By Jo Nova
In the ecosystem of civilization, the OECD is just another batch of multinational barnacles slowing the ship down. These invertebrate filter feeders use taxpayer money to bore the taxpayers kids into submission to The Blob. They presumably hope the kids will grow up to vote for the Big Government Blob, thus boosting the river of money that flows past the barnacles.
In the end, improbably, a foreign committee is pretending it can save children in some of the wealthiest nations in the world from “misinformation”. As if the first world needs some remedial assistance teaching chemistry to their teenagers. The gargantuan arrogance of this is only surpassed by the intergalactic chutzpah. The OECD are, after all, just a bunch of economists, wiggling their finger at nations full of doctors and engineers, and telling them how to teach their kids science.
The gibberish, it grows: What is “action” in response to “climate anxiety”?
How to teach climate change so 15-year-olds can act
The Guardian (of course).
OECD’s Pisa program will measure the ability of students to take action in response to climate anxiety and ‘take their position and role in the global world’
In 2025, for the first time in nearly a decade, science will be the major focus of the OECD’s program for international student assessment (Pisa) – which runs every three years (give or take Covid interruptions), its focus rotating between reading, maths and science. … This year it will measure the knowledge and ability of 15-year-old students from 92 countries and economies to act on climate change, under a new heading: Agency in the Anthropocene.
The point of measuring children’s abilities is to collect statistics for the next batch of press releases the OECD want to browbeat the West with.
They say they want to teach children to “distinguish scientific evidence from misinformation” except that they don’t appear to know what scientific evidence is, or what science is either. If they did, they’d talk about the dangers of consensus and computer models, and the importance of observations.
Let’s have a small revolution in logic and reasoning instead:
Andreas Schleicher, the OECD’s director of education, describes the refreshed science framework as a “small revolution” addressing students’ capacity to distinguish scientific evidence from misinformation in the context of the “biggest challenge of our times – our environment”.
Look out, a foreign committee influenced by multinational corporate powers wants to provide a “non-political space” for your children.
Amelia Pearson, at the Monash climate change communication research hub, says there have been more “climate change dot points” added to the curriculum, but mainly in subjects such as science and geography.
“Climate change impacts every area of society and our lives,” she says. “So it’s really important that people who might not engage, particularly with [science, technology, engineering, maths], still have the opportunity to learn about these different challenges.”
Education isn’t about persuading children to think a certain way, she says, but providing a non-political space to understand the issues and make up their own minds.
Aren’t our schools supposed to be “non-political spaces”?
I say we survey the OECD instead to see if they know what science is — then cut off their funding when they fail.
The biggest threat to the world today is big-government. We need to teach children that cold weather is terrible, but big government is worse than an ice age.
Thanks to Tony Thomas, and Eric Worrall…
I can’t wait for Trump”s inauguration.when the climate hoax will become a topic of conversation.
One hopes. The main dissemination of misinformation comes directed from our media. Experts (**#?) are to be trusted and don’t you ever trust yourself to come to a rational conclusion on any matter for it surely is mistaken. I hold the view that the majority are not capable of mentally challenging the drivel presented to them.
Indoctrinating children for use as political pawns is child abuse.
Eric Worrall
Indoctrination of children like this is child abuse.
They should be being taught to be free and independent thinkers and to seek the evidence.
The abuse started a long time ago when discipline was removed from parents, teachers and police. What did they think was going to happen? How does anyone learn self-discipline when there is no discipline? How does anyone learn how to deduce and think for themselves when they arrive at a place that is not within the “agenda” and are then taught the “truth” in order to pass an exam. How many of the so-called conspiracy theories have proven to be true. As the older generation gets thinner on the ground, taking their life experience memories with them, it will become easier and easier for the lies to take hold, given that the current generation has been fed a solid diet of propaganda. ToM
And it gets continuing when they get to a University. So much for being taught how to think and independent thought/freedom of speech.
Thank goodness,Jo, that you bring this information to us who otherwise would be ignorant. Each day we learn that we are under attack from the forces of socialism in which the individual does not exist other than to serve the state. Christians believe that we have free will and the responsibility to use our talents as we see fit for the betterment of ourselves and our families. Certainly not the blob. The blob is the antithisis of Christianity.
