This Blogger needs your help to shine a light on grift, graft and pagan witchcraft in science

For a few days new posts will appear below this one. Thank you to everyone!

Alien ship, crash, trainwreck, Fantasy. Dystopia. Desert.If you can help me cover the bills, I can keep exposing the false religion, the crooks, the stupid.

We are running on the wire this year! I should have asked months ago…

By Jo Nova
It’s a dangerous moment in history across the West, but as those in the gulags of 1953 would surely have said, we still have so much to work with. Our Democracies might be unraveling, but the Oligarch are coming undone. Investors are fleeing from wind, solar and exploding EVs. Voters are tossing out bad governments. And more than half the population knows that climate science is a religion. We are the majority, but they don’t want you to know.

Tip Jar ButtonIt’s been 16 years here on this blog, somehow, outside the system, living off goodwill and donations, debating the U.N. and trillion dollar cartels. Real freedom is writing with no corporate sponsor, and no major advertiser. There’s no billionaire publisher to toss me off, no editor to boss me around, and no committee to answer to. The government can’t take away a grant it never gave me, and the cowards of Cancel Culture can’t scare away advertisers.

I am not dependent on any institution, but I am of course, dependent on you, the reader, which is exactly how it should be. To serve the people direct, instead of serving Disney, Pfizer or the Minister of Misinformation. When no one holds the strings, everyone does.

I don’t ask for a subscription here, just any help you can spare.

That’s why Western governments across the world are trying so hard to set up rules to censor blogs and forums like this. The Australian government wanted to fine people like me $6 million dollars if I published “misinformation” and they define truth as “everything the leftist government-paid-expert says“. What they really want is to stop critics of the government and force everyone to use ID.

Thank you to everyone who cancelled subscriptions to the propaganda sheets, and sent that money to the new independent media instead.

Never surrender

Please hit the tip jar, buy me a coffee, a steak, a month on the server ($140) and money to pay the bills. Australians may prefer to use direct deposit (details below) where you can also set up a monthly donation which helps me plan ahead. Thanks for your contribution, no matter how big or small. I know times are tough for some people.

Due to ridiculous legal froufrou,  Paypal donors will need to “buy” a number of “units of emergency chocolate” — (1 unit=$1) so write a number of dollars into the Quantity Field!  (Apologies it’s not more user friendly). This works in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD or USD.

Tip Jar Button

OR send help directly via National Australia Bank for UnQwerty Pty Ltd  BSB: 086420 Account number: 563148308 or via International transfer or even via snail-mail.

I’m setting up a GiveSendGo and a KoFi so there will be alternatives. I’ll update as soon as I can…

Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone here.

Thank you to Troy, Lloyd, Margaret, DavidM, PGC, Spiros, JohnK, CarolineK, FrankF, LawrieA, AndrewH. Thanks to TrevorP, and of course, as always to Bryant.

Thanks also to E &LFS, to PAF, Owen, TK, DJH, Andre, Neil, DSM, Adam, Rodg, GM, VK, …

Image, thanks to ThankYouFantasyPictures from Pixabay

*Not GoFundMe


9.7 out of 10 based on 59 ratings

55 comments to This Blogger needs your help to shine a light on grift, graft and pagan witchcraft in science

  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    Done. Keep up the good work Jo.


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    Another Delcon

    This one from the Brownstone Institute:
    Done in the style of satire , it all seems pretty spot on to me .
    If you don’t think you have been deceived and gaslit by the authorities , then you HAVE been gaslit and deceived by the authorities !
    PS , my contribution is on the way .


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    Done. My pleasure Jo, once again keep up the good work. And have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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    Merry Christmas and may 2025 fill our freedom-bound sails with powerful winds, and our truth-loving hearts with joy, courage, and satisfaction!!


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    David Maddison

    Done. Sent via direct bank transfer, not PP as they have previously cancelled the accounts of conservatives without reason so I only use them if I have to.

    Thanks for providing this wonderful site, Jo.

