Will EV’s cause more damage to the environment?A freighter with nearly 3,000 cars on board is burning off the Netherlands. The Coastguard is working hard to try to stop the freighter sinking in a delicate environmental area. Only 25 cars are EV’s on a burning ship of 2,857 cars. No one is sure what started the fire, but a coastguard spokesperson told Reuters “it began near an electric car”. Firefighters estimate it may burn for days. Even if it didn’t start in an EV, the EV’s on board change the nature of the battle. The fire spread so fast sadly one crew member was killed. Seven others leapt overboard and were rescued from the ocean. The ship carried a crew of 23. UPDATE: As commenter James Murphy suggests — maybe they need to be transported like explosives can be – on the main deck, in a container that can be dumped overboard under its own weight. Just pull a pin or 2… more or less. I’m thinking “ejection seats” for EV’s? A freighter carrying nearly 3,000 cars catches fire in the North Sea and a crew member is killedMike Corder, AP THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A fire on a freight ship carrying nearly 3,000 cars was burning out of control Wednesday in the North Sea, and the Dutch coast guard said one crew member had died, others were hurt and it was working to save the vessel from sinking close to an important habitat for migratory birds. Its location is close to a chain of Dutch and German islands popular with tourists in the shallow Wadden Sea, a World Heritage-listed area described by UNESCO as “the largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world” and “one of the most important areas for migratory birds in the world.” Earlier this year a Norwegian shipping line banned EV’s from its ferries:Imagine the passengers jumping overboard? CTIF News: The Norwegian shipping company Havila Kystruten will no longer allow electric cars on board its ships, according to Norwegian Television NRK. The consequences of an electric car fire are considered too severe, states the company. Risk analysis found lithium batteries too risky onboard. …the risk analysis found was that fires in electric cars are considered more difficult to extinguish than fires in cars powered by petrol and diesel. Shipping transports around 90% of world trade, and fires are a regular problem. It’s only fair to mention that just two weeks ago a cargo ship carrying 1,200 new and used petrol cars caught fire and two firefighters died. Thirty years ago, around 200+ vessels were described as “total losses” each year, now it is around 40 to 60 annually. Safety has improved, but the insurance industry warns that ships are not able to deal with EV fires and they will be a growing problem. Keep reading → Medieval “climate change” was filled with heatwaves, droughts, and crop failuresOne thousand years ago, “rivers ran dry under the protracted heat, the fish were left dry in heaps and putrefied in a few hours.” Men and animals venturing in the sun in the summer of 1022 fell down dying.” It was so hot in 1132 that the rivers ran dry and “the ground was baked to the hardness of stone”. Around 1200 at the Battle of Bela “there were more victims made by the sun than by weapons”. In 1303 and 1304, the Seine, the Loire, the Rhine, and the Danube could all be crossed with dry feet, and they dried up again in 1538-1541. In 1393 and 1394 the crops were “scorched up” and “great numbers of animals fell dead”. In 1625 in Scotland, it was so hot “meat could be cooked merely by exposing it to the Sun.” And so it goes — history that was known in the 1800’s appears to be disappearing, leaving us with a generation of snowflakes who think they are the only humans who ever faced hot weather. They with their air-conditioned bedrooms, mobile phones and filtered water. In 879, agricultural laborers, who must have been as tough as nails, were struck down after “just a few minutes in the sun”. Thanks to Tony Heller at RealClimateScience who has a resource page: “1500 Years of Heatwaves” Gaillard’s Medical Journal – Google Books The Medieval Warm Period was a global phenomenon, see the graphs, the pollen, the sea sediments and tree rings. And the IPCC knew it in 1990 too. They’ve been rubbing out the Medieval Warm Period ever since. Even though Hubert Lamb did the graph in 1982, scores of different proxies have gone on to support it on every continent. References at the link above plus at the tag Medieval Warm Period. h/t also Paul Homewood at Notalotofpeopleknowthat Keep reading → By Jo Nova UK surprise byelection “shows why conservatives must stand against NetZero”Suddenly conservative Cabinet Ministers, who formerly cheered on green policies are telling Rishi Sunak, the British PM, to back off a bit on Net Zero. This phase shift is so deep, even the leader of the Labor Opposition is warning his Labor counterpart Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London to “reflect” on his expansion of the ULEZ car tax zone to outer London. ULEZ is the Ultra Low Emission Zone, where a tax of £12.50 a day applies to high emission cars. Naturally, this hurts poor people with old cars living in outer suburbs much more than the inner city cafe latte set who can afford an EV and luxury religions. The key point, perversely, is that Conservatives managed to barely hold onto Boris Johnson’s old seat of Uxbridge and South Ruislip. What apparently astonished the political masters was that the campaign to protect car drivers from the Mayor of London’s NetZero punishment was much more popular than they expected. The Uxbridge win plays against the backdrop of two whopping losses in other seats. The message is that salvation may yet arrive for doomed conservatives if they stand up to green policies. But if the Labor Party are smart (and evil), they will bury their unpopular Green fantasies, keep their heads down, and after winning, bring in the policies regardless. We’ve seen this in Australia — at the last election Green policies were only visible in a few wealthy inner city seats where Green fantasies survive. Out in the suburbs the Conservatives didn’t fight for the battlers against Net Zero and they lost. The costs of Net Zero were barely mentioned. If Labor “don’t mention the Green thing”, Conservatives can still make it the issue and demand answers and promises from the Labor Party on what they will and won’t do. They can be proactive in putting forward policies the Labor Party can’t even consider, like drilling for gas, No Carbon Taxes, or like letting people decide they can drive whatever car they want. Thanks to the GWPF and NetZeroWatch for the links. UK Newspapers are full of the lessons of Uxbridge:Ulez became a lightning rodSir Iain Duncan Smith, MP, The Telegraph UK The Conservatives offered a clear choice and the electorate responded. The lesson therefore to take from this by-election is much greater than just the issue of Ulez, important as that is. Voters are angry – angry that their taxes are high and that their cost of living is too high. They are also angry that the establishment obsession with net zero has led to an arbitrary and very costly 2030 deadline to get rid of diesel and petrol cars, even though it could cripple our car industry, flood the market with cheap Chinese cars and pile further costs on people’s already stretched incomes. Not to mention the very expensive upcoming ban on new gas boilers as well. It shouldn’t have taken much to work out that a highly-regressive tax on the relatively poor was not going to go down well among Labour voters – yet so blinded are many in the party on green issues that they just couldn’t see it. That includes Keir Starmer who two weeks ago told the obvious fib that Sadiq Khan had no choice but to expand Ulez. But it isn’t just Labour which should be shaken by this result. Paradoxically, although the Conservatives won, the result is a dire warning to them, too. Janet Daley, The Daily Telegraph: For the Tory leadership, there could not be a more explicit illustration of the limits to the electorate’s tolerance of supposed green measures. People might just accept some hardships – especially if they are presented as temporary – but they are not prepared to sacrifice their entire way of life. If you threaten people’s livelihoods and what they regard as their fundamental rights to mobility and self-reliance, they will use the democratic process to get rid of you. The Uxbridge victory which, on the face of it, was the most minimal, may come to be seen as the most important of all. For fans of Climate-Action, it’s a “disaster”.So sayth Stephen Bush, Financial Times It’s the narrow Conservative victory in South Ruislip and Uxbridge that is the real shock. What is certain is that the results are a disaster for Conservative environmentalists and, by extension, climate politics in the UK. It will feed the internal argument that, when push comes to shove, for all British voters say they care about green politics, they will reject measures that impose a personal cost. It will also