholders, other staff, traditions, mission and customers will all be sacrificed if necessary.

      They are able to do this because conservatives, even if they outnumber the leftists, generally do NOT bring their politics to work, leaving the playing field wide open. I saw this up close when working within a large Australian university and in research – pretty much the only time politics was mentioned or factored into an issue, it was a lefty doing so. Conservatives tended to keep quiet.

      Extrapolate this behaviour over many decades and you end up where we are today.


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        “pretty much the only time politics was mentioned or factored into an issue, it was a lefty doing so. Conservatives tended to keep quiet.”

        That’s because Conservative ideals are normal to humans, we don’t need pushing to behave like that. Only when you try to over-ride our natural behaviours do you need strident Leftests trying to use dishonest tactics to herd us against our instincts.


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      Thomas Sowell in his book ‘Conflict of Visions’ sees an age old dichotomy
      between the ways in which we perceive human nature, the unconstrained vision of human nature,
      the Adam Smith, view that we’re fundamentally flawed, and the unconstrained view, Jean Jacques
      Rousseau view that we are perfectible. How we see concepts like rule of law, freedom,justice,
      and equality are very different.



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    David Maddison

    More great news from TRUMP.


    “And woke has to stop,” he said. “Because along with everything else, it’s destroying our country. We’re going to stop woke. Woke, woke is bulls***.”

    One such destructive policy, Trump argued, is local school systems’ openness to certain topics related to transgender identities and critical race theory. He vowed to remove such aspects of the school curriculum.

    “We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools and we’re going to get it out of our schools very fast,” Trump said, earning cheers from the audience. “I will defend religious liberty, I will restore free speech and I will defend the right to keep and bear arms.

    The promise comes as Trump and his allies continue pulling a possible abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education. That move is part of a larger plan to cut government waste and bureaucracy.

    Transgender policies have become a major lightning rod of controversy in the wake of Democrats’ decisive defeat on Election Day. Some lawmakers, such as Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., are now calling for the party to reevaluate its messaging surrounding the hot-button topic.


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      “Woke, woke is bulls***.””

      So Trump won’t be tweeting any more?
      Has he no feelings for the acolytes?


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    David Maddison

    I’m no great fan of panem et circenses but apparently there’s a threat of cancelling Sydneystan’s famous New Year fireworks if the train driver’s union decides to strike at that time.



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    David Maddison

    People restore classic cars with ICE engines.

    Fifty years hence, how many do you think will restore today’s electric vehicles?

    In fairness, there were EVs of the past that people do in fact restore, such as the Baker Electric 1899-1914 but these had excellent craftsmanship and style, and were easily repairable and worth preserving, unlike today’s EVs.


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      In general given that modern electric cars are four wheels and a big battery and 4WD, there is nothing to admire. Speed and acceleration are history. Looks are streamlined to the millimeter to reduce drag. The grills are pointless. Styling is pointless. We have a BMW V12 sports from 1992, and it still looks great today. And does not come with the anxiety and nuisance of an electric car. Plus you have complete freedom to drive where and when and as far as you like. Without the permission of the manufacturer or the government. So far.


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        I saw a video the other day claiming their Tesla has done 450K MILES, and has 71% battery capacity. Not bad if true, which it seemed to be. I would dare say the car was driven for leisure (a car enthusiast channel), with a well managed battery cycle, (not too full, not too empty, no rapid charging), not your daily commuter get about.


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      About as many that restore fridges today, I imagine.


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      David, EVs built today are unlike to be around to re engine in 50 years time! Then again neither will I!


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      Given that todays cars are not much more than a smart phone with wheels, they will last about as long as one.


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    On my comments yesterday about radioactive CO2. I would ask everyone to consider if they have ever seen proof that ’emissions’ have any impact on CO2. I haven’t. And then if humans have not and cannot change CO2, why are we destroying our Western power systems, an act of war. Who is really driving it? And why? And why is it a political issue, starting with the UN. Like the war on Israel. Or blatant Chinese control of the WHO as in the Chinese made deadly Pandemic. No one is being held responsible for either disaster, both driven by the Chinese controlled UN.