When so many OECD countries’ leaders act and believe in their so called CC idiocy, we can’t hold out much hope for the young kids and other far left loonies.
Data and evidence is the only way to check where we’ve come from and where we’re going. All other L W fantasies should be abandoned quickly while we still have time.
Wasting many more trillions of $ until 2050 will only weaken the OECD countries further and we must soon reach a point of no return and the NON OECD will continue to strengthen their economies and military at our expense.
The data proves we’re living in the safest period in Human history and the Earth is greening and yet we want to destroy our land and sea environments and repeat their lunacy every 15 to 20 years.
And voting out the delusional Labor, Greens and Teals in 2025 must be our number one priority.
The Left always think their opinions have to be forced onto others, either through indoctrination of children like this, propaganda or censorship.
No decent, thinking person would ever willingly adopt their beliefs.
Hence the totalitarian nature of Leftism in general.
A very topical issue for Aussies in summer are our bushfires and western Vic is off to a bad start and after 3 wet years Aussies can only brace themselves for a bad summer season.
But death rates from fires and burns across Australia and the world have been dropping over the last 40+years.
Here’s the poorest countries’ deaths compared to the wealthiest countries and Aussies deaths are only a third of the other wealthy countries or 0.2 compared to 0.6 deaths per 100,000.
So billions more people at risk today and yet the death rates are dropping all around the world and even in poor African countries. So why can’t they just look up the data for themselves and wake up?
A large part of the problem is because there have been almost no controlled burns, hence a very high fuel load. Despite claims of ‘extreme heat’, it hasn’t actually been hotter than normal.
While Australia is throwing everything at controlling carbon dioxide with absolutely zero effect, Elon Musk is changing our world with his real science.
It is extraordinary that a single man with his own money is doing what countries cannot and will not do. Innovate.
His 6,246 satellites, Starlink, Dishy McFlatface are changing our world. And he is not a scientist. How is one man able to outperform NASA and Boeing and the whole of Australia?
The science behind a stationary flat dish antenna with very high speed low orbit satellites is breathtaking. No geostatic orbit, it uses phase interference to steer beams and focus on rapidly moving satellites at 27,000km/hr.
And Starlink is bidirectional, meaning Internet, not just transmission. Australia could have spent $$$ zero on the NBN, had a faster service, serviced the entire planet and every inch of Australia.
And I am not just talking about Musk’s Tesla or Paypal or the Boring company or many others. And he has time to try to put the US government in order?
As for the science output of the Climate Cognoscenti of the OECD, Guardian, Democrat party, the CSIRO/BOM/AEMO its sum total science innovation is zero. They just hate carbon, the sixth element of the Periodic Table. But it’s a living.
Why is anyone listening to the OECD and the Guardian for science advice? They are science idiots. By definition.
As economists, when did the OECD predict the devastating 2008 GFC? Blind Freddy should have seen the multi trillion dollar fraudulent mortgages in Freddie Mac and Fannie May, but the OECD seemed to miss it entirely. And no one went to jail?
The legacy media especially The Guardian and friends are morally and increasingly financially bankrupt. As for their ‘science’ advice for children, it’s in the class of the village idiot. Ooh, Aah.
Their only hope is to threaten to lock up anyone who dares tells the truth. For the new crime of ‘misinformation’. When will they target Elon Musk? Only the truth telling Elizabeth Warren aka Pocohontas is solidly on the case.
That’s only the start.
12,000 satellites are planned with possibly up to 34,400.
I wrote an article about them.
They do have to be replaced every ten years. It’s a grand vision, the like of which the world has never seen. And unheralded by the Guardian and the OECD. How much is the NBN costing?
I was also impressed by his courage in pricing Flatty at $600 when it cost $3000 to make. Now volume has reduced the price.
If only our governments had half the interest in real technology, not just destroying the working, cheap,reliable, commandable power stations built by our fathers. Which run on free coal and gas.
And I forgot to mention dropping $40Bn ($A60Bn) on Twitter (X). He fired half the staff but in one move he defanged one of Conservatives greatest opponents. That move alone might have made all the difference in the Trump election.
