Giving up on science, the UN is competing openly now to be The Big Religion. The Rapture is next?
Earth to become ‘an uninhabitable hell’ as climate crisis heightens says UN
“The future of mankind looks very bleak” says the Earth’s Medicine Man. We can save you. Give us your money, your children, and your frequent flyer miles. Follow their plan, they can stop Fire! Flood! Earthquake! Storm! Tsunami! Your car causes tsunamis. Who knew?
The UN claims there’s been a staggering rise in extreme events in the last 20 years. Instead, the only staggering rise are the brazen errors in UN reports. As Roger Pielke and the GWPF say: The UN have a graph in their own report, Figure 5 page 10, showing that climate related disasters have declined by 15% in the last 20 years. As CO2 increases — the world becomes a safer place. :- ) Obviously the UN couldn’t use that to generate apocalyptic headlines. Better to compare it to the 20 years before. Inflation is your friend!
Global Disaster Trend, Graph. Climate related, Source UN 2020
Benny Pieser says: It’s a shambles; a catalogue of errors”. “The UN should withdraw the report […]
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