There’s a revolution underway. The true Republicans, The Trump fans need to explain what is really going on and what is at stake. And Tom Klingenstein has a great message (there are deep considered raves and admiration in comments at the site where this was released.) He has captured a meme many people need to hear.
Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement, by Tom Klingenstein
h/t to Stephen Harper and David E.
Or read the speech here:
I wish to make three points. First, Trump is the perfect man for these times, not all times, perhaps not most times, but these times. Second, Republicans are not doing a good job explaining the stakes in this election. They must explain, and this is my third point, that the Democratic Party, which has been taken by its radical wing, is leading a revolution. This makes the coming election the most important one since the election of 1860. Let’s begin there.
Unlike most elections, this one is much more than a contest over particular policies—like health care or taxes. Rather, like the election of 1860, this election is […]
Hard to say what’s bigger in the October Surprise. Joe Biden gets caught lying in an alleged pay-for-play scandal, Facebook and Twitter do naked political censorship to influence the US election in a “Digital Civil War” , or that the FBI was given all the information last year and didn’t say a thing.
Everything the Democrats accused Trump of doing they were apparently doing themselves.
US House Judiciary Committee publishes Hunter Biden secret Ukrainian email story in full
Michael Smith news:
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
Joe Biden says he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Donald Trump in the NY Post: Vice President Biden, you owe the people of America an apology because it turns out you are a corrupt politician,”… “The Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation, flying around the globe, collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine and Russia and […]
Close to the bone:
The Babylon Bee
WASHINGTON, D.C—President Donald Trump is once again under fire from the media for recklessly downplaying the danger of COVID by refusing to die. As the president begins to show signs of recovery, many worry that this sends the wrong message about the seriousness of the global pandemic.
“His defiance is going to get people killed. Dying like he’s supposed to would be the most patriotic thing he could do,” complained CNN correspondent Adam Pelot. “If he lives, how will the people be able to trust science?”
Tagged: satire and parody
The disappointment this week in news rooms was palpable.
In other news, Biden may be far ahead in the polls, but Gallup Polling shows 56% think Trump will win, and only 40% think Biden will win.
According to David Catron, this is a more useful indicator than asking people “who they’ll vote for”:
July 17th 2020: The American Spectator
Lately, pollsters and pundits have been nervously pondering the following question: “If Trump is behind in the polls, why do most voters say, in the same surveys, that he will win the […]
Win for Trump’s enemies would cast pall over democracy
Chris Kenny, The Australian.
If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising to “drain the swamp” can fall victim to the revenge of the political, bureaucratic, academic and media establishment — the deep state.
We know he is unorthodox, polarising and crass, yet so many players and commentators never tire of pretending these observations are still worth fussing over.
If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising […]
In news just in, Donald Trump and his wife Melania have both tested positive for Covid-19. So in the last four weeks of campaigning for the US election he needs to quarantine for two weeks, will most likely survive but faces significant odds of impairment and fatigue. How convenient for Biden-Harris?
The Trumps went into quarantine and got tested today after one of the President’s closest advisers, Hope Hicks, contracted the infection.
Ms Hicks, a former White House communications director who returned to the administration as a counsellor to Mr Trump earlier this year, travelled to and from this week’s presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio with him.
She was also aboard the President’s helicopter, Marine One, for a trip to Joint Base Andrews yesterday. And she was aboard Air Force One for Mr Trump’s visit to Minnesota, where he held a political rally.
With luck, he gets the asymptomatic kind of infection, (as his wife does too). We hope his doctors are fully up with things like the Florida ICAM treatment regime.
She said ICAM works by reinforcing the immune system and protecting the lungs from inflammation.
October 2nd, 2020 | Tags: Coronavirus, Trump (Donald), US Politics | Category: Politics | Print This Post | |
Things the ABC might not tell you:
Project Veritas has an insider, they have footage of a man bragging that he has a car full of empty ballots. They have an insider explaining how the system works for mass ballot harvesting.
VictoryGirlsBlog: This is just as terrible as you think it will be. Project Veritas has thrown quite a hand grenade straight into the Minneapolis area, bringing the receipts to prove ballot harvesting.
It seems that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, along with other connected politicians in the Somali community, have quite an expansive ballot harvesting operation going on – so much so, that one of their operatives actually bragged about it on Snapchat. And not only are they going around collecting ballots, especially from the elderly, but they are paying for the ballots in cash.
