It’s a miracle. Common sense. For the first time in two years government rules are shrinking.
A lot of this is thanks to Omicron, the gift from Africa.
In terms of infections the UK is past the peak, but most of Europe is a viral Firestorm. France just recorded a half a million new Covid cases in a single day, and with a test positivity of 31% awesome percent. Something like 1 – 3% of the entire French nation caught Covid yesterday.
All the past awful waves shrink before Omicron. | Source OWID
Despite the bonfire of cases, the deaths are lower than any wave:
A glorious contrast in graphs:
Deaths per million in Europe | OWID ..
With the disaster averted in the hospitals, suddenly political leaders are changing tune. We might think this is all just thanks to the magic of Omicronic nicety, but cases are still rising in places like Denmark and France and yet the Governments are already pulling back. That’s surely thanks to the pressure of mass protests. Without that pain and anger, political leaders wouldn’t be acting so early.
Though it helps that millions of people are catching Omicron and […]
The Biden family scored $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals who had ties to the Chinese spy apparatus. All the details are written up by Peter Schweizer in Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.
The US media spent years obsessing with Russiagate which amounted to nothing while ignoring the bulk carrier load of suspicious deals that connected the son of the then Vice President of the USA to the highest level of Chinese Intel. These businessmen were people like the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment. Millions of dollars changed hands but no one can easily point to particular goods or services that were received.
The burial of the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-hell in the three weeks before the US 2020 Election was the first seismographic warning that major cracks were spreading through the bedrock of Western Civilization. We expected the media to lie and cheat and be shamelessly, insufferably biased, but it was so much worse.
Schweizer then, has done the job the Western media won’t. He calls this the “scariest investigation I’ve ever done”.
How could Big-Science be 100% dependent on Big-Crooked-Government and […]
Truckers for Freedom — thousands of trucks are headed for Ottawa
The TruckersforFreedom are starting in Vancouver today and tens of thousands of trucks will converge on Ottawa on Jan 29th in a bid to stop the mandates. A GoFundMe has already raised more than two million dollars to help cover the costs to drive the big rigs across the country. Some US truckers are driving up to join in. And they are jubilant!
See also #TruckersforFreedom
The governments of Canada and the USA have made it a requirement that truck drivers must be vaccinated to cross the border. The Canadian ruling started on Jan 15th. The US will follow.
Crowds are waiting for the Convoy on overpasses and beside the roads.
Truck Protests Can Stop A Nation
Our experience with the Convoy of No Confidence of in Australia in 2011, against the carbon tax, was that the establishment is very afraid of this sort of protest. Truckers really can shut down a nation, and the images of thousands of trucks storming across the countryside will pull in people as they see it pass. It’s a powerful image. In 2011 whole towns turned out to wave […]
It’s hard to believe, but when the government says “take this Pfizer drug OR lose your job, your rights and your house” — they are quietly also saying “trust Pfizer” — because Pfizer hold all the trial data and you are not allowed to see it.
And it’s largely the same with the other Big-Pharma companies too.
Academic journals are generally part of the problem, so it’s a shock to see one stand up for something.
UPDATE: And it’s fair to say “Where was the BMJ a year ago?” Why now and not before the mass vax campaign? Is this is a sign the Ship is sinking and the first rats are jumping?
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
The British Medical Journal
“Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come. This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
BMJ also accused pharmaceutical companies of […]
UPDATE: Judges decision is final. Djokovic to be deported. He faces a three year ban potentially. “An embarassing farce”.
No one looks good in the Novak Djokovic Deportation saga, but ponder what it says about the vaccines. We’re deporting the best tennis player in the world — not because of the germs he might spread, but to because of the ideas he might spread.
“It’s in the public interest” says the Immigration Minister
While some are cheering One Rule for All, ponder that we’re punishing someone because of what other people might do?
Djokovic is a political prisoner:
Immigration minister Alex Hawke didn’t dispute Djokovic’s claim of a medical exemption… [he] said allowing the player to stay could sway some Australians against getting vaccinated.
“Mr. Djokovic’s presence in Australia may pose a health risk to the Australian community in that his presence in Australia may foster antivaccination sentiment,” Hawke said in a document detailing his decision.
“His presence in Australia, given his well-known stance on vaccination, creates a risk of strengthening the antivaccination sentiment of a minority of the Australian community,” Hawke said in the cancellation notice.
—Wall […]
Even the worst imaginary scenarios for global warming are nothing compared to a year without electricity. Bunky Mortimer III thinks US priorities are screwed.
Get one at Indiamart perhaps?
The US will spend some $555b to prevent a theoretical warming of a degree or two. A warming which may not occur for a century, if at all, and about which the largest competitors to the USA are doing nothing.