    We have lived through an amazing Pax Americana since 1945, 80 years in a few days. Are we to survive the clearly underway domination by China? Their track record is terrible. Including receiving Carbon Credits from everyone else as a Climate Victim, a third world country, while they produce nearly half the world’s CO2. Unfortunately it all adds up.


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      “receiving Carbon Credits from everyone else as a Climate Victim”

      Well why wouldn’t you , if “they” were silly (or cunning) enough to give it to you?

      Do you think that China did not know that the whole thing was political , as well as scientific nonsense?


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      I would ask everyone to consider if they have ever seen proof that ’emissions’ have any impact on CO2. I haven’t.

      The linked image is compelling proof of the dominant sources of atmospheric CO2:
      This is based on 7 years of satellite data. It is detrended to remove long term trend and annual fluctuations to show where CO2 is being sourced and sunk. It is quite evident that China is the dominant source with India probably second place and the Northern Pacific third place (maybe first place if you take area into account) . All of the Southern Hemisphere is a net sink when detrended.

      Without detrending, there is a wide variation over an annual cycle so the sources and sinks are less obvious.

      A lot more images and animations at this link, all based on satellite observations over a 7 year period:

      This is compelling evidence that China is the dominant source of CO2 additions to the atmosphere but warming of the oceans in the NH are also contributing while the slight cooling of the Southern Ocean is a net sink.


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        No, it’s not compelling. Certainly not that fossil fuels are increasing total CO2.

        We already knew where CO2 emissions arise from coal and oil and gas consumption alone. The differential ‘residue’ display does show origin of human ’emissions’ in the satellite data. We can see them. It does not say they contribute to total CO2 except obviously in the very short term.

        The question for man made CO2 driven Global Warming is about the baseline. Why CO2 is growing at 0.4% pa? Emissions have only just reached 1%. So two things go up at the same time. That’s coincidence, not measurement. A casual correlation like temperature. Emissions are growing explosively, 3700% since 1900. CO2 and temperature are not.

        Baseline CO2 was going up steadily long before China was even a significant CO2 producer. After WWII the population was only 400 million like India. Now they are both 1,400 million. And Chinese manufacturing and steel production has grown incredibly, plus trains, cars, trucks, cement. But CO2 has has moved very little in comparison.

        So your graph is a successful attempt to subtract off the baseline CO2. Which is exactly my point. It’s the baseline growth which is the constant vapour pressure determined by ocean surface temperature. Human CO2 output just disappears! We see that as C14 levels are exactly what they were in 1800AD.

        It is not compelling that human emissions even contribute to CO2 growth. Not when the oceans contain 50x as much freely dissolved CO2 as the entire atmosphere.


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          The reverse question is that given so much CO2 is in the ocean, why wouldn’t you expect it to be in global equilibrium? The base level of CO2 in 1800 was not random. CO2 has been in the air and sea in quantities 100x larger than all our output.

          It should have to be proven that our output alone has changed that equilibrium value. Dissolved quickly in the ocean 30x faster than oxygen, our total contribution is at most 1%. Why the growth should be 50% in the air is unexplained if you ignore water surface heating, say from currents or solar intensity. So the only argument for man made CO2 growth is coincidence. But one is growing exponentially and the other in a straight line. That’s not reasonable if they are strongly connected.


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          It does not say they contribute to total CO2 except obviously in the very short term.

          The single place on Earth that has contributed most to increase in atmospheric CO2 over the 7 year period observed by the satellite was over land – specifically China. Not ocean It has clearly been the dominant source of CO2 increase over that 7 year period.

          The atmosphere and oceans are very big places. I have no idea how fast they exchange specific gasses other than water vapour to achieve equilibrium but I expect 7 years would be too short to achieve equilibrium when there are large, rapid external increases like China during this century.