But never fear, our Chief Scientist and risk taker Anthony Albanese has invested $1Billion of our cash in a pure speculation venture in Quantum Computing. This was an area started by IBM and from which they are running away. Is there nothing this Leonardo da Vinci of Australian politics cannot do with our money?
Albanese’s gift of our cash dwarfs Malcolm Turnbull’s unexplained and unrequested and unauthorised by parliament gift of $444Million in cash to his wife and their friends to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef. The small amount of cash has vanished without a trace. And no one asks. That would be impolite.
You can be sure the media says nothing. Their focus is the brave and extremely costly Australian war on carbon.
I have a friend living in a Monington Peninsula suburb of Melbourne who couldn’t get satisfactory speed via NBN after years of trying with various providers and has now gone with Starlink and is extremely happy with the performance which is many times faster and reliably so.
The hugely expensive NBN disaster is why politicians should never be allowed to make science and engineering decisions. In fact all their decisions are hugely expensive disasters, especially the current ruling regimes in Australia. No matter which faction of the Uniparty.
And the National Electricity Grid. It worked very well 30 years ago and electricity was cheap. Mind you, King Coal was paramount then.
And CO2 was just a harmless beneficial Gas as it is now and always has been.
If Sir Isaac Newton and others (Copernicus, Da Vinci, etc.) and Adam Smith came back today they would be appalled at the way that things have gone backwards. So much for the Enlightenment.
The Left took over but now the fightback with Trump, Musk, Farage, Jo Nova and many, many others is on.
Pertinent to Vivek’s latest controversy. He has dared say that US needs to produce better skilled scientists and engineers basically, because the lack of them in the US forces people like Elon to import people, which they want to do because they are ambitious and want to achieve.
It has the anti-immigration nationalist crowd up in arms, stating with their knuckle headed minds that Elon must only employ Americans just because. Elon says there are some great scientists in America, but not enough of them, that he want brains and skills, not an American football player.
The problem is the schooling system and culture around it. Western kids, not just the US, are taught to slack off, be cool, and protest climate change. This needs to stop. It is THE cancer at the very heart of our society. It has long been in existence too, pretty much since Elvis Presley, through to Beyonce, came into existence and cultural dominance. We are now seeing its effects, as Asian cultures with their study at all costs attitude starting to bite.
In this modern high-cost cutthroat society, kids can no longer afford to slack off. They need to study and study hard, efficiently, if they are to not be left on the pile begging for socialist handouts and protesting climate change.
It is the one bit of advice I give to black pilled parents who cry of no future for their kids and high house prices. Get them out of school and get them educated, properly. Make it cool to win the maths competition, not the rugby league or music / dance / gaming contest, or be satisfied with a participation trophy.
The world has changed and western schooling systems and culture needs to change with it. The party is over, time to get back to work.
It cuts both ways though … if American business was forced to hire young Americans just out of school or university, then suddenly business would be very interested in what the schools are teaching.
Provided they can outsource all the science and engineering they also don’t give a toss about how bad our schools and universities have become.
You say it’s the fault of the individual students … but a student knows nothing and by the act of showing up and asking for instruction, the student depends on the teacher to show the way. That would be like seeing a train wreck and then blaming the carriages for following along after the engine.
I don’t say it is the fault of the students at all. Nor does Vivek. It is the fault of the culture and all that entails, and it needs to change. This is all he is saying, and in the meantime, they need to employ and bring the brightest minds into the US. Elon wants to go to Mars, he can’t do that being made to employ Chuck the hot quarterback because he’s American.
And yes, I agree, a nation that turns its back on its citizens and says, “why train people when you can just import them”, is at fault. This is what Australia does, and it even transfers to nail technicians and service station attendees. I’m not the brightest person in the world, IQ estimate slightly below average, but could easily be re-trained to perform various skills shortages, but this country is not interested, unless you’re a woman over 40. White males get nothing.
I’ve been opposed to mass immigration since 1996, even before. But to find yourself surrounded by an equal but opposite knuckle headery, when some bright person identifies the exact problem our society has, is extremely frustrating. People just don’t get it. Fortunately Vivek and Elon seem to.
