Think of the BOM as an advertising agency for big-government programs, and it all makes sense… ![]() … Apparently, after the stinging criticism about them, the Bureau of Meteorology is telling journalists and academics that “they publish all the data”. Jennifer Marohasy has been fielding calls and correcting journalists on air who are fooled by this claim. Clearly this isn’t true, or she wouldn’t have needed to spend three years on FOI applications just to get a tiny part of it, (and in the least helpful form possible , like 1,000 sheets of paper). The Bureau not only don’t publish this data, they actively work to hide it and fight FOI’s. The BOM are not only hiding national temperature data, now they are trying to hide that they are hiding it too. There is some dynamite secret here. Why is it so important — perhaps because it shows that the BOM installed new thermometers that register artificially higher temperatures than the old glass thermometers do? Thousands of “hottest ever records” have been set by new electronic thermometers that might not have been set if we still used traditional thermometers. If the Bureau can’t be bothered giving us the data, the country shouldn’t be bothered with the “transition” to unreliable expensive energy either (or with paying for the BOM a million dollars a day to study our climate).
Do the Bureau even care about Australia’s climate?Climate is the biggest threat the world faces they say, but the Bureau of Meteorology aren’t so worried about it that they care whether their new electronic thermometers are correct. After the old glass thermometers were replaced with electronic ones, you’d think the bureau would want to check that the new style was recording the same temperatures as the old style would have. I mean, how could anyone compare temperatures in 1896 with 2016 if the equipment changed and the two instruments were not the same? It’s easy to show whether the thermometers are equivalent, just put them both in the same box at the same time in parallel, and publish that data, then we’ll all know. The BoM set up the experiment, but the data from it is a national secret. The only conclusion anyone can draw from this behaviour is that the new electronic thermometers are reporting artificially higher temperatures than the old glass ones, and the BoM knows it. As Jen Marohasy says, Australia is the only place in the world where it only takes one hot second to set a new maximum temperature record: Keep reading → A “win” for predatory capitalism and government mis-interference![]() Liddell power station (foreground). Bayswater power station (rear). Yesterday, for the last time the final turbine was switched off at Liddell Coal plant after 52 years of operation. The NSW government gave it away for free in 2014 — bundled like a McHappy Meal in with the sale of Bayswater Coal, valued at $0. Governments saw old coal as worthless, at least until 2017 when everyone saw the bloodbath when the Hazelwood coal plant suddenly closed and electricity prices suddenly rose 85%. Then they started to panic a little — even Malcolm Turnbull (our Renewables lovin’ PM) started openly pressuring AGL to sell Liddell so it could keep running until his pet project the Snowy Hydro 2.0 could start. Chinese owned Alinta turned up with $250 million dollars and was willing to put in a billion to repair the station and extend its life up to 2030. Despite that bonanza, AGL refused to take the money. It was determined to run it into the ground and shut it down instead. Now it’s determined to blow it up as well. The Demolition crew is already appointed for early next year. David Archibald notes the insanity: The experiment is to close the Liddell power station in NSW and see what happens. Liddell’s operator, AGL, has applied to the NSW Government to blow up the power station rather than leave it in a form that can be restarted. This is the military equivalent of burning your bridges behind you — the expedition succeeds or you die. Liddell’s big value to AGL was not to generate electricity but to buy and sabotage “the competition”Like so many parts of the Western economy, the predators buy up the cheaper end of the market in order to destroy them. AGL are the largest single generator in Australia. They own a portfolio of gas, hydro, wind and solar power, all of which will likely make higher profits with Liddell out of the way. The year after Hazelwood closed AGL profits launched up from $539 million to $1,600 million. No wonder they didn’t want to sell. Liddell was worth more dead than aliveIt shows how screwed our electricity market truly is when billion-dollar assets producing cheap electricity are better off destroyed. Hello, AEMO our energy market operator — are you listening? And ultimately, Hello Anthony Albanese (the current PM). He commands this ship of crazy rules. The market is just doing “what makes sense” — and generators are not rewarded for making cheaper electricity as much as they are rewarded for destroying it. AGL wouldn’t sell Liddell because NSW electricity might get cheaper. Oh the travesty?As I wrote in 2018, the analysts at JP Morgan were frank about AGL’s strategy — let’s translate their investor-speak: if AGL sold it to Alinta and Liddell kept operating, it might “unfortunately” keep electricity prices lower which would hurt all of AGL’s other generators. We can’t have that… Selling