          Historical evidence indicates about a 800 year lag between ocean heating and cooling and CO2 levels. That same evidence indicates that CO2 temperature dependence is around 10ppm/C implying that ocean temperature has increased by 14C since pre-industrial to validate your basis for the existing level.


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            That’s a common rebuttal. But it’s hard to explain the bumps in CO2 around Hawaii, clearly up in summer and down in winter.

            But the warming may be connected because of the source of the heat. The only great fit I have ever seen to Europe’s temperatures for the last 250 years was with ocean currents and solar intensity and only two cycles fitted at 12 inflexion points!

            So my pet idea is that the currents carry great amounts of gas and at ocean pressures and temperatures CO2 can be a liquid at over 50 metres. It moves with these currents. So CO2 can be released from the same currents producing the cycle. It’s what happens when you breathe. CO2 is transported around and released by the lungs. 0.04% to 7-14% in a single breath over a wet thin surface. CO2 exchange can be very fast.

            Also the Henry’s constant is for static 1 bar pressure in a laboratory. As a real environment up to 11 km deep and averaging 3500 metres or 350 bar, CO2 compression is endless, as in Coke Cola which is 3-5 bar. And you have seen the Menthos release. So normal calculations do not apply. Clearly water can contain vastly more CO2 than in a beaker.

            But the point I made with Prof Will Happer is that it is not up to me to explain why there is no fossil fuel CO2 in the air, apart from 2% which is 2 years of CO2 emissions. It is a simply provable fact that is it only 2%. Even in 1958.

            What I find is that instead of accepting a proven fact, I am asked to explain why things are not as others think they should be. It’s irrelevant. The entire man made CO2 story is based on something which is provably wrong by direct evidence. As direct as measurement can be. Everything else is just conincidence used as proof.


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              There is the Stallinga paper, table 1. 36 papers giving the residence time around 8 years. However that is for ALL of CO2, not just human fossil fuel emissions which are in the lower atmosphere and so close to water. We have seen how fast it is with Australian bushfires. Immediate.

              And very rapid phytoplankton growth (2 days) does explain the strange bumps in the Moana Loa CO2 graph which rises for summer and then drops mid summer. You can forget trees and bushes. The hungry, hungry photoplankton dominate with ultra rapid response times. WHich means also that CO2 is in short supply as their population is limited by supply. As with CO2 and trees noted by NASA where trees have gone up 14% as CO2 has climbed 14% between 1988 and 2014. Equilibrium is completely unavoidable! The question is how on earth humans can alter equilibrium levels. Clearly billions of trees make no difference.

              A half life for fossil fuel emissions is likely well under 2 years, which matches the fact that fossil fuel CO2 % in 2024 is the same as in 1958. So that is just the average in transit.


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                In fact the idea of ‘equilibrium’ in all dynamic physical systems is completely left out of the story. Clearly CO2 had a level before the industrial revolution. And we think we can output a ‘lot’ of CO2 and that level will change? Given that our peak output is 1% of 2% or 0.02% of the total in the system, that’s ridiculous.

                Even 100 years at current levels of 1% would only increase total biosphere CO2 by 2%. And why would that specific type of CO2, be exclusively in the atmosphere? It’s fantasy science because people assume the atmosphere is some sort of bucket. They might then explain how fish breathe.


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          Sorry, bad driving, no red intended.


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      There was a long debate on X the other day about the radiative properties of CO2 in the atmosphere. ( a theory that I find mostly bunkum anyway). One commentator was trying to explain Will Happer stance on the radiative properties of CO2. You know the 2 coats of red paint analogy etc. How , if you align with the theory, that 90% of the returning long wave radiation is pretty well absorbed by first 50 ppm of CO2 anyway. Hence, it’s not a straight line relationship at all, so that doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere is mostly inconsequential. Then there was a climate alarmist who chimed in on the discussion trying to debunk Will Happer and his limiting CO2 proposal. The “debunking” commentator might have been that Gerard Kutney bloke, famed alarmist and total believer in AGW. His comments were that there was now additional research showing that indeed all those additional CO2 molecules have some further magic. They can apparently take the rather constant returning long wave radiation (because the suns rays are still pretty constant) and somehow energise them more to create the additional heat that will make the oceans boil etc. So, watch out for that one. Basically, look we’ve got this new theory that proves all our previous faulty theories- but that’s Ok folks, this one’s true.