Unfortunately, the media and social media stirrers have been quite successful in getting a spiteful, nasty debate going amongst people who were celebrating a great win just a few weeks ago. It has probably surprised Elon and Vivek to see how easily a mob can be swayed by a few choice articles and posts. X is burning at the moment.
absolutely. It’s tragic
1. This past election was won by the R’s arguably on the back of an anti-immigration movement. Musk and Ramaswamy should have read the room and left this battle for next year.
2. A quick look at all of the snippets of the H-1b registries that have been posted on X (I love how X brings all of the facts to all of the arguments now) make it clear that the primary use of the visa program has NOT been to bring in the best and the brightest, but to bring in indentured low-wage peons. Maybe the top 2% are irreplaceable locally. “Interns”, and “accountants.” “Security guards.” Yeah, we must look elsewhere.
3. “Knuckle headed minds.” You reduced your non-argument to an insulting slogan, and stopped there. FO.
Yes and Vivek has said specifically the H1b visa system needs an overhaul. This was the model of the neocon Republicans, bring in cheap labour. That is not the America First revivalist attitude.
The response is knuckle head, doesn’t matter how insulting it is. When someone tells you the heart of your country’s problem is the decayed culture of learning, and the response is nothing but “we’re white stop immigrants”, that is pure knuckle head. It’s great advice, and should be listened to not completely ignored. If the response was more like, “he’s right you know, he makes a good point, we need to wake up and change things or we will be swamped by Indians”, I would not use such accusation.
My 10yo granddaughter, who is autistic, can’t yet read or write, yet she knows the Earth is dying due to climate change and Donald Trump is a horrible man who hates women.
I wish her “teachers” could be sued for such lies. Surely that’s child abuse? Maybe you could try?
I would love to take her teachers on and get more involved in my beloved granddaughter’s education, but she’s in another state and her mother (ex daughter-in-law) agrees with all of the above. Anybody who’s an ‘ex-grandparent’ will know how important it is to avoid upsetting Mum. Breaks my heart though.
>…yet she knows
Such is the nature of knowledge in this post-truth woke world.
It’s like The Enlightenment never happened.
Half the world still hasn’t even heard about it.
We should at least demand our teachers are up to speed with it.
Yes, well, the Antarctic has grown sea ice extent by 17%.
Maybe increased CO2 grows antarctic ice? Apparently so.
If you can’t create a tree, just plant a seed. When you’re mixing with friends, family etc and the subject of AGW/ climate change comes up, just create a little seed of doubt. No red-pilling, just pink pilling. Do it with humour. Most people don’t have the time to be bothered with the “science”. But it you comment that Greta Thunberg, back in 2018, said that the world will end in 5 years if we don’t do something about climate change now, that creates that doubt. This does work with school kids as well. I’ve tried it with secondary school age sports groups that I’ve coached. One day asked them if they knew what percentage of the atmosphere was CO2. Had no idea. When I pointed to the sky and split it up into % squares (10 x 10) and then went 10 x 10 in each of those squares, they were shocked how little CO2 was.
So why are death rates from extreme weather and droughts, floods etc so low today and so much higher 60 years ago or 80 years ago or 100 years ago?
8.1 people at risk today and less than 2 billion in 1920 and only 2.5 billion in 1950 and 3 billion in 1960.
Again why is the world so safe for Humans today?
And that alarmists in the Guardian fail to notice that the world population is self limiting. In wealthy countries birthrates are at historic lows. And as the average life expectancy has climbed from 24 years in India when the British arrived to 74 now, 2/3 of the world’s population would not be alive if not for modern medicine and adequate food and the power to use machines to eliminate slavery.
The advent of the internet and electronics and robots have not had the impact of penicillin, contraception, education and cheap energy.
But strangely the voodoo science of Climate Change is being used to destroy every advance. In the name of ‘progress’. And modern leaders are looking to technology only to misinform and enslave populations while enriching themselves.
The American revolution under Donald Trump may change the course of the world. And the self labelled ‘progressives’, actually regressives will be put in their place. And hopefully stopped from their Fascist reeducation of the children.