seem to some that the best route for a Conservative recovery at the next election will involve minimising, and perhaps even running away from, the net zero target. It will feed the internal argument that, when push comes to shove, for all British voters say they care about green politics, they will reject measures that impose a personal cost. It will also seem to some that the best route for a Conservative recovery at the next election will involve minimising, and perhaps even running away from, the net zero target. The Guardian is apoplectic — they can see politicians campaigning against Net Zero, so they ramp up hyperbolic scares of mythical voter desire for “Net Zero”. Editors at the Guardian surely know this isn’t true. If voters really did want Net Zero, The Guardian wouldn’t be so afraid that the voters might get a choice. “Dropping green pledges would be ‘political suicide’, Sunak and Starmer warned”There are fears that both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer will loosen their support for such policies after the Conservatives’ surprise win in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip byelection on Thursday. The Tories narrowly won the seat, by just 495 votes, with a campaign that capitalised on opposition to plans by London’s Labour mayor Sadiq Khan to extend the ultra low emission zone (Ulez). The Guardian tells us what they want us to think, not what the news is: Senior figures from business, the scientific community and across the political divide warned that any watering down of climate policies would be deeply unpopular with voters, set back the international fight to reach net zero and damage Britain’s green reputation. If they wanted us to think NetZero was a futile pagan quest that enriches billionaires, they would have asked different “senior figures”. UK Flag: Rian (Ree) Saunders
What do you do when not enough people die to suit your religion? Distort the axis and hope no one notices. Welcome to government-science, where one of top journals in the world uses graphic design tricks for political convenience. In this graph from the paper, 10 excess deaths from the heat looks “bigger” than 50 excess deaths from cold. Isn’t the whole point of a graph so we can compare the bars “at a glance”? Björn Lomborg corrected this with chart on right. Doesn’t that tell a different story? Thanks to Patrick Moore @EcoSenseNow: The journal “Lancet” published the chart on left with unequal X-Axis* to downplay fact that cold causes 10X more deaths than heat in Europe. …This is disgraceful for a supposedly scientific journal. Björn Lomborg‘s version shows us exactly how important heat deaths are. It’s no small thing. The news outlets are filled with heatwave porn trying to scare people about normal weather, while politicians try to justify spending billions to “cool” the world. These graphs hide the crime — increasing the cost of energy will kill far more than mythical cooling could ever save.
The Lancet is the world’s highest impact medical journal. It was founded in 1823, so it’s their 200th anniversary year, yet despite that, they thought they’d risk their reputation anyway… What, exactly, did the peer reviewers think? Presumably they told themselves it was the only way to show the detail of the age groups on the heat deaths side. Here’s a close up of the scale. Note the break marked on the far right: We discussed this paper on the blog a week or two ago: Even in cities, cold kills ten times as many people. It reminds us of the time Steven Sherwood changed the color on the hot spot graph so a zero degree trend looked hot red instead of yellow. It’s a sign of desperation. REFERENCESMasselot et al (2023) Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold: a health impact assessment study in 854 cities in Europe, The Lancet, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00023-2 *Corrected from Y-axis. I’m sure that’s what Patrick Moore meant. Soon we may have hackable transmitters and receivers on every roof…When storms hit Adelaide last November the first thing the AEMO did was ask people to switch off their own solar panels so they didn’t swamp and crash the fragile wounded grid. Some 400MW of rooftop PV was also remotely shut down through the combination of smart inverters and voltage controls. Imagine if a foreign power could launch a cyber attack — one that switched a large energy source on or off at the wrong moment? Last year “a hacker gained access to PV systems in the Netherlands that were operated