the power station to Alinta would hurt the wholesale prices that AGL can charge for energy from its other assets, the analysts said, while also helping a rival that is determined to eat into AGL’s market share. Operationally, Liddell and AGL’s nearby Bayswater power station are supplied with coal from a single coal loader and are subject to a number of contracts that would need to be unwound. “Extending (Liddell) would likely have a negative impact on wholesale prices, and therefore the value of the rest of AGL’s generation assets; it would support the growth of a competitor in electricity retailing; and a separation from Bayswater would be complicated with the two assets intrinsically linked,” JPMorgan said. — Paul Garvey, The Australian. Lower wholesale prices means “good news for customers” but “bad news for expensive retailers” — like owners of renewable generators. How wiping out cheap generators makes all other generators richerThis, below, was the bid-stack of our national grid ten years ago. The AEMO (market operator) accepts every bid from the cheapest on the left up to the last bid needed to meet the current demand. All successful bidders are paid whatever the top successful bid was. By taking out the cheaper providers on the left, the whole stack shifts “left” and higher bids must be accepted to meet demand. ![]() Liddell is the third “brown” supplier from the left. *( Not graphed: most diesel plants costing more than $350/MWh because they blow the scale away.) The cross ownership of assets makes predatory capitalism possibleOnce upon a time governments were meant to protect consumers from this sort of thing. If 20 separate companies colluded together to rig the market so they’d all be better off but at the consumers expense, we’d call that a cartel. But if one company buys 20 smaller companies then doing the same thing is just “managing the portfolio”. See how this works? On the Australian national grid there are three large conglomerate players who make most of our electricity (and who also do retail sales of electricity). AGL is marked in blue, and the market dominance is obvious — singlehandedly generating around 40% of the electricity required in our two most populated states. We wouldn’t be in this mess if each separate power plant was competing in the free market to make a profit for itself and there weren’t holy subsidies for intermittent green electrons too. ![]() State of the energy market 2022 – Full report ( PDF 12.94 MB ) page 205. Some are blaming the privatisation of an electricity generator — if you can call it that, when it was given away for free like a toxic frog. But the bigger crime was nationalizing our electricity market and issuing pagan commandments that we use our generators as giant weather changing machinery. But thank your central banker for keeping interest rates artificially low for years so the rich could do the takeover and merger dance to remove the competition. Last word to John McRobert: With the closing of Liddell power station and other closures pending, we might as well cut back on our defence budget. Soon there will be nothing left to defend. Despite the courageous words of our Energy Minister Chris Bowen that there will be no power shortages – he who believes that climate can be controlled by legislation – the words of an old, sad song resonate: “Hello darkness my old friend.” Vale Liddell, and may those you have served so well never forget you.
Liddell Power Station. Photo by Webaware ABBREVIATIONS AEMO – Australian Energy Market Operator
Tucker Carlson released a small statement on Twitter seventeen hours ago, and so far 17.7 million people have watched it. With 77,000 comments under one two minute video it is the World’s Public Town Square. And it’s a great speech: “One thing you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how genuinely nice most people are…” “The other thing you notice is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are… they are completely irrelevant… and yet at the same time the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future… get virtually no discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, natural resources… when was the last time we heard a legitimate debate about any those topics? Debates like that are not permitted. Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down conversation. Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one party state.” “That’s a depressing realization… but it won’t last. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to last, so it won’t. The people in charge know this — that’s is why they are hysterical.” “When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful”. Good evening pic.twitter.com/SPrsYKWKCE