In contrast, a solar Carrington event, one nuclear blast, or a cyber attack taking out just nine interconnector sites could collapse the entire US grid for 18 months.
Which environmental threat matters? The West is in apoplexy over the environmental degradation affecting polar bears, but the environment we need the most right now is the one with fresh water, edible food and a room temperature above freezing.
Securing the grid should be this country’s highest environmental priority
Taki’s Magazine
A prolonged collapse of this nation’s electrical grid—through starvation, disease, and societal collapse—could result in the death of up to 90% of the U.S. population. This figure has not been disputed, yet this prospect has received virtually no attention from policy makers or the media. The […]
The most dangerous Big-Government Qango of all may well be the Central Banks (not the NIH). Money drives all the incentives across national economies, but one small unelected group decides the price of money, and all corruption flows downstream from there. Ponder how they set the temperature that drives the global currents of goods, resources and opportunity. They feed Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech.
Saddle Up: There is no hiding inflation. Despite the global economy grinding to a halt in a pandemic, house prices set surging records and paradoxically the Dow hit all times highs.
It is just supply and demand. As more dollars are printed, a bigger supply of money competes for the same number of goods. And boy, have they been printing money.
It’s a temporary spike they say:
This is the money base of USD, a rough measure of “how many dollars there are”.
US St Louis Federal Reserve, Money Base graph 1918-2008 | Source
For perspective, below is the history of the growth in US Dollars since 1918 up until the GFC. The US left the Gold Standard in stages between 1913 and 1971, and the growth in money supply since then […]
One side of politics maintains its support through fear, but it’s an invisible wall until you touch it. Most people within the bubble think they got there through persuasion and reason. They think they are free to leave, they “just don’t want to”. But once an errant thought occurs, or they ask an unpermitted question, the wall of fear appears — it’s the unexpected poison barb, the mockery a reasonable question provokes. It quickly escalates to full blown “primal rejection”.
Leil Leibovitz lived within the bubble, and writes about The Turn — the moments he realized that he was afraid to ask, to speak his mind.
I sense a phase change coming as more and more people reach The Turn.
The Turn
By Leil Leibovitz
You might be living through The Turn if you ever found yourself feeling like free speech should stay free even if it offended some group or individual but now can’t admit it at dinner with friends because you are afraid of being thought a bigot. You are living through The Turn if you have questions about public health policies—including the effects of lockdowns and school closures on the poor and […]
Did someone say there’s a hospitalization crisis?
There is a crisis. People are getting stuck for days extra in hospitals and even dying because of nutrient deficiencies that we could easily solve.
A new study from Istanbul shows that even if we negligently fail to correct Vitamin D deficiencies before people get sick, we can still save half of the ones who might die with a cheap vitamin, pumped in hospital for about 1/5000th of the daily cost of an ICU bed.
The mortality rate in the unsupplemented group from 2020 was 11%, but in the supplemented group in 2021 it was 5.5%. Imagine what the mortality rate might be if these people weren’t deficient in the first place?
The study shows us that there is a causal connection between low Vitamin D and more severe Covid. It also shows what a train wreck our medical systems are. For the price of a few dollars we can free up a lot of hospital beds and stop a lot of deaths, and we’ve known this might be the case since the beginning, and we’re still not doing it? The incentives are so screwed in our healthcare systems that […]
UPDATE: This is a sticky post. New posts are appearing below. So here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas, and asking if you wouldn’t mind helping out. We’re in a kind of guerrilla warfare against a world of vested interests.
Send supplies through Paypal, or through direct deposit, or by snail-mail.
As always, due to legal froufrou, donors can buy however many “units of emergency chocolate” they can spare in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD or USD.
Thank you. In a year when Twitter cancelled the US President and the oldest masthead in America, somehow I was able to keep writing. Largely because many readers chip in to cover the costs. In the cancel culture era, when institutions became weapons, lone bloggers living off donations were able to say things even most newspapers found unsayable. Real freedom is writing with no large sponsor, no major advertiser, no platform to toss us off, no editor to boss us around, and no committee to answer to. The government can’t take away a grant it never gave me, or a permit I don’t need. Cancel culture can’t scare away advertisers or cut nebulous revenue-streams.
9.5 out of 10 based on 99 ratings […]
It’s a sociological phenomenon. People will find a way around the censorship.
In the space of two months Lets Go Brandon has gone from pure R&D to full retail outlet:
Meanwhile on a different battle, a new protest variant has appeared
All around the world, apparently, the people are singing.