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        Once you start talking about the radiative properties of CO2 you demonstrate you know nothing about Earth’s energy balance. Including it in climate model is just plain nuts.

        Anyone who wants to understand climate needs a very firm handle on how ice gets formed on land, on water and, most importantly, in the atmosphere. Know this and you have good grip on climate.

        The climate scammers have led people down this silly path of “greenhouse” gasses and CO2 being the control knob for Earth’s temperature. In their primitive analysis, they wave away the 30% (100+W/m^2) of the solar EMR that clouds prevent from thermalising and shift the focus to the totally contrived radiative forcing of CO2 being about 1W/m^2.

        I encourage everyone to go outside and look up. That white stuff you inevitably see is ice. How did it form? What is it doing to the amount of sunlight reaching the ground.


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      Ask yourself who runs the UN, how many tinpot African dictators get a vote.
      I sincerely hope Trump bins them and turns the UN building in New York into something useful.
      Without the USA paying their wages, they will implode.


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    A timely reminder now Melbourne has its own production facility for these “countermeasures”:

    The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented. Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Why are governments around the world, including Australia, planning to make further significant investments in this rushed vaccine technology driven by the US military?




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      Well, the military is heavily invested in researching race-based genetic weapons and I expect they feel the need to counteract the countries they see as enemies because they might be doing the same.

      Those secret biolabs in Ukraine that were collecting blood from Slavs weren’t there to trace rabies you know..


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        If the biolabs are secret, how do you know about them?


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          Graeme No.3

          Victoria Nuland high up (2nd or 3rd) in the WOKE Democratic State Department expressed horror that the invading Russians had occupied the 2 ‘Vaccine laboratories’ and seized their stocks of Anthrax.
          Obviously the Russians were making sure that any war would not be biological (Anthrax is endemic in Russia (& Canada).
          Anthrax is nasty and lasts many years. That island in Scotland experimented with in WW2 took 60+ years to be safe after several cleanups. I am not sure that civilians are still allowed on it.
          That made me sceptical about the propaganda about the innocent Ukrainian.


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            Why on earth would you have biolabs in that unstable part of the world? I would suggest Pine Gap would be a better place.


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              Corruptable, controllable and as perceived with the seemingly mandatory hubris , not so unstable back then. Seemed like a good idea at the time, your honour.


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            Obviously the Russians were making sure that any war would not be biological (Anthrax is endemic in Russia (& Canada).

            Wanna buya bridge?


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Reading just now about the awful, horrific murder of a woman on the NY subway a few days ago, set on fire by an illegal immigrant who had already been deported under Trump only to come back thanks to Biden’s open border, I was once again disgusted by the leftist media’s blatant lies. The worst of these, rather like the German media saying that “a car drove” plowed through that Christmas market crowd, was a headline proclaiming that the woman “caught alight”.

    So, in order to protect the left’s open borders policy, we are now to believe that the poor dead woman spontaneously combusted and that cars may autonomously commit murder.

    I very much doubt though, that should a white police officer shoot a black suspect, the headline won’t read, “Gun shoots man”.


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      Attributing “agency” to inanimate objects id pure cretinism. (Or deliberate MALICE).

      But in these benighted times, doing so for “reasons” is god-like.

      Looks like 2025 is going to be INTERESTING!


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      December 23, 2024

      Say her name: Amelia Carter, burned to death by an illegal alien on New York’s subway

      By Monica Showalter

      Yesterday’s subway attack on a blameless woman who was set on fire by an illegal alien just keeps getting more disturbing.

      The latest video shocks the conscience: – Horrendous that someone filmed this and people stood by and watched!

