The Los Angeles fire debacle is the peak of the virtue signaling era

By Jo Nova

The Los Angeles Fires seem to symbolize the great achievements of collectivist governance. It took decades to reach these Black Belt levels of incompetence: to weaponize the committees, neutralize the media, and to teach the people that fires are caused by hamburgers and stopped by solar panels.

Currently 150,000 people are still under evacuation orders in Los Angeles and some 10,000 buildings are estimated to have been destroyed. To twist the knife on the pain, some insurance companies have recently abandoned Californian clients due to a 1988 law called Proposition 103. The State government regulates price rises in insurance. It’s a form of price fixing. It means insurance companies can’t adjust their premiums to take the higher risks into account, so they do they only thing they can — stop offering insurance.

Then there is the irony that green activists have worked to stop fuel reduction burns. @MarioNawfal names the Sierra Club.

The Californian situation by Dennis Presiloski

In a form of Democrat maths — the LA mayor Karen Bass saved $18m from the fire department budget but the state lost $150 billion in damage (so far).

“The bluest people on the planet are going to […]

The stupid nation: The UK Gov wants to “de-Westernize” science

By Jo Nova

Let’s not put race politics in our science lessons

Science has no race — it is true, or it isn’t. But once we start deleting one race or judging one scientific hero by the color of their skin, we can still make science lessons racist. It’s just another anti-white virtue-signalling thing. Instead of teaching children how the world works, someone thinks we should teach them topics that make the Minister sound good at UN cocktail parties.

The UK Labour government wants to overhaul school science — if only they knew what science was. They got an “independent” review to tell them what they wanted to hear and invited the grovelling Royal Society’s of Science to sell out science to the latest Woke intellectual fashion. Shame on them.

Real science is about evidence, not the color of your skin, or the continent your last 1,000 ancestors lived on. It can’t be “de-Westernized” because it isn’t “Western” — the laws of physics work just as well in England as they do in Bangladesh. Hypersonic rockets don’t care what language you speak, penicillin kills streptococcus in the East and the West, and gravity sucks us all. Its universality […]

Teaching school children to be better leftist activists

By Jo Nova

In the ecosystem of civilization, the OECD is just another batch of multinational barnacles slowing the ship down. These invertebrate filter feeders use taxpayer money to bore the taxpayers kids into submission to The Blob. They presumably hope the kids will grow up to vote for the Big Government Blob, thus boosting the river of money that flows past the barnacles.

In the end, improbably, a foreign committee is pretending it can save children in some of the wealthiest nations in the world from “misinformation”. As if the first world needs some remedial assistance teaching chemistry to their teenagers. The gargantuan arrogance of this is only surpassed by the intergalactic chutzpah. The OECD are, after all, just a bunch of economists, wiggling their finger at nations full of doctors and engineers, and telling them how to teach their kids science.

The gibberish, it grows: What is “action” in response to “climate anxiety”?

How to teach climate change so 15-year-olds can act

The Guardian (of course).

OECD’s Pisa program will measure the ability of students to take action in response to climate anxiety and ‘take their position and role in the […]

AI finds the legal bombs: The Blob can’t hide things in 1,000 page OmniPork bills anymore

By Jo Nova

This will slow down the parasites

The most exciting thing I heard today was that AI was used to find all the nasty surprises secreted away in the 1,500 pages of US legislation that was being pumped through Congress in the days before Christmas. Legal aides must have spent all year stacking the deck with tricks to enrich the political class. No human could unpack the fine print overnight, but AI could. Then, free speech saved the day, the Capitol Pork was exposed when Elon Musk spread the word to his 208 million readers.

As Elon Musk says: I’m suspicious of laws that are longer than The Lord of the Rings.

Huge implications for the use of AI. They used AI to “read” all 1,574 pages of that monstrosity and pull out the graft and corruption. This is a game changer. They can’t hide things in multi-thousand page bills anymore.