    Incidentally, the censorship bill and the e Safety Kommisar to censor speech on sites like this are the creation of the Liberal Party, fake Conservatives who are no friends of freedom.

    Admittedly the Liberals are VERY SLIGHTLY less bad than Green Labor.
    In 2015, the Coalition established the world’s first eSafety Commissioner…


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    Geoff from Tanjil

    Thank you for providing some sanity in these times, Jo.
    Donation sent.
    Wishing you all the best in 2025.


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    We are travelling and missed our usual Christmas choccies; sorry Jo. Will remedy on return home. We are both recovering from the dreaded ‘flu. We became too cold a few times in England (the weather was foul and we hardly saw the sun) and not able to follow our usual diet and the last straw was probably the crowds at LGW. The weekend before flying down here we were at a Christmas concert (very good), an Indian restaurant ( a very good one) and in Church by a draughty door too…sigh. It’s pretty cold here in southern Spain today as well!
    Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and very many thanks for all your work Jo.


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    Kevin Angus

    I look forward to your editorials, the bright part of my day.


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    Some Christmas Chocolates headed your way Jo. Merry Christmas to you and your whole family!


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    Chocolates inbound. Merry Christmas to all.


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    Thanks so much to everyone.

    I am always so humbled.


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    Paid my tribute! Merry Christmas!


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    Mark B

    I have sent a modest donation to your bank account.
    I’m surprised you use Gofundme after their censorship antics against the Canadian truckers and other non progressives. Givesendgo is a better option.


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    John Hultquist

    $1.000 USD = A$ 1.578 AUD.
    Interesting. 💜🤠


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    Use GiveSendGo instead of the cowardly deep state slave GoFundMe.


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    red edward

    $280 USD for choccy.


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    red edward

    Stuttered – duplicate post. .


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      Red, spectacular! Say it twice by all means. 🙂

      People in the USA are very generous. Such a culture of philanthropy and charity.

      And all over the world I’m impressed that people are willing to support an Australian writer who often focuses on Australian issues.


      • #
        red edward

        Help to freedom knows no boundaries.

        It’s not charity – it’s standing up for the right causes.

        I’ve gotten more out of the blog (and all the other posters) than what I’ve contributed.


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    John Gross

    Hi, Jo. Sent a small donation – sorry I can’t afford more. Really appreciate the work you do.


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      Dear John, I appreciate any help big or small. If every reader bought me a coffee I’d be a rich woman, and teenagers would be starting up heretic science blogs. The world would be a better place. Thank you!


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    Plain Jane

    Hi Jo Please remind us about your tip jar more often.
    Intention is one thing, but getting around to it is another. Dont hold back asking. It helps me remember to put something in.


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    You could tell something was “off” a few weeks ago. There was that time for 3 days when Jo went missing. Plus , I’ve noticed uncharacteristic typos etc in articles. Which is why I bought $50 worth of chocolate back then. $50 should be the very minimum anyone could donate. It’s Xmas , be generous to Jo.


    • #

      Thanks for reminding me Jane, and wow Ross, I didn’t know typos had a good side. Thank you! Yes, some domestic issues, like a fridge failure consume time.

      My New Years goal will be to shift from Karachi time back a few timezones.


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    John in Oz

    Yo Ho Ho Jo

    Another month you do not need to worry about

    Keep on keeping on


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    Ask Gina Rinehard. She is anti climate change. Could be a game changer.


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    Done. Enjoy your work that keeps us informed.


  • #

    Dear Jo. Thank goodness you have asked for help. I know everyone here appreciates your site to an enormous extent, but I am equally sure that many of us forget how long it was since we bought you chocolates the last time and it really is time to do it again.

    Every morning I scan the headlines in The Australian, then turn to your blog to get the real news. I know that what you write is well researched and vital information and, good or bad, I appreciate the knowledge you provide above everything else I read regarding the subjects that you cover so well.

    A few more chocolates on their way, just in time for Christmas. I hope you and your family can have a good one.