      Look at that cop clop on by as though nothing was going on, as if passing a routine happening in New York. Or those strapping males with cell phones filming, not one making an effort to have the woman ‘stop, drop, and roll,’ let alone throwing their coats over her to smother the flames, which is the normal way to treat a person on fire as well as the decent thing to do. No heroes on that platform. And look at the accused perpetrator, watching her burn like a complete psychopath and then getting up to fan the flames. Not surprisingly, the woman died.

      This report says this was what was left of her as they all stood around:

      Amelia Carter was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant on the NYC subway. The illegal migrant set her on fire while she was sleeping and watched as she burned to death.

      Amelia Cater had a very bright future, being a graduate of SUNY purchase and obtaining her PHD from UPenn

      She had a family: – She was a bright student: – And she was a productive citizens. She was not a drunk as some media reported: Nor was she homeless, as other media reported. They even speculated without a drop of evidence that she was mentally ill:

      Or that she was stoned out on drugs: – Or that she was stoned out on drugs:

      (Even if she were any of those things, the crime would be heinous.)

      But she wasn’t.

      She did nothing at all to either provoke or deserve this. There’s no ‘happens all the time’ to distance what happened to her to what could have happened to any of us.

      One gets the feeling that those making those accusations and smears are psychologically trying to distance themselves from the horrible thing that happened to her as something that couldn’t happen to them because they aren’t homeless or on drugs.

      But now that shield is gone — she was as normal as anyone, and not living on some edge or margin, just a victim of Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s blood-on-their-hands border surge that has taken the lives of so many.

      The monster fanning the flames on the burning and clearly alive woman had this history:


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    another ian


    “Peter Sweden: BIG WIN: Dairy Producer STOPS Using Bovaer After Boycott”



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    Carbon dioxide has no significant net effect on climate. The recent rapid increase in temperature (especially since about 1960) has been contributed to by the measured increase in water vapor (which is a ‘greenhouse gas’) resulting from the surge in population and irrigation especially since about 1960. The increase in water vapor, has averaged about 1.4 % per decade according to measurements by NASA/RSS using satellite-based instrumentation and can explain all planet warming attributable to humanity. This is further explained at the analysis made public at https://watervaporandwarming.blogspot.com


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    David Maddison

    Here’s a new scam that’s not wind or solar:

    Fraudsters leave a fake slip from a courier indicating you weren’t home for a delivery. You are asked to scan a fake QR code on the slip demanding payment to reschedule the non-delivery.



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    David Maddison

    Beauty is certainly personal, but apparently many women are now not doing the standard body hair removal common in most Western countries.



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      These are certainly very hairy moments and times to be alive.


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      John Connor II

      Aren’t they the tree hugging greenies driving ancient Subarus?

      I went to a greenie event once.
      Long hair, scruffy beards, worn out sandals…and some of the men were just as bad! 😆


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      It was all the American pedophile push, due to their confused sexual mores. They have this fixation that their women must be girls on the cusp of pubescence all their lives, the eternal 15year-old virgins without completed sex features, which is why they worship these Barbie-doll images.

      Their idea of a slim, completely shaved, youthful ‘West Coast Girl’ has dominated the American followers, while I’m sure Italian women would be both more mature and more sexy. However, Pax Americana has bought us that for 80years, another little bit of Disneyworld.


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    David Maddison

    The election for TRUMP’s next term after his first which he “lost” due to election fraud by the DemonRATs, was in retrospect a good and necessary thing.

    Had it not been for that, he wouldn’t have been able to expose and get rid of the RINOs and other traitors which are now excluded from his forthcoming term. He has also learned how devious and dishonest the opponents of freedom and those who seek to destroy the United States (and the West generally) really are.

    The interim Biden regime also demonstrated to Americans and the world just how evil are the DemonRATs.


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    John Connor II

    Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer in Healthy Young People, Study Confirms

    Researchers are raising the alarm after discovering that Covid mRNA “vaccines” trigger a deadly blood-based cancer in healthy, young, athletic women.

    The researchers were able to identify the second dose of Pfizer Covid mRNA injection as the direct cause of the woman’s cancer.


    No, surely it’s due to climate change!