Between video evidence and insider interviews, the picture being revealed is a system of ballot harvesting and payoffs so corrupt and entrenched that it might not be salvageable.
“Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentees’ ballots. Can’t you see? Look at all these, my car is full. […]
As a public service for Australians watching our public broadcasters, here’s a point of view worth knowing about the riots in Louisville.
Besides, in the new world without police, Carlson tells us — Seattle has discovered that maintaining the peace is best left with pimps — and we wouldn’t want to hide that.
Meanwhile SBS News tonight said repeated that Trump would not accept the election results, but that this was a “successful tool” with some voters — as if he just invented the scare of mail-in ballot corruption to win. They wheeled out an expert who said that there hadn’t ever been mail-in voter fraud, or words to that effect “in history”. As if this election is just like all the other ones, and there were not so many undetectable ways to cheat with mail in ballots, the real question is “How could it not happen”?
And so it has: Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, reports that the WhiteHouse has a long list:
…there were nine people charged in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas with “vote harvesting” and mail ballots, a political operative in New York stealing and submitting absentee ballots, and a resident in Pennsylvania […]
Ronald Reagan:
“I’m sick and tired of the argument about whether some effort to enforce law and order is going to escalate anything at all…”
President Reagan’s message to a media who protected and defended rioters in 1969.
His message is more pertinent today than ever, as the state of our national media has only grown more rotten, biased, and disconnected over the years.
The kicker comes at the end. pic.twitter.com/T4Ej6BBMSe
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) August 26, 2020
Nice civilization you have there. Shame if something happened to it.
As Kamala says with a smile: “…they’re not going to stop, and nor should they”.
Are the Democrats basically running on extortion: Vote for us so unhappy Democrat voters don’t tear the country apart?
She’s talking about protestors (theoretically) but doesn’t seem to mention the rioters, and as the BLM say “silence is violence”.
Things the ABC / BBC probably won’t mention
The Democrats don’t seem to want to stop the mobs. Tucker Carlson explains…
8.6 out of 10 based on 89 ratings
Hypothetically, can anyone think of a scenario where an honest win is still possible, and it will be seen to be an honest win?
When every home is turned into a voting booth, how can it possibly remain either anonymous or secure? The social forces of a gregarious species will favour “public” voting, assisted by helpful collectivists and born-networker personalities harvesting support for their favourite outcome. And as Frank Miele points out, there are infinite ways to cheat and most of them are undetectable.
Mail in votes can also be cast early — before even one debate. Sixteen states will allow voting before September 29th with people missing fully five weeks of campaigning and discussion. Isn’t there something deeply wrong about that — something that favors the lesser scrutinized candidate? Something that favours the candidate the media wants to elect and does free advertising for?
Then there is the systematic problem with every man, woman and dog becoming effective electoral officers handling ballots with no observers present.
We know Mail-in Voting offers a huge advantage to the Democrats and collectivists, and they know it too — just look at which side yells the loudest in protest at the thought that […]
Kamala Harris is running to be the next US President. In case anyone hasn’t heard, rumors are that Joe Biden health is iffy and he is the temporary filler to get over the line, and if so, the VP then becomes The P. It’s not just a fringe idea. In a Rasmussen poll, 59% of voters say “it’s likely.”
So, the pocket guide to Kamala Harris for skeptics is that according to Progressive Punch, she’s further left than Bernie Sanders which is quite the feat. Appropriately she has a $10 Trillion dollar plan to get better weather, and “aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2045” — which would be five years quicker than the famous Green New Deal.
How extreme is Kamala Harris? Pretty extreme says Kyle Smith, National Review
There are various measures for these things, but according to Progressive Punch (“Leading with the Left”), Kamala Harris is the fourth farthest-left of any senator with a score of 96.76 percent out of 100 on “crucial votes,” despite moderating very slightly in the period when she was running for president. Elizabeth Warren is fifth, Kirsten Gillibrand is sixth, and Bernie Sanders is tenth. Here is […]
A guy called Dave does his first interview ever, with another guy called Donald Trump.
Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports achieves something none of the Pullitzer prize winners have.
What are the odds the ABC would play this?
“It’s the retweets that get you in trouble.”
Dave wonders if Trump regrets winning because he was living the dream — he had a great life.