(Which views? Twitter lists views of the video inside the video, and views of the Tweet underneath. There have been 55 million views of the Tweet and 16 million views of the video.) Did I mention Tucker’s firing would be great for Twitter? Naturally Elon Musk promptly welcomed Tucker Carlson. But the bigger question in this era of Establishment lawfare is who will pay the legal bills if Tucker launches a new show and the Witch-hunters come hunting, as they surely will? The legal threat from the British Watchdog Ofcom took Mark Steyn off the air when the management at GB News announced he personally would have to be liable for any Ofcom fines, as if any commentator could afford that. When defamation cases cost $787 million, and the punishments apply only to those who question the narrative, there is no free speech unless you are a Central Banker. People are waking up to the dark side of the Absolute Zero planThe totalitarian wet dreams of a UK government consortium of academics are lighting up the internet. As Benny Peiser and Andrew Montford from NetZeroWatch say — people are starting to pay attention in a big way: The realities of Net Zero are also hitting home for the general public. The threat that the project represents to livelihoods and liberties is becoming more evident by the day. Recently, the mathematician Norman Fenton tweeted an excerpt from a Government-funded report that set out what Net Zero U.K. might look like: no airports, no shipping, no beef and lamb to eat, and most food imports eliminated. Sounds grim, doesn’t it? Lots of people thought so, and the tweet went viral, garnering over three million views. The Prof Norman Fenton thread that got 3.4 million views on Twitter is, would you believe, about a 2019 UK Government funded research report. Who knew the masses could get that excited about a 31 page prehistoric report on energy policy, but holy-cajoley: it’s a wake up call of just how savage the Absolute Zero plan aims to be. And this matters more than you might think. Without magical new technologies the current Net Zero targets can only be achieved with Absolute Zero emissions. How much will the totalitarians end up getting — as much as we we let themThat report from the UK FIRES research programme is rather tamely called Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies, as if we just need baby steps to get there. But instead, as Fenton highlights, the key points are all mapped out in gruesome detail — just as if a well funded group of academic ideologues unleashed their fantasies with no constraints. The acceleration is breathtaking: all airports except Heathrow, Belfast & Glasgow need to close by 2030. There will be no flying at all by 2050. As far as cars go, there needs to be no new petrol/diesel cars by 2030; by 2050 road use is restricted to 60% of today’s level. All the things you love like food, heating and energy will be restricted to 60% of today’s level by 2050. So life will be a lot colder and hungrier unless there’s a lot fewer people to share it with. And naturally the ’15 minute It is The Great Reset in glossy grand bureaucratic art:Click to see the chart. Seriously… ![]() Click to Enlarge “The Absolute Zero Plan”. Source: UK FIRES It’s much closer to real policy than you might thinkIt’s only a research report, not an act of Parliament (yet), but as Norman Fenton points out, Net Zero is morphing into Absolute Zero, because Absolute Zero is what has to happen if the UK current Net Zero policy is going to achieve targets that are already set in legislation: Fenton: And for those who still think the absolute zero agenda is not baked in to Govt thinking, note that it only differs from the official net zero agenda in its 2030 objectives (i.e. the speed at which it must happen). The 2050 objectives are the same. … In other words, the inhumane FIRES project strategy is simply a realistic statement of what is required to meet the UK Govt’s insane net zero 2050 target as enshrined in the 2019 Climate Change Act amendment (which every political party supported but nobody voted for). Net Zero has to morph to Absolute ZeroJulian Allwood is one of the authors and a Cambridge University Engineering Professor and he’s scathing about the reality of the current “Net Zero” plans which rely on future discoveries. He said all this in 2021: The government’s roadmap is based on a “fantastically religious belief”, Allwood said, that fledgling, future technologies can deliver the 68 per cent cut in emissions that needs to be made in the next nine years to keep the country’s COP26 pledge. “Net-zero doesn’t mean anything” As a result, he argued that we should be aiming for “absolute zero” rather than net-zero by 2050. This sentiment was echoed by prominent philosopher Timothy Morton… The tub represents the atmosphere and the water atmospheric carbon … You’ve still got the bath full of water,” he said. “That’s the problem. We have to actually get the bath down lower.” “Net-zero doesn’t mean anything,” Morton continued. “One of the translations of net-zero by 2050 is: I support mass extinction.” Absolute zero requires giving up cement and air travel “…there’s huge potential for innovation. But it’s not the innovation of magic beans fertilised by unicorn’s blood, which is all that’s in the political climate today. It’s new businesses that are truly compatible with zero emissions.” The same guys that complain about the religious faith of Net Zero fantasies are the ones who have a religious faith that CO2 is a problem in the first place, O’ Believers of Holy Climate Models! Fenton was interviewed by Laura Ingraham a few weeks ago:This is the same Professor Norman Fenton readers here might remember from the Dec 2021 vaccine study in the UK which had those incendiary graphs of excess deaths in the UK following the peak of vaccination in every age group. His graphs of mortality in the UK are still my first choice to show that the link between excess deaths and vaccination in a cause and effect sense. Spread the word.
