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30 comments to Tuesday

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    Readers of yesterday’s thread will remember a lively discussion about temperatures. It is repeated here with an update under it:

    ‘Extraordinary example of temperature inversion today in Austria as a cold layer is trapped under a warm layer of air.

    At our apt at 400 metres the temperature was minus 3 centigrade, as we drove along the flat it dropped to minus 6.

    As we drove up to 1100 metres in a 20 minute drive the temperature rapidly rose and at 1100 metres the temperature was plus 7.5 centigrade.

    This reminds me of the time we arrived one time at Salzburg airport in December to go skiing, to be told by the pilot as we touched down that it was plus 21 degrees centigrade.

    Our son was joining us the next morning so we were concerned his ski experience would be non existent.

    However on driving to the airport the next morning to collect him it was snowing heavily and minus 2 centigrade.

    The most extreme example of Sudden Stratospheric warming I have ever witnessed.

    When previously researching English temperatures from hundreds of years ago I came across 3 reports of similar SST’s”

    We decided to go by train to a local lake side town today, around 25 minutes from our apt in Austria.The weather forecasters here like to do 14 day forecasts and in common with the UK met office also believe they can do 100 year forecasts that in their eyes provide proof of catastrophic global warming.

    The forecast today was sunny and a chilly two degrees centigrade but with the strong sun here that would feel quite warm so we dressed accordingly.

    On arrival it was thick fog which lasted all day with a temperature of minus four centigrade so after lunch we headed for the train and our holiday apt as We were freezing our socks off.

    We then checked the weather for where we had just been and was assured it was gloriously sunny and around three degrees centigrade, which we knew was complete nonsense.

    As most will be aware weather stations don’t actually exist in most places so a computer models The weather for the place selected, partly based on barometric pressure.

    Presumably the nonsensical computer forecast and temperature will now be enshrined in the records as factual rather than the real world circumstances that we actually encountered

    Which makes me wonder how many real world and how many laughably nonsensical computer models now make up the global weather records


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      This inversion thing could well have affected the records from Canberra. Spent a lot of my life there riding motorcycles. One thing i have noticed to be very true on a cold morning is this inversion from the link under the heading “Temperature and altitude”. Just thinking about how the earliest thermometer readings in Canberra came from a site that may now be under lake Burley Griffin near the Lennox crossing. The road called Lennox crossing rd is now shorter. It went from Acton peninsular across the Molongolo river past Lennox Gardens near the Hyatt to Commonwealth avenue. That 20 degrees would be degrees F.
      Sydney Mail Wed 16 Apr 1913 Page 15 The Climate and Weather of Australia.
      The Author Clement Wragge is the man who from 1887 began to cover Queensland with Stevenson screens.
      Nowadays the temperature is reported from the eastern side of the airport which is closer in a direct line to the site of old and warmer temperatures from Queanbeyan bowling club.


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    Honk R Smith

    I’ve lived on my current globe spot for 40 years.
    It’s the nastiest sustained icy cold ever.
    In the warmest year ever.
    I should keep my not a scientist trap shut and accept that weather is not climate.
    There’s probably feedback. And a loop of some sort, causing a vortex that’s caused by carbon.
    And that Biden’s economy is actually good.
    And that men can birth children.
    And the Russians are still coming.
    And it was Safe and Effective.
    And that famous Hollywood personalities know a lot about Science and politics.


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      Here in Northeastern Ohio, USA, we are having having some very cold days, also. They are forecasting -4F [-20c] for Wednesday morning. Where’s that Globull Warming when you really need it?


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    Biden Pardons Fauci, Milley, and Whole Jan 6th Committee

    “To get a pardon, you are supposed to plead guilty and show remorse. I am not sure a preemptive pardon is even legal. Now, what I would do is subpoena these people to testify. They cannot be prosecuted now, so they have NO FIFTH AMENDMENT privilege against self-incrimination. I would then ask them to explain their crime and name everyone else who assisted them who is not pardoned. To accept these pardons CONFIRMS that they are guilty of high crimes against the United States. They may not be sent to prison, but they can now be interrogated like any criminal getting a plea deal.