It starts a bit slow, but at the 45 second mark, there’s the “Hardware Store” version, then at 1 minute — the London massed choir rendition, strangely civilized and offensive at the same time.
It is as crass as it sounds.
If the crowds were signing You can stick your coal fired power up your @***, in mass rallies of tens of thousands, the BBC-CBC-ABC-MSNBC complex would be playing that as the lead story. Since they don’t, the rest of us need to share the news.
Plucky Bridgett takes on the Board of Supervisors in San Diego
Mariah Scary! Woman sings anti-COVID mandate version of All I Want For Christmas at California board meeting
‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy,’ she started off. ‘I don’t care about the variants because of natural immunity.’
9.7 out […]
In October the FDA asked the judge to let them have 55 years to release all the data, but now Aaron Siri, a lawyer connected to the FOIA, reports they want to hide some of the data for 75 years.
Mere mortals could lose their jobs and their houses immediately if they won’t take the vax, but something must be pretty bad about the vaccine trial results that both the FDA and Pfizer now want to keep the data hidden until 2096.
Apparently, the FDA have 451,000 pages of information related to their decision to license the Pfizer vaccine. The FDA reviewed all this in just 108 days — which works out to the committee going through 4,176 pages a day. More, if they took weekends off.
Nothing says “Trust us” like hiding the data til 2096.
Try to imagine what circumstances would limit the FDA to 500 pages a month:
They are still using dial up. They still need to read the pages. They are afraid of being put in jail.
Apparently, the FDA or US Food and Drug Administration is not just covering up for Pfizer, but covering it for itself. The FDA is a government […]
The Coalition must be thrilled. The Australia election is due in the next six months, it’s on a knife edge which the current government could easily lose, and the Opposition leader just announced that instead of the current 27% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030, they will aim for a 43% cut.
The question is whether Australian voters fall for the magical fantasy plan
As usual, Labor will “pick winners” in a competitive market and somehow make things cheaper, better and increase jobs too:
Mr Albanese said Labor’s long-awaited emissions reduction target would create jobs, cut power bills and reduce emissions.
“Electricity prices will fall from the current level by $275 for households by 2025 at the end of our first term if we are successful,” he said.
The policy would create an additional 604,000 jobs by 2030, with the majority in regional Australia, he said.
To bad that for every Green Job created, two to five real jobs are lost.
Labor is the best friend of foreign bankers
Labor plans to ramp up our secret emissions trading scheme. In a coded transmission, Labor announces that Australians will […]
Just what the world doesn’t need, another giant global bureaucracy which is a tool of President Xi.
Omicron has barely got out of the gates and the WHO are already clamoring to create a kind of nightmare IPCC version for pandemics. They’re calling it an International Pandemic Treaty as if they can make peace with inanimate rogue nucleotides.
In any case, a global unaccountable, unelected ruling body in charge of borders, lockdowns and our medical supplies sounds like the DeathStar of Bureaucracies.
As Marc Morano says, it’s a “virus version of the IPCC”:
The assembly’s decision will see the creation of an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to draft and negotiate the final convention, which would then need to be adopted by member states. … Tedros said omicron “demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics,” and called for a “legally binding” agreement.
— @WHO
The UN is bought and controlled one vote at a time by the highest bidder, or the one with the Biggest Belt and Road. And when it came to stopping the biggest pandemic in a century, the WHO helped it spread, just as President Xi might […]
Easy Money Begats Easy Billionaires, who build Easy Foundations, which are easily captured. And before you know it, the apolitical becomes political, and the political becomes a lobbying machine. Big Money becomes Huge Money and Huge Money wields power.
And a perfectly good civilization goes to waste.
h/t Scott of the Pacific
How Charity Foundations Damage Western Societies
by John Smoke, im1776
by Freestocks-photos
Charities are as large as the entire University sector.
Charitable foundations, and the specific charities they fund, are the single most important force in modern Western societies. They complete a triumvirate of the “journalism plus academia” shorthand of the Cathedral as Curtis Yarvin sees it. The amount of money sloshing around these organisations is simply mind-boggling. The latter is hard to reliably quantify, but in the UK, the charity ‘industry’ apparently registered £45 billion in revenues in 2021 alone. Compare this to the £40.5 billion total income in the UK higher education sector a couple of years ago and you get the idea.
John Smoke adroitly connects the dots and draws the spiral vortex that draws most charities in.
It starts so gently:
Imagine a billionaire. He’s an […]
The Will of the People has been replaced with a Rule by the Bureaucratic Class.
The Bureaucratic class dress themselves in fake charity — to help women and children, minorities, and trees, but these are the lies they tell themselves while they oppress the poor, raze the trees and use sexist, racist policies to line their pockets.