— DJ Jones (@sgtdaviddjjones) December 19, 2024

No matter how corrupt you think Big-government is, it’s worse:

Posters on X exposed some of the hidden surprises which included a payrise for Congress, funding for Bill Gates mosquito games, bioweapons research, vaccine […]

The Opposition’s nuclear plan saves $260 billion, but it’s still 53% renewable

By Jo Nova

Here in crazy Australia, we have too many renewables, but both sides of politics still want more

Here in the Renewable Crash Test Dummy Land, both sides of politics think we should use our national grid for weather control which is good for President Xi, but bad for Australians. The Opposition is pointing out that the 82% renewable purity target is bonkers, and we should add nuclear plants, while the Labor party are hell-bent on running the world’s first experiment in wind and solar with not much hydro, no nuclear power and no extension cords to a international market that can rescue us. Literally no nation on Earth is this recklessly ambitious.

With an election coming, and domestic electricity prices approaching escape velocity, both sides are sparring with economic reports. The government claims it can do a national wind and solar miracle grid for just $122 billion. But Frontier Economics put the cost at $594 billion. The opposition, meanwhile, has finally revealed the first serious costing of their big new nuclear power plan is $331 billion (which is $260 billion cheaper), but it’s still $300 billion we don’t really have.

Awkwardly for Labor, both […]

The Big Battle — The People versus The Blob

By Jo Nova

All the world waits

When you use AI to replace every mention of “our democracy” with “our bureaucracy,” everything starts making a lot more sense.

— Bill D’Agostino (@Banned_Bill) November 5, 2024

As The Babylon Bee says:

If Trump Is Elected It Will Be The End Of Bureaucracy As We Know It Politics · Nov 4, 2024 ·

Other Democrats agreed that another Trump presidency would likely spell doom for lucrative but wasteful government programs, with increased efficiency and reduced tax revenue taken in by the government would have a devastating effect on their ability to become wealthy. “Our system of government has never faced a more imminent threat,” said Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. “The days of elected officials getting rich from kickbacks, secret bribes, and insider trading may be over. Serving the public should never be the motivating factor for entering public service. I fear for our nation… and my life.”

The gap between the media and the voters continues to grow:

Or, to put it another way, the media had to be nicer to Kamala than to any candidate in history

Newsbusters reports that this is the […]

Junk survey claims young Americans think “Humanity is Doomed” and are hesitant to have children

The Guardian

By Jo Nova

It could be the most rigged survey I’ve ever seen

The Lancet “Planetary Health” poll of young Americans looks as contrived as anything in our fake academic and media world.

The survey, funded by AVAAZ (a $20 million dollar political activist “NGO“) is clearly an industrial scale psychological mining operation to find Politically Useful Statistics. It is amazing the survey passed ethical approval, because some 15,793 people aged 16 to 24 were allegedly subjected to a relentless series of unhinged and unbalanced suggestions. The sheer repetition of doom mongering is a form of abuse. It’s works like hypnosis — imagine being asked, “How much, if at all, does climate change make you feel the following? Then being offered 10 shades of pain: Anxious, Powerless, Afraid, Sad, Angry, Despair, Ashamed, Grief, Depressed, Guilty, and finally Indifferent, or Optimistic.

Not only was there no chance to say climate change made you feel Bored, Lectured, Cajoled, Hen-pecked, Conned, and Scammed, but the response list itself was like a hypnotic suggestion, do you beat your wife, how often do you beat your wife, and how do you feel when you beat your wife?

The hapless victims of […]

Bombshell: Former CDC Director endorses Trump and says Kennedy was right

Robert Redfield stands to the right of Donald Trump on Feb 29th 2020 for The Coronavirus Taskforce.

By Jo Nova The rift in the political heliosphere continues to tear

The phase change is upon us. The most unlikely people are suddenly fans of Donald Trump and talking about cleaning up corruption. From the core command center of the US Pandemic Bureaucracy, the Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, whom Robert F Kennedy Jnr mercilessly criticized, has come out endorsing President Trump, and admitting Kennedy was right all along.

Redfield was director of the CDC from 2018 – 2021, and now says that the three behemoth government health agencies — the FDA, the NIH and the CDC, have been captured by industry and the federal government must fix this problem. Furthermore, he says Trump “has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F Kennedy, Jnr.”