Having a dumbed-down population, also indoctrinated by the Left as described here, and in addition, now increasingly dependent on AI engines programmed by the Left to do all their thinking, does not bode well.
It’s not going to end well.
But it is going to end.
It always does.
Gets forgotten.
Then repeats.
The next step is to give school children the vote.
How many people realise that deaths from climate events has fallen by over 90% in the last hundred years, and the reason for that is mans ability to adapt to whatever Mother Nature throws at us. If children were taught this as a starting point for climate curricula there would be no climate anxiety. In fact people would conclude that CO2 should be embraced and not vilified. People would also conclude that coal is not evil and has been fundamental to lifting billions out of poverty. Air conditioning, refrigeration, better farming practices, better building practices, fertilizers, better warning systems, better aide programs, better transportation. The success of adaption especially when you take into account the population has quadrupled and CO2 has grown significantly, actually makes it difficult to understand why you needed to transition to anything but more of the same. The reduction in deaths is so significant I had to find out if the fact checkers could punch holes in it. One critic i read accused it of being cherry picked because if one started a decade earlier the fall was only a still substantial 30% but if you chose 2 decades before ie the 1900s you were back to 90+% again ( maybe the war impacted climate death data).
So either way the fall is dramatic but their other argument was interesting . They claimed the figures were skewed by a number of drought induced famines in the early decades when millions died. But thats the whole point! We have now managed food production and regional drought such that famines are almost unheard of and deaths from starvation quite rare. Man has adapted and will continue to do so. The only way this trend reverses if electricity becomes a luxury item and people cant afford to run refrigeration and air conditions or there is chaos in the grid and continuous blackouts.
The craziness about the climate cult and the policy solutions is the failure to see the obvious and not understand that this trend of climate deaths shows we ave already won the climate wars. I do not believe there is a single human being whose life has been saved by a wind turbine but I guarantee there are literally millions of humans who are alive now because of mans ability to adapt and deal with climate change no matter what that entails.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a $75 billion climate change bill that will fine fossil fuel companies for the damage caused to the environment.
“With nearly every record rainfall,heatwave, and coastal storm, New Yorkers are increasingly burdened with billions of dollars in health, safety, and environmental consequences due to polluters that have historically harmed our environment,” Governor Hochul said. “Establishing the Climate Superfund is the latest example of my administration taking action to hold polluters responsible for the damage done to our environment and requiring major investments in infrastructure and other projects critical to protecting our communities and economy.”
I would like to see this Kathy Wally prove that fossil fuels cause damage to the Environment. Without an Oil Spill that is. And what motor vehicle does she drive? Is it petrol driven? And how does she fly from place to place. And what Medicines does she use. And how many plastic bags. And, and, and, and, and, and – The List is endless. What a HYPOCRITE.
Hydrocarbons have been the saviour of the Human Race.
Way too much logic and common sense there Z!! These days there’s the truth and then there’s the alternative truth sadly. It’s “ I’ll reject your reality and substitute my own” type mentality.
Mark Mills proves that there will be no transition to EVs and anyway EVs are not sustainable.
This is his latest 1 hour video and he claims Biden has wasted trillions of $ for just more of their BS and fra-d, while NON OECD co2 emissions will continue to soar.
Of course the EV so called Transition cannot work. All previous transitions from say horses to automobiles (from Hay to Oil) happened without MANDATES. It was Consumer driven. Not only that, but there are not enough raw materials to do EVs and Batteries, etc. MANDATES do NOT WORK.
I didn’t get the Jab/Boosters either. NO MANDATES thank you not very much.
We need every fifteen-year-old,
To be curious, clear thinking and bold,
And be able to discern,
What is true and to learn,
From all ye great science of olde.
“ye great science of olde”
I think that Elon Musk has proven what we all knew.
Nothing is impossible!
Until sent to a committee.
Of science ignorant politicians and extreme left journalists.
Or worst of all, the appalling Progressives who detest actual progress and are reinventing autocracy, science ignorance, religious conflict, the dark ages, racial segregation and blackouts. While calling it progress.
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Johnathan Swift. 1667-1745.