via a monitoring tool from China’s Solarman“. That meant a Dutch government agency was suddenly called on to investigate and report on the risks. According to PV magazine: “The hacker was able to view the personal data of Dutch customers, create new customers and delete existing users,” reported Tweakers. “He was also able to find out how much electricity customers’ solar panels generate via GPS coordinates, and download, adjust and upload inverter firmware.” In May this year a report by the Dutch National Digital Infrastructure Inspectorate (RDI) found that many inverters didn’t comply with requirements and could cause interference with other electrical equipment — indeed five of the nine inverters they tested may cause interference, and nine out of nine were judged to be “noncompliant”. InnovationsOrigins.com reports that “radio or wireless tags to open doors, could be affected and possibly function less well or not at all. Even aviation and shipping may be affected.” Really? Really serious’ problems cybersecurity breaches pose in Australia’s DER near futureBella Peacock, PV Magazine, June 27th “In about two to three years I think there will be a critical mass [of controllable systems].” If Australia roughly installs around 350,000 rooftop solar systems per year, depending on how many states introduce control mandates, this could see Australia have anywhere from 750,000 to over a million controllable systems installed within three years. “So we are talking about a massive increase in controlled devices just looking purely at solar,” [Wattwatcher’s Chief Innovation Officer, Grace Young,] said. Cyber attacks could even go unnoticedThe Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has pointed out that cyberattacks in the DER space could easily go unnoticed (See the ProjectEdge Report on cyber security.) Malicious interests could also gain access to market information that they could profit from. And as it happens, two of Australia’s major energy Gentailers are owned by Chinese firms — Alinta Energy (Chow Tai Fook Enterprises) and Energy Australia (China Light and Power Company). We banned the phones but will allow the transmitters on millions of homes… China’s spy threat to our solar energy gridCameron Stewart, The Australian “If companies like Huawei are not safe to be the backbone of our telecommunications network then they can hardly be safe as the backbone of our new electricity grid,” Senator Paterson told The Australian. “Yet that’s exactly what’s happening under the Albanese government’s rush to renewables with no cyber security mitigations.” “We cannot afford for our electricity grid to be riddled with exploitable cyber security vulnerabilities in the most dangerous strategic environment since World War II. We know that critical infrastructure networks like power are of great interest to signals intelligence agencies in foreign authoritarian states, including China.” It has been done before… Energy systems, and especially electricity grids, have increasingly been a target in global conflicts, with Russian-affiliated groups launching cyber attacks on energy utilities in Ukraine and in other NATO countries since Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine. Imagine the power to randomly annoy people with intermittent, hard to detect problems, that drain productivity, or profits, or freeze our smelter pot lines, or increase profits of some companies while making others less competitive. It may not look like an act of war, but in a death by a thousands cuts, it might send companies and events looking for better, more reliable energy in a foreign land, or increase bankruptcies. It might hamper national productivity or come at the worst possible moment.
![]() Late night road protestor pouring concrete in a former bollard-hole | Youtube By Jo Nova Build Back Worse suffers a set-backIt’s hard to believe someone thought that adding artificial blockages to roads would free people from their vehicle-addiction. As if making car trips artificially long, circuitous and inconvenient would teach people to love walking? It’s part of the 15 minute city plan, where everything was supposed to be within a heavenly short walk from home, so we could give up cars, save the planet, change the atmosphere and get fit too. But the Deplorables didn’t like it. The idea of a Low Traffic Network (LTN) sounded so apple-pie. Everyone wants fewer cars on the road. So when pollsters asked deliberately ambiguous questions, people would say “yes” they liked