    Biden just opened the door really wide. Otherwise, you would have had to prove Fauci was guilty; now he is Pardoned, so he is guilty of a crime to accept a pardon. Fantastic!!!! Thank you, Biden, for your final act of corruption. It may help to bring down the corruption more than anything else.

    The Biden Administration will go down in History as the MOST corrupt in American History!”

    See link for more.


    [Snip. Exceeds fair use copyright limitations. – LVA]


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    The above comprises the dozen most sought after careers in the UK.

    The first is a dog groomer.It seems that the top choices are because you can work alone and can be self employed.

    I thought that an ‘ influencer” was highly desirable these days so good to see that personal preferences and satisfaction still come high up


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      When you dumb down the schools you are left with the dumb. Dog groomer, really?

      I can see the current generation complaining about the poor wages and they’ll vote for a government that will install a minimum pay rate of $500 per dog so that these people can buy a house.

      Anyone see a problem here? Supply and demand issues?

      All is good, they haven’t repealed the laws of thermodynamics yet….. or have they?


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    This plan dating from 2019 is currently being debated in the UK parliament


    It was originally intended to lay down the boundaries for net zero around 2040/50

    The current govt wants to bring that forward to 2030 so in effect the recommendations need to be implemented from now.

    2040/50 was far beyond the electoral cycle of most politicians whereas 2025 is here and now.

    The requirements are impossible and draconian.

    Surely even ultra green politicians do not intend to sabotage their careers by voting through this impossible nonsense?

    Presumably Australia has a similar plan but with a bit more leeway in terms of time scales


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      I loved the part about closing all the airports and eliminating the importation of goods from shipping.

      In a country that imports large portions of it’s food and energy needs, that would be a sure fire way to eliminate >30% of the population.

      My question is, who gets to survive, obviously the green elite but they’ll also need slaves, who picks the slaves and do we need to be friendly to those people just in case this law gets through?


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    Listening to TRUMP’s inauguration speech, he is leading the rebirth of the United States of America.


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    Good to see Biden taken away on Marine 1 (Presidential helicopter).

    The trash has been disposed of.


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    Biden issues pre-emptive pardons for his crime family members.


    WASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday pardoned five members of his family, saying he wanted to prevent them from being targeted by “baseless and politically motivated investigations.”

    Those pardoned are his two brothers James and Francis. Also on the list are Sara, the wife of James Biden, Biden’s sister Valerie and her husband John.



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    Apart from Biden’s own crime family members, he has also pre-emptively pardoned Fauci, Mark Milley and the Jan 6th committee members.


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden, in one of his final acts as president, pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Milley and members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, in an extraordinary use of executive power to guard against potential “revenge” by the new Trump administration.



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    Are Executive Orders Constitutional?

    “The purposes of an executive order should be confined to running the government like any company CEO. Trump should withdraw the security clearance of all 51 people who falsely claimed the Hunter laptop was Russian propaganda. I believe that they are traitors to the country. I would fire each and everyone and strip them of all pensions. That would be a valid executive order, as would firing executive bureaucrats. The president is the CEO of the Executive Branch. He needs Congress’s approval to install judges in the Judicial Branch. When orders are confined to personnel inside the Executive Branch, that is within his Constitutional Power.

    What I disagree with are executive orders that circumvent Congress. Biden outlawed gas water heaters. That is a question for Congress – not an executive decision any more than sending in troops or allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles to target inside Russia. The Constitution gave Congress the power to declare war, not the president.

    I will look at what Trump does, and my analysis will be eliminated on those lines. I disagree with FDR’s executive orders to confiscate gold and silver. I think Congress should have decided that.

    The major case issued by the Supreme Court striking down a president’s executive order came about in 1952. In Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, the court held struck down Executive Order 10340, issued by President Harry Truman, for seizing control of the steel manufacturers because of an anticipated union strike in the nation’s steel mills during the Korean War. The court held that President Truman lacked the constitutional or statutory power to seize private property.