And few as blind as in the Guardian. Which Malcolm Turnbull brought to Australia. Where’s the money Malcolm? If the Reef doesn’t need fixing, why not return the money?
Climate Change would be better labelled Irrational Science.
And of course the pushers of this absurd nonsense want it taught to children.
It’s what happens when people who don’t understand science try to teach magic instead.
And hatred of carbon, the most deadly element in the Periodic table.
Too bad all life on the planet is made from Carbon.
Carbon as in diamond. Carbon as in gardens. Carbon as in invisible, harmless and essential carbon dioxide.
Which every living thing breathes out.
You know when they enlist the kids, they are on the way out.
Children’s Crusades have a rather grim and dismal record over the last couple of Millennia.
The life of children over the last couple of millenia was beyond dismal, often beyond hope.
Half did not make the first birthday, if they survived birth.
And very few made 21. Fewer again had both parents if they did.
Thanks to real science, life is far better and far longer today than ever before.
And only the Guardian and friends want to go backwards.
We have hope again. And now Nigel Farage has given new hope to the UK, where the Tories and Labor were indistinguishable, as in Australia.
And this time in America, the Never Trumpers are history too. Especially Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the McCains. Sore and vengeful losers all. It remains to be seen how much Chinese acolyte Mitch McConnell has booby trapped the Senate.
This is very relevant to this post.
Rob Braxman on AI Big Brother 20:00 mins
Posted on the untreaded by.
December 27, 2024 at 3:30 pm · Reply
Your digital assistant is now about to become your big brother constant companion, monitoring your every move, every word, and everything you see, hear, and read.
As before mentioned …
I ventured out of my safe space and socially interacted, against my will, on Christmas.
Someone kept referencing Global Warming …
I, unaware of the extent that my surrounding society has become brainwashed neurotic hysterics that believe the sin of human activity is on the verge of destroying all that is …
and that enlightened government must degree that we voluntold-ly imprison ourselves to be safe from the marauding MAGA zombies …
I weakly muttered … “how much warmer is it?”.
“We DON’T CARE!!!”
I might as well have blurted out “there’s no such thing as witches” in downtown Salem.
“You don’t believe in Climate Change?!!”
No … before humans the glaciers stood still, there where no hurricanes, floods or droughts, it only snowed during ski season, coral never died, and the North Pole always had 20 feet of ice so Santa could produce toys 24 /7 365 to meet the demand.
The level of fanaticism is scary when you’re face to face with it.
Kept thinking of my father speaking of the young true believers he faced in the not very anthropogenically warm winter of 1944/45.
We’re beyond the point of a science debate.
The method of re-introducing a healthy biology of brain thought into the now adult generations of logic immunized Climate Kamikaze Sturmtruppen is beyond me.
It is an interesting observation that Climate Change is now disconnected from Global Warming. It’s hard to disprove something which is whatever you want it to be. Cooling, warming, wild weather and both floods and drought. Even volcanoes, tsunamis. And the sinking of the Titanic. The nebulous fear of the weather.
You are now the unbeliever, the denier, the great Satan.
And the incoming President calls it a hoax run by China. Which is correct. We can only hope that four years with the Denier In Chief’s help, the story will fade to nothing. Even with the indoctrination of the children. Along with a hundred genders, BLM, anti Semitism and Kwanza.
I was amazed with doomsayer Tim Flannery’s prediction that droughts would be more frequent and longer. Which is ultimately contradictory as they join up. But this week I read another, that Climate Change droughts would be more frequent and more severe. I wonder how much more severe a complete lack of rain can be?
I think one thing i would like to see is students being taught about scientific method. How you start with an hypothesis ie That CO2 causes dangerous global warming. Conduct a lab experiment to see if it works. Analyse real world data to see if it fits the hypothesis and if it does fit make conclusions about the future based on the validity of the hypothesis. Children might then realise that the whole basis for the need to adopt policies to fix climate change doesnt exist.
The problem is if real life data doesnt match climate scientists dire predictions it is the data thats wrong not the hypothesis and predictions. It then is much easier to change the data than admit that 2 decades of teaching climate science were based un a shonky hypothesis.