    • #
      John Connor II

      Professor Fukushima: “The Victim’s Heart Was Melted Due to the Vaccine.

      Japan’s most senior oncologist Professor Fukushima describes the case where the victim’s heart was melted due to the COVID vaccine and calls it a murder.

      “I also do autopsies and have examined the case where the victim’s heart was melted due to the vaccine. It appears that the person died due to myocardial lysis.

      An autopsy was performed. When the doctor attempted to remove the heart, he was surprised, because it was extraordinary soft. The heart seemed melted and lacking in tone.


      No, surely it’s climate change, or because your toast is too well done or some other lame excuse.


    • #
      David Maddison

      No, surely it’s due to climate change!

      Not a joke. Didn’t you know that’s there’s NOTHING you can’t blame on Climate Change…


      Climate change is associated with increased cancer risk through a variety of mechanisms, including increased ultraviolet exposure, risk of exposure to air pollution and toxic chemicals, heat, and reduced access to cancer screening, and most notably through disruption in cancer care itself.13


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    John Connor II

    I’m releasing a new book on Australian politics called “50 shades of gravy train”.


  • #

    Some of West Aussie will drop their speed limits in a trial, following the worst year since 2016.

    “The trial would see regional roads currently signposted from 80km/h to 110km/h reduced to 70km/h or 80km/h.”

    So, will they put them back up in their best year since 2024?? Why do they only go downwards? Of course, this is a random bad year, just like rainfall has good and bad years, and when the road toll drops next year they will declare it a great success and implement the permanent lower limits everywhere.

    A drop of 30kph will suit the Tesla drivers!



    • #
      David Maddison

      There is no evidence that such speed reduction will reduce the road toll.

      In fact it might increase it due to driver frustration and boredom due to lack of mental stimulation at absurdly low speeds for the conditions.

      It’s strictly about being able to generate more speeding fine revenue.

      When Australia adopted universal zero tolerance for speeding, when it used to be 10% or 10kph it was on the basis of an “academic” study from the University of Adelaide that claimed that speeding was associated with more accidents. But there was no actual evidence for that. The “researcher” just asked police if they thought speeding was associated with certain accidents to which they simply answered yes, because it was the expected answer and no objective evidence was asked for.

      This junk science led to a dramatic increase in speeding fine revenue throughout Australia as tolerance was reduced close to zero. And it was a simple answer for simple minds like politicians. And a profitable one for the revenue collectors.

      And it is profitable for those researching the Official Narrative that minor speeding is dangerous and there should be zero tolerance against even minor transgressions.

      I recall that many years ago there was a study published in Canada that drivers which slightly exceeded the speed limit were safer drivers than those that fastidiously stuck to it. It was referenced at https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/ but I can’t find it now.

      Also see https://www.drive.com.au/news/speed-doesnt-kill-its-official/

      As Australia descends into a full dictatorship we will continue to see more of this nonsense.


      • #

        Australia should adopt European speed limits on its multi lane highways – 130 Km/Hr and 110 Km/Hr when it is raining

        Get Rid of the Creep on the Hume Highway at least!

        Manly – Sorry “Northern Beaches Council – Thanks Liberals for Screwing Us in the Merger”, Council has 30 Km/Hr in Centre, and even the 3 Up Kids on Heavy MotoCross E-Bikes go faster on the parallel shared Pedestrian Walkway

        Next the Labor/Greens/TEALs will demand a pedestrian walk in front of your car waving a Red Flag – You will pay for the Red Flag Waving Person, just like you pay for 2 Yellow Stop/Slow Lollipop People to unload a load of Concrete at your House, here in Northern Beaches Council – What Inflation?


        • #

          Australia should adopt European speed limits on its multi lane highways
          Actually limited access roads?

          Of which how many kilometers exist in WA? Even the Tonkin Highway (Perth) is not really limited access…..

          I normally drive on the 110km/hr roads at 100. And the local 80 km/hr at the speed limit. I still get passed on double white lines on both. And then we have the road trains (and a few cars) doing 95 on the normal roads and 105 in the passing lane areas.