the idea. But living with LTN’s wasn’t much fun when it turned out it was their car the overlords wanted to get rid of. And so the protests and petitions began. Under the cover of darkness, people set bollards on fire, attacked them with chainsaws, and even poured concrete in the anchor holes so it was harder to replace them. But what really seems to have got the attention of politicians is when their own party splits and the renegades win. As Tim Abrahams at UnHerd describes it, politicians are backing away quickly now after a couple of safe Labor council seats went to Labor rebels who left the party and ran on “pro-motorist” platforms. The revenge of Britain’s motoristsTim Abrahams at UnHerd There is a sense that politicians are increasingly waging a “war on cars”. Measures include road filtering, to give priority to low-carbon methods of transport, and placing extra charges on polluting vehicles, in a push towards net zero. The shift is prompting anguished debate and splits within parties. Earlier this month, Labour lost one of its safest council seats in the country to a former party member-turned-independent who stood opposed to the imposition of LTNs across Newham, in East London. Last autumn, former Labour politician Lutfur Rahman was returned as mayor of Tower Hamlets, also in East London, deposing the party’s chosen incumbent, on a pro-motorist platform; one of his first acts was to axe a newly installed LTN and demand a review of the others across his borough. In Oxford City, large swathes of Labour’s local party have defected to an independent group fighting the LTNs and the traffic schemes that will supersede them; in March, its official candidate in the Littlemore ward came within an inch of being beaten by such an independent. The idea is gathering a bad smell so fast one Liberal Democrat in Oxford (the “Cabinet Member for Highway Management“) is now telling Tim Abrahams that the LTN’s weren’t his idea and it’s “not a core scheme”. As Abrahams tells it, the Liberal Democrats are part of the “rainbow coalition of progressive parties” who are in charge at Oxford — and it was something they once promoted. It’s quite the backflip. Perhaps the best news is that bollards are going at Oxford: Three years after traffic filtering was trialled, the bollards and planters are to be replaced by other forms of traffic calming, such as bus gates monitored by traffic cameras and a workplace car parking levy. The message has got through to the top. On a Federal level the Transport Secretary even called last week for councils to “review unpopular anti-car schemes“. Mark Harper said he had stopped government funding for project “that are about… banning cars or making it difficult for motorists”. Higher costs, less spare time, more gridlock and less equity: Who could have seen that coming?What seems the most astonishing is that the whole plan worked like organised government-vandalism — the tyrants were Building Back Worse. They weren’t building new infrastructure, they were ruining perfectly good roads. They reduced options, curtailed freedoms, and somehow our lives were supposed to get better? But people could always have walked from point A to B, they just preferred to drive. There were no efficiency gains, no better choices or new rail lines, there was just less. And not surprisingly, longer trips meant more gridlock not less, more emissions, and the costs of extra travel meant even getting a tradie to do a house-call became much more expensive: At a political level, there is some irony in the fact that europhile supporters of LTNs have not heeded the lesson of the gilets jaunes protests in France — namely, that blue-collar workers will not be made sacrificial lambs to environmental policies. Idrees Mohammed, managing director of Oxford Lettings, a property management agency, told me that electricians now charge 60% more for a call-out into the Cowley LTN because it takes so long to get to it. Amir Steve Ali, who works in a takeaway in East Oxford, recently delivered a petition against LTNs to Downing Street with more than 30,000 signatures. “You’re trying to keep some of the roads clean-air, pollution-free — but you’ve just chucked your rubbish next door, where others are now facing gridlock,” he says. “Where’s the justice in this?” It’s almost like the aim was never to serve, nor to change the weather, just to keep the riff-raff off the road. The battle is far from over, but it’s nice to get a win. It is worth protesting. Read it all at UnHerd.