It’s a trend occurring all over the West. But nowhere was it more obvious when the people elected Donald Trump, and the all-knowing Bureaucrats did everything in their power to extinguish the people’s votes.
“I have witnessed the death of democracy” says Michael Pack, the man Donald Trump put in charge of the $850 million dollar institution called the U.S. Agency for Global Media which reaches 350 million people each week in 70 languages. Pack was selected two months after Trump took office, but the Democrats and bureaucrats stalled his appointment for three long years. Pack finally took office in June 2020. His experience exemplifies the control of the faceless Blob of Bureaucracy.
The Death of Democracy
In a sense, we all witnessed it. From the moment Donald Trump was elected president until the day he left office, government officials […]
As David Rose so aptly puts it, China was digging out record amounts of coal and Xi Jinping did not even turn up to Glasgow but green evangelistas were shaming the West and praising China.
Photo by Christels
Western Environmentalists are being used by the CCP:
‘Useful idiots’ who let China off the hook: Why is there such an apparent lack of concern over their determination to keep burning coal, asks DAVID ROSE
The Daily Mail
Some campaigners even heap praise on China. So why is there such an apparent lack of concern? One answer lies in a book called Hidden Hand: Exposing How The Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping The World, by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg. Serialised in the Mail last year, it argues that China has extended its influence over certain institutions in Britain and other democracies in order to blind them to Beijing’s drive for supremacy.
Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy worked for a commission in China accused of torture, detention and forced confessions. Did the Green care?
They include Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy. Until 2012, he was a member of the central commission for discipline inspection, […]
Hands Up: It’s Net Zero now or a 1.5% interest rate hike?
So Australia is adopting Net Zero because the Global Financiers, who only want to save the world, would have refused to lend us money without jacking up our interest rates by 1.5%. The banker punishment would have meant a “17% investor exodus”. Fancy a stock market collapse?
This remarkable admission comes in the modeling released today by the Morrison government. No one is even trying to hide it.
At least we can stop pretending this has anything to do with science or the voters. Just cut out the IPCC and go straight for the BlackRock Temperature Tax, eh?
Note the “penalties” are imposed by global financiers:
Modelling shows real cost of no net-zero carbon emissions
Greg Brown and Geoff Chambers, The Australian
Businesses and households would have faced interest rate hikes of up to 1.5 per cent under expected penalties imposed by global financiers if the government had failed to adopt net zero emissions by 2050, modelling for the Glasgow climate package shows.
The penalty regime would have sparked a 17 per cent investment collapse by the middle of the […]
Some poor sods will be paying extra to help Griffith Wind Farms cover the cost of shutting down for part of the COP26 Superhero Costume Party. If only that secret charge was listed on their electricity bill. Where is the transparency?
Big Lie Number 1: that the Glasgow COP26 event is powered by 100% renewables.
It’s hard to believe, but some people think the wind powered electrons can be tracked and relied upon.
Sustainability Mag
There will be some accounting shell game where “100% of the annual supply” means they supply the whole years electricity in lumpy packets at times that no conference centre could run on. We know it’s wrong because lies don’t scale up. If the whole nation can’t be 100% renewable at the same time and in the same way, then the Conference centre isn’t 100% renewable either. It’s relying on coal and gas just like everyone else is.
The 100% renewable fakers are show-pony parasites on the system. They need the transmission lines, the back up, the inertia and the stable frequency but they Lord their 100% Renewable Badge knowing full well, that if everyone was “100% renewable” the system would […]
Nature and Elsevier are agog and aghast that hundreds of junk papers filled with random word salad have been published in their esteemed journals.
It’s as bad as it sounds — one retracted title was: “‘Sea level height based on big data of Internet of Things and aerobics teaching in coastal areas’. “
They are shocked that scammers who were “organised” and “sophisticated” found tricks to get published — wait for it — not just by hyping up, adjusting and exaggerating their cherry-picked papers and incompetent models, but with nothing more than fake e-mails “with ‘univ’ instead of ‘uni’ and ‘-ac.uk’ instead of ‘.ac.uk’”. That’s right, the highest and most intellectual “peer review” journals in the world have such inadequate, nonexistent standards, that not only do they fail to weed out weak papers, they couldn’t even defend themselves against randomized nonsense coming from fake professors with dodgy emails.
In other words, no one who matters even reads the papers before they are published.
Indeed, no one even read the titles…
Scammers impersonate guest editors to get sham papers published
Hundreds of articles published in peer-reviewed journals are being retracted after scammers exploited the processes for […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

Jo appreciates your support to help her keep doing what she does. This blog is funded by donations. Thanks!


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