          There are a couple of places where the permanent traffic monitoring locations should have the statistics published weekly.
          With 4 lines across the roadway I would think speed monitoring is part of the recording.

          And LASTLY !
          You city drivers, please pull over when you get tired. I normally take a (intentional) nap on the 400 km driver to/from Perth


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        When I worked in government-funded research, I frequently argued for the creation of a research theme dedicated to providing the actual evidence required before government policies (at all levels) are implemented, alongside which an ongoing project would run to determine/quantify the benefits of evidence-based policy vs ‘kneejerk’ or idealistic policy.

        I don’t need to tell you how successful I wasn’t.

        While attached to a ‘cities’ program, I attended a Melbourne conference at which urban planning was covered. A guy delivered a talk wherein he pointed out – with examples – the folly of “planning without REAL consultation”. He put up a slide of a UK roundabout that was built to include pedestrian pathways, a confusing spider’s web of roads, footpaths and cycleways. From above, it could be clearly seen that the planner’s pathways were pretty much completely ignored, while the grassed areas were crisscrossed by worn-down ad hoc paths created by – you know – actual PEDESTRIANS whose preferences were never sought. On arriving at the roadside, pedestrians completely ignored the paths weaving and wriggling great distances around the actual roundabout, instead just taking a direct path across the road and over the roundabout.

        Another fail he cited was a beautiful strip of parkland, specifically designed to encourage females to jog or walk. They had clearly avoided asking any actual women how to do this, because they made it meander between trees and shrubs, creating sections that were invisible to other users (perfect for ambushes) and then forgot to provide lighting! Needless to say, women avoided the place from day one.


        • #
          Gary S

          In landscape design we talk of ‘desire lines’, whereby observations are made of the actual paths taken by people through a landscape.
          Access ways are then added to the design, rather than attempting to force people to follow arbitrary routes.
          Animals do it too – following the path of least resistance in the form of game trails. Politicians take note – forced compliance is not conducive to your political longevity.


      • #

        When living in Germany and possessing a nice car for the Autobahns, I felt that it was a lot safer driving in Germany, in fact also in the UK, Canada and the USA, than it was driving in Australia, particularly Perth. Motorists overseas are a lot more “switched on”, and the traffic on their express roads moves a lot better with less bottlenecks.


    • #
      another ian

      Back when the US dropped its highway speed limit from 70 mph to 55 a realist observed that

      “It took that trip from a journey to a career”


  • #

    I find the faking of government weather station data in the UK a bit amazing. Is it true?

    “In his home county of Kent, Sanders found that four of the eight sites identified by the Met Office, namely Dungeness, Folkestone, Dover and Gillingham – which all produce rolling temperature averages to the second decimal place of a degree – are “fiction”.

    Daily Sceptic reports: Sanders notes that there has been no weather station at Dungeness since 1986. None of the four stations appear in the list of Met sites with a classification from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).”


    • #

      That subject was covered a few weeks ago, I think on WUWT. Apparently there is a reason for all the non-existent (over 100?) temp measuring sites in the UK.


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    John Connor II

    Walking into my 4th year of death, unvaxxed, still not a communist and still not using pronouns…


    • #

      Same. Didn’t get the Jab/Boosters, didn’t get the Vitus and haven’t had the Flu since 1972. Don’t get the flu jabs either. I do get a Cold every now and then and could never be a Communist/Marxist. They would never have me in their Party as I am way to Bolshie/Rebellious………lol

      Still going strong at 72 years. Onwards and Upwards.


    • #
      David of Cooyal in Oz

      I still use pronouns, but the old ones. At least they’re useful.


  • #
    another ian

    Using the “Vitamin I Shield” or holding it in reserve?


  • #
    David Maddison

    If Australia’s fake conservative Liberal Party manage to get elected Federally (or in any state), what do you think are the chances of them creating a Department of Government Efficiency like TRUMP?

    I think it’s unlikely.