Does the planet matter or doesn’t it?Today the headlines read “As the world sizzles, China says it will deal with climate its own way“, as if it made sense that the planet could be burning up and the largest emitter was clearly steaming ahead anyway. But no one got too upset in the Washington Post, or anywhere else either. From a carbon-believer’s point of view this should be the main game, the big crisis, the drama to launch a thousand protests and fund-raisers. But there are no encampments outside the Chinese embassies, no one is calling for boycotts on Chinese goods “until they act”, and no people are gluing themselves to wharves to stop “the boats of doom” loading and unloading. China’s intentions are pretty clear:China’s output of carbon dioxide is set to reach a new record high in 2023. It grew 4 percent in the first quarter this year alone. Apparently China is committed to deadlines but not to a path, or a tempo, or a public plan, or any kind of transparency: China remained “unwaveringly” committed to reaching its peak in carbon emissions before 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2060, he told them this week, according to the official People’s Daily on Wednesday. “But,” Mr. Xi added, “the pathway and means for reaching this goal, and the tempo and intensity, should be and must be determined by ourselves, and never under the sway of others.” China is effectively saying, it has a secret plan, “Trust us”If China has any plan at all for “carbon neutrality” it’s to go nuclear as fast as it can. It will likely overtake the US as the largest nuclear power nation in the world before 2030. But if this was the plan, why keep it a secret? Is China afraid the West will realize they should build nuclear plants too, or is it because there is no plan at all? After all, China is still building two new coal plants every week. Who believes they are constructing 100 coal plants a year but are planning for emissions to start falling consistently and meaningfully in less than seven years? Naturally, it’s Donald Trump’s fault:John Kerry flew to China to chat and came home with nothing but said the talks were “I think, very productive”. And The Washington Post spent the rest of the article reminding the rest of us how bad climate change will be without a single word in admonition toward the Sino contribution. The New York Times was even worse, making excuses for China and blaming, who else? Xi Says China Will Act on Climate Goals at Its Own PaceLisa Friedman and …Yet while China has built more wind and solar power than the rest of the world combined, and is on track to double its green energy capacity by 2025, the Chinese government has resisted calls to bolster its climate targets or stop the permitting of new coal-fired power plants. There is also lingering suspicion in China that the United States could turn its back on its climate promises under a future administration, as it did under President Trump, who pulled the United States out of an international climate agreement and promoted coal growth. “The Chinese also want to see results from the U.S. to believe it will deliver,” said Deborah Seligsohn, an assistant professor of political science at Villanova University who is based in China. “It’s very difficult for China to manage that confidence deficit if the most important relationship for China — the U.S.-China relationship — is in free fall,” said Evan S. Medeiros, a former director for China on the National Security Council who now teaches at Georgetown University. China, the Media, the activists, the UN — none of them act like CO2 matters — every one of them make choices that show CO2 is just the tool to accomplish something else. It’s fame, or sabotage, or power and control, but it isn’t “the climate”.
The Commonwealth is the largest cultural union of nations across the globe. It includes one third of the world’s population in a group of 56 nations with 2.4 billion people. It could also be the largest trading block in the world, if only member nations wanted it to be that way. And who wouldn’t — well, obviously the EU and the Chinese Communist Party wouldn’t. For them, The Commonwealth is a threat, a club they can’t control, a sleeping giant. It’s kind of an inverse “Belt and Road” — but one that spread democracy and human rights. Maybe its nothing, but Dan Andrews (premier of Victoria) who signed up to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games, then abruptly sank it, also once signed the state up for the Belt and Road program, which the Federal government blocked. So we have to ask — who benefits from the shock announcement to cancel the Commonwealth Games? Why suddenly was an athletic carnival not worth doing for anything less than $7 billion dollars? As The Australian points out, The Gold Coast hosted the Games in 2018 for $1.8 billion dollars, and Birmingham managed it in 2022 for meager $1.5 billion. Yet suddenly Victoria can’t afford it? Damaging the Commonwealth Games is a salvo in the culture war that seeks to destroy the heritage events that remind us of our natural allegiances, shared values and history. These are our friends and allies, and while it may seem a distant claim, as many as 1.7 million people died defending Commonwealth nations in World War I and II. The history is rich. The same culture war that destroys our statues and heroes is coming for our sport. The Commonwealth Games is a free market in athletic ability, a merit based competition. People can’t buy medals, or schmooze their way onto the podium, and the winners may use their fame to question authority. The beneficiaries potentially include both domestic and foreign interests that do better when the old pillars of free markets, free speech, patriotism and competition are erased. So add local status seeking bureaucrats as well as the WEF and UN. The Commonwealth Games is another public town square where ideas get put on trial.We need these shared experiences. Far from being irrelevant entertainment, these kinds of public competitions are exactly the kind of tests that ruin fashionable but silly ideologies, like for example the idea that men can become women by thinking it to be so. Sporting codes are waking up as people see the absurdity of former male athletes winning the women’s gold medals. Just in the last few days, the Worlds Cycling body banned people who have been through male puberty from competing against women. That came after a transgender athlete became the first openly transgender woman to win an official cycling event in January this year. Strange ideas get tested in open competitions. Not just weird diets and training routines, but mental truths too. We didn’t ask for this test, but the test is here — do we care about The Commonwealth?The Commonwealth is hardly perfect, but it is competition. It is a dormant foil for EU and CCP power, and especially if it ever had a leader willing to connect the dots, there is the threat it could revive a trading empire. It may surprise people to find out that in theory, any nation can apply to join the Commonwealth now. Membership of the modern Commonwealth “does not depend on formerly being part of the British Empire”, even though nearly all the members are. King Charles is “the head” of the Commonwealth but he is only king of 15 member states, 36 others are Republics and another 5 even have their own Monarch. Something to think about.