Let it be known that the skeptics are, and always have been, the environment’s best friend. The Greens, sadly are the wilderness wrecking, naive minions of the Establishment Powers who will sacrifice whales in a quest to impress their industrial banker overlords. They tell themselves they are saving whales 100 years from now with the same windmills that kill the whales today. Our good friends at Heartland and CFACT are working to stop the insanity in a guerilla campaign. “SAVE-WHALES-STOP-WINDMILLS.ORG”. Conservative watchdogs highlight ‘alarming’ surge in whale deaths as wind farms grow off NY, NJ coastsJosh Christenson, NY Post “It’s gone from ‘Save the Whales’ to ‘Kill the Whales.’ And the green groups that have promoted Earth Day for 53 years are totally okay with this agenda.” Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow president Craig Rucker said the push to build the wind farms comes “despite growing evidence that whales are being impacted by the preliminary sonar blasting being conducted to site windmills, as well as scores of the marine mammals washing up dead on beaches.” Steve Milloy, a senior fellow at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute who sits on Heartland’s board of directors, told The Post that the ad campaign reveals how “Orwellian” government action on the environment has become. “As the Biden administration is literally permitting the offshore wind industry to kill endangered whales under the guise of ‘saving the planet,’ Earth Day has gone 180 degrees from where it started and has become truly Orwellian,” Milloy said. Fossil fuels can save whales in more ways than one… David Wojick has added up the full tally of requests for permission of industrial windmills to harm or kill Right Whales “accidentally” and it adds up to twice the total known population:… NOAA proposes hammering 208% of vanishing Right WhalesDavid Wojick, CFACT Okay it is a trick headline because they can only hammer 100% of the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale population. The point is that NOAA is proposing, for offshore wind development, to authorize a horrific 706 cases of physical harassment of Right Whales, whose dwindling population is down to just 340 magnificent critters. The average whale will get hammered roughly twice. The Right Whales migrate along the coast twice a year. Migration requires repeatedly running a gauntlet of dangerous offshore wind projects. Most likely some whales will be hit many times. At this rate there won’t be many Right Whales left for the Greens to save in 2123AD. h/t David Wojick
And also ANZAC Day. Lest we forget… By Jo Nova Why would a network axe its most popular show?Just like that: Fox News and Tucker Carlson have “Parted Ways”. His last show was last Friday, and he did not know at the time. There’s no farewell for the top rating show in America and no replacement host, just a “rotating” generic vague fill-in show. It doesn’t look like this was planned for months in advance? Fox News stocks immediately fell 4%. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the most watched cable news show in the US. His audience was over 3 million people in the audience every day (not to mention the rest on social media). It’s not clear why this happened but there is speculation that it’s related to the Dominion case settlement. There is no one more influential in US media. Tucker interviews anyone he wants for as long as he wants in the most powerful nation on Earth — in the last two weeks, for example, Trump for 40 minutes, and Elon Musk for an hour (on Artificial Intelligence). He shapes the news. If they can silence Tucker, they can silence anyone. It may define a pivot point in US history — the end of something like free speech on TV or Cable apart from a few tiny outlets. He is the bravest commentator on TV. This makes Twitter and Elon Musk more important than ever as the last major media outlet that allows views of half the voters to be expressed. @JeremyCarl via Powerline Blog @TuckerCarlson is by far the most important person in U.S. media. Nobody in journalism in my lifetime has been equivalent to @TuckerCarlson. Lots of lefty journos who “set the agenda” really were just regime narrative enforcers/amplifiers. Tucker was the only person who could make national stories out of narratives the regime wanted buried. As Rasmussen Reports says via ZeroHedge “Tea Leaves: @TuckerCarlson & Elonmusk start a nightly show exclusively on Twitter. Tucker becomes the richest man in the media. Carlson produces from a studio at his home, so already many are saying where will he go next? But this is a dangerous moment in history. With Fox settling the Dominion legal case, has it become too risky for free speech anywhere? Related? Tucker Carlson speech on Friday night:“How many people break under the strain of the downward pressure of whatever this is that we are going through. We look with disdain and sadness as we see people you know become quislings, you see them revealed as cowards, you see them going along with the new new thing, it is clearly a poisonous thing, a silly thing, saying things you know they don’t believe because they want to keep their job.”