Redfield writes in Newsweek “Donald Trump Has a Plan to Make America’s Children Healthy Again. It’s a Good One.”

Across a century-plus of cozy courtship, the federal regulators have nearly married the regulated, especially in health care. Today, private industry uses its political influence to control decision-making at regulatory agencies, […]

Election Deception: Democrats won’t mention the climate, but The Greens are happy anyway

By Jo Nova

Mark the turning point: Climate activists know they have to hide “the climate” to win the election

Now that Trump is ready to make climate change an issue, the last thing the Democrats want is to put this debate out on the table. So their strategy is to say nothing about it, in case they offend the voters in the middle. As Marc Morano says “‘No one is buying their ‘climate emergency’ claptrap anymore’“.

In an extraordinary headline the New York Times is letting everyone know that the new “green” thing to do is to sit back quietly and wait for her to win. They don’t want activists to complain she’s gone soft on climate change and accidentally trick her into making public commitments which Donald Trump will use against her.

We’re at the point where the Climate die-hards openly admit that it will cost them votes if she talks about the climate. They know the voters don’t want it, and the only way keep the Green Gravy flowing is to hide it.

And these are the same people saying Trump is destroying democracy. They don’t want a mandate for action anymore, they just want to win. […]

Satire is the ultimate weapon

By Jo Nova

Like a sabre:

This is amazing 😂

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 26, 2024

“I am the ultimate diversity hire, I’m both a woman and a person of color, so if you criticize anything I say, you’re both a sexist and a racist”

AI will destroy jobs… (hopefully one in particular).

But both sides can use this tool — to construct a narrative, as well as to destroy it.

Reality may become very hard to find with unmarked Deepfake voices “on the loose” — especially if there is no shared public forum to hammer out the truth. That seems like a brilliant but dangerous game. The thing about great satire, as opposed to deepfake lies, is that when it’s done well, and it speaks the truth (in a fake voice), the target wouldn’t want to draw attention to it by denying they said it.

But perhaps we need an AI watermark…

h/t Stephen Neil


9.9 out of 10 based on 100 ratings

The US Presidential Debate was right on the Democrats schedule

By Jo Nova

The Democrats needed a reason to dump their placeholder candidate for 2024, and that convention is coming soon. Obviously they want to drop in a new candidate at the last minute with just enough time to ride home on the honeymoon glow. Debates are not usually held before the conventions.

They were always going to throw Biden under the bus, but this way they stop him being the lame duck for as long as possible while they protect their real candidate from scrutiny. Republicans counting chickens at this point are far too relaxed.

Flag: Clément Bardot


9.9 out of 10 based on 125 ratings

Young adults losing the climate faith in the US, and only one third of voters think the IPCC experts are right

By Jo Nova

Good news: despite 2023 being the hottest year since Homo Erectus, there was a 17% fall in the number of 18 to 34 year olds who call “Climate change” a very serious problem. Even though there were hottest-ever-headlines month after month, the punters lost the faith.

No one is cracking champagne, because 50% of young adults still tell pollsters they think it is a “very serious problem”. But when all is said and done, at least half the generation that was drip-fed the dogma since kindergarten, can not only see through the catastrophism but they are brave enough to tell a pollster that too.

For the most part, after a few hot El Nino years, “climate fear” is back where it was in 2016 or so. Most people still want the government to solve the weather with someone else’s money. But where younger people were once much more enthusiastic about a Big Government fix than older people were, now that gap is almost closed. What was a 21% difference between those age groups is now only 2%. That’s a whopping fall in faith in the government to do something useful, or probably, a recognition that whatever the […]

Surprise! The World’s biggest bankers are suddenly energy pragmatists

By Jo Nova

JP Morgan, BlackRock drop out of climate banker cabal, and admit the Net Zero transition is “delayed”

In February three of the four largest financial houses in the world, left the giant financial cabal called“Climate 100+” (the fourth one left a year ago). BlackRock, JP Morgan and State Street all parted ways with the billionaire-club of philanthropists trying to bully the world into buying their own renewables. In the two months since then, two of their CEO’s have put out “letters to shareholders” predicting how the transition is going to be slower and harder and how we still need fossil fuels.