“The best day in my life in terms of business and life and everything was the day before I announced I was running for president,” Trump said. “Everything was good…Now I’m really glad I did but I was treated very unfairly.”
Trump recalled a time soon after announcing his presidential bid when he was publicly booed, saying he had “never been booed before”.
“[Before that] I had a popularity rate … I was close to 100 percent popular.” –– The U.S. Sun
How much does he want to win in 2020? A billionaire could walk away and holiday for the rest of his life.
As for “delaying the election???” — Surely it’s bait. He wants people to talk about mail in voter fraud, or perhaps not […]
The Babylon Bee “reports”
Powerful: Protesters Spell out ‘Love’ with Burning Homes
MINNEAPOLIS, MN—In a powerful display of their care for love and justice, protesters in Minneapolis burned the word “LOVE” into the city, arranging the inspiring message with homes and businesses set ablaze by their riots.
Heartfelt and moving.
The Bee is Dan Coats.
Be aware, the Bee’s point is very serious, but the reporting isn’t.
* * *
Commentators, due to Section 18C in Australia it’s illegal to discuss race or color since it may offend someone somewhere. Therefore the words black, white, yellow, red, skin, color, indigenous, indian, african, eskimo, asian, european, sub-saharan, BLM, WLM, ALM, will go straight to moderation, and can only be published after Section 18C is repealed in 2073AD or thereabouts. We can have a no color conversation. Which means, we here, have arrived in Martin Luther King’s world, ahead of the protestors and looters:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation
where they will not be judged […]
The seed for every advert for the Donald Trump Campaign is somewhere in there.
Trump is the only president in history who didn’t need to be President to be rich and famous
… so rich he already had his own plane and may have had to settle for a smaller one to take office.
There is something to be said for electing leaders who are so wealthy they are hard to buy off.
Charlie Kirk speaking.
UPDATE: For readers wondering why this is on a science blog, or relevant to Australia…
Establishment science is a Swamp.
Imagine Australia standing up to China in a world where the US is poorer, the Swamp is stronger, and the UN is in charge?
The Lucky Bubble we live in floats in a house The West built.
h/t Stephen Harper
9.2 out of 10 based on 77 ratings
Finally, one world leader calls a spade a turkey. The US is the largest funder to the World Health Organisation, yet the WHO acts in China’s best interests. On January 31 the WHO could have saved the world by isolating China. Instead, the chief raved about President Xi and advised that flights should stay open because it will harm the economy:
“Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday. [Jan 31]
As I said then: How many people will the WHO kill with this advice? It was reckless negligence.
Donald Trump has placed a “hold” on funding the World Health Organisation after they got so much wrong on Coronavirus.
Charlie Speerling, Breitbart
“We want to look into the World Health Organization because they really called it wrong,” Trump said. “They missed the call, they could have called it months earlier, they would have known, they should have known, and they probably did know.”
The president noted that the WHO actually criticized his travel ban from China that he set […]
A High Stakes Game
If the trials of the anti-malarial chloroquine (or variants) work, Trump will get away with all the understatements he said in February.
On twitter the combination of Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are known as #TrumpPills. The trials started Tuesday. We don’t know the results but doctors are buying up pharmacy stocks across the US — presumably to protect themselves (hopefully).
As the death tolls mounts, the Democrats are surely planning to put all the Trump quotes like “it’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle” on high rotation leading up to the election. But if the trials of anti-viral agents bring good news, he can reframe the past as if he was betting on that in February. (Perhaps he was?)
Though not many people spend two trillion dollars on a problem that’s disappearing.
Combo of existing drugs shows promise against COVID-19
Most patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone cleared the virus in three to six days, compared to an average of 20 in China — …
The authors advise: “Use this treatment cocktail early, and don’t wait until a patient is on a ventilator in the intensive-care unit.” They also note that […]
State troopers have been called in to get Oregon’s Republican senators back to vote on a climate change bill, but all 11 senators are in secret locations apparently interstate. No vote can take place on anything without at least one of those senators being in the chamber to vote.
Oregon’s Republican state senators go into hiding over climate change vote amid militia threat
Eleven Republicans refused to show up to work on Thursday and went into hiding in protest of HB2020, a bill that establishes a carbon cap, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Industries that emit carbon dioxide — power plants, manufacturers, etc. — would have to buy an “allowance” for each metric ton emitted, thereby reducing the incentive to produce carbon dioxide in the first place.