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    Some Choccys for Christmas. Thanks for putting in the hard work Jo, in providing us with a forum to inform, discuss and debate these important issues. Have learnt so much here, and I’m sure the posts here have influenced at least one new source.


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    Tip Jar utilised here.

    Hey, you all know me here, and know how I can ‘talk under water with a mouth full of wet concrete’.

    At Joannes Tip Jar link, at the bottom of her text, there’s a link to an image she took of the Desert.

    I saw that and it took me back to an earlier time.

    During my time in the RAAF, I was deployed to numerous bases where our Squadron carried out ‘Exercises’, and two of every three of those deployments were to Darwin, for three to five weeks.

    On one particular flight in the mid 70s back to Williamtown after the exercise, in the usual Hercules, we flew over The Channel Country. Until you’ve actually seen it from the air, that ‘term’ is just words on a page. The area covers 150,00 square kilometres, and has, quite literally thousands of rivulets around the three, major rivers, all leading inexorably to Lake Eyre.

    During flood times, they all fill, and major flooding sees what might be described as one huge lake. You hear that and say ….. ‘yeah, right!’. Until you’ve actually seen it from the air, you probably wouldn’t even realise it.

    It was an absolutely amazing thing to see. You think ….. okay, it can’t be all that large really, but the flying over that area took up a considerable time, looking out of the Hercules porthole window, and it was as far as the eyes could see, and you realise just how much water it would take to do just that, fill them all up.

    Years later, I read all 29 of Arthur Upfield’s Bony novels, written from 1928 till 1961, and in three of them, he described flooding in that Channel Country.

    In his 1957 novel Bony Buys A Woman, he has Bony working on a case near Lake Eyre. The waters from that Queensland flood of 1956 are now ever so slowly approaching Lake Eyre, and slowly filling, taking many Months to reach Lake Eyre from that flood in Queensland.

    Bony has to walk out into the middle of Lake Eyre, and across forty pages, Upfield evocatively explains the difficulty in doing this. He has to follow the dingo pads, semi hardened ‘paths’ the dingos follow out into the lake, as either side of this is, even seemingly the same, but with just sloppy mud under the surface which would swallow him up. It was an amazing part of an amazing novel, and each of Upfield’s novels was a well researched history of Australia, as a whole, from that era. The novels are ostensibly crime fiction, but each is a history of those times, and Upfield’s absolutely wonderful knowledge of all things of an Aboriginal nature, ALL of them treated with sympathy and respect, and comprehensively researched form his own ‘lived life’ in all those communities.

    Again, sorry to take up so much space here, when all that was required was a couple of lines of text.

    Link to my Post – Book Review – The Bushman Who Came Back (Bony Buys A Woman) – Arthur W Upfield



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      It is enormous indeed, Tony. When it is full of water. My wife and I, as part of our SE Asia work a few years ago now, used to fly to Singapore quite often and even at 30,000 ft you can see one shore below but the one on the opposite side is so far away it vanishes into the haze. It has to be seen to be believed!


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      Tony, quick question. Arthur Upfield spells it Bony. The TV series and the Pan books are spelled Boney- with an “e”. Why?


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        The added letter E in the Boney title was specifically requested for the ‘original’ TV Series as they were concerned (Huh!) that viewers might not be able to ….. pronounce that name Bony correctly.

        As you can see from the numerous publications of Upfield’s novels across the years, some of the ones I used as images for my Posts were published using that TV tie-in title spelling, and all of those novels had colour cover illustrations taken from the TV Series. Upfield never used that spelling in any of his novels.

        Incidentally, the specific cover illustration for this novel I have shown, well, the aborigine shown in the foreground was David Gulpilil in one of his first screen roles.



        • #

          Thanks Tony. Actually downloaded the book from Apple and presently reading it. Love the old language of yesteryear Australia. So far I have seen ” nigger brown” referring to the colour of the stockmen’s skin and lots of references to the “blacks”. There’s a term ” lubra” used to describe aboriginal women, which I had forgotten plus “half caste”. These days it would be “first nations, non binary, uterus owning, gender diverse individual” or something. As a kid I loved that “Boney” TV series.