Suddenly everyone sounds like an energy skeptic.

There are lots of reasons for this shift:

1: US Republican States are pointing the “AntiTrust” gun at the billionaire banker club because it looks exactly like a monopolistic cabal doing its best to collude to reduce competition. The States are also firing up the fiduciary duty canon. Hence the bankers not only want to back away from the cabal, they want to sound like bankers that care about investing their clients funds.

2. The renewables bubble is deflating fast, and the CEO’s can […]

Backpedalling: Now “Net Zero” is an unhelpful slogan says UK Climate watchdog

By Jo Nova

The term “Net Zero” has become a dirty word

It’s a win. The climate wars will rage on, but the Net Zero spell isn’t working any more, so they will have to find a newer one without such a smell. The sacred propaganda term that was going to save all life on Earth until five minutes ago is more than just a worn out advertising slogan, the skeptics campaign against it has made it a toxic term. Like ESG, it’s become a liability.

The people know “Net Zero” is not just a fluffy footprint on a forest, but an attack on their wallet and their lifestyle. It’s a great credit to GWPF and NetZeroWatch in the UK for turning this phrase back against the infinitely well funded financial-house-and-government-alliance.

Net zero has become unhelpful slogan, says outgoing head of UK climate watchdog

The Guardian (of the ruling class)

The concept of “net zero” has become a political slogan used to start a “dangerous” culture war over the climate, and may be better dropped, the outgoing head of the UK’s climate watchdog has warned.

“Net zero has definitely become a slogan […]

Batman to the rescue — masked men install protected bat boxes over ULEZ traffic cameras

By Jo Nova

Strange sightings of Batman and Robin have been occurring in London

Thousands of ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) cameras have been installed to record numberplates of offending older cars so their owners can be charged £12.50 for daring to drive a non-compliant car in London. This usually means any diesel car made before 2014 or a petrol car made before 2006, so the fines especially hurt low paid workers, students and retirees.

The two masked crusaders have been seen helping the local bat population by installing homes for them in front of ULEZ cameras. Since bats are a protected species (unlike motorists) once the bat boxes are installed they can not be tampered with nor disturbed by law. Batman and Robin helpfully also place legal notices on the poles so workers coming to fix the cameras know they risk a six month jail sentence or an “unlimited” fine if they so much as touch the bat box.

The bat boxes cost £10.

Bat roosts have legal protection:

Vigilante anti-ULEZ campaigners hang bat boxes on cameras to stop engineers fixing them

By Adam Toms and Rom Preston-Ellis, The Mirror

The £10 animal homes […]

Training little climate marxists, two thousand at a time…

Youtube link

By Jo Nova

Trust us, Kids, We’re Climate ‘Educators’

Tony Thomas has uncovered a plot in Tasmania to turn our schools into leftist activist assembly lines (more than they already are). Luckily it appears to be so boring, no one is watching. (OK, that’s hardly luck, just a fact of life. Beating people up with propaganda is, by definition, and especially after 30 years, not that exciting.) But Curious Climate Schools is still harming children and teachers too, and wasting the taxes of bus drivers, builders and bakers.

In the end, publicly funded academics are shamelessly exploiting eight year olds. They work on their youthful anxiety and naivete (and their dreadful science education) to create political lobby groups which will help academics get more funding. Vote for Big Government! Vote for Climate Change Grants! Write letters to the M.P. you are too young to vote for! It is disgustingly self serving, though all the Doctors of Climate Trauma would be mortified to hear that. They are saving the world, after all. They are the saints who collect salaries. The prophets on academic pay scales.