The goal of the bill is to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050 versus 1990 numbers.
It’s a question of democracy: On the one hand, if Oregonians voted for this draconian cut, they ought get it. On the other, the Republicans are incensed and want a democratic solution — a state wide ballot. The legislation is such a disaster for a […]
Trump is vindicated. The real substance of Russiagate is what it says about the media
Dragged out for two years of hate, denigration and abuse in the media, in the end the Muller inquiry found no collusion. How many journalists predicted this. How many even wrote as though it was possible? Credit to Matt Taibbi for the scathing WMD comparison.
Mueller report into collusion a stunning victory for Donald Trump, by Cameron Stewart, The Australian.
The summary of the Mueller report issued today by Attorney General William Barr clears the president and his aides of any collusion with Russia and says there is no legal case to support obstruction of justice charges against him. …
It is a devastating defeat for the Democrats and for much of the US media who had hoped, prayed and frankly expected that Mueller would somehow find a silver bullet to end or at least cripple Trump’s presidency.
Matt Taibbi on Russiagate: ‘Death Blow for the Reputation of the American News Media’
It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD
Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of […]
Everyone is talking about The Nunes memo, possibly because the bigger implications of what it reveals — something like an attempted coup. Explosive. Corruption at the highest level.
Big Claims:
Bigger than Watergate. Tip of the Iceberg. More Memos to come.
This thread covers the most interesting things I’ve read. First up, some very provocative talk. Further down, elected Reps. speaking I presume in careful legally vetted words. Lastly, some Democrat replies. In the middle, a diversion about the role of the media — also a part of the Deep State. h/t David. Roger. Scott of the Pacific. Charles. Pat. RAH. others… Thanks.
THE RIGHT’S SPIN: Watergate X1000: What The MSM Is Hoping you Ignore About the FISA Memo,
by Lucian Wintrich:
With the release of the memo, we finally have proof that … the Clinton machine, powered by the Obama Administration, using the DNC as its main appendage, funded the creation of a false dossier, that they simultaneously leaked to the press and sold to the FBI, and then pressured top government employees to turn that into a FISA warrant, and more broadly into what the MSM refers to as the “Russia Investigation”.
Hillary Clinton, […]
Trump — speaking Truth to power. Creating 2.4million jobs. The networking parasites will hate it.
The full text of his speech at Davos.
UPDATE: Worth watching. He is quite the statesman. He could have used the economic success to laud himself, to scorn those who mocked him, but instead he is saying — This is what we’re doing. It’s working brilliantly. You can do it too. He’s talking about how tax cuts and lower regulation have created a flood of investment to the US. In the audience are a group of people who may well mock him, but they are quietly thinking, “how do we catch up”. Trump has created a race, and all the investment that flows into the US is coming from all the nations sitting in the audience.
h/t Martin Clarke
James Delingpole marks the Trump appearance as historic, inspirational:
Apocalypse Trump Is Unleashed on Davos We knew something apocalyptic was coming in Davos today. Those tactically released photographs of President Trump arriving by helicopter with his entourage were the giveaway: the silhouetted choppers strung out in extended line in the orange-yellow light above the mountains.
Why, if you’d listened carefully, you might almost […]
The new marketing move by Kelloggs to insult half its customers doesn’t seem to be working out too well. Last year Kelloggs jumped into politics by loudly cancelling advertising on Breitbart saying the new media outlet didn’t fit their values. It was an attempt to punish the big winner in the new media for reporting politically incorrect news. Breitbart responded with the DumpKelloggs petition, and 436,000 people pledged never to buy Kelloggs again.
The company has now reported a $53 million dollar loss in the fourth quarter. It’s shutting down 39 distribution centres, potentially sacking 1,100 workers. Kelloggs share prices are back to where they were a year ago, but Kraft-Heinz is up 31%, and Post is up by 37%. Hey, but it could be a coincidence.
To get some idea of the depth of the goodwill crater left by the Kelloggs political bomb, check out Chiefio’s Bye Bye Kelloggs flaming rant last December. He won’t give a trigger warning, but tells people who need one to “get out now”. I’ve picked a tamer paragraph:
Dear Kellogg’s:
We, the Average Joe and Average Jane have put up with this Protest Shit to the absolute limit, […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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