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            you’re going to love the novel, as shortish as all Upfield’s books were.

            Any further interest, I have a very detailed research into Arthur Upfield at my home site.

            It includes detailed observations and reviews of all 29 of his Bony novels as well, 70 separate long Posts in all.

            Took me years to compile it all together.

            Arthur W Upfield Home Page



  • #
    John Connor II

    Paypal? Do people still use that left wing provider? Tens of thousands dumped them on principle alone, as did I.

    Helpful tips:
    Server costs $140/month. You can use your own pc as a server for free you know.

    Tell significant other to get a job.

    Joanne has also managed programs bringing hands-on science to street kids in Melbourne and remote Aboriginal communities as well as earning money as a cartoonist, graphic designer and illustrator. She is into liberty, medical research, money, history, and climate science, as well as anthropology, Austrian economics, and the trajectory of great civilizations.

    Jo is into money!? 😆
    All those income streams, director of a gold firm, and you’re asking for more money?

    Oh ok, silliness over (and before the redthumbers misunderstand again), how much?
    Hhhmmm…times are tough…how’s $6.66?
    Ooh, an american has donated $450 AUD.
    Damn, can’t be outdone by a dreamlander.
    Smashes piggy bank…oh well…
    No Moet & Chandon with the bbq this year then…
    I’ll send you something Jo.😉


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      John, I totally understand those reservations. I make sure I transfer funds quickly so as to minimize the temptation for Paypal.

      Despite my misgivings, the remarkable thing about Paypal is that it has made this blog possible. I have searched for other ways to transfer money, especially internationally, and none are as simple. Though I’m hoping Elon will make X into a payment platform, and I would adopt in a blink.

      Another convenience in paypal is that I keep some money as the original currency, and then when I buy from overseas I save on the currency sting both ways.

      Still working on the GiveSendGo set up. Verifying details takes a bit.


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    Priceless the preceding two comments by TonyfromOz and John Connor II.


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    Serge Wright

    Just think, if you were born a ‘DEI pick’ woman of color in the USA you would receive $1.5B for election funding to pump out meaningless word salad speeches (in bad dressing) and then get a $20M payday for the word salad recipe book after an epic fail.

    My tip added, but hopefully Musk reads this blog 😉


  • #

    Cannot recall the last time I commented here but a regular visitor. An island of sanity in an ocean of ignorance and delusion. Keep up the good work, Jo.


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    John Connor II

    My bank has tightened up payment security again.
    Other banks have a long way to go…

    Jo – you’ll spot my payment today
    It has 66c on the end. Heh.

    Baked beans on toast for xmas for me now that I’ve helped Jo out.
    /world’s smallest violin plays…


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    YallaYPoora Kid

    Tip Jar done – hope it helps. Love your work Jo!


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    Dear Jo,

    A Happy Xmas and thanks for all you do. Some chocolate in appreciation.


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    I agree. Keep science out of our pagan witchcraft.


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    This is the only place in the whole world where I buy chocolates. The chef obviously uses empirical evidence and common sense to churn out a superb, healthy product and goes so far as to expose the toxic ingredients other chefs use. I thoroughly urge consumers to buy more. Well worth the price!


  • #

    Merry Christmas Jo.

    Thank you for all the chocolates. I appreciate the effort you have put in.




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    Ian Hill

    I think it worked! Thanks Jo for another year of valuable reports.


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    God bless you for what you do! You have helped keep me sane dealing wit our local climate screamers. The coming implosion will be biblical, and you had a great hand in making it happen.
    Lots of chocolate sent!!!

    Merry Xmas to all!!!


  • #
    Roger Macrury

    Made a Christmas “donation” via direct bank deposit. Best wishes.🙂

    Given the comment on “donations” maybe I should have called it a Christmas gift? Presumably this concern about the word “donation” is driven by tax deductible donations to registered Not for Profits (charities.) so should I be using a different word in the description in the bank system ?

    Roger MacRury.