It’s just Big Government advertising itself, but disguised as “education”:

The […]

Tesla gigafactory attacked in Germany, not by fans of petrol, but left wing Eco extremists

This is what the terrorists have caused.#GigaBerlinBrandenburg#StandbyTesla

— Gigafactory Berlin News (@Gf4Tesla) March 5, 2024

By Jo Nova

The Vulkangruppe (Volcano Group) activists have claimed responsibility for sabotaging a pylon that supplied power to the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany. The factory that makes half a million EVs a year had to close Tuesday and send 12,000 workers home. About 2,000 local homes also lost power.

Electricity may not be restored until March 17th and Pierre Goslin at NoTricksZone reports the bill is now estimated to be “over half a billion euro”.

Apparently the radical-conservationists thought setting fire to a pile of tyres at the base of a high voltage tower was a way to free the forest and the workers from a capitalist tyranny.

Tesla sabotage in Germany

Shortly after, an organization known as the Volcano Group (Vulkangruppe) claimed responsibility for the fire online. “We sabotaged Tesla today,” the far-left environmental group stated in an open letter that also accused Tesla CEO Elon Musk of being a “techno-fascist.”

The letter went on to criticize Tesla’s implications in driving predatory capitalism, worker exploitation, environmental degradation and modern surveillance technology, which is why. […]

Breaking: US Supreme Court decides jury of 150 million can rule on Trump

By Jo Nova

In a democracy the Court of Public Opinion is (still) the highest court

Donald Trump’s name can stay on the ballots.

It’s one of those rare moments in 2024 when something makes sense. All nine justices of the US Supreme Court have decided that the largest jury in the world should be allowed to judge for themselves who they want to have as President.

The Colorado Supreme Court had decided that Donald Trump was too naughty for people to vote for, even though he hadn’t been charged or convicted of leading an insurrection of horned people (or any one else) to overthrow the US government. The votes of a few state officials would therefore overrule the votes of millions potentially. And the whole idea of being innocent until proven guilty was tossed out the window.

The Court of Public Opinion is the only one that matters in a democracy. If there was free speech and a free media, crimes will be investigated, and the evidence put on display

As The Epoch Times said — it has never happened like this before:

9.7 out of 10 based on 108 ratings […]

Mark Steyn ordered to pay $1 million to deter climate deniers from criticizing sacred scientists

The “hockey stick” graph as published in IPCC TAR (Figure 2-20, 2001)

By Jo Nova

Climate deniers must be punished

For newcomers: Michael Mann’s hockeystick graph was wildly different from hundreds of studies of other studies and instantly became the pet graph of the IPCC. It used the wrong proxy, the wrong tree, and the wrong type of averaging. Whole books were written on how bad it was. But when Mark Steyn called it fraudulent Mann sued.

Twelve long years after the case was launched, the six person jury decided that Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg have defamed Michael Mann, but awarded Mann one whole dollar in damages, because he hadn’t been able to prove he suffered any damage at all. Remarkably, though, the jurors felt the skeptics had been so malicious they added punitive damages too. Usually these are limited to a mere four or five times the compensatory damage, but this time it was decided Simberg should pay $1,000 and Mark Steyn $1 million. It sets a new record.

According to punitive or exemplary damages are saved for truly dreadful acts:

exemplary damages n. often called punitive damages… are damages requested and/or awarded […]

Farmers win: Major EU backdown on farming emissions and regulations

By Jo Nova

Farmers win the day after mass protests

Thousands of farmers in tractors and trucks protested in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Ireland, Sweden, Portugul, Greece and Spain. Farmers in Poland are planning to block the Ukrainian border. The French farmers held Paris under siege, blocking roads, pouring manure everywhere and leaving supermarket shelves empty, then after they won some concessions from President Macron, they kept on driving to Brussels and did it all again with help from farmers from other countries. The EU is the target.

The thing that made this so potent was not just that the farmers had heavy equipment that moved obstacles and drove over barriers, they also had huge public support. Something like 80 to 90% of French citizens supported the farmers and were willing to put up with the inconvenience. Then to cap it off, EU elections are coming in June, and they only happen once every five years. The Greens look like they will do badly. That people like Geert Wilders can win in national elections must have shocked the politerati class. But right wing governments have been elected in Italy, Sweden, and Finland too.

This looks like a major win. […]