Tucker was the cable host who most: * Opposed US proxy war in Ukraine; * Denounced CIA, FBI and DHS for its systemic lies and corruption; * Devoted himself to a pardon for Julian Assange; * Objected to regime change efforts in Cuba; * Criticized Trump Admin’s militarism. I would also add: Tucker: *Asked the hard questions about vaccines. *Pointed out the Pharmaceutical companies bought advertising on the media to buy friendly “reporting”. *Pushed back against the Climate religion, and Energy Madness. *Pointed out Twitter used to be a subsidiary of the CIA. *Spoke about the threat from China. *Asked why the DOJ didn’t investigate Hunter Biden. Keep reading → … What would we know?Underwater seamounts are one to four kilometer high mountains that mostly used to be a volcano. But under a kilometer of water they are hard to see, holy smoke, and we know more about the moon than the bottom of the Mariana, and it’s only 11km “away”. Most of these undersea volcanoes remain uncharted by sonar, and with only one-quarter of the sea floor mapped, it is impossible to know how many exist. Sometimes we only find out when a nuclear submarine runs into one: “It’s just mind boggling.” More than 19,000 undersea volcanoes discoveredNew seamount maps could aid in studies of ecology, plate tectonics, and ocean mixing Paul Voosen, Science In 2005, the nuclear-powered USS San Francisco collided with an underwater volcano, or seamount, at top speed, killing a crew member and injuring most aboard. It happened again in 2021 when the USS Connecticut struck a seamount in the South China Sea, damaging its sonar array. Despite discovering nearly half the known underwater volcanoes just this week, we already knew 30 years ago that they had no effect on the climate. The climate modelers said so. They explained that all the unexplained warming was due to CO2. Hence, ipso ergo absurdum, underwater volcanoes “equals zero”. The Pacific Ocean cycles are the largest driver of climate on Earth, but we *know* as only high priests can, that volcanoes we’ve never studied definitely had no role in it. Thanks to the laws of Government-funded Monopoly Science, the same researchers who would never point that out are now finding reasons that underwater volcanoes might help explain climate change. Now they tell us! Apparently “wake vortices make seamounts the leading contributor to upward ocean mixing, and a central player in climate.” Who knows, they might be right, but where were they twenty years ago when we needed more scientists to point out how inadequate climate models were? ![]() For each seamount example, (left) SRTM15+V2.3 mapped bathymetry, (center) the average Gaussian Model where [omega/h] = 2.4, (right) difference between the average Gaussian model and real data. The gray areas have no soundings. From Science: The “upwelling” was once thought to happen evenly across the ocean, driven by turbulent waves at boundaries between deep ocean layers of different densities. Now, researchers believe it is concentrated at seamounts and ridges. “There’s a zoo of interesting things that happen when you have topography,” says Brian Arbic, a physical oceanographer at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. When ocean currents curl around seamounts, they create turbulent “wake vortices” that can provide the energy to push cold water up, says Jonathan Gula, a physical oceanographer at the University of Western Brittany. In unpublished research, Gula and co-authors have found that these wake vortices make seamounts the leading contributor to upward ocean mixing, and a central player in climate. Since the team relied on the old Scripps catalog, not the new one, the effect of the seamounts is probably even larger, Gula adds. Curiously, it was only two months ago we realized in another study that all the benzene and toluene pollution over the vast Southern Ocean was not caused by humans but by phytoplankton blooms. The aerosols produced by microbes can seed clouds, which in turn cool the planet. There’s a 10,000 kilometer ball of magma under the sea floor. We don’t even know all the volcanoes on the crust, let alone the changes in temperature that might drive currents, or influence natural cycles. Even as late as 2018 only 20% of the seafloor had been mapped by ships (Mayer et al., 2018). There’s a lot more to come. ![]() Science: https://www.science.org/content/article/it-s-just-mind-boggling-more-19-000-undersea-volcanoes-discovered People are constantly discovering new volcanoes, like a 3,000m one off Indonesia that no one realized was there til 2010. It turns out the second largest volcano in the solar system is apparently not on Io, but 1,000 miles east of Japan. It’s the size of the British Isles, but who knew? A few years ago a team found 91 new volcanoes under Antarctica. (This is getting serious, someone should talk to the Minister for Lava!) For those who are curious, TechTimes has more details on how they found so many volcanoes. It involves radar satellite data and some Gaussian interpretation: They measured sea surface altitude changes caused by gravitational pull using radar satellite data, a phenomenon known as sea mounding. This method resulted in the discovery of 19,000 previously undiscovered seamounts. With their research, the team found that seamounts have a base-to-height ratio that is linearly related to their height, which means that their shapes are scale invariant. They used a mathematical model called a Gaussian function to calculate this characteristic shape and found that it can be used to accurately estimate the height of small seamounts. h/t Eduard REFERENCE Hillier, J. K., and A. B. Watts (2007), Global distribution of seamounts from ship-track bathymetry data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L13304, doi:10.1029/2007GL029874. Julie Gevorgian et al, Global Distribution and Morphology of Small Seamounts, Earth and Space Science (2023). DOI: 10.1029/2022EA002331 https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.adi3228 |
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