    The court focused on the fact that the Executive Order was not authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States, and thus, it could not sand Pp. 343 U. S. 585-589. Moreover, no statute expressly or impliedly authorized the President to take possession of this property as he did here.

    Using this criterion, Biden’s outlawing gas water heaters is arbitrary and absurd. It was unconstitutional, as many of his antics demonstrated that he assumed dictatorial power. Still, the Constitution never authorized such an exercise of power outside the administration of the Executive Branch. He has the Constitutional power to issue a pardon, but not pronounce someone guilty and imprison them without a trial in the Judiciary branch.”



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      Great points. We have all the same points in Australia where so much of the Green Certificates are utterly unconstitutional, but the big energy companies and their clients are bullied by a extreme left communist and greedy government.

      The damage being done is incredible as cheap, reliable, affordable, adequate energy is the essential commodity of the industrial revolution, which is why it is being destroyed by China and its political allies including the Australian Labor Party and Greens and Teals.


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    Where is David+Wojick? He must be dancing around the room in West Virginia with Trump’s announcement that he will end the NE Wind farms. All those whales saved. It’s a dream come true.

    How anyone can call themselves Green (as in concerned naturalist, not communist) and support the mass killing of whales and raptors and bats is beyond logic and emotion.


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    Song from Sydney (Australia) band the Rumjacks to be released Feb 7. YouTube vid three days ago.

    I’ve never known cold like this before,
    I’ve never known cold like this

    The winds will blow and the winds will roar
    The gulls are frozen to the shore
    Should I die in the Boston snow,
    You can burn my body to escape the cold.
    I beg for the fires of hell below

    I’ve never known cold like this before,
    I’ve never known cold like this

    Vs what is actually happening:
    “BOSTON – Sunday, January 19, 2025 – Mayor Michelle Wu today announced a cold weather advisory and winter safety tips ahead of the bitterly cold temperatures forecast for Tuesday, January 21 – Thursday, January 23.”


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    TRUMP said “drill baby drill“.

    Meanwhile, Australia is shutting down its energy supply and, also, drilling and fracking are illegal over much of the country.


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    Stephen Grenville becomes a climatologist now he’s not a Reserve Bank bureaurat-

    “The public agrees on climate, so why can’t our politicians?…how has public opinion shifted? First, there is a consensus that climate change is happening and that we should respond…renewables (solar and wind), these should form the core of the replacement capacity. The daily fluctuations in renewables generation should be smoothed with batteries and pumped hydro… renewables, by themselves, cannot provide assured reliability. In sustained periods of low renewable generation, additional generation capacity will be needed…this gap will be filled by gas generation. Climate transition will not be possible without a key role for gas –”

    So, coal bad, gas good and to hell with CO2. The double-think runs deep amongst the anointed.

    The only part he got right was-

    “Will electricity be cheaper for households? Probably not.”



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    Could somebody please explain how aluminium can be smelted at a competitive price with no taxpayer subsidies using “green” wind and solar electricity? This is now government policy and they are spending $2 billion of our hard-earned taxes to do it…


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      Forrest Gardener

      Easy. All you need is a really, really big battery. You know, the size they don’t make yet.


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      Graeme No.3

      The Fairy Godmother will wave her wand and bingo…after she sorts out how renewables could be made to work which she is hard at studying in her tropical vacation – provided from some Clown who handed her $2 billion (less commission).


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      What is extremely annoying here, and of no surprise at all, is that our dearly beloved MSM go straight to discussing which electorates and work force contingents will be perturbed if the smelters (4/5 owned by Rio) move offshore.

      Not one MSM outlet examines the engineering reality of attempting to run potlines off wind and solar. This is because these people have absolutely no idea of the geological, engineering and logistical parameters of mining and refining bauxite – and they have no intention of attending to their ignorance. So they discuss straw men ad nauseum.


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    America is getting its best Government ever, or at least the best in a very long time.

    Australia now has, without question, its worst ever. Not only federally but in all statslea.


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