    They just don’t say anything about Government costs, efficiency or excessive regulations. It’s simply not on the agenda.


    • #

      But Farage’s Conservative party is about to pass the Tories in membership.. As The Voice showed, Australians are hungry for sensible conservative small government. Energy prices could be halved in a day.


      • #

        Energy prices could be halved in a day.

        High energy prices are carved in stone. The gov would have to break millions of contracts, some bigger than others.


        • #

          Melei did. So they can sue the government. It’s insane if an inequitable ripoff system is law and mandated by private interests too.


        • #

          Incorrect … LRET was always scheduled to expire so there’s no contractual obligations beyond that date. There may be speculative investment in the belief that extension is likely but that’s the problem for the speculators.

          The ONLY thing the Commonwealth needs to do is decline any further extension. Job’s done right there.


    • #

      What’s the chance YOUR favourite party would do so, or even advocate for it from the cross bench?


  • #
    David Maddison

    “The last act of any nation, is to loot the treasury.”

    ― Michael Rivero


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      A treasury is storage of existing wealth.
      Most nations, particularly mine, have (for decades) in fact been openly looting the future productivity of their population tax base.
      (While at the seem time endangering their citizen’s physical and mental health to the point that once deep well of productivity is in decline.)

      It is the great creation of the New Feudal Lords … the National Debt.
      The ultimate incarnation of the Precious Ring … OPM (Other People’s Money).

      There is a SCARY VIRUS citizen!
      We must indenture you with debt into the next life of you and your children’s children, as far as the generations can see.
      Meanwhile …
      we will be chauffeured on our private jets to luxurious locations to confab and plan the next Ponzi scheme fear campaign.

      By the way, you are all misinformed conspiracy theorists.
      We shall force you at sword point (after we’ve confiscated yours) …
      into ignorance about our plans.


  • #
    David Maddison

    As Ayn Rand put it in “Atlas Shrugged”:

    “Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”


    • #

      Huh! Atlas Shrugged.

      I gave that novel to my son for Christmas four years back now, with some text saying, “If you only read one more novel in your life, make it this one!”

      In 1987, he gave me Lonesome Dove for Christmas, still in my top five of novels I’ve read.

      I read Atlas Shrugged and was so disappointed when I finished reading it.

      I thought ….. That’s it. I’ll never read anything else as good as this in my life, so what’s the point reading ever again.

      That didn’t stop my reading though. It’s my life’s personal guilty pleasure, just reading, but in these past 35 years, nothing has been as wonderful as that one novel.

      So, I gave it to my son, who, incidentally, has still not read it.

      At the time, his Son, my Grandson, was in his third year of a double degree, Arts and Political Science.

      Upon seeing what the gift from me was, he looked at his Dad and said with a shocked expression ….. “Dad, you’re not actually going to read that are you?”

      That’s the first time I though that something might be amiss in our Institutes of Higher Learning.

      My top five novels.

      Atlas Shrugged
      Anna Karenina
      Lonesome Dove
      Poor Fellow My Country



      • #

        You should have started early & subverted your grandson before his early teens. I’m lining up mine for the next couple of years.. ‘Come and stay, you can learn about fishing and cars and growing things…’ Yeah, right!


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – another covid gift

    “Pfizer SV40 DNA has now been found in the blood of Australians. This is a slap with a wet fish for the TGA…. right after their emails demonstrate they know this DNA is a nuclear targeting sequence. They are up the spout as they have assured the public this can not happen and they just rolled out the green and gold for Moderna to build a few vaccine manufacturing plants down under. A tough bikkie indeed.

    Russell Broadbent wasted no time alerting the Primer Minister, Minister for Health and the Deputy Secretary.

    62 other highly decorated physicians and scientists have signed this letter asking for immediate action.”

    More at


    Via https://instapundit.com/692264/#disqus_thread


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    Hollywood Elites Bankrolling Environmentalist Group Disrupting Events Across the US, Tax Forms Show


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    Group Led by Ex-CCP Officials Is Quietly Funding US Govt Climate Research, Filings Show