By Jo Nova Germany is a lesson for the rest of the worldFew countries have placed a bigger bet on “renewables” than Germany, which installed some 28,443 wind turbines, and at its peak in 2016, employed 160,000 people just in the wind industry. But the effect on the rest of the economy is devastating. The Energiewende Green program was estimated to have cost €520 billion plus and after 20 years of subsidies and effort, reduced fossil fuel use from 84% of primary energy “all the way” down to 78%. And those presumably were the easy wins. The cost of expensive electricity vandalizes the rest of the economy. The Green policy gamble may change Germany forever. The former economic powerhouse of Europe is coming undone — losing iconic parts to the US and Asia. BASF — the German historic giant founded in 1865, is the largest chemical producer in the world. In 1913 it bought the new Haber Bosch process that creates ammonia for fertilizer, and thus changed the world — making billions of lives possible. But now, BASF is shifting out of Germany — spending $10 billion on a new plant in China. Then there is Linde, an industrial gas behemoth that was the most valuable blue-chip company in the country a few years ago, but is now headquartered in Ireland and listed on the NY stock exchange.
Thanks to NetZeroWatch for the tip about the long feature in Politico Rust Belt on the RhineBy Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico Germany’s biggest companies are ditching the fatherland. Confronted by a toxic cocktail of high energy costs, worker shortages and reams of red tape, many of Germany’s biggest companies — from giants like Volkswagen and Siemens to a host of lesser-known, smaller ones — are experiencing a rude awakening and scrambling for greener pastures in North America and Asia. BASF is not just “a company” when it needed as much gas as a nation of eight million people: Though wholesale gas prices have recently stabilized, they’re still roughly triple where they were before the crisis. That has left companies like BASF, whose main German operation alone consumed as much natural gas in 2021 as all of Switzerland, with no choice but to look for alternatives. That was only 2 years ago but energy is so important that a project that large may “evaporate” nearly overnight.
In order to even get BASF interested in new projects in the motherland, the government has to send containerships of money: BASF opened a plant near Dresden that makes cathode materials for electric-car batteries just two weeks ago and has pledged to keep investing in its home market. To secure such commitments, however, local and federal governments have been forced to offer generous incentives. BASF will receive €175 million in government support for its new battery operation, for example. Similarly, in June, the U.S. chipmaker Intel secured an eye-watering €10 billion subsidy for a massive new factory in the eastern city of Magdeburg. That translates into €3.3 million for each of the 3,000 jobs the company has pledged to create. What a devastating poll: A recent survey of 128 German auto suppliers by the VDA, an industry group, found that not a single one planned to increase their investment in their home market. More than a quarter were planning to shift operations abroad. The industrial backbone of Germany may leave and take with them not just know-how, but also industrial families and middle-class risk-taking entrepreneurs. That exodus may change the fabric of the nation. The children of the people that get-things-done will learn another language and be in no rush to return to a land they didn’t grow up in. “Leading the way” in renewables on the road to nowhere…After “leading the way” in unreliable power, what’s left? Germany has such expensive energy it can’t even afford to make wind turbines, batteries, or EV’s. BASF building. | Das Logo der Marke Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge |
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By Jo Nova
Is the Commonwealth Games just another target